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Visit Anal Recruiters

Anal Recruiters (0)

rearadmiral (0) 12-31-12  08:12am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Interesting niche material
- Good mix of known and unknown models
- HD available on newer scenes
- Photos available on most scenes
- Real anal creampies in many scenes
- TBP / PU discount
- Part of a small network
- Most scenes have download options
Cons: - Problems with download managers
- Site kicks you out regularly
- Small site
- No longer updating
Bottom Line: I’ll deal with the 800lb gorilla in the room first: this site is not for everyone. This is a site affiliated in some way with Facial Abuse and Facial Abuse is well known here as being among the most abusive, misogynistic sites on the ‘net today. Prior to joining this site I knew that there was an affiliation, but was unsure as to how close the connection was. The connection is close enough that this site and Facial Abuse use the same sets, the same male ‘talent’ and many of the same models appear.

First the good news: the scenes here are pretty interesting if you like this stuff. This is not porn that you’d sit down and watch with your wife or girlfriend unless you wanted her to leave you. The males in these scenes go out of their way to make the women feel degraded and abused, both physically and emotionally. For those readers who aren’t into BDSM material there is a vast difference between BDSM and abuse. Sites like those on the Kink.com network might be seen as abusive by the uninitiated but it is clear that the women are consenting and enjoying what is being done to them. At Kink, the models they use seem to genuinely get off on being submissive and those dominating them are actually giving those submissive models a lot of pleasure. Not so with Anal Recruiters. These guys abuse women for their own pleasure and either these female models are some of the best actors in the business or they are genuinely NOT having a good time. (As an aside, many of the models are quite attractive but I’ve not seen them elsewhere. I wonder if shooting for this site turned them off from porn.) The scenes don’t really follow a formula except that each scene involves finding ways to physically and emotionally degrade and abuse the models. Many of the models here seem to be in obvious physical pain. But… to be fair I have to point out that there are just as many who seem to take some enjoyment from their shoot here.

The other good news is that over half of the scenes on the site are offered in HD. (The bad news is that the HD scenes are only offered in WMV format.) Both 1080p and 720p are offered in most cases where HD is available. The 1080p comes in at 1080x720 at 5000kb/s and 30fps.

The newer scenes have download options available, though the standard format seems to be WMV. WMV files are offered in 720x480, 640x480 and 320x240. There is usually an option for low quality MPEG and MOV files too. Then there is the above noted HD option. (I don’t understand coding, but the 1080p files aren’t much bigger than the 720p so those are a good option.) The download options are reduced with the older files. The scenes are also available as smaller clips and streaming (in one resolution only) is also available. You can’t fault the site for providing options for members to access the material.

Photos are available, either as singles or as zips. Regardless of when they were uploaded they come in at 1440x960.

The site itself is small with only 33 scenes. And since it hasn’t updated in over two years I don’t hold out any hope for the site to keep growing. I know that’s an instant deal-breaker for some potential members, but if this is a niche you’re interested in or you want a scene with a specific model (for me it was a Veronica Jett scene…) the site might interest you.

The overall layout of the site is simple, but I found it literally ‘clunky.’ I’m assuming that this is a choice that the webmaster made, but the main page is set up so that when you scroll it doesn’t flow smoothly but clunks along often causing you to overshoot where you want to be. The main page shows the scenes available and you have a link to either the photos or the video which then opens into a new page with the available options for each.

Other problems are that I kept getting kicked out of the site and had to log in again. This may be a means to protect the site, but it is definitely annoying, especially since at one point my password stopped working too.

I can’t conclusively say that download managers don’t work, but I couldn’t use Internet Download Manager to queue scenes. It would work to download individual scenes and it would speed the process up. Download speeds were a bit less than average but still pretty good at 5MB/s on most files.

The site is part of a small network (Hardcore Doorway) which certainly improves the overall value of the site, though any prospective members should be aware that the abuse theme runs through most of the network too. Also adding to the value is the $20 monthly fee for TBP /PU members.

So would I recommend this site? Probably, but only to people who join with their eyes wide open and knowing that the site does at least as much wrong as it does right. This is a rare niche (thankfully!) and if it is something you’re interested in then it is probably worth a look. Otherwise, I’d steer clear.

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Tree Rodent (0) Great review as usual, admiral. I have never joined this network but one of the cons, for some of us, would be the use of condoms on many of their clips.
01-01-13  10:14am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - Tree Rodent :

Good point. This isn't a 100% condom site, but many of the scenes do have them.
01-01-13  02:19pm

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