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Does a site's payment processor have any impact on your decision to join?

Type: Billing

Submitted by Khan (0)
Yes, very much 44% 12 Votes
Yes, somewhat 37% 10 Votes
Rarely 15% 4 Votes
No, not really 4% 1 Votes
Other 0% 0 Votes

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27 Votes Total

Jul 19, 2014

Poll Replies (9)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) I have probably used every possible payment processor at least once since I started surfing for porn and I've never had an issue with any of them except Playboy which required that I actually call them to cancel even though I joined by internet.
07-19-14  10:11am

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Monahan (0) If it's CCBill or Epoch, I am good to go. All others I will do some extra checking. In a very few cases the biller is unidentified. Those I avoid like a computer virus.
07-20-14  12:03am

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graymane (Suspended) I've found Processers ...like CCBilling, PayPal, and especially those Monahan mentioned ... to be an invaluable source of comfort when I'm laying down my money upon agreeing to automatic renewal.

All to often, when these (said) billing options are avoided by sites selling auto-renewals, I'm of the mind you're pushing your luck taking the bate.

07-20-14  02:26pm

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mediafan (0) I prefer Epoch first then CC bill..like Monahan
07-20-14  03:40pm

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Cybertoad (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Monahan :

Same as this.
07-20-14  10:18pm

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Cybertoad (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - graymane :

I haven't found any porn sites that accept pay pal?
07-20-14  10:19pm

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graymane (Suspended) REPLY TO #6 - Cybertoad :

People keep saying that ...... but I honestly haven't had any problem with PayPal.
Now quite often a porn site will have a number of options for payments initiated by billing processors that doesn't include PayPal.

If its the pay sites who're at fault refusing to accept PayPal, then I would say there's a plausible reason ....... the first one that comes to mind is that PayPal will go all-out ....(on behalf of it's members) addressing conflicts to initiate a successful resolution for those issues that are ignored or go unattended by pay-sites.

This naturally could rub the pornographer the wrong way ....
Because now he might have to get up off his dead-ass and do his damned job.

07-21-14  09:14pm

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #7 - graymane :

Last I checked, admittedly a while ago, PayPal's terms does not allow adult sites. A few sites use it but if PayPal finds out, they seize the sites money (and call it a fine)
07-21-14  10:38pm

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ghosty (0) REPLY TO #8 - Khan :

Epoch offers Paypal payments on some sites (e.g. lethalhardcore). But I think only for european users.
07-22-14  03:38am

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