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Visit Art-Lingerie

Art-Lingerie (0)

PantyhoseFan (0) 05-22-13  05:07pm
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Does full membership give everything?

This is another site on my list. Was hoping it would be networked with some of there other sites, but looks like they have built up a lot of sets now.

My question is on full access. If I understood the comment I saw on OnlyAll sites, the rotate sets or give you only a few sets, and then you have to pay for more.

Do we get all the content from launch of the site? Not many sites do this, though since this is a special niche site, I can see them maybe pulling material or limiting. Not that I agree with it and generally stay away from such policies.
Thanks for any help.

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OnlyAllSites (Suspended) Hi,

We do not rotate sets on any our sites - they are constantly updated with new content and all content from launch date is available.

The only time we will pull content is due to a model wanting to be removed from the site (and this doesn't happen that often).

Art-Lingerie releases a new set every day (plus we also have a preview system called fasttracks that allows you to see a number of un-released sets each month)

As of today the site has 975 picture sets and 337 videos released and available to view.

Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions.

05-22-13  10:51pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - OnlyAllSites :

Can I sneak in another question, Matt? Some sites have switched to streaming only so when you say "337 videos released and available to view" does that mean viewing only or could I still download all the videos? Thanks.
05-23-13  11:23am

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OnlyAllSites (Suspended) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

All videos are available to download as well as having a streaming capability.
05-23-13  03:28pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - OnlyAllSites :

Thank you for clarifying this for me! I shall return.
05-23-13  06:03pm

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OnlyAllSites (Suspended) REPLY TO #4 - messmer :

Your welcome :)
05-23-13  06:11pm

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PantyhoseFan (0) REPLY TO #1 - OnlyAllSites :

Thanks for the feedback. The fasttracks was brought up in the last user review for Only All by roseman. Quoted from his bottom line section:

"The only problem that I found is that with your membership you don't have access to all photos/videos of their models as some photosets/videos need fasttracks or permanent tracks to be unlocked for view or download. With your membership you get 10 fasttracks per site and if you spent them you can buy 10 permanent tracks for 10 USD. So far from what I saw the hottest models galleries and videos can be seen or downloaded by spending fasttracks or permanent tracks and that's a big con for the site."

So if I understand how it works, fasttracks are for content that will be released in the future then and used if you want to get them early?
It's not used for models or sets that will never be made available for normal membership.

Sorry if I am way off on this. Either way I will be joining Art Lingerie soon and probably Only All after that.

05-23-13  07:56pm

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OnlyAllSites (Suspended) The deal with the fasttracks is simple, it's a preview system.

When we shoot content for a particular model we upload it all to the site once it's ready. So unlike most other websites who don't show the content before it's "released" - we do, letting you know exactly how much content we have for a model.

The fasttrack system allows you to preview a number of these sets prior to their official release date (so if you have a favourite model and want to see them straight away).

So you are exactly right in your understanding, all sets will be released, the fasttracks are only there if you want to see it early.

We do sell additional fasttracks, but that came from a request from a number of members who wanted more than the monthly allowance and who were planning on cancelling their membership.

As a company policy we try to be fairly transparent about what's going on with our model shoots and show samples of shoots normally within 24 hours of the shoot happening, you can see these in our forum.

The other option to us doing this is to not show the content until it's released - and that makes us like every other site on the internet and doesn't let you see all the content we have for a model.

05-23-13  10:26pm

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PantyhoseFan (0) REPLY TO #7 - OnlyAllSites :

Thanks for the replies and forthcoming info. I see this system as a positive. We are still getting all the normal content, and have an option if we can't wait or won't be a member and want something ahead of time.

I hope more webmasters will be this open about their policies in the future. I know there are some who do this here as well, but not enough for all the sites we have to choose from.

Thanks again.

05-25-13  07:47pm

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OnlyAllSites (Suspended) REPLY TO #8 - PantyhoseFan :

Your more than welcome, happy to answer any question :)
05-25-13  08:38pm

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