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Visit Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler

Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler (0)

Denner (0) 10-09-07  01:39pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Large amount of centent
Nice/swell US and european models
Good 3-days trial price
Cons: Average/poor quality for videos
DRM for the best quality videos
Strange navigation
Hopeless way of watching and downloading videos.
Photos in average/low solution
No zip (could not find it, anyway)
Bottom Line: This is a strange site.
Hustler is a wellknown name even for us europeans and Larry Flint too.
Still I do not understand why a coorporation this size make such a poor web-site - compared to content amount and other qualities. (well, and again I do - like Playboy and Penthouse sites that never seems to be able to hit the top, it's still strange).
I go for videos - and it takes almost a day or two to get to know the strange way of viewing and especially downloading videos - and there's no preview, apart from a small thumbnail of the front-cover. You have to "preview-stream" first to find the scenes you MAY like.
I found a way to download some videos in "the best quality". But when I opened the videos, the quality were miles away from what is just average for newer clips.
The streams are certainly not better.
The content - models, sex-scenes and what not -is generally not better than the average videos at VideoBox - just worse in quality.
I gave up trying to download photos...
Well, there might be a lot of extras here like Hustler Humor, Hustler Mobile, Live chat and so on, but that's not my kind of game (site)

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Msg # User Message Date


jd1961 (0) I know why---it's because the old school porno companies still think of selling their goods on the street at ultra high prices, thinking that it is still difficult to find porno like in the old days. These sites are basically promotions, no decent sized photos are ever seen. Larry Flynt was once on the cutting edge, but now he is hopelessly behind the times and stuck in the 20th century. This goes for Vivid, and Private, and Wicked and all the other dinosaurs.
10-09-07  06:57pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - jd1961 :

I totally agree. The world has changed and the old money in porn and music still likes the old ways and rejects the new world. Fresh competition has made a new world of exciting cutting-edge (and inexpensive) porn and music and the old producers just don't like it. Even though distribution costs on the internet are almost nil, they want the same money per item as when they put magazines, 8mm short movies or vinyl disks in stores. The irony is that the cheaper porn is, the more we buy. I spent totally a lot less on porn when it was expensive. The new producers understand that and are getting rich (and deserve it).

Not one old porn producer that I know of has put up a top-notch site (Playboy, Penthouse, and even Swank). It's a pity. I guess for awhile they'll make money from internet rookies who don't know better, but eventually that will dry up. It would be nice to see them competitive in this industry.

10-10-07  07:37am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Jay G :

I think not everyone is online----yet. So they still sell $45 videos in porn shops. But they better get in line with the reality of internet porn, which has a lot more customer potential than the sleazy sex shop ever did.
10-10-07  02:14pm

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Boobs4ever (0) GG This was what I thought about when I was a member a year ago here aswell bullshit site. I got annoyed a canceled my subscription after 2 days bc the quality didnt hold my standard and I didnt find what I was looking in the first place ether .Good Reveiw Denner
10-10-07  04:18pm

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #4 - Boobs4ever :

Thanks, M'Man
Your absolutly right, Boobs4ever - and I still don't get it. How a company this size and reputation has such a bad web-site/online-service....

10-11-07  12:09pm

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