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Triple (0) 01-06-14  04:03am
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Download manager and login expiration?

TBR and User reviews say that Dogfart allow download manager, but if I put some movies in queue and go away from the PC, it download just 2 or 3 movies, then it stops because my login to the site is expired.
I need to login again and re-insert all the not dowloaded movies.

It's a very annoying issue, I usually stay away from sites using obstacles like that, Internet connection in my country is not very fast and I can't stay always on the PC for download all contents one by one!
I was using Download Them All (firefox extension), then I tried Internet Download Manager, but the problem persist.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, and there is another way to use download managers on these sites?

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pat362 (0) I have a few questions that might help me or somebody else in replying to your post.

1-What do you mean by some movies? Are we talking queuing 10 or less videos/photosets or a lot more?

2-What do you mean when you say that you walk away from your pc? Are we talking for a few minutes or a lot longer?

01-06-14  06:52am

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Triple (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Sure, thanks for reply, as you understand my English is not very good.

1 - 10/20 movies depending on the size (My DL speed is around 600 KB/s)
2 - Lot longer, I usually need full band when I'm on the PC for online gaming, after that I would like to queue all the files that I intend to download during the night and go to sleep.
And in the morning when I wake up I want to see that the PC is still downloading, (and maybe go to work leaving him to continue downloads until evening) not that he downloaded just for a couple of hours, then it stopped cause login expiration and the PC has been on for hours uselessly.

I had no problem with other sites like 21sextury where login is never expired during the download, or Evilangel where it expires but after a reasonable time of about 24 hours.
But in many sites the login expire after 1 or 2 hours, it happened to pay the monthly subscription and be able to download only a dozen movies at all, of course I was very disappointed.

01-06-14  01:11pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Triple :

I suspected that might be the case. I believe 8 is the maximum number of files you can queue on a download manager for Dogfart.
01-06-14  01:22pm

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