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Have you ever been fooled by a RabbitsReviews blind banner w/in the members' area of a pay site?

Type: General

Submitted by Khan (0)
Yes, more than once 13% 2 Votes
Yes, but only once 13% 2 Votes
No, never 20% 3 Votes
Not sure I ever saw them 47% 7 Votes
Other 7% 1 Votes

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15 Votes Total

Feb 20, 2015

Poll Replies (4)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) No because the only credible source I use to know if a porn site worth joining is TBP/PU. I will from time to time check a rabbit review because he will have a more recent one than what TBP has but I take whatever he says with a grain of salt because no one will make me believe that what he writes is always accurate.
02-20-15  03:02pm

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Drooler (Disabled) I haven't been to the RabbitsReviews site in quite some time. But to answer the question: no, and I didn't know that blind banners to it existed in any pay sites.

Should they exist, it doesn't help at all in terms of trusting RabbitsReviews.

02-21-15  03:43am

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rearadmiral (0) I have to confess that I have no idea what this is...
02-21-15  05:44am

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Divinx (0) I assume this is relative to links or banners that lead to RabbitsReviews, without indicating it explicitly.

I have seen that in several sites, and yes, I was fooled at first, but I am wiser at present.

02-21-15  07:46am

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