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jook (0) 04-05-14  06:42am
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Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: None. It pains me to give them even 50. Okay, it could've been worse and it didn't cost $30.
Cons: * Download speed
* Site layout is nonsensical, navigability
* No support
* Language display changed constantly from English to Spanish even though I clicked English as my preference
* Quality of wimmin
Bottom Line: I can't figure out what's what here. There are cams and photos and supposedly other sites, but I couldn't find any other sites and had no interest in the cams or photos.

Unless the other review has another URL, the navigability is the worst I encountered anywhere. The download speed is a deal breaker. I emailed for help over a day ago and no response. Ok, I may be hasty, but I'm done with this site after 2 days and I ain't cummin' back. I find it unbearable.

I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out the site. I thought that I had to be missing something after reading stinger's review. I came to the conclusion that either he had another URL or the site changed since his review. In any event, I hate sites that you need to analyze for an hour before you can figure out what's what. While I could be wrong and missed something, I don't believe that to be the case and spending more time on the site trying to figure it out wasn't going to help.

The only subjectivity in my comments I believe is the quality of the wimmin. If you like tatoos and wimmin that look like wrestlers and have tits that can knock you out cold, then you might like the site more than me. But you'll have to contend with the other negatives.

It's so frustrating. I find Spanish and Eastern European films to be my favorite. This was such a let down.

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