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PinkPanther (0) 11-05-14  10:15pm
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Kink.com Retiring Public Disgrace

Porn sites all need to keep their finger in the wind, taking the political temperature, especially sites on the more extreme end of things. In that vein, Kink.com has stopped shooting for Public Disgrace and is basically retiring the site. Perhaps they'll make the existing material a bonus for another site, or perhaps they'll only make the individual scenes available for purchase one-at-a-time.

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Parsnip (0) They're running scared after what happened to Cameron Bay.

If you set a mob of 50 drunken psychos on a girl, with permission to do pretty much what they want to her, something is going to go wrong. This site had untested members of the public slapping, beating, scratching, and even sticking their hands roughly into the girls. They were lucky with Bay in that she had a lurid personal life so they were able to cloud the issue and claim she could have been infected before. If it had happened to another performer, Kink could have been wiped out.

Kink always claim to be very big on consent, although the scenes themselves appear anything but consensual. In these PD scenes the girls have no idea what is going on, and who is touching them - Bay said she was just trying to survive it and it was only when she saw the finished scene that she realised what was happening to her.

They are trying to become a center for the BDSM community, but they have found that they are an embarrassment to it. Most of their material is about violence, hate & rape rather than consensual BDSM, and their audience is misogynists and hate-filled creeps who would never get near a woman let alone negotiate consensual BDSM with her. That's why they are cleaning up their act.

11-06-14  09:42pm

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