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Visit Karup\'s Hometown Amateurs

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MiztaBlu (0) 02-25-13  09:55am
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Addition to my review

I did a review last summer, and for the most part, I stand by my score and everything I said about the site. I recently joined again, mainly because I recently became a fan of picture sets. I commented on it last time, but after getting into the picture sets more, I have a few things to add...

+There are alot of cute girls that are softcore only, so the picture sets are often the only way to see some of these girls. I guess you could put this as a con aa well, but its a nice surprise.

+The vast majority of the girls, unlike on Karups Older Women, are at least moderated attractive, and most Id say are very attractive. There are approximately 1500 girls on the site, and Id say 1400 are pretty hot. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so that may vary both ways depending what you like.

-This site suffers from alot of the same downfalls as KarupsOW. Some of the photoshoots...even newer ones, are poorly shot. Whether its poor lighting, poor focus, or just poor direction, there are many sets than werent up to par. The biggest problem with these, like with Older Women, is the fact that they often focus way too much on vaginal shots. Like I said, I like pussy as much as any heterosexual male on this planet, but they show too many of the same shot and dont focus nearly enough on the rest of the girls body. There were several sets where they girl had a beautiful ass or just body in general, and they either focused way too much on cooter shots, or they kept the girl clothed. Some girls were completely ruined altogether because of horrible direction.

-The site has no consistency whatsoever in terms of the picture sets. Some of them arent labeled properly, so you have to create a seperate folder to download them too to keep track. Not a huge deal, but I dont what is so hard about being consistent and labeling the sets in the same format. And its not as if this just applies to older sets. Alot of newers sets arent labeled properly either.

-For some reason, some current picture sets arent in high def. I get older ones, but I was just looking at a few girls that were shot in late 2012 that didnt have high def photos. WTF? There are sets from 2010 and 2011 that are high def....but now, every fucking set should be shot in high def.

In conclusion...its still a quality site thats worth a look, but so many little things drag it down. These are all things that are correctable, but seeing as how they just repeat the mistakes over and over, Im not confident they will ever change.

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