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Visit Innocent High

Innocent High (0)

rearadmiral (0) 12-10-12  04:10am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Part of a large teen-themed network
- Close to 350 videos now uploaded
- Updates regularly but not on any obvious schedule
- Site now offers HD in mp4 format
- Bills through Epoch
- Supports download managers
- Many new models just starting out in the adult business
Cons: - Slower download speeds than with similar networks
- The same male talent appears too often
- Not much anal
Bottom Line: I’m a huge fan of teen-themed sites with the young models (18-20ish) playing schoolgirls. I suspect that this is a common fetish for a lot of men. While this is a niche that is served fairly well, I’d never say no to a well-done site, and this is a pretty decent site.

This is the second time I’ve been a member here and was enticed to join when the network (Team Skeet) offered a special discount on top of the discount they already offer us. I liked the site the first time I was a member there and they’ve made some improvements that made it worth a revisit.

As I noted last time, the theme is schoolgirls and the setting is almost always a classroom. This obviously limits the kinds of scene setups that are available which can make the scenes a bit repetitive. There are only so many scenarios that can be done within these limits and they’ve done them all frequently. The good news, however, is that even though the scene set-ups can be repetitive the model’s appearance and ‘skills’ keep the scenes interesting. The site books some of the freshest new faces in porn so it is worth a membership just to see the latest crop of models.

The site is quite large offering just shy of 350 scenes. It continues to update but the update schedule is fairly irregular. There is at least one update per month though there are many months with three or four updates. Keep in mind that this site is part of a network so the other sites are updating too.

The biggest change that happened since I was last a member here 18 months ago is a significant improvement in video quality. When I was last a member here the only file format was WMV and while they advertised the scenes as being available in HD their definition of HD was pretty loose. Starting in October 2011 the site made a big move forward by offering true HD in mp4 format. A decent resolution WMV is still available but the scenes are now also offered in mp4 SD, 720p HD and 1080p HD. In the interests of balancing video quality with hard drive space I opted for the 720p. Those come in at 1280x720 at a 2400kb/s bitrate and 30fps. Subjectively they look great and I can safely assume that the 1080p would look even better.

The negatives to this site are pretty minor, and some of them are also admittedly subjective. The one objective problem is that download speeds still tend to be lower than I expect at a quality site like this. I’m used to seeing near 7MB/s with Internet Download Manager and most of the time here I was getting no more than 4MB/s. (As an aside, TBP’s review notes that there may be a download limit and that there may be issues with download managers. I had no problems. The site’s TOS does say that they ‘may’ impose a limit but I purposely went looking to see if I’d get shut out and I called it quits at 30+GB in one day and had no limit imposed. Also, I had no issues using a download manager and the links didn’t time out.)

The other negatives are, admittedly, subjective. The site uses the same male talent in a lot of their scenes and I find that makes the scenes even more repetitive. I think of the male talent in a straight porn scene as furniture, but I do wish these guys would change the furniture more frequently. The last (subjective) negative is that on a site with almost 350 scenes there are only three anal scenes. I realize that this is likely a reflection of the newness of many of the models, but guys, give the members some variety!

The last time I reviewed this site I found it to be a great value because of the combination of some great teen-themed porn and a TBP discount. With more scenes available and being added regularly this site continues to be a great value and if this is your kind of porn then I’d highly recommend joining. (And if you act soon the extra discount may still be available.)

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Review Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


marvin (0)
Thank you RearAdrmiral for reviewing our site. We are constantly working on improving TeamSkeet and our network and these reviews go long way in letting us know the ways we can be better!

To answer a couple of your points :

1. Innocenthigh right now is updated 3 times a month with brand new teens.

2. I think you have a valid point in saying we use the same male talent too much in our scenes. We are working on making sure there is more variety!

3. For the record: We have NO DOWNLOAD LIMITS on our site. Download as much as you like! I will make sure to follow up on the download speeds issue that you mentioned and get back to you shortly!

Thank you again for the review! I would love to send you some T-shirts/stickers to show our appreciation. Please message me at Team@teamskeet.com and ill get it taken care of asap.

Our goal is to be the best TEEN network on the net, and with your help we can get there.

Also a big shout out to the pornusers community - you guys rock!

12-10-12  07:30am

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Tree Rodent (0) Shame about the pre checked cross selling, otherwise I'd have joined ages ago. Can't trust any orgqnisation that tries to trick you out of your money.
12-10-12  09:00am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - Tree Rodent :

I don't like pre-checked cross-sells either, but I don't make it a deal breaker as long as I pay attention to the TBP site and uncheck them. It isn't a great practice for sure...
12-10-12  01:14pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - marvin :

Thanks for writing to clarify a few of those points. I am a big fan of your site and I always find lots to like when I rejoin.

As for new male models, let me know if I can help out with that! ;-)

And thanks for the offer of some Team Skeet swag. That would be very cool but I think the rules here prohibit that so I will have to pass. Very generous offer though!

12-10-12  03:55pm

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marvin (0)
REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

Thank you again! You rock!
12-11-12  05:38am

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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