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Visit Wet And Pissy

Wet And Pissy (0)

critic (0) 04-07-13  02:20am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Gorgeous models performing exactly as advertised.

Expert videography and photography

High quality files, both video and audio

No download limits

The free membership to the other sites is a real value.
Cons: Most of the sequences are too baroque for my taste: too many odd toys and props.

Ghastly-poor file naming habits: costs the user a lot of time cleaning up.
Bottom Line: ON EDIT, May 2013: I remained a member of this site for several weeks until my membership lapsed. File names were never improved in any way at all. Excepting his public posts here, he owner/webmaster never responded to any of the messages/emails I sent concerning the filenaming problem, or on other topics.

ORIGINAL REVIEW: Wow, this is a fabulous site for those who take an interest in the subject matter. Gorgeous models, excellent images- soaking wet. Most of these models are familiar from other European sites and at times it's a surprising pleasure to see a famous star get down and dirty with herself in this way. While updates are not frequent, given the availability of willing models and the quality of the output this is understandable. Free membership in the sister sites is a major bonus.

(FWIW my very fast late-model Mac can have a hard time playing some of the largest "MP4 HD" videos. I find the .wmv files to be more reliable and of perfectly good quality.)

If it weren’t for the file names I’d give WAP a much higher score than it received here*. However, videos and pictures are so badly named as to require a lot of time at the back-end, so to speak, and this really needs to be corrected.

Image zip files all decode to folders named "Images". Not "Goldilocks - Three Bears": "Images". The images in that folder are named "001.jpg", "002.jpg" and so on. The next zip expands the same way, and the next. You can imagine the mess this creates: a pile of folders named “Images1” “Images2” and so forth, with no idea what's in them.

If all of these "001.jpg" files ever get intermingled by user error (trashed accidentally, for example), it's game over for you. The image files should carry the model's name and shoot title.

It's easy to create a zip file which expands to a folder's real name; perhaps it takes a little more effort. Given the slow rate at which content is produced at WetAndPissy, that effort would be nothing at all.

The net result of this is spending a LOT OF TIME back on the site, figuring out what the real name of what you've downloaded is, so you can file it away correctly. (I just happened to download my files in update sequence and thus had a chance at figuring out the real names of all those "Images" folders from the updates webpages. If I'd chosen any other method (favorite models, random choices), it would have been much much worse.)

As to video files, they are inconsistently named and because of this almost equally hard to square away after downloads.

Prepare to spend a lot of time 'on cleanup' after downloads from this site.

If WAP puts a bit more effort into this one serious problem, they'd be a really fabulous place to visit.

*This is the second site I've joined on the basis of a good TheBestPorn review, and the second where the owners can't be bothered to properly name their files. Given the trouble this can cause, I feel TBP needs to make this matter a review criteria.

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Review Replies (12)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


RagingBuddhist (Disabled) For sites that don't bother to name files properly, you can greatly reduce the time needed to rename files by using a renaming app. It's still a bit of a pain but if you use the models name for each zip file as you're saving it, it's just a matter of using an app that will rename the pictures inside the extracted folder using the folder name as a prefix. I've been using Bulk Rename Utility for years and it really has helped in cases like this.

As far as the mp4 files go, I have to ask if your codecs are up to date. My PC isn't slow but it is several years old and I never had a problem with the playback. Have you tried VLC for Mac?

04-07-13  05:44am

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critic (0) REPLY TO #1 - RagingBuddhist :

Thanks, RB-

I do use a bulk renaming app (A Better Finder Rename) all the time. But with all the other research and renaming that has to be done to WAP's files and folders after downloads, renaming the image files themselves is just one more nail in the coffin. The vido files are so inconsistently named that bulk renaming doesn't really work: it has to be done manually.


As to VLC: I stopped using it a few years ago. If I remember correctly, it was because it kept losing prefs across updates. Again, if I remember, I had to enter custom prefs to get arrow-keys to serve for video FF/REW/SKIP functions; it was a lot of work and after VLC trashed that work I stopped bothering to use it. Again: this was years ago and I may not be remembering correctly.

The wmv files have 1440 horiz. resolution: better than HD video, and enough for me. They also save a bit of drive space, which accumulates.

04-07-13  05:55am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - critic :

I definitely agree - sites should at least name their files. It just doesn't seem like such a big deal and makes no sense that they don't.

I don't know how the renaming utility that you're using works, but with the one I suggested, the only real pain is having to type out the name of the zip file each time. Once named and extracted, BRU will use the folder name as a prefix. "Model name" becomes Model name 001, Model name 002, etc. Then again, you're on a Mac, so unless you use a Windoze emulator, I guess that's out.

I'm seriously anti-update. I never set any program to auto update and only update when I lose functionality. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure VLC will save your preferences if you manually remove the program when installing a newer version. If I remember correctly, there's an option you check or uncheck to save user preferences.

04-07-13  06:26am

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critic (0) REPLY TO #3 - RagingBuddhist :

No, that's close to the procedure I would use too. I'm just a bit tired having done so much work to identify what I've unloaded already.

Thanks for all the input and good words!

04-07-13  08:32am

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wetandpuffy (0)
Hi There, Many thanks for your feedback on my site. It is very much appreciated and helps me make a better site that is more user friendly. On my future updates I will make sure that the naming of the folders is done in a more sensible fashion. In the mean time would you guys be able to suggest a way you think would work best in the naming of the movie files and would you like us to name the images to or just put them in additional folder which will be the name of the set.
04-07-13  01:00pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - wetandpuffy :

In my mind, picture sets and videos should always contain at least the model's name and/or a title that uniquely identifies them.
On a completely unrelated topic and while I've got your attention - can I ask that you please do away with the music intros and outros on your videos? I think they really hurt what is otherwise really good material.

04-07-13  08:40pm

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Cybertoad (Disabled)

Welcome and nice review, not my taste of a site. But nice review.


04-09-13  09:37am

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critic (0) REPLY TO #5 - wetandpuffy :

@ wetandpuffy webmaster:
What a great response from the site! Thanks!

When it comes to naming photos, their folders, and video files, your types of name always seem to fall out to two types. I always put the model name first so their files sort together. Then SPACE DASH SPACE followed by the project's title

This is how I would rename things from your site:

(I repeat the model's name as the title):

mary_mary.zip unzips to "Mary - Mary" folder title
mary_mary.wmv (Names like this are easy to change with a bulk renamer)


mary_fun_times.zip unzips to "Mary - Fun Times" folder title

Again, thanks for writing back. Hope this helps.

04-10-13  02:51am

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critic (0) REPLY TO #5 - wetandpuffy :

Hi, WAP Webmaster- I was cut off from being able to edit my repy above before I'd finished editing it to make the most sense.

I will shortly send you a personal message here.

Again: THANKS for your polite expression of interest!

04-10-13  03:44am

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critic (0) REPLY TO #5 - wetandpuffy :

AAARRRRGH: I tried to send my message as an "email" (PM) here and hit a 1000-word limit. SO i have emailed you using REAL EMAIL instead.


04-10-13  04:22am

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wetandpuffy (0)
REPLY TO #9 - critic :

Hi there,

did you manage to send me that personal email

if not then please send to wayne@wetandpuffy.com and I will get back to you.


12-02-13  12:06am

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pussgourmet (0) Good review, Critic. I agree with most of that. Excellent photography, reliable downloads, some gorgeous models, with sexy poses.

I don't find the pee wallowing and drinking to be a turn-on, and too many of the videos seem to follow _exactly_ the same script. Even if that's your thing, it's bound to become boring.

You're spot on about the filename issue - lame, and it should be so easy for them to fix. Since this is a problem at quite a few sites, and not likely to be fixed at all of them soon, you might want to try File Renamer (http://download.cnet.com/File-Renamer-Ba...2248_4-10306538.html). I've had the free "basic" version for several years, and it works great. Still takes some effort on the back end, but fast and versatile.

03-07-14  02:47pm

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