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Visit Porn Fidelity

Porn Fidelity (0)

FuzzyBunny (0) 07-31-13  07:09pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: -500 scenes, plus access to 80 more at teenfidelity.com
-production quality is as good as it gets
-gorgeous 1080 HD video on all the newer stuff
-large, high-quality photo sets
-women are hot
-male talent Ryan often ends scenes with not just one orgasm but two or three orgasms (how does he do that?!)
-scenes often feel like cutting-edge of porn: innovative set-ups, pleasingly unusual camera angles, etc.
-full-access 2-day trial available for $8.95 -- and mine actually lasted for 4 days
-fast, no-hassle downloading
Cons: -same male (Ryan) in every scene, which might not appeal to everyone
-more often than not, the woman has big fake boobies, a turn-off for me. also some ladies have obviously had facial work, another con IMHO
-several scenes include male putting hand or hands around girl's neck as if strangling, which always turns me off. Less of this would be better.
-several scenes have BDSM theme, another big turn-off for me. I didn't even bother viewing these scenes -- a damn shame, especially because the girls are usually gorgeous
-Kelly Madison herself joins a bunch of the scenes, which can be great, but can also be grating, as her mood is consistently "goofing-off" instead of "turned-on" and can be a distraction
Bottom Line: This is definitely some top-notch porn -- some of the best production quality anywhere -- and I highly recommend for any enthusiast -- between this and the included membership to teenfidelity.com, there is plenty of terrific content

I'd give a rating of 100 if there was less prevalence of BDSM scenes, more natural boobies and less plastic surgery

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) Interesting review. Like you, the emphasis on big breasts (fake or real) means that I'd likely not consider joining. But since your review made that clear you may have saved me some money!
08-02-13  08:12am

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FuzzyBunny (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

I hear you on the fakies. But not liking REAL big boobs? We're going to have to agree to disagree on that! :)

As for this site, it's got lots going for it, but nearly all the ladies bring silicon the party, which definitely takes away from the joy...

08-02-13  01:24pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - FuzzyBunny :

I'm purely and A and B man myself, but I certainly understand liking REAL large breasts.
08-03-13  05:57am

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