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18 Pussy Club

Type: Pay Site


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Meniss Limited
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Partner: Serious Cash

Monthly: $29.95 (37 days, recurs $29.95/mo.)
Multi-Mo: $49.95 (2 months, recurs $29.95/mo.)
Multi-Mo: $59.95 (3 months, recurring)
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Feedback History  (6)

Active Reviews 0
Newbie Reviews 3
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Comments 3
Review by TheBestPorn:

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New review has been completed on Nov 23, 2009 and will be released in less than a week.

User Reviews (3)

 User reviews consist of pros, cons, and other thoughts.

pat362 (0) 01-20-13  09:35am
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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WeeWillyWinky (0) 12-14-09  04:43pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
View: Read Expired Review (0 Replies)

silver (0) 11-21-07  06:54am
Rookie Badge  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
View: Read Expired Review (4 Replies)

*Newbie reviews and ratings don't count toward a site's overall score/rank until the user reaches the Rookie status level (5 points). This rule is needed to help prevent fake (or heavily biased) profiles and reviews.
User Comments (3)

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Denner (0) 01-03-08  08:56am
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WARNING: Where's the webmaster

Paid membership here for 1 month - and cancelled.
As you can see from my former comments for this site, it's been troublesome.

Now I'm well over (two weeks) of my membership, but I can still gain access - even if I do not want to obtain their sevice anymore - it's a question of right and wrong.

You might say: well, take those free weeks too....

But if you do not want to take those free weeks - you also wonder: Are these guys taking me for a ride - are they trying to press another term of payment out of me.

And again: I tried to mail webmaster - no answer. Also tried to mail webmaster during membership - and there was no answer neither.
So PU's: cannot NOT recommed this site!

Bottom Line: I'm fed up with sites like this and fed up with unreliable billing service (SegPay)

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Denner (0) 12-05-07  03:48pm
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Scam or what?

Had a load of troubles with this site...
Bad log in, slow connection, slow reply and several models without videos thats was promised in the preview.
Here at the end of my membership these guys keeps the scam going:

They state an upgrade of videos in the latest preview. When you login: nada.
For you PU's out there just an example:
At the main section they state new videos for:
Vita - 30 mins. video
Daria - 10 mins. video
Emily - 40 mins. video

But when you log in - these girls have no videos at all. The message is just: No video sets yet.
That sucks!

This is from a Gibraltar-based company with 9 sites at TBP - I won't go near any of the other sites in the future.

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Denner (0) 11-25-07  08:20pm
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Denied Access

What a bummer
Just paid $29.95 and received 2 sets of username/password - one from Segpay and one from the webmaster - none of them work.

Trying to mail both parties - no answer yet.

I hate that

Respond: 3 Replies - Add Reply

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3. Massage X (0) N/A 83.0
4. X Sensual (0) N/A 82.0
5. Teens Analyzed (0) N/A 81.5
6. Teeny Lovers (0) N/A 81.0
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8. Young Sex Parties (0) N/A 79.5
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