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21Sextury.com (0)

Wittyguy (0) 03-04-15  02:07pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: + Good deal at $15 a month for almost 40 sites counting the lesser quality bonus content.
+ 8500+ scenes of exclusive mostly Euro porn with daily updates.
+ Lots of hot models and a good variety of h/c, lez, solo and some tranny. Overall high production value and quality.
+ All scenes have both pics w/ zips and vids
+ Pics are large, going up to 7300x4900 in a few cases.
+ 5 vid download options and stream function.
+ Pretty decent navigation which is rare in my book.
+ Good download speeds (600 - 2,000 MB/sec across multiple channels was usual).
+ Bills through Epoch and no prechecked cross sales. Home page also displays how many days left on your subscription.
Cons: - Many of the sites are dead or only update sporadically leaving about 10 truly active sites.
- A fair amount of anal for those not so inclined.
- More material is being farmed out to secondary producers now and the quality takes a hit on these scenes.
- I had difficulty getting the stream video function to work well (I had to run the vid about 15 seconds, pause it and let it buffer for a bit before being able to jump forward/back).
- Limited model info and interaction. The Fanclub where models interacted is now dead.
- Pix and vid don't always include the same content and some of the sites were painfully predictable as to which hardcore positions would be featured, especially on the pics.
- Especially for pics, the camera work needs to improve (see below).
- Some cross selling, especially for other 21stsextury sites that share the same portal hub.
- File naming is poor (just a number).
Bottom Line: I found it hard to believe that it had been five years since I was last here but my hard drive coffers are now restocked and joy has spread across the land. I always liked this network, even when it was just stand alone sites way back when, and it finally hits the ceiling on my score list. Here be the nuts and bolts:

PICS: Starting in the second half of 2010, the pic sizes jump from 1200x800 to about 3700x5800 and some sets go even bigger. All scenes have zips and have between 100 and 300 pics. Due to some of the large pic sizes, you can get zips exceeding 1 gig in size so be prepared to self edit if you don't hoard disk space. Overall quality is generally quite good. The pics appear all on one page which is nice but when viewing inbrowser you can't enlarge a pic to it's full size.

My main beef with the pics (and this goes to other sites who have introduced large pic sizes) is that you can't rely on autofocus any more. Most of the pics are either screen grabs from the HD movie or separately shot using a narrow range or "dot" autofocus. This works for distance shots or when the body(s) are perpendicular to the camera. However, when the model angles away the result is that a good portion of the body gets slightly out of focus and is annoying. I tossed a lot of pics because of this. It gets really bad on Footsiebabes now and I had to chuck entire sets just because everything but the feet where out of focus. Clearly they have cut back on photography like a lot of othere sites but the over reliance on a narrow focal range gets noticeably bad when you jump to very large pic sizes.

Some of the super sized pics also look grainy at full size meaning they just used screen caps or blew up standard pics beyond their limits.

VIDS: Downloads available in 1080, 720, 540 and 2 phone sizes and most vids are 20-30 minutes long. 1080 starts appearing about 2 years ago. It's not super high end 1080 but it looks good. I downloaded a lot in 540 and it still looks good on my monitor. Other than an issue with the stream player, everything was cool with the vids.

NAVIGATION: Usually I rip sites on their navigation function but I don't have much bad to say here other than "it works pretty well". I never pay attention to search by tag because tagging is never consistent and on a site this size any search simply dumps 100's of scenes on you. Best way to go is by model (the directory seems complete) or by individual site or by network update date. The sites are listed on the side bar. You just click and go. Only real negative is that they need a better page jump system. With some sites topping 100 pages they only let you jump a couple of pages at a time. That's an unnecessary time killer.

OTHER: As noted above, some of the content is produced out of house. AnalTeenAngels and Gapeland use the same models and production as you get with Teenmegaworld. There are more scenes now with U.S. models which are also outsourced. The production value isn't as high with these sites and they get repetitious quick but it isn't terrible by any means. A few sites where also predictable in that you know exactly what every scene would look like in terms of positions.

The most active sites are ClubSandy (sadly, Sandy is not in front of the camera any more, she still looks great I think), Assholefever, Analteenangels, Cutiesgalore, Footsiebabes, Gapeland, Lezcuties, Picsandvideo, and DPFanatics. The other sites are dead or update less than once a month.

The stuff from early 2010 and before is lesser quality (1200x800 pics and 540 sized vids) but that's to be expected. The content is still good and I think looks almost better in terms of models and production value (not comparing to today's world) than some of the most recent stuff.

Despite my incessant bitching, which is common in my reviews, I admit to really liking this site. It has very good production values. Most scenes offer some story line (not a lot of gonzo) in different locations and usually start with the models clothed and then working down from there. You got a ton of variety in terms of content and a lot of different girls. Hell, I even grabbed some content from the "lesser" bonus sites which still had an acceptable level of content and I almost never do that. It has great looking content going back for over a decade and is a great value.

Thus, I plant my flagpole atop 21sextury and proclaim it "King" of my review hill. Not a bad way to finally crest the "100 points" on the review hill.

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Review Replies (6)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Monahan (0) Great review, WG.

I was subscribed back when they had the "loyalty" program (incremental site additions to the basic subscription every month as you stayed on as a subscriber). They even guaranteed permanent continued access provided I stayed subscribed continuously. I topped out but was always very satisfied with the content and quality (I'm a video guy with only a passing interest in photos).

Then they said "fuck you" to those of us who trusted them to honor their "guarantee" and went ahead and split into two sites and forced me to go with the 21Sextreme site, so I lost access to the basic 21Sextury sites. I bitched a lot but got nowhere so, rather than signing up for the 21Sextury site and starting anew with the loyalty program, I decided to walk away.

It's been about three years since they pulled the shitty marketing crap (they've actually split sites again) but I still miss their content. Now with the TBP discount price of $15 for just 21Sextury, and because of your review, I'm set to try again and see what's new. I'm hoping that some of my favorite videos are still available (this time I'll download them) and that the new stuff added over the many months I've been away will convince me I'm doing the right thing.

Thanks again for your review.

03-04-15  08:19pm

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Divinx (0) REPLY TO #1 - Monahan :

They do have a loyalty program, but it works differently nowadays.

I am not a member right now, but I can still login, and the home page tells me that my suscription to their several sites is inactive, but that I have more than 6000 credits, which allow me to buy any material, from any of the company sites (21Sextury, 21Sextreme, 21Naturals, or 21FootArt), at 295 credits per scene.

Apparently, these credits just sum up automatically each month, so next time I suscribe I should even have more credits.

Thus, you can suscribe to 21sextury, but get some content from 21Naturals or 21Sextreme as well.

03-05-15  07:30am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #2 - Divinx :

OK, now I understand what that "credits" stuff is that appeared on the screen.

I signed up last night and my first impression is that they did a nice job with the site improvements. I first went to one of my favorites (Mandy Dee) and downloaded a 2011 video that was sized 720. It was very sharp and totally satisfactory, so may be back as a regular subscriber,

Thanks again for your review. I'll write one myself once I've gotten used to it.

03-05-15  11:28am

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Wittyguy (0) REPLY TO #3 - Monahan :

The credit system is basically worthless as it currently works. You get about 300 loyalty credits for a months membership and that allows you to buy one scene "forever" if you register your email with them. Guess I prefer the concept of "forever" meaning what I download and store myself. Currently, you can't use them to offset the cost of a membership.
03-08-15  05:32pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #4 - Wittyguy :

I hear you. I planned to simply ignore the credit deal so it's no loss.
03-08-15  11:20pm

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Ed Freiland (0)
REPLY TO #5 - Monahan :


First of all thank you for your detailed feedback Wittyguy, we appreciate it very much!

@ Monahan: As you mentioned you were active on the site a couple of years ago, and a lot of things have changed since then. We have 3 separate mega-networks (21Sextury/21Sextreme/21Naturals) with a lot of sub-domains and bonus content as well. On the sign up page everything is clearly indicated so you can easily decide which network to choose.

We are very flexible in terms of network switching. Thus in case for some reason you do no like to content under one network (or subscribed to the wrong one accidentally) we can change it to another in no time. We do not force our members to use something they do not like. Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us:)

As for the credit system, it can be convenient for those users who prefer a non-recurring monthly membership against recharging ones. Also, as Divinx mentioned it is favorable in case you would like to purchase individual scenes from a network you do not have subscription to.

You can read more about our credit system here: http://21sextury.zendesk.com/entries/201...6-credit-information .

Please let me know if you have any questions or encounter a problem.

Best Regards,
Customer service

03-11-15  03:01am

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