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pinkerton (0) 03-11-14  08:09am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Good value for money.
- Nicely laid out site.
- Latest videos are good quality 1280x720 HD though older content is much smaller.
- Photo sets are large and good quality.
- Access to hardcore content if desired (a separate site). The hardcore stuff is more conventional and aimed at guys, all are either 1280 or 1920 HD.
- More than just a porn site, also provides lots of sex-related information to help couples spice up their sex lives.
Cons: - Navigation could be better - not very organised and little or no information about older content, when it was added, etc. In fact I'm not sure that much older content is still on the site.
- Older content is 640x480 (or 360) resolution.
- Content is mostly streamed, very few direct download videos, though there are ways of capturing the streamed video to a file using browser add-ins.
- You have to navigate to the "Old Menu" to get at the older content and the hardcore content.
Bottom Line: First up, this is a porn site aimed at women and couples, so it's tricky site to objectively review because it's more than just a porn site, it's also a sex information site that includes porn aimed at women as well as men. The main movies content doesn't feature the guy cumming on the girl's face or in her mouth, in fact cumshots are rare though the couples do "climax".

With all the information this site provides, it can be a useful tool to help couples spice up their sex lives.

If you're looking for something different to the usual male-oriented porn then this site is worth a look, but having said that I probably wouldn't join again unless my wife expressed an interest in watching porn.

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