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Bryci (0)

Capn (0) 04-11-13  10:01am
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Warning to Non US Members Regional Pricing!!!!

Advertised price $16.62 = £10.79

CCBill Join up page £23.72 = $36.54

I don't think I need say any more!

Cap'n. :0E

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Msg # User Message Date


tangub (0) I noticed the other day that the regional pricing through CCBill seems to have gotten more expensive. A couple of sites I checked out the other day where the price was listed as $29.99 (USD) on TBP were actually a few cents short of $37 (USD) when I compared the GBP price on a currency converter. A more than 20% difference in the exchange rate seems way over the top to me and I know there's no way I'm willing to pay $37 a month to join any site. I don't think it's going to be too long before I run out of sites I'm prepared to pay out for if this rip off continues.
04-11-13  11:10am

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

It is because they have got away with charging them a modest extra rip with the majority of folk . Now they are trying it on to see how much the market will bear.

If more folk had baulked at it & made a stand as I & a few others have done, we would not be in this situation!

If I see any ' regional pricing ' I'm gone... for good!

Cap'n. :0(

04-11-13  01:15pm

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JamesDavid (0)
Weird getting a negative post from you Cap'n - you seemed to positive in the replies you left earlier in Marcus' thread. (sarcasm, you said nothing positive to be honest - you merely complained about something you disagreed with, even after it was explained in that thread and had previously been explained in other threads as to why. Maybe you were having a bad day, not sure - if yes - I hope it got better.)

So you don't get you way regarding zip sets, you come and try a smear campaign with misleading information? Do you not read things or are you in the practice of misquoting?

"Advertised price $16.62 = £10.79"

Actually the exact wording says "Membership prices from $17.83 per month!"

If you buy a one year membership ($213.95), divide that by 12, you get $17.829 - which when rounded up is $17.83. Exactly what the page says. :)

So while you don't need to say anymore, you might consider reading. :)

04-13-13  12:22pm

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JamesDavid (0)
REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

Not sure if you're aware of this - but we (the sites) don't set the rates. CCbill sets the rates based upon bank rates and fluctuations in bank rates that occur daily/weekly. The rate changes as the market changes. I am not sure how often they modify things, again, we are not ccbill.

CCbills' own explanation on their site:

"Because the market fluctuates daily, we update the CCBill Recommended Ratios on a regular basis. If you click the Accept Regional Pricing button below you are accepting today's CCBill Recommended Ratios"

I view it like this -

If you have a dollar bill from America, and you go to Canada or Spain - is it still worth a dollar? No. Why not? Market fluctuation. Perhaps in the USA your dollar is worth a dollar, but in another country, it might be worth more, or less. Regional pricing accounts for the averages and sets them accordingly.

04-13-13  12:34pm

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JamesDavid (0)
REPLY TO #2 - Capn :

No, actually that's not why. Thanks again for your positivity. :/

Bank rates fluctuate, they always have, they always will. Feel free to call your bank and ask them about market flux. :)

04-13-13  12:36pm

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #4 - JamesDavid :

Webmanagers blame CCBill.

CCBill say it is a 'service' requested.

Regardless of who admits to regional pricing, it is still a scam.

Cap'n. :0/

04-13-13  01:05pm

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JamesDavid (0)
REPLY TO #6 - Capn :

Call any bank. Any. single. bank.

Market flux happens daily. Why should I pay again if someone's dollar is failing on the world economy? The site, not the economy, is the bad guy here? Yes, this makes perfect sense.

Rates are set based on averages and these are adjusted throughout the week based on bank rates. Again, call any single bank.

How are you not aware of market fluctuations in banking/global economies? It's not like this is a new thing. We didn't invent something, it's been there all along and as a webmaster, we have a choice - get hit with the extra fees when a dollar dips, or a chargeback comes in, fraud comes etc (5-10 times daily) or, chose the average rate so we're protected. The only difference here is we tell you about it ahead of time. Most sites just work it into the cost on the merchant end.

Sorry it's upsetting to you.

04-13-13  02:14pm

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #7 - JamesDavid :

If you are a US based website and you charge $29.95 for a membership through an American billing company like CCBill then why should I pay the equivalent of $37 just because I am in the UK? I can pay $29.95 in USD exactly the same as somebody in the US, CCBill will still receive $29.95 from my credit card company and I will lose about 3% in foreign currency conversion rate when I am charged by my card company. Charging me an extra 20% to pay in my own currency is nothing short of a scam.
04-13-13  02:41pm

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JamesDavid (0)
REPLY TO #8 - tangub :

Why can't people read? Seriously. All you're doing is going in circles. What I said to Capn, applies here as well.

I'm not a US based website.

I have already covered why we have regional, what regional is and why others use it. I have pointed out to you that we're not CCbill and we don't set the rates. I have pointed out that ALL BANKS WORLDWIDE buy into market fluctuations and adjust their rates accordingly.

If you have an issue with the way CCBill sets things, call CCBill. I am not CCBill.

04-13-13  02:58pm

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #9 - JamesDavid :

Apologies for assuming you are a US based website. I was going on the company profile listed here at Pornusers which states Bella Cash (United States) Perhaps you should update your profile with the correct information.
04-13-13  03:04pm

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JamesDavid (0)
REPLY TO #10 - tangub :

I never created the profile saying United States and no apologies necessary. :)

I respect that regional bothers you, but again - ccbill sets those rates based on market flux to protect the webbies from assorted fees that occur when we get chargebacks, fraud etc.

A shame we can't make everyone happy, some people just need to be heard. So sorry if I wasn't hearing you. I know that's frustrating when that happens.

04-13-13  03:18pm

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #7 - JamesDavid :

It is nothing to do with market flux.

It is way over that margin.

I'm not blaming you for the rate, as you say that is set by CCBill.

They seem to set it at any value they think the market will bear.

Cap'n. :o/

04-13-13  04:00pm

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #11 - JamesDavid :

No need to make everyone happy as long as you make your paying customers happy and I'm not one of them so no need to apologise and don't worry I don't feel at all frustrated over saving myself $37 not joining a site without zip downloads. That is the great thing about Pornusers that by sharing our experiences and frustrations with paysites through reviews and comments we can perhaps save others from the same frustration. Anyway I've just recieved a promo email from Met Art so I can have 2 months there with the money I've saved not joining your site, Met Art a site that continues to prosper and update 4 new photo sets per day despite the fact "nobody really cares about photos anymore" :-)
04-14-13  03:55am

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JamesDavid (0)
REPLY TO #13 - tangub :

Sites like that etc will always have zips sets because their models are paid models that are not exclusive and available in several sites. With most multi model sites though - it's bought content from a photographer that sells X amount of licenses to anyone buying. Zips don't matter because there is no girl to become sad or feel exposed when her content is being traded for free.

I respect you love zips and they matter to you and others as well but that doesn't change the fact that we don't offer them, and never will, regardless of how many people are upset. It's our site, not theirs. If you were a nude model online, you'd feel *very different* on the topic, I can assure you.

Often, customers don't grasp how things are run behind the curtain. You see tits and ass and assume the ladies have no feelings or thoughts on things. This is where Bella is very different from almost every network out there because we treat the ladies like ladies and they make their own decisions. (we don't make them for them) We're not going to zip hotos and have tons of free video content for tube sites like many others do when what it translates to is the model feeling more exposed because she's being given away and traded on boards for free (thanks to zips being downloaded and posted from no-moral members that feel the need for a ^ 5 is more important than respecting a model's rights). We don't put out either (zips or free video samples) and the model doesn't get traded the same way as those sites that do have those things.

Guess what else not having zips everywhere does? it keeps her relevant and in high demand. If anyone can get Bryci on any number of multi model sites - is she as popular as if she's not everywhere? Penthouse is the only place she's had content published, I photographed her for Penthouse magazine last year (Oct 2012 issue).

Photos matter, as I said.

Please look up the word "context". :) You're not quoting me completely there are you? I said the majority of people chose videos over photos. Surveys done here in PU show this as well, look them up. We had our own surveys done and they told us the same thing, 4 our of 5 people rank videos as more important but this doesn't mean we're stopping doing photos. As I said before where you misquoted me, photos do matter - but videos matter more.

But hey, thanks for staying on context and posting an ad for another site in a Bryci review. Very classy of you, indeed.

04-14-13  12:40pm

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #14 - JamesDavid :

As indeed you did yourself also promoting another site in your reply. I think its time to draw a line under this conversation and just agree to disagree on the zips and regional pricing issues. You obviously care passionately about your business and I respect you for the way you defend it. I wish you and Bryci all the best and hope you continue to prosper. Over and out.
04-14-13  01:57pm

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