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never (0) 10-23-07  11:50pm
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not all the girls are posted

This was a few months ago, but not all the girls on the preview pages were actually on the site. This was frustrating and the issue went unresolved.

I will have to agree that the guy is repetitive in what he says to ths girls, which is the most annoying thing of all. Better is had elsewhere.

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troglodite (Suspended) I joined this site like 2 years ago and it was the case then too. The guy likes to put girls on the tour that are not on the site and in some cases, he doesn't even plan on putting them on the site for months and months. I think it's a very dishonest practice, and I will never join again because of it. A tour should be there to show you what your membership is going to buy you. If it doesn't, then it's coercing you to join under a false pretense.

And yes I agree the content is painfully repetitious! Which reminds me...why must every porn director ask "are your nipples sensitive?" I've always thought that was like the most pointless question ever. I can't say I've ever looked at a porn starlet and thought "boy those nips sure look sensitive...and that's really important to my enjoyment of this clip!" To each their own I guess :p

10-24-07  02:59pm

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #1 - troglodite :

> The guy likes to put girls on the tour that are not on the site and in
some cases, he doesn't even plan on putting them on the site for
months and months. I think it's a very dishonest practice, and I will never join again because of it.

I agree that this practice is dishonest, but what else would you expect from the guy saying "Tricked into sucking for the camera" on his main page (which is either lie or crime) and upselling right from his home page?

11-02-07  11:28pm

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