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marcdc1 (0) 02-04-17  08:32pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Thanks to LPee23 for reporting that .zip pictures are coming back.
- Includes access to kink.com with its 24 sites
- Updates about every 2 weeks
- Over 1,000 videos on this site alone - many more across the network
- Typical video is approximately 1 hour
- Video looks great at 1280X720 4.1 mb/s. Videos typically run about an hour 5 mbps - great production value. Sound and lighting are well done you can see and hear everything
- Allows download managers
- "Plot" plenty of different set ups from disciplining nuns to CIA interactions and plenty in between. A very healthy mix. This side won't bore you.
- Orgasms are real - lost of squirts too if you're looking for that
- Plenty of squirters
Cons: - No way to "favorite" scenes you'd like to revisit.
- Navigation is sub par for a site that has so many resources and such a long history. I knock this network pretty hard for this. I'm really surprised that they have awesome video quality and poor navigation.
- Expensive. If it wasn't part of such a huge network it would not be worth the price.
- I found the concept too repetitive. I love seeing a woman get off - but the same formula over and over again was tiring to me
- Less BDSM focus (fewer tied up shoots) than the rest of the network. This could just as easily been a Pro.
Bottom Line: Kink is a giant player in the industry and they never disappoint when it comes to quality. They also have a good preview policy. You can see a minute and a half to two minute clip; 5 per day. There's no need to guess. Look before you buy.

They are a little expensive but you get what you pay for. I liked this site and found plenty of my favorite stars. While the set up is repetitive. It's still a hot concept and I like it.

The models get off really hard in each shoot. Everything seems genuine to me and that's important for me. I suggest the site both for it's breath of models and it's strength as a hot concept.

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