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Visit BBW Secret

BBW Secret (0)

bbwadmirer (0) 07-29-15  10:34am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: ???
Cons: Accd. to MY experience (7-28-2015), the bonus site access for BBW Secret does NOT belong in the "Other Good Stuff" category!

The bonus site access is NOT free, you have to pay an additional $0.95 for ONE DAY's access to EACH of the 2 bonus sites (BBW Pickup & Busty Work), then the full $30 (or thereabouts) for the 1st month to each of them...so if I wanted all 3 sites for ONE month, I would have had to pay close to $80 - 90!

Maybe my computer is slow (it's DSL), but I tried to download ONE movie, & my Firefox downloader told me that it was going to take almost FOUR HOURS to do it! Why are the movies so damn large? All of them were well over 500Mb, & that doesn't include their HD stuff. I don't need anything THAT large & fancy, I can tolerate low def movies, in fact, I would prefer them. I eventually gave up after a few hours & 2 failed attempts at downloading a single movie.
Bottom Line: BEWARE -- you do NOT get what is currently advertised: I was led to believe that I was getting full access to 3 sites for the price of subscribing to BBW Secret. Look at the very bottom of the introductory page & you will see what I mean.


I am VERY disappointed in what BBW Secret had to offer. I haven't checked out the other 2 sites that they say come with it (BBW Pickup & Busty Work), but after what I went through w/ BBW Secret &'m not going to waste my time nor my $ on them. either.

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Amanda (0) Hi bbwadmirer,

I have asked our team to look into the bonus site access. I'll post here to follow up when we sort it out.

07-29-15  12:28pm

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Amanda (0) Hi bbwadmirer,

Just to follow up. The TBP review notes that the bonus sites in question are only available to older members and not new ones. We have not been able to get in touch with the Webmaster of this site, so logging in to confirm isn't possible at this time.


08-12-15  01:16pm

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