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RagingBuddhist (0) 03-14-16  06:00am
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And now... the other side of the coin

Yeah, the new layout is nice and all, but the updates are just as annoying as ever. The biographies are still there as are the non-nude/semi-nude interviews. But now it seems that you get almost as many updates from ATK Hairy, ATK Exotics and Girls Out West as you do Yanks material. The last actual Yanks masturbation video was last week to the day. If I wanted ATK and GOW content I would sign up for those sites. At this rate, I figure my next signup to Yanks will be next year. NOT pleased at all.

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Yanks (0)
Hello RagingBuddist As always, we sincerely appreciate your loyalty and your passion for the site. I would however like to clarify our update schedule so that it is more clear for everyone. Our goal is to do daily Yanks.com visual updates, we do this 99.9% of the time.

Biographies do come through as updates because we do want people to know when one has been posted, however they do not count as a "daily update" by our scheduling standards. The same goes for ATK and GOW updates, they also never count as "daily updates" to us. If you look through our update calendar you will see that whenever there is a ATK, BIO or GOW update there is also a Yanks video or Photo-set of some kind.

That being said there are some time anomalies that happen between when the content is released from our servers and content management system and what the local time is on your computer. Daylight savings time also happens at different times around the world which will also bump a set one day ahead or back. Once again if you refer to the calendar you will notice that when the schedule above is not accurate there is an extra Yanks update the day before or the day after that would be realign to our goal according to your time zone.

Our hope is to eventually add 7 high quality video and photo partners like GOW and ATK so that each day there will be a Yanks visual update, a video partner update (full video) and a photo partner update (full HQ set). This in addition to the bios that we release from time to time. That will be 3-4 updates per day with one Yanks visual update daily everyday.

I hope that clarifies the schedule. Thanks again for your loyalty and hope to see you back before a year, however it is not until then we will be more than happy to show you what we have next time we see you.

All the best!


03-22-16  10:47am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Yanks :

What I had signed up to your site for in the past has definitely changed - in my mind, for the worse. Your schedule for posting your own masturbation videos was considerably better years ago, before you added the GOW and ATK material.

3/28 ATK hardcore video
3/29 Yanks masturbation video
3/29 Yanks photo set
3/30 Yanks non-nude interview
3/31 ATK masturbation video
4/01 Biography
4/01 Yanks photo set
4/02 Yanks shaving her legs video
4/04 ATK photo set
4/05 Girls Out West photo set
4/04 Yanks non-nude interview
4/04 Biography
4/05 Yanks masturbation video
4/06 Yanks photo set
4/07 ATK photo set
4/07 Yanks semi-nude interview
4/07 Yanks non-nude interview
4/08 Yanks non-nude interview

Two Yanks masturbation videos in two weeks? Really?

04-07-16  10:05pm

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Yanks (0)
REPLY TO #2 - RagingBuddhist :

Looking at this layed out like this you are correct. Billie is talking to our CMS manager about this now. Our current shooting schedule has not changed. We shoot 6 girls a month (2 masturbation videos with each girl) Any given two week period should than have 5-7 videos depending on the days. I apologize for this. We will figure out where these videos are and what the issue is. Thanks for highlighting in detail.

EDIT: We will also make sure they get added.


04-08-16  03:10am

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