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Visit Teen Fidelity

Teen Fidelity (0)

Pyrenees (0) 07-15-15  12:34am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: This site has many Pros.

1) There are currently 183 Videos in various formats up to 1080p.
2) Almost every scene has a nice trailer, BTS long video and half have solo videos.
3) The video quality is very high with videos ranging 2-3 GB and the picture quality is crisp.
4) This is a TEEN site with some of the most popular teen stars of the last decade.
5) Each scene is fun, it has a script. Nothing is vanilla on this site. There is a common formula (Same actor, multiple pop shots, finish with Cream pie).
6) There are about 400 HD pictures for each scene.
7) There is a little bit of Fetish for everyone. Lactation, Flexible sex, Hymen breaking, Chocking, Deep Throat. And some threesome scenes as well. A mixed bag.
Cons: There are some cons

1) There are usually only 4-5 updates per month.
2) Maybe you do not like to see the same man in each scene?
3) Maybe you like more gonzo and less clothes.
4) Some of the scenes can be very rough sex.
5) If you like a specific niche unless its teen then this site maybe too much of a mixed bag of fetishes. It is very non formulaic.
Bottom Line: The bottom line is if you like teens and a variety of sexual positions/scenarios then this is the high quality site for you. I do not like picture but there are a ton in HD. I enjoyed the Behind the scenes sections they were funny and provided a glimpse into the lives of some of the famous teen porn stars.

I give this site my seal of approval. (The Get my belt series is award winning). Here is a pro tip you can get a cheap membership to this one, porn fidelity and a 1$ trial membership to Kelly Madison. You can easily get every scene you want off of KM during the trial period but DO NOT STREAM there is a stream limit on that site. Instead look at what you like and download it.

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