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pat362 (0) 11-14-16  06:40pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Huge Library of more than 22,000 Movies and/or 126,000 scenes to choose from.
+They update with approx 200 new movies each month.
+They have access to the library of studios that are now dead and whose content isn't available elsewhere. As well as many very popular current studios.
+You can stream the videos online.
+You can view thumbnails of each video prior to streaming or downloading.
+You can download all the videos in the newer MP4 format. Resolution will vary depending on date of update but the lowest seems to be 640x480.
+They now offer over 4000 HD movies / 23,000 HD scenes.
+They tag each movie/video with multiple tags to help narrow search options when members select those keywords in the search bar
+There is not a lot of third party advertising which means they can dedicated the bulk of the screen to their own content.
Cons: -The site's huge library is not actually availble to all members because you need to buy seven seperate upsell channels/studios to get the full access.
-They still don't have all the library of their biggest studios.
-The scenes/movies have a multiple of tags attached to them but they aren't always accurate and that means you have to be careful when looking for specific sex acts.
-I found that there is often an issue with the donwloaded videos where the soundtrack the video don't macth and there is a significant off-set which is quite distracting if not annoying.
-They suffer the same problem as similar sites in that many of the newer updates aren't very good or is simply content taken from various websites.
-The music in many of the older videos is often quite loud and distracts from the action.
Bottom Line: *This is an easy site to review because it's next to impossible to not satisfy someone simply because they have so much content to choose from that you have to be so picky not to find a modicum of decent porn to download. I didn't see much that is all that different from the last time I reviewed the site other than to notice that even more studios have died since then. That's bad news for a site like VB because it's another source of content no longer available and that also measn they have to look elsehere to be able to upload so many new videos each month.

*This brings us to one of my cons. Seeing as their sources of content are drying up than I expected them to maybe start searching for content from their existing studios. Many of their biggest studios have incomplete libraries of content and looking fill up those libraries would be agreat way to add videos that many people have never seen or haven't seen in a long time.

*I really wish they would have a simpler system of membership because as it stands I can't emphasize how much I find their current system to be annoying. Chargecustomers more money and give me full access or don't show the customers all the movies they can't see unless they upsell. For that reason the site loses some points. The upsells are a little stiff when you have already dished out for a monthly membership.

*For all of my negative opinions. I can't help but feel that everyone should join VB at least once to see just how much amazing porn the industry has produced in the last decade and more. I'd even recommend that people buy some of the upsells but only once they have perused the content you will get for your investment.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


benmar51 (0) Hi Pat. . . Outstanding, thorough, comprehensive review. . . But, we`ve come to expect no less from you. . . Just 2 additional points which should be mentioned - 1) The ability to `custom-clip` your downloads. In the past, one was able to take portions of scenes at Brazzers and BangBros, but not any more. . . Each Naughty American scene is still available split into 5 sections (but, importantly, NOT in HD). As far as I know, no other site besides Videobox allows you the ability to edit out what YOU don`t want in your downloaded HD or non-HD scene. This option is even more important when dealing with some of the newer Evil Angel scenes that can run well over 75 minutes!. . and 2) Speaking of the `premium` channels - On monthly subscriptions, you can `upgrade` to, say, Evil Angel, with a few days left in your subscription at a PRO-RATED price (literally, pennies). . . Download everything you want.. . .and, then cancel the upgrade. . . And, then repeat with the other premium channels (Kink, Elegant Angel, etc.). . . Again, thanks for your superlative review AND for ALL you do for this site.
11-17-16  08:56pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #1 - benmar51 :

Thanks for the additional info. I've only ever joined the premium channel in the very beginning of my membership so wasn't aware that you got a reduced rate if you waited until your main membership was about to expire. Do you know approximately when the lower cost comes into effect. It's not something that I personally care for but maybe some of the other people reading your comments will want to know.
11-18-16  05:37pm

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benmar51 (0) REPLY TO #2 - pat362 :

It`s a gradually reducing rate. . . If, for example, a premium channel costs $15, the price will drop fifty cents EVERY day. By the time you have a few days left in your basic subscription, you can upgrade to the premium channel for a buck or two. . . with FULL downloading privileges. Nothing illegal or underhanded about it either - it`s been set up this way since the beginning. . . Not sure if this maneuver is available with longer subscriptions. . . Hope you found this helpful.
11-18-16  08:32pm

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benmar51 (0) REPLY TO #2 - pat362 :

It`s prorated DAILY, with the price dropping continuously thru the length of your basic membership. . . One proviso - Not sure you get this lower rate by clicking on the name of the channel you want to add (you might. . .just never tried it). . . For the `MOVIE COMPANY` channels - click on one of their DVD`s. . . scroll to one of the scenes in it. . . left-click one of the download buttons for that scene. . .and a pop-up box will appear with the prorated price. For the `Single Scene` channels (Reality Kings and Kink) - find a scene (best way is to type in a likely pornstar`s name, and check her scenes for these 2 companies). . . . click on the thumbnail for that scene. . .and the same pop-up box will appear
11-19-16  06:22am

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