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Visit Teen Fidelity

Teen Fidelity (0)

pat362 (0) 05-28-13  03:34am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Content is all exclusif.
+They add one new scene per week and they are all dated.
+They hire the more popular teen models in North America.
+They shoot some best porn scenes I've ever seen and they know about lighting, camera angles and the proper way to apply makeup to their performers.
+All the videos can be downloaded in 3 resoolution. You have 480 or 540, then 720 and finally 1080.
+They offer a BTS video for all of their scenes.
+Their photosets can be downloaded as a single zip file and these are the sets for both the sex scene as well as the bts content.
+They have an in-browser playlist editor that allows the user to edit all the videos.
+You get access to porn fidelity with your membership.
Cons: -This isn't an issue for me because I enjoy his work but the only male to appear with the girls is Kelly's husband Ryan.
-The site has only 76 videos which is a decent amount considering that it's barely 3 years old but I'd love it if there was more content.
-There is no lesbian only content and that would be nice to have a few of those.
Bottom Line: *I honestly had a hard time thinking of cons to write because the site is near perfect. The ones I wrote are less cons for me and more general observations. Mind you since I'm a huge fan of porn fidelity and this is basically an off-shoot of that site but here the performers are all teens to very young women and they are all natural.
*If you seen some porn fidelity videos then you know that they understand how to properly light a scene, handle a camera to shoot from multiple angles and offer great views of the action and the performers and they know how to edit so that there is flow and rhythm to their scenes. The same is true for teen fidelity scenes.
*The only two things that I'd love to see more of is lesbian content and anal. Both of these are rather lacking.

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Review Replies (6)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) Holy crap! Exclusive HD scenes with stars like Chastity Lynn, Trinity St Claire, Sierra Day and Riley Reid! And a three-day trial too? Count me in! Thanks for reviewing this site. I'm adding it to my favourites for a join in the near future.

One question though - the TBP page says that there may be a 10GB daily limit. Are you able to confirm that?

05-28-13  05:17pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

I can't confirm if there is a 10GB daily limit because I've never downloaded that much in a single day. Mind you even if they have a limit and you only take the 3 day trial then you should still be able to download a good chunk of the sites content. Mind you I think if you truly want to download the entire library then you probably should join for the full month. This way you'll help the site stay alive and you won't have to worry about the limit since 30 days is more than enough time to download everything.
05-28-13  06:15pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - pat362 :

Good point, especially with a site that produces exclusive material. I'll skip the trial and with a full membership I should be able to get everything I want even with a 10GB daily limit.
05-29-13  02:32pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

That and you can also get most if not all of porn fidelity's stuff as well.
05-29-13  05:54pm

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marcdc1 (0) Hi Pat,

Would the gentleman yield for a question?

If the site is "near perfect..." why not give it the perfect 100. You're not like my 7th grade English teacher are you? She would never award an A+ because something could always be better, in which case a 96 (A) is actually a 100.

In a nut shell, Why not give them what they deserve? (perhaps my question is better asked on the sister site porn fidelity, where you awarded a well deserved 98)

05-31-13  05:57pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #5 - marcdc1 :

That is an excellent question but I don't think my answer will be as good but here goes. I don't think that there's a single site on the net today that's perfect and therefore none of them deserve a perfect score. Both porn fidelity and teen fidelity are very close but they are not there yet. I've ever given a site a 100. I gave Brazzer a 99% in large part because they offer so much porn that you are bound to find enough of what you like to warrant that score. If PF and TF ever release more scenes per week then I might give them a 99% and if those scenes are as good as the ones they do now then I might give them a 100%.
05-31-13  06:32pm

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