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Exxxtra Small (0)

davidax (0) 12-10-13  10:27am
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Beware of crosselling when entering this side. They sell you a 2 day trial to videosz, even if you uncheck this offer on the signuo form. I do screenshots of what im submitting and the videosz offer was unchecked! It was easy to cancel this subscription on the epoch website (payment provider), but i worry if they withdraw this from my credit card. so BEWARE OF THIS SITE and keep an eye on all other EPOCH payed sites as well!

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papermarvin (0)
Hello davidax, we do not deny that we have videosz cross sale. the check box is visible for people to see the option. But its certainly not true that you will be signed up to videosz even if you unchecked this offer.
12-10-13  03:20pm

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papermarvin (0)
And thanks for communicating with us. As we use Epoch (one of the most trusted billers), the cross sale is controlled by them. If you are seeing an error (such as not being able to remove the cross sale), please fwd all info to me, so I can investigate this for you. I did test all of our options and did not see the same result. As always, making sure you have a great experience with our sites is our top priority, if there is anything else I can do for you, please message me at papermarvin@gmail.com - Thanks!
12-10-13  03:34pm

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davidax (0) REPLY TO #1 - papermarvin :

Hi papermarvin,

i did DEFINATELY UNCHECK this option, i as told i have a screenshot of what i submitted! And i HAVE got a subscription of videosz.com. I ALLWAYS do check if there is any crossales! So dont tell me i am a liar! Why should i do that?

I did submit the form with the option unchecked, then i was redirected to a screen for 1 second saying that exxxtrasmall was accepted AND below, that videosz was accepted as well.Then i was redirected to a screen for extrasmall, NOT mentioning the videosz subscription anymore. Obvilousely the videosz subsription should be hidden from the user, hoping that he does not recognize the trial subscription and you could get the full one month subscription 2 days later. Dont tell me this was not intended! The fact alone that this is a opt out, shows your intentions!


12-11-13  01:49am

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davidax (0) REPLY TO #1 - papermarvin :

The best is: my ip is blocked since i have complained here. The Member area is only acessible if i use a proxy!
12-21-13  02:52am

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davidax (0) REPLY TO #2 - papermarvin :

i did not say that i was not able to unceck crossselling, BUT
the option is set beside the rest of the process data that is colored like a christmastree, black on white in tiny 6p letters that some people even dont might see without glasses. IT'S OBVIOUSELY placed in a manner that enhances the chance that you don't see it! and thats a try to fiddle YOUR customers. Obviousely you dont care about that because you accept it from EPOCH.
Why is EPOCH trustworthy if they try to fiddle me? You might trust epoch i don't do at all!

11-28-15  02:00am

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