DDF Network (0)
Status: |
Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: |
- It has to be one of the biggest networks on the internet. If you've never been a member you could probably join it for a year and still be happy with it in month 12.
- You get 13 sites and will list them each in the BL with a quick explanation of each and opinion.
- I try to always buy memberships through TBP and the TBP discount is very good, but DDF's promo emails, for past members, are much cheaper. On the other hand these promos only last 24-48 hours.
- Very professional site with high standards on their technical quality.
- Download speeds are about 90% my max download speed.
- The network as a whole does give you a feeling of "something for everyone".
- Videos over the last 4 years or so are HD, picture sets come zipped.
- You will be hard-pressed to name an Euro model who isn't on the network and many have double digit numbers of sets.
- Navigation is good for a network of this size and there doesn't seem to be as much overlap between sites though there still is some. |
Cons: |
- A little thing called time. That mainly applies only to new or newer members. I have kept a DDF folder since 2007 that has all the older content I would want so I mainly am just downloading the newer updates. If you're new to it, go ahead and get you a new external hard drive and name it DDF. I would think it's a bit overwhelming to some.
- DDF sites have typically had a common problem of the occasional download button not working, downloading a file marked as 1280x720 resolution only to find out it's a mobile file, but fast and courteous customer service always fixes it.
- The major deduction for me is that I'm not for sure the network offers that much for frequent past members. While the newer content isn't bad, it has either entered the feeling of, "I've seen this before, just the girl is different" or "Another 18 year old Hungarian model". That's not as negative as it sounds, but it's just a feeling of complacency. |
Bottom Line: |
It seems my years of scoring high are starting to catch up with me or I'm just not as impressed as I used to be. If you are new or newer to DDF then you can feel free to add 5-7 points to the score and I would say easily. I'm going to focus on the different sites since DDF Network isn't so much a site as it is sort of a home page or hub to go from site to site.
1ByDay - The flagship site. Myself and many Porn Users spent upwards of $35 per month for this site by itself years ago. It still updates 7 times a week and has nearly a combined 10,000 photo/video sets. I think it's important to mention these photo sets are not screenshots from the videos, they are standalone, professional photo sets. You really could get your money worth just with this site alone.
Hot Legs and Feet - The almost flagship site. I used to be turned away from this site because I thought it was a standard feet/toes type site, but it's really not. It's more like a solo/lesbian/hardcore site that has a feet/leg theme to the scenes. Updates have dropped to 3 per week. Close to 5,000 combined photo/video sets.
DDF Busty - The name says it all. This site has a couple of problems for me. It's not unusual to see overlap from other DDF sites showing up on it. It also updates 3 times per week. Around 3,000 combined photo/video sets.
Only Blowjob - Another self-explanatory one. It updates 3 times per week. And has around 3,000 combined photo/video sets.
House of Taboo - The kinkier side of DDF, though I wouldn't say it's near as kinky as most BDSM/Bondage/Sub/Dom sites I've been on. It updates 3 times per week and has around 1,800 combined video and photo sets.
Hands on Hardcore - Though all the sites before this one have some hardcore on them, this one is just all hardcore. Its updates don't seem to be quite 3 per week, but are close, there are 9 updates for the month of March as of March 31, 2013. It has right at 1,600 combined photo and video sets.
Euro Girls on Girls - Updates once a week, all lesbian, only lesbian content. It has nearly 1,000 combined photo and video sets.
Euro Teen Erotica - Updates once a week, this site could really appeal to some. Seems like it started out as mostly solo and the occasional lesbian scene, but I think they changed the focus and it's now more boy/girl hardcore with teens. It has nearly 700 combined photo and video sets.
Sex Video Casting - A site that could be considered the closest to amateur that DDF goes. Some of these sets don't have anything more than a new model stripping, no masturbation, no sex. Most at least go into something near masturbation. It has a combined 1,200 photo and video sets.
Hairy Twatter - Updates weekly, a site about hairy girls. Not my thing, but it has close to 200 combined video and photo sets.
Cherry Jul - Archive site. It hasn't been updated since 2007, but if you like Cherry, it has a combined 216 photo and video sets.
Eve Angel Official - Archive site. It says it's updating, but I have all these sets. If I'm wrong on this, I will change what I've said, but seeing that I've collected Eve exclusively since 2004, I'm pretty sure these new updates aren't new. Still, there is around 400 combined photo and video sets and if you like Eve, but haven't downloaded this content it's really good and would be worth the price of membership by itself.
Sandy's Fantasies - Archive site. This site hasn't been active for several years, but has some real nice older content of major Euro stars before they became big stars. Right at 300 combined photo and video sets.
I tried approaching this review differently to give a rundown of each site included. I still think this network is a great value considering the photos after 2008 are all available in at least 2000 high end and the videos in HD, Prior to 2009, you're going to get varying qualities and just based on the sheer amount of content there's no way I could break it down into how many have HD, how many have standard DVD resolution, etc.
I would recommend as high as possible for new porn fans, Eve Angel fans who don't have the content from her site, Cherry Jul fans if they still exist, legs/feet fans, soft dom fans, blowjob fans and solo fans. The only sites that I consider disappointing are Euro Girls on Girls and Euro Teen Erotica, but that's just a preference since those are mostly your typical 18 year old skinny models.
As a whole the network offers as much content as you could possibly ask for, however, as someone who has been a member of nearly all the sites when they were standalone sites and also a member of this network 4 times, I don't know that it offers me a whole lot of value. Then again, that's what happens when you have a 1.7 TB folder of DDF content.
I still think an 87 is fair with a +5 for those who don't have a 1.7 TB of DDF content already. |
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