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creepingdeath84 (0) 02-29-16  07:49pm
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Boring Amateur Site

Hardly worth anyone's time. Unlike the main reviewer's comment at Best Porn, a lot of the videos are longer than 30 minutes--try 50 to 75 minutes. And lot of them are boring and way too long. In one scene, the first 23 minutes were spent on the girl talking in front of a mirror while putting on makeup. Who has time for that shit?

The persons running the site are more amateurish than most of the girls being filmed. Practically every scene is identical from beginning to end; the same position in the same order, same camera angles, same guy, same bed. You'll get the idea after about 10 videos. I only joined the site to check out the split screen scenes and thought it was a clever idea. However, I only found about a dozen scenes like that but they were still rather boring and/or not well edited.

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WebmasterX (0)
Anyway, thanks for your comment. Here's the thing though - ExCoGi really is made for a different type of fan. If you want a quick jerk to some pornstars fucking, you don't have to pay for that. You get off for free on the tubes.

But if you're actually interested in the girl, and why she decided to do something like this in the first place...and then see her facial (and body) reactions in detail as it actually happens, then ExCoGi is unbeatable. At least that's what we're working toward.
Yes there is a lot of behind the scenes, and interviews, and we dig deep into the girls' personal lives. This is especially cool if she ever goes on to do more porn somewhere else and becomes a pornstar. Where else can you say "hey, I know when and how Jane Pornstar lost her virginity and what her personal kinks are"?

We also listen to our members' feedback so if you see the same set-ups and positions over and over again, well, that's because that is what our members want us to do.

Maybe you don't care about any of that but again, ExCoGi isn't your typical average quick-jack-off site.
So I'm not calling you out here specifically but if someone reads your comment they should know what kind of mindset this comes from...and why we do things the way we do them - and been doing it for over a decade successfully.

Does that make sense?

03-01-16  10:07am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - WebmasterX :

I sense some defensiveness here. Yes, your site has been around for a long time so, yes, it's sold well. Kudos on that. But PornUsers is all about a reviewer's "mindset" and their opinion. That's what we do here. I think it's obvious to anyone reading a comment or a review what was on their mind by what they've written.

I joined your site a few years back and, just like creepingdeath84, found that the repetitive format in each scene did get kind of old after a while. I also didn't see where your site was all that unique. Had I felt the need to review or comment on ExCoGi, I would have compared it to other casting-type sites with predominantly POV shooting like Casting Couch X, Fake Agent, NetVideoGirls and Czech Casting. Welcome > Interview > Sex > The End isn't exactly a formula that isn't being done elsewhere.

All that to say, creepingdeath84 is more than welcome to call it like he sees it, despite your longevity in the business.

03-03-16  12:31pm

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WebmasterX (0)
REPLY TO # - :

Well yes of course he is, no question about that. But I think we sometimes need to explain why we do the things the way we do them (and if you look over how things have changed over the years, you'll see a lot of ...adjustments". (New version of the site coming early Summer btw...)

The sites you mentioned came AFTER ExCoGi, with exception of Net Video Girls which is indeed one of the few true pioneers on the Web.
So it's not fair to say "ExCoGi isn't unique because those sites have a similar approach". Well, again, they got that from us and other long running sites. And they copied that approach because it WORKS, at least for the type of person that appreciates this style.

Anyway, not arguing with anyone, just looking to clarify that ExCoGi is NOT for everyone and we hope we make that clear on the free tour and the many free videos we offer. If not, we welcome any suggestions to showcase our different approach more. Maybe we're just too close to our own creation, you know?

BTW in regards to being repetitive - yes it is. Do we want to change things up? YES! But how? any time we try something new we get mostly hate mail from members. So we have to stick to a certain formula and slooooowly try new things until we find something that our members enjoy.
That's why over the years you actually DO notice a lot of changes, but they're usually pretty gradual. We changed
formats, behind the scenes, positions, camera positions and angles, interview styles, the split screen thing, replays, slo-mo, etc etc etc. It just doesn't seem that way because there's so much of it. If you just watch 5 or 6 videos then yeah, it all SEEMS the same.

Makes sense?

03-03-16  12:47pm

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rearadmiral (0) So much of what we like in porn is purely subjective that it's almost impossible to separate that from an objective idea. I agree with a lot of what you say here but I have to add that I find all the ingredients that ECG adds together gives a sum greater than the individual parts. Some of the things you dislike I like a lot, such as the interview while the model is having her makeup done. I like that the site isn't unnecessarily complex. For me though, the best part of the site is that the models are amazing.

The value of PU is that we have a place to express these opinions, and I'm glad to see the webmaster weighed in too.

03-04-16  10:06am

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bibo (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - WebmasterX :

I've been a member of excogi a couple of times and I have to say I love it. Sure, it is a bit repetitive, sure, there is a lot of talking and non-nude action, but IMO, that is the charme of the scenes. It's about the person in the scene, not just her body.
I agree that the POV parts of the scenes are too shaky and blurry and if I had one suggestion for improving the site, I would recommend cutting them down to a minimum (if at all).
Oh, and as far as I know, you are still shooting in 720p. Is there any chance to upgrade to 1080p in the future?

11-05-16  03:12am

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mike55q (0) I just rejoined for about the third time on a promotion from BackRoomCastingCouch that included about 25 sites. I think that ECG went downhill in about 2017, and have noticed that subscriber ratings of the individual scenes are significantly lower than in the past. Many 6-7 ratings on a scale of 10.

Most scenes include anal but now they use plugs and vibrators in the models holes, including very often a big Hitachi on her clit. Makes it hard to see with all of the toys in the way. In addition they use lots of lube, so after 20-30 minutes of interview and prep, the lube is all over the model, running down her leg etc. which detracts from the scene in a significant way. The pre 2017 scenes are much superior in my opinion, and the male talent was very much better. He is now doing very similar scenes for Bang.com.

If they allowed comments from the members they could get valuable feedback, but they do not, so they just wing it.

06-30-18  03:49pm

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