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VideoBox (0)

EverNight (0) 02-07-14  05:31pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Outstanding download flexibility
Large collection
Frequent updates
Diverse content
Great in-browser player
Highly functional
Cons: Poor video quality
Mislabeled content
Inelegant interface
Some damaged videos
Very little HD content
Bottom Line: I was interested in trying a Mega-site of this type and debated between VideoBox and VideosZ. VideosZ makes it easy to browse what they have. VideoBox makes it hard. I suspect because their UI for browsing is not as slick looking as their home page.

Still as a potential customer it's important to know what they have. For those interested go to http://www.videobox.com/studios and you can see what they have available similar to at VideosZ.

It's fairly easy to browse by studio or model and even perform filtering beyond that. It's not a great UI design but I found it more functional than many sites. Ultimately you are displayed a thumbnail for each scene with click-able Title, Tags, & Names. Scrubbing over the thumbnail lets you view the video as a series of images and clicking on the image takes you to the player page where the video begins playing at that point in the video. Nice!

You can create a custom clip of the video selecting only the portion you want and just download that piece instead of the whole video. Very Nice!

They have the most accommodating download system I've yet used. You stay logged in for 24hrs and their links do not expire. You can load over a hundred downloads into a manager and just let it go. No limits, expirations, nothing. Just DL all you want. And they add 4 DVDs worth of content daily. Mega Awesome!

But let's talk about exactly what you'll be downloading.

Download options are presented best to worse as H.264-DVD, WMV-DVD, WMV-High, IPhone. And...they all look bad.

The "DVD" options may use a DVD as a source but they are certainly below DVD quality. The quality is comparable to a mediocre tube site. In fact VideoBox IS essentially a tube site with a large collection & a mostly accurate database to help you find stuff.

Occasionally their videos offer a 720HD option. I'd say < 5% of them. Quality varies a lot with these. They can look like a soft poor quality DVD, an actual DVD, or like a decent 720HD video that is a bit better than DVD.

It's not uncommon to find inaccurate information on their videos. Most egregious is when the wrong performer names are listed. I also ran into rare instances when a video file was corrupt, audio was just static, or audio was played at reduced speed making it sound like a demonic orgy. This is rare, but not so rare that I didn't run into it.

It's very convenient to be able to go to a single place for everything but it is disheartening when you find a scene you want and you know it should look a LOT better than it does.

I'll liken VideoBox to NetFlix in the following analogy: It's a convenient one-stop shop that allows you to browse thru a large & diverse library to find what you want and try stuff out. And you can certainly watch the video. But if you find something you really like, perhaps "The Hobbit". Are you going to be happy with a low quality version of it, or do you want the 3D Extended Edition Blu-ray.

I fall into the 3D Extended Edition Blu-ray category so while I appreciate a lot of what VideoBox does it is not really for me.

If you're not concerned with video quality and just want inexpensive browsing of material you can add ~10 points to this review score.

Currently the cost thru TBP/PU is a very reasonable $12/month. If you're not concerned about the video quality or you want to find an old video that you don't expect high quality from - absolutely join up. Otherwise though, I think you'll find the site intriguing but ultimately disappointing.

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rearadmiral (0) This is an excellent review of what is probably one of the most popular sites here at PU. I was a member there for five years straight and then dropped that in favour of going back two or three times a year to get some updates but I think the last time I joined was the last time I'll ever join. As you point out, the video quality is far below standard for 2014. It was sufficient back in 2008, but definitely not now.

My current view is that they need to change their business model and focus more on quality rather than quantity. The last time I joined I found I could go days without finding something that I liked. And their over-reliance of compilations bugged me too. They really need to drop the five uploads a day and make it one high-quality one. And they need better file resolutions.

The other thing I noticed is that they've stopped the practice of allowing prospective members to see everything before joining. I have no idea why they changed that since it now seems like they're hiding something.

Having ranted all of that, I'd still recommend this site for someone who is tired of tube sites and wants a good value.

Sorry for the bit of a rant...!

02-08-14  06:31am

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xtcbyme (0) I think you have provided a very clear picture of VideoBox. I couldn't have said it any better.

I wish the folks at VideoBox would improve their quality of content not only along the lines of HD 720p or 1080p but using less Euro and former Soviet satellite countries sticking with good ol American based porn.

I do slightly disagree with your view on their UI, it is far from perfect and maybe a bit old fashion by modern site construction techniques today. But when VideoBox upgraded its site a few years back in was an instant nightmare for them so much so that they have been running a parallel site up until just recently to keep their customer base from leaving. Sites like VideoBox are always going to be slow to improve because improvement means changes and changes means pissed off customers who like things just the way they were.

I think the time for mega sites like VideoBox are waning. The cost of licensing content is only going to increase and the shear amount of competition is going to keep revenue at a bare minimum. The idea that posting 5 complete DVD's each day that includes two or three 720p HD DVD's is hard to justify when most content creators are posting 1080p or higher in some cases on their own sites.

That being said - Thank you for posting a well done review!

12-28-14  10:46am

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