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Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy (0)

messmer (0) 02-15-13  01:13pm
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To Potential Subscribers!

There is a clear cut division between those who love full body hair and those who like things more moderate eg. possible pit and pussy hair but no more than that.

Just to make a decision easier for either side here is a clear statement of intent by ATKowner addressed to someone who expressed a desire to see an otherwise gorgeous model without her heavy leg hair:

ATKOwner to xxxx:

I doubt very much if Monica would consider shaving her legs and to be honest with you we would not pass on such a request to her as we are about promoting hairyness in women. So we generally encourage women to grow out if they are willing but not the other way around.

And now we know!

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Msg # User Message Date


Capn (0) So what happened to quote:


No mention of hairy armpits, asses or legs there that I can see!

Cap'n. :0E

02-15-13  04:56pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Capn :

I think they are going for the "gross out" crowd as their new subscribers. Even many models would not have found their way into this site only two years ago. There is actually one with horrid home made tattoos all over her body. One tattoo reads: "Lead me to your dealer" and her sets rate highly because of the hair factor. How the mighty have fallen!
02-15-13  08:54pm

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

That's bollocks.

I've been a member a long time and no way is N&H going as you put it to the 'gross out' crowd, not a bit of it.

I'd say the opposite, the site's producing some lovely sets of gorgeous women (there is the harier content for those that want that i.e. legs) but that content is the minority. There is more than enough of other content to keep one happy.

The site has gone to high-res two years ago and their top photographers produce stuff in stunning clarity.

The model you refer to I've no idea which one you mean. There is certainly more ladies with tattoos, but that's reflecting the current trend (in Britain anyway) of getting tats.

Not everyone like this nor I'm not a total fan but get with the times.


03-22-13  01:49pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - The Bishop :

Thanks, Bishop. That was plain enough! :-) I, too, was a total fan for many years but this last subscription finished it for me. Sorry! Maybe your tastes are not as jaded as mine yet and you can still find joy in what has become not only bizarre but mediocre .. TO ME!

It seems that one set imitates another too much .. forget about the horror of home made tattoos and hairy legs ... we get the same outfits, the same poses, as well as very ordinary looking models compared to the past. And the site has most definitely been taken over by the extra hairy crowd and that includes the web owner, see his statement in my comment above.

Last week ... yes I do look in again as long as the subscription lasts, despite my pronouncement to the contrary ... there was one day when only two updates made the "hot" list and both of them contained extremely hairy legged, not so great looking models. How can you say hairy leg lovers are not a decisive influence on what is uploaded to ATK's pages on a daily basis?

However since I am old enough to realize that tastes differ we'll just have to agree to disagree. Glad you still have a site to enjoy. I can no longer find one because sexy lingerie (MY niche is a nice strip complete with erotic lingerie) has gone out of fashion and all you get these days are drab, every day outfits on women who don't care to tease but simply get naked as quickly as possible and then spread.

But I guess many like this just fine, their sets get high marks and ATK are still in business. :-) Cheers!

03-22-13  02:17pm

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The Bishop (0) REPLY TO #4 - messmer :


Sorry old chap if I was a bit direct, but I felt what you said was way off the mark!

Well one thing I'm completely in agreement with you (and it's something I raise on the N&H forum) slow strips - any set that goes to the pussy quick, or for that matter doesn't at least tease I find a bit too direct. Though of course not all sets can be classics, the day of the shoot the model may be off or several other factors going on.
Anyway, let’s not get sidetracked on this.

I still don’t see where you’re coming from with the hairy legs (I’m not a fan either but I guess it is natural  - there has been an increase of late – and this has tended to be returning models’ – but not so much as to take over the content as you suggest.

Jennifer for example (if you’ve looked in recently) is simply gorgeous, Sadie Mathews (returning model) Sophia Delane, Amber Lustfull, Crystal and Melissa (another returning model) – at the time of writing these are all ‘live’ models and without hair on their legs!

With regard to what you call “homemade tattoos” – I’ve little concept of what you mean (unless you refer to the quality) as I always thought tats were carried out at Tattoo Parlours. A lot of the British models’ (younger ones) I’ll agree have them – but it’s entered the mainstream in someways and we have it like it or not. My preference is, if the model is good I’m not going to let a few tats ruin it for me – though I know from the comments section – some posters seem to think they own the model. It starts all sorts of comments some mildly unpleasant to worse (from a few of the usual suspects).

I’m finding N&H better than ever before, there was a time where there used to be lean periods but that’s stopped completely now, there is new models coming at a steady pace – though here I am biased as I like Sean R’s dedication to big sets with great clarity the best.
I’m sorry you’re jaded with it all, it’s a shame I imagine, if you can’t find your particular niche.
I wish you good luck finding something out there!

BTW, have you looked at satinplay ?

I haven’t but it might be of interest, lots of lingerie though I think the models are shaven (not good for me!)
All the best,

03-22-13  05:17pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - The Bishop :

Just a little addendum: I just got finished giving Melissa in today's update a five .. after all she is beautiful, she wore satin, was shot by SeanR, how else could you rate her and then, after I had downloaded her set I discovered that her hairy legs would do a man proud! Score reversed to one. Today's update is a classic indicator as to why I no longer like ATK N&H ... stressing that I can only talk about my own personal taste: Luca and Melissa, disgustingly hairy legs, two hardcore sets which always rate an automatic one with me. Among the videos, bath tub scene (a one) for a) being in the tub and b) one of the hairiest bodies I have ever seen. The new model was great, though. I would have liked to see her in more lingerie than a pair of cotton panties but she is sweet!
03-23-13  11:13am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - The Bishop :

You wrote:
"The model you refer to I've no idea which one you mean. There is certainly more ladies with tattoos, but that's reflecting the current trend (in Britain anyway) of getting tats."

Just found her again: Eris Vespera!

03-25-13  01:56pm

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Loki (0) Some months ago I wrote to ATK Hairy's comments section with a comment about the refocus to an abundant amount of content with armpit and leg hair that has made it onto the site. Long time fans of the site remember that it once focused on hairy pussies and natural breasts. I received a prompt reply (kudos) stating that there is a wide variety of content and many photographers and models, each with a variety of body hair, which is true.

Sometimes you will find all updates with full body hair, sometimes all updates with only pussy hair. It varies. If you don't enjoy a range of hairy content, and cannot stand to see some leg and armpit hair, you should probably skip the site.

12-10-13  08:07am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - Loki :

Thanks, Loki, that's exactly what I have been doing. It was easy enough in the past to ignore the occasional hairy leg set but now there are so many of them (by changed official policy) that it is hard to find a set to my liking. I won't go back until they find out that catering to the all hairy crowd does not pay off, trouble is IT MUST PAY OFF or they wouldn't have changed so dramatically.
12-10-13  11:27am

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Loki (0) REPLY TO #9 - messmer :

I too dislike the sasquatch look. I love the site, but its new focus on full body hair is disappointing to say the least. At least there are still some models who won't grow all their body hair out, but if I'm going to buy a site, I want to enjoy the vast majority of the content, not just one or two out of eight updates.

I keep coming back because I love Sean R's work. I keep searching for a site with comperable content, but can't seem to find one that doesn't put a toy between the camera and the model's lovely bits.

12-11-13  01:22am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #10 - Loki :

Ah, SeanR, my favorite among their photographers. I like the fact that he has so many upskirt and crotch shots with the panties still on. Too many photographers ignore us lingerie lovers.
12-11-13  12:59pm

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