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Visit Lethal Hardcore

Lethal Hardcore (0)

Harvey (0) 01-25-14  08:36am
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no go behaviour (additional charges)

Warning! This site tricks you into full memberships with so-called trial memberships! Even if you uncheck their trial offer, you are billed. You get not e-mail on this additional membership. Contacting the site leads to no reaction.

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PRPhil (0)

I run this site, I would like to know how anything the site does is a trick? This site employs a trial membership just as the majority of similar sites do. Our join pages and payment page clearly state that trial memberships turn into full memberships if the trial is not cancelled during the trial period. There is no trick involved, and when you join a trial membership there is no way to "uncheck" the trial, that is the option you were joining.

All of the join options we have are absolutely fair, there is no trickery, we offer 24 hour customer support and clearly post a toll free number which can be called at any time.

Harvey, please take note that when you are joining a site, weather it be an adult site or any site on the internet, you need to take the time to read the words that appear on the join pages and payment pages. Too many times people are in a rush to get into the members area and do not take the time to read what they are joining, but those pages contain important information about your membership, including the fact that trial memberships become full memberships if they are not cancelled.

I am sure that the administrators of this fine site could attest to that fact, they are very knowledgeable in our industry and I am sure if you pose the question to them, "do trial memberships normally (always) become a full membership if you do not cancel them?" they will tell you the answer is yes.

01-27-14  07:38am

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Harvey (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - PRPhil :

First of all: I chose the full membership of your site, and on your registration site there was a trial membership of another site. I unchecked that trial membership offer.

This has been the second time for your site I have been charged for a trial membership I had not chosen. I had explicitly unchecked the field. If I had not been notified by my credit card vendor I would not have noticed it. I did not receive any confirmation e-mail from that other site (and I have checked my spam folder now).

If you run this site I suggest to check if this additional trial membership stuff really works reliably.

01-27-14  04:00pm

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PRPhil (0)
REPLY TO #2 - Harvey :


I appreciate your feedback, but we are unable to duplicate this issue you have had, we do test sales with real credit cards regularly to ensure the integrity of the join process and have never had this scenario occur.

have you been refunded for the membership you did not intend to take yet? if not please contact customerhelponline to get this taken care of.

I am having the email issue looked into as that is quite troubling, you should always get clear email confirmation of any membership with respect to the sites I run.

I apologize for what you have gone through but we truly are unable to recreate the scenario you are describing.

01-31-14  07:12am

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Harvey (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - PRPhil :

To be fair, meanwhile the membership has been refunded.

In fact, I immediately addressed your customer support after I received the notification from my credit card vendor. Unfortunately, there was no e-mail confirmation from your support, and the response took quite a while longer than the promised reaction time.

Well, I assume, the e-mail sender address might be black listed by some e-mail providers. In such cases mails are silently discarded...

01-31-14  12:36pm

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PRPhil (0)
REPLY TO #4 - Harvey :


I am glad you got refunded for the membership you did not want, but I want to be absolutely sure we are not missing something here, we would like to investigate what happened to ensure there is not a scenario we are missing where something wrong is happening.

could you please forward your membership details (even just your username and email address will do) to support@customerhelponline.com with a note that says "Phil asked me to send this info over". My support team knows I am expecting this and will forward the info to our integration team so they can investigate the matter further and insure there is not something causing this to happen.

thanks for your cooperation.


01-31-14  01:43pm

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