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Visit Devils Film

Devils Film (0)

rearadmiral (0) 08-10-14  06:55am
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Site redesign is deeply flawed

This comment is pretty much the same as a comment I posted on the Anal Acrobat site because both of these sites are owned by the same company and both have undergone a mild redesign. And both have the same major flaws.

I rejoined this site and the network that it’s a part of. It has always come with access to several sites. The network has been redesigned but that redesign seems to be more change for change sake since the old design was functional and effective.

With this site they have made some changes that may mean this is the last time I join. In the past when you were on any site page that was part of the network there was a pull-down menu at the upper left that allowed you to select any other site in the network. That’s no longer there. In fact, there appears to be no way to move between sites on the network now. There is a ‘network’ tab and selecting that brings up all the scenes on the network but there is no way that I can find to associate those scenes with a site or a DVD. I’ve also tried googling other sites in the network (Peter North, for example) but my username and password won’t work.

Site access isn’t the only problem though. Now when you select a scene now it automatically starts streaming. For many this is probably a non-issue, but for me it is a major annoyance. I don’t stream, I download. If I want to stream the scene I’ll do that myself. Why waste bandwidth having this start automatically?

I’ve emailed their support staff to ask how I access the other sites. If I get an answer and they make changes or point me to a way to actually do this I’ll post the answer here.

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Msg # User Message Date


ghosty (0) I've just logged in, and I don't see any changes in the members area. The "Jump to Site" tab is still in the upper right corner, and I can access all network sites with my username and password.
08-10-14  08:55am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - ghosty :

That's really odd. I've checked again and the only thing I have in the upper right is an email icon and a link for 'my account.'
08-10-14  12:24pm

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ghosty (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

Did the customer support fix the problem?

Perhaps it's not a design issue. Under my acount you can see all sites you have access to. Are more sites than just Devils Film listed there?

08-13-14  07:57am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - ghosty :

I figured out what the problem was but it hasn't been fixed yet. That's partly my issue. I joined two networks owned by Fame and sent one support message with a question about both networks in the same message. They dealt with the other network (Mike Adriano, Anal Acrobats, etc.) but didn't address the same problem that I have with Devils Film.

The problem with the both networks was that I joined through an email offer for both. In both emails there was a clear statement that the subscription fee was for the full network. Opening the email brought me to a page where it also clearly stated that the membership was for the full network. But when I subscribed to both all I got was one site on each network. I sent them screen shots of the emails and join pages as evidence and they gave me full access to the Anal Acrobats network but never did the same for Devils Film. There are so few updates on Devils Film that I'll just cancel and move on.

I join these networks often and found them easy to deal with and fair so it surprised me to see them engaging in such shady tactics. I suspect that most new members or members who aren't as familiar with the sites as I am may have joined through the email and not even noticed that they didn't have full network access.

08-16-14  07:54am

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ghosty (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

Good to know. I'll have to be more careful then. I've used their email offers a couple of times and access to the other network sites was always included (the last site was one of the mile high network). If the email offers come with restricted access now, I won't be joining anymore.
08-16-14  08:18am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - ghosty :

I've used their email offers frequently too and this is the first time I've seen this restriction. The offer was for $7.95 too rather than the usual $5. That may be the tip off. One thing to watch for is whether the offer carries any information that it does include full access. I sent the support staff several screenshots of the email and the join page where it was clearly stated that I was being offered FULL access. I think I'll continue to use the offers and see how it plays out, knowing that I can always argue with them if the offer was for the full access. It'll be when they refuse to provide what they offered that I'll stop buying from them.
08-17-14  05:06am

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