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Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network (0)

Buggaboo213 (0) 04-02-16  11:06pm
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Good looking girls
A LOT of content
Cons: NO Downloads available
Shady register addons
Bottom Line: Will never go back to this site. For starters, not allowing downloads is a deal breaker. Sorry, I can't stream 4k porn at the moment, and I'm not paying for content that I have to wait to load for 2 minutes everytime I want to fast forward a few seconds. When you're doing what you're doing when you're watching porn, you want shit to happen quickly.

With that being said, I CANT stand the whole checking a box by default when you register with a site that signs you up for multiple $35/month commitments. It's shady, and yes customer service I realize "I agreed to it by not unchecking the box" but I'm not exactly reading the fine print when my dick is in my hand.

So, take the $35 you scammed off me and be gone, I will take my monthly subscriptions elsewhere.

Do not recommend.

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Review Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) I wonder how long Mofos will last with the change to streaming only. I suspect that they can last a while with former members rejoining who only discover that change after they join and then like you they'll never be back. i used to join Mofos regularly but like you I won't be back.
04-03-16  05:30am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

Ditto that. I first joined back when they started up at $10 per month and generally liked what they offered. I'd rejoin periodically even at higher prices. I do recall that they've always had the lousy check crap because so many sites do that so it didn't frost my cookies.

However with the plethora of really great stuff out there I haven't re-up'd in at least 2 years so if they are streaming only, I'm done.

Remember back in the day where porn moved from slimy porn theatres where you'd run into folks like PeeWee Herman to video rental shops where you could rent (or buy) VHS porn? Back in those days you could easily copy stuff by using 2 VCR's hooked up with each other and almost never run into copy protection as compared with main stream movies which always had copy protection.

At least the porn producers back then understood that their market insisted on a "download" capability. Mofos will be changing policy back to permitting downloading or will be shutting down.

04-03-16  09:58pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

I agree. These guys will be out of business reasonably soon.
04-03-16  10:03pm

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stingerxxx (0) I have never been a big fan of POV and when the studs started do the camerawork themselves, I thought the site had really gone downhill. Now, coupled with shitty camerawork and no downloads, I will not be resubscribing - ever. A pity because MOFOs does have some hot girls but fortunately you can find them on other sites.
04-04-16  12:53am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - Monahan :

I hope you're right that Mofos will see the error of their ways and allow downloads again but my worry is that this is the future and guys like us are just dinosaurs. Maybe the average under-40 porn buyer is perfectly happy with streaming only. I know I'm not. But with internet access becoming so widespread maybe streaming is the future.

I read a comment on another forum where a commenter wondered if this was a trial balloon floated by the parent company to see what the reaction would be and if Mofos survived then maybe the other sites would go streaming only too.

The only consolation I have is that I own enough porn that I could plan to watch it all starting now and probably sluff off this mortal coil before reaching the end. But for me, as a collector, it is more about getting the porn than having the porn.

04-04-16  02:54pm

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