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Blacked.com (0)

Pyrenees (0) 02-25-15  10:40am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: There are many pros.
1. 1080p HD scenes.
2. Perfect IR fantasy role play
3. Great variety of IR scenes (1 on 1, threesome etc).
4. The acting of the models is just perfect.
5. The production values are spectacular.
6. The models are beautiful and some big names present.
Cons: Is it a con that there are only 55 scenes? I do not think so. In a year there will be over a hundred at the current production pace. Less than a dollar per scene is very reasonable considering the length of each scene. I literally cannot find a flaw with this website. And if you read my other reviews, I looked hard. If I had one minor con it would be this is a couples IR fantasy site. Do not expect Evil Angel level depravity.
Bottom Line: The bottom line is I would suggest this website to anyone who enjoys this niche of adult entertainment.

Things I would like to see include DP, Gang bangs and a more diverse location choosing.

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Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) You are entitled to your score but by your own admission. It lacks certain things that you would like to see so it can't be a perfect site and therefore 100% is too high for an imperfect site.

You want to give it a high 90 than that is fine but 100% is not a score that should be used lightly. it also wouldn't hurt to have more meat on your review. A high score review should have tons of data to support the claim.

02-25-15  02:01pm

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Pyrenees (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

I appreciate your feedback so please allow me to explain. I was not as harsh on this site as I would be a mega site or on a more established site. Lets face it this is a Niche site. This is also a new site with over a years worth of quality updates. I can list on one hand the number of sites with only HD videos (True HD). Only people who are interested in couples IR fantasy are going to go to this site. As such I could find no flaw. To show you I tried to be unbiased please look at my other reviews. Also I am not the only person to give this site a 100 score. About my criticism's they were more of a wish list. I seriously doubt they will alter their site based on any of those criticisms and I did not feel they were of the magnitude that deserved a deduction. I will give you an example one website I used refused to cancel my membership now that is deduction worth for sure IMHO. I will give you some more meaty details. There are 55 scenes almost 300GB of 1080p resolution. I love the contrast of the white scenery with the IR couple. There are BBG, BGB, Anal and the best thing about the site in my opinion is that it features doggy style. I feel it would be mean spirited to deny them a perfect score when they do perfectly what they claim. High production values crisp downloadable scenes. This is my idea of perfection.
02-25-15  02:11pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Pyrenees :

I think my comment is in large part a warning to you and any other reviewer that giving any site and I mean any site a perfect score is paramount to a death blow. Not matter how well intentioned you are. Your review will always feel as though you aren't being honest. I haven't joined blacked yet but I know I will sooner than later but your review will not be a tool I can use to judge if it's really worth joining because you simply didn't write enough info to truly justify your score.

It's tough to review a site and even more so to remove oneself from the final judgement of the site. I looked at your review of Naughty America and you gave the site a score of 50. A site that scored in the 90's with TBP and normally scores pretty high with most other reviewers should never receive such a low score unless they altered their entire site since past reviews.

I think blacked has great potential and time will tell if if does but there is absolutely nothing original in their porn. It's still pure gonzo. You have one woman (sometimes two) with one male performer in a large bright room having sex on white furniture. The only thing that differentiate them from similar gonzo sites is that this is interracial porn which is sadly a niche that is sorely under represented. They automatically get a minimum 80# in my book because they offer interracial porn. I will wait until I'm a amber before I decide how much higher above 80 they get.

I hope to see more of your reviews and hopefully you add more info to them so that we can see what you truly like and don't like.

02-26-15  01:57pm

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Pyrenees (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Naughty America used to be the best website imo. I was terribly sad at what they became. I would have given them a 30 if possible. 30 because at least they had some Sheena Shaw and Asa Akira scenes lol. Oh by the way guys Blacked is featuring a new August Ames scene this week ... WOW.
02-28-15  01:05pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - Pyrenees :

I'm sorry but you will have to point to me where they changed the type of porn they produce because as far as I can tell. It is pretty much the same stuff it as always been. They tend to be on par with the kind of stuff Brazzer put out except that their stuff is more vanilla in nature. I know they are the one mega site that shoots the least amount of anal of all the others but that's about it.
02-28-15  05:00pm

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Pyrenees (0) REPLY TO #5 - pat362 :

No change. Its totally IR couples type of stuff. It is simply my personal opinion they are the best at it of any website currently at it. They even can boast top models. This weeks update is August Ames a sure win for lovers of IR coupling. I think where this IR website sets itself apart is in the quality of their filming, the contrast of the couples, the excellent doggystyle in every scene and how the women always act like its the best thing ever lol. Not my intention to mislead anyone. It is however my opinion this is the best IR website on the net.
02-28-15  05:24pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Pyrenees :

I will post my review next week and you can then compare what you wrote in yours to mine. I hope you will comment on it and let me know how I did.
03-01-15  05:41pm

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Pyrenees (0) REPLY TO #7 - pat362 :

Of course I will however I suspect your score will be in the 90 range =)
03-01-15  05:48pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #8 - Pyrenees :

You can rest assured that it will not get a perfect score because there are a couple of glitches with the site that automatically mean that they can't get 100%.
03-01-15  05:51pm

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Pyrenees (0) REPLY TO #9 - pat362 :

Totally understandable ... and yet when you see the new August Ames scene mayhaps there could be a change of heart! lol =)
03-01-15  05:54pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Pat I must agree with you that a score of 100% needs a lot of backup. I have never been convinced to join by a review of a site as being perfect. In fact it turns me off.

I have never seen a site that is perfect in every possible way.

08-29-15  06:52pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #11 - mbaya :

I tend to be dubious of a review when someone uses the dreaded 100% because I don't think it's possible for a site to do everything right and strangely whenever you see a 100% score. You never see a very good review and certainly not one where there are no cons. Therefore by default the site cannot get a 100% score because by the reviewers own admission. He or she found things that could be improved.

I don't think there is anything wrong with giving a high score to a site. I'm about to review tushy.com and I will give the site a huge review. I will simply make sure to give facts to support my score.

08-30-15  09:44am

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