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12-07-20  05:14am - 1383 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Trump flees the country?

Former Trump Org. exec thinks Trump might leave the country before he leaves office
Yahoo TV
Stephen Proctor
December 6, 2020, 10:44 PM

Barbara Res, former executive Vice President of The Trump Organization, appeared on CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera on Sunday where she raised questions about how, and where, President Trump will end his term.

Trump and his finances, and that of The Trump Organization, are the focus of multiple investigations in the state of New York. Res believes that if it appears those investigations could lead to charges, Trump may decide to leave the country before he leaves office.

“I think catastrophe comes except for Donald. You know, as much as it’s almost impossible to think how he’s gonna weasel his way out of it, I think he will,” Res said. “If there are real legitimate charges leveled against him or hanging over his head the minute he becomes a citizen, I think he may leave the country. I think he may leave the country before the end of his presidency.”

The president’s niece, Mary Trump, author of Too Much and Never Enough, agreed that Trump leaving the country is a real possibility.

“I do also think that’s a possibility. I don’t know if it’s the most likely thing, but again, we don’t know how the next 45 days are gonna play out,” Mary said. “If the walls really do start closing in on him, right before the inauguration will be his last, best opportunity to get away unscathed. So it’s gonna be fascinating, but also pretty terrifying.”

If the president stays in the country, Mary Trump doesn’t believe there’s any way he goes to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

“I don’t think there’s anything on the planet that would get him to—one, that would be a concession,” Trump said. “Two, would be an acknowledgement that the incoming administration is legitimate, and Donald wants to avoid that at all cost. And three, it would be missing an opportunity to take the spotlight from President Biden and to himself.”

12-07-20  05:23am - 1383 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Donald Trump, the man with a heart of gold.

Donald Trump loves all people, even the criminals.
That's why he wants to have criminals put to death.
What a man.
What a crook.
Of course, he's a criminal himself.
But if he kills enough other criminals, that leaves more pie that he can grab for himself.
What other reason does he have, for pushing for the execution of criminals?
Trump cementing death penalty legacy up to Biden inaugural
AOL Associated Press
December 7, 2020, 4:41 AM

CHICAGO (AP) — As Donald Trump’s presidency winds down, his administration is ratcheting up the pace of federal executions despite a surge of coronavirus cases in prisons, announcing plans for five starting Thursday and concluding just days before the Jan. 20 inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

If the five go off as planned, it will make 13 executions since July when the Republican administration resumed putting inmates to death after a 17-year hiatus and will cement Trump's legacy as the most prolific execution president in over 130 years. He'll leave office having executed about a quarter of all federal death-row prisoners, despite waning support for capital punishment among both Democrats and Republicans.

In a recent interview with The Associated Press, Attorney General William Barr defended the extension of executions into the post-election period, saying he’ll likely schedule more before he departs the Justice Department. A Biden administration, he said, should keep it up.

“I think the way to stop the death penalty is to repeal the death penalty," Barr said. “But if you ask juries to impose and juries impose it, then it should be carried out.”

The plan breaks a tradition of lame-duck presidents deferring to incoming presidents on policy about which they differ so starkly, said Robert Durham, director of the non-partisan Death Penalty Information Center. Biden, a Democrat, is a death penalty foe, and his spokesman told the AP that he'd work to end the death penalty when he is in office.

“It’s hard to understand why anybody at this stage of a presidency feels compelled to kill this many people … especially when the American public voted for someone else to replace you and that person has said he opposes the death penalty,” Durham said. “This is a complete historical aberration.”

Not since the waning days of Grover Cleveland’s presidency in the late 1800s has the U.S. government executed federal inmates during a presidential transition, Durham said. Cleveland’s was also the last presidency during which the number of civilians executed federally was in the double digits in a year, with 14 executed in 1896.

Anti-death penalty groups want Biden to lobby harder for a halt to the flurry of pre-inaugural executions, though Biden can't do much to stop them, especially considering Trump won't even concede he lost the election and is spreading baseless claims of voting fraud.

One, the Ohio-based Death Penalty Action, has garnered some 3,000 signatures on a petition calling on Biden to make “a clear and strong statement” demanding the executions stop.

The issue is an uncomfortable one for Biden given his past support for capital punishment and his central role crafting a 1994 crime bill that added 60 federal crimes for which someone could be put to death.

Activists say the bill, which Biden has since agreed was flawed, puts added pressure on him to act.

“He is acknowledging the sins" of the past, said Abraham Bonowitz, Death Penalty Action's director. "Now he’s got to fix it.”

Several inmates already executed on death row were convicted under provisions of that bill, including ones that made kidnappings and carjackings resulting in death federal capital offenses.

The race of those set to die buttresses criticism that the bill disproportionately impacted Black people. Four of the five set to die over the next few weeks are Black. The fifth, Lisa Montgomery, is white. Convicted of killing a pregnant woman and cutting out the baby alive, she is the only female of the 61 inmates who were on death row when executions resumed, and she would be the first woman to be executed federally in nearly six decades.

The executions so far this year have been by lethal injection at a U.S. penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana, where all federal executions take place. The drug used to carry out the sentences is sparse. The Justice Department recently updated protocols to allow for executions by firing squad and poison gas, though it’s unclear if those methods might be used in coming weeks.

Barr suddenly announced in July 2019 that executions would resume, though there had been no public clamor for it. Several lawsuits kept the initial batch from being carried out, and by the time the Bureau of Prisons got clearance the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing. The virus has killed more than 282,000 people in the United States, according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

Critics have said the restart of executions in an election year was politically motivated, helping Trump burnish his claim that he is a law-and-order president. The choice to first execute a series of white males convicted of killing children also appeared calculated to make executions more palatable amid protests nationwide over racial bias in the justice system. The first federal execution on July 14 was of Daniel Lewis Lee, convicted of killing an Arkansas family in a 1990s plot to build a whites-only nation in the Pacific Northwest.

Barr has insisted the reinstatement of federal executions was driven by adherence to laws. He noted that under Democratic presidents, including Barack Obama, U.S. authorities sought death sentences, they just didn't carry them out.

“I don't feel it is a political issue," Barr told the AP.

Trump has been a consistent supporter of the death penalty. In a 1990 Playboy interview, he described himself as a strong supporter of capital punishment, saying, “Either it will be brought back swiftly or our society will rot away."

Thirty years later, not even the worsening pandemic has slowed his administration's determination to push ahead with executions, rejecting repeated calls to freeze the policy until the pandemic eases.

Many states with death penalty laws have halted executions over concerns that the rampant spread of the coronavirus in prisons would put lawyers, witnesses and executioners at too great a risk. Largely as a consequence of the health precautions, states have executed just seven prisoners in the first half of the year and none since July. Last year, states carried out a combined 22 executions.

The expectation is that Biden will end the Trump administration's policy of carrying out executions as quickly as the law allows, though his longer-term approach is unclear.

Durham said that while Obama placed a moratorium on federal executions, he left the door open for future presidents to resume them. Obama, for whom Biden served as vice president, never employed the option of commuting all federal death sentences to life terms.

As president, Biden could seek to persuade Congress to abolish the federal death penalty or simply invoke his commutation powers to single-handedly convert all death sentences to life-in-prison terms.

“Biden has said he intends to end the federal death penalty,” Durham said. “We’ll have to wait and see if that happens.”


Balsamo reported from Washington.


12-08-20  09:18am - 1381 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Texas, one of the few states that knows the truth, asks the US Supreme Court to declare Donald Trump as the true winner of the 2020 election.
Donald Trump, affectionately known as General Bonespurs to his intimate friends, was the winner of the 2020 election, once you throw out the fake votes for Biden.
Therefore, in the interests of honesty and decency, you must put Donald Trump in the White House for 4 more years.

Go, Trump, man of the hour, the country's choice to be President For Life of the United States.
Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to help Trump upend election
By Makini Brice
December 8, 2020, 8:23 AM

By Makini Brice

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The state of Texas, aiming to help President Donald Trump upend the results of the U.S. election, said on Tuesday it has filed suit against the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at the Supreme Court, calling changes they made to election procedures amid the coronavirus pandemic unlawful.

The lawsuit, announced by the Republican attorney general of Texas Ken Paxton, was filed directly with the Supreme Court, as is permitted for certain litigation between states. The Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority including three justices appointed by Trump.

The lawsuit represents the latest legal effort intended to reverse the Republican president's loss to Democratic President-elect Joe Biden in the Nov. 3 election.

Republican-governed Texas in the lawsuit accused election officials in the four states of failing to protect mail-in voting from fraud, thus diminishing "the weight of votes cast in states that lawfully abide by the election structure set forth in the Constitution."

State election officials have said they have found no evidence of such fraud that would change the results. There was a surge in voting by mail in the election due to the pandemic, as many Americans stayed away from polling places to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Texas is asking the Supreme Court to block the Electoral College votes in the four states - a total of 62 votes - from being counted. Biden has amassed 306 electoral votes - exceeding the necessary 270 - compared to 232 for Trump in the state-by-state Electoral College that determines the election's outcome, while also winning the national popular vote by more than 7 million votes.

Texas also is asking the Supreme Court to delay the Dec. 14 deadline for Electoral College votes to be cast.

Paul Smith, a professor at Georgetown University's law school, said Texas did not have a legitimate basis to bring the suit.

"There is no possible way that the state of Texas has standing to complain about how other states counted the votes and how they are about to cast their electoral votes," Smith said.

Trump's campaign and his allies have pursued unsuccessful lawsuits in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and other states, making unfounded claims of widespread election fraud. Trump lost those four states after winning them in 2016.

The Supreme Court is not obligated to hear the case and has said in previous decisions that its "original jurisdiction" that allows litigation between states to be filed directly with the nine justices should be invoked sparingly.

(Reporting by Makini Brice, Jan Wolfe and Lawrence Hurley in Washington; Additional reporting by Tom Hals in Wilmington, Delaware; Editing by Will Dunham and Noeleen Walder)

12-09-20  12:00am - 1381 days #4
LKLK (0)
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Republicans are the only true Americans.
They know that Trump won the election of 2020.
Therefore, their honor and dignity force them to declare the United States of Trump, where Trump will be the first President-For-Life, with his lovely daughter, Ivanka, waiting in the wings when Trump ascends to Heaven to stand by God's right hand.

Hail Donald Trump, first President-For-Life of the new United States of Trump.

And wait until Trump unleashes the assassins that will bury Biden.

There will be no Civil War.
Because all right-thinking Americans know that Trump is the first President-For-Life that will rule the United States of Trump.

Beware, Biden. You are going down!!!!
As Biden passes 'safe harbor' milestone, Republicans on inaugural committee refuse to say he won
Yahoo News
David Knowles
December 8, 2020, 11:52 AM

Republicans on the Joint Congressional Committee on the Inaugural Ceremonies voted on Tuesday against a resolution stating that the committee was preparing for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.; and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., all voted against the resolution. The three Democrats on the committee, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who introduced the measure; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., voted in favor. The measure, which would have recognized what Democrats and some Republicans say is obvious — that Biden won the election — failed to pass on a 3-3 tie vote.

“The extent to which Republicans are refusing to accept the outcome of the election and recognize Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president is astounding,” Hoyer said in a statement released after the meeting of the committee. “Their continued deference to President Trump’s postelection temper tantrums threatens our democracy and undermines faith in our system of elections.”

The presidential inauguration traditionally occurs on the Capitol steps, although, owing to the coronavirus pandemic, plans for the ceremonies on Jan. 20 are in flux. Hoyer’s motion to recognize Biden and Harris as the winners was basically symbolic; the joint committee has no power to decide who gets inaugurated.

Still, Biden’s transition team said it looked forward to continued planning with the JCCIC.

"President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will be sworn-in as the next President and Vice President of the United States on January 20, 2021,” Pili Tobar, communications director for the Biden Inaugural Committee said in a statement emailed to Yahoo News. “We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and plan a safe inauguration that engages Americans across the country."

Despite recounts in three battleground states and more than 20 legal defeats since Election Day, Trump continues to insist that he won the presidential race. In a written statement regarding “safe harbor day,” Tuesday’s federally mandated deadline by which states must resolve legal challenges to the certification of elections, Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis said the president would press on with his effort to overturn the results.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 27: (L-R) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) U.S. President Donald Trump listen during a signing ceremony for H.R. 748, the CARES Act in the Oval Office of the White House on March 27, 2020 in Washington, DC. Earlier on Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the $2 trillion stimulus bill that lawmakers hope will battle the the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images)
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.; and President Trump at the White House, March 27. (Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images)

“The ‘Safe Harbor Deadline’ is a statutory timeline that generally denotes the last day for states to certify election results. However, it is not unprecedented for election contests to last well beyond December 8,” the Giuliani-Ellis statement read, adding, “Despite the media trying desperately to proclaim that the fight is over, we will continue to champion election integrity until legal vote [sic] is counted fairly and accurately.”

Giuliani is hospitalized with COVID-19, and Ellis has tested positive for the virus.

Hoyer also noted the arrival of the safe harbor deadline.

“Today is the safe-harbor deadline, and states have now certified their results, confirming that Joe Biden will be the forty-sixth President of the United States and Kamala Harris will be the first woman and the first Black and South Asian American to serve as Vice President,” Hoyer said in his statement. “It is imperative that JCCIC proceed with plans for their inauguration and coordinate with the Biden Presidential Inaugural Committee.”

Blunt explained his vote against the measure by saying, “It is not the job of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies to get ahead of the electoral process and decide who we are inaugurating.”

Multiple news organizations declared Biden the winner of the 2020 election on Nov. 7, and the tallies of votes have confirmed those projections. In the popular vote, Biden beat Trump by more than 7 million votes. In the Electoral College, which meets next Monday to formally cast its votes, Biden is set to earn 306 votes to Trump’s 232. Congress will meet on Jan. 6, just two weeks before Inauguration Day, to count the electoral votes and certify a winner.

According to a survey by the Washington Post, just 27 Republican members of Congress are willing to go on record acknowledging Trump’s loss, although Biden began receiving presidential daily briefings on Nov. 30 and has announced his nominees for Cabinet posts and other officials.

12-09-20  07:29am - 1380 days #5
LKLK (0)
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President Trump needs to investigate this potential criminal:
Did the black man rob a Subway restaurant?
Did the black man have a receipt for the sandwich he was holding, or proof that he paid for the sandwich?
The deputy shot the black man in the back, and the black man died.
Did the black man confess to an armed robbery at the Subway restaurant, before he was shot and died?
The police and the FBI and whoever else need to investigate if the black man was a hardened criminal, who lied to get a concealed weapons permit.

Also, why did the black man wave his sandwich at police officers?
Was he trying to be friendly, or trying to confuse the police about his criminal behavior?

President Trump, you need to investigate, what happened.
Then you can file more lawsuits, about the criminal Joe Biden, who is trying to steal the Presidency away from you.
Also, President Trump, you are Commander-In-Chief: send your Armed Forces to arrest Biden, with orders to Shoot-To-Kill if Biden resists.
Also, shoot Biden in the back, if Biden is holding a sandwich, which proves Biden is Armed-And-Dangerous.
Family: Black man shot by deputy held a sandwich, not a gun
Associated Press
December 9, 2020, 4:03 AM

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Civil rights and FBI investigators will help look into the fatal shooting by an Ohio sheriff's deputy of a Black man whose family says that he was holding not a gun, but a sandwich, and that he was shot in front of two toddlers and his grandmother while inside his home, not outside it, as authorities assert.

The office of U.S. Attorney David M. DeVillers in Ohio said Tuesday that it would step in — along with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, the FBI in Cincinnati and the Columbus police — after the state attorney general's office declined to investigate the shooting of Casey Goodson Jr., 23, because it said the police department didn't ask soon enough.

“My grandson just got shot in the back when he came in the house,” Goodson’s grandmother told a dispatcher Friday, according to 911 recordings obtained by The Associated Press. “I don’t know if he’s OK.”

Goodson had just gone to the dentist, she told the dispatcher, and she didn’t know what had happened or who shot him.

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office first reported Friday the fatal shooting of a man that day on the north side of Columbus. The case was given to city police because the Sheriff's Office does not oversee investigations of its own deputies in fatal shootings, and the police department did not release such details as the names of Goodson and the deputy who shot him until Sunday.

Since then, Goodson’s relatives and law enforcement officials have given conflicting details. Visible evidence of the events is lacking because the Sheriff’s Office does not provide officers with body cameras, and the deputy’s SWAT vehicle did not have a dash-mounted camera.

The deputy, Jason Meade, a 17-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office, had been assigned to a U.S. Marshals Office fugitive task force. The task force had just finished an unsuccessful search for a fugitive Friday afternoon when Goodson, who was not the suspect, drove by and waved a gun at Meade, according to U.S. Marshal Peter Tobin.

Meade confronted him outside Goodson’s vehicle in front of the man’s home, Tobin said.

One witness heard Meade command Goodson to drop his gun, and when he didn’t, the deputy shot him, Tobin said. Goodson was taken to a hospital, where he died.

But attorneys for Goodson’s family say that he was shot while walking in his home, and that his grandmother and two toddlers, who were not his own children, witnessed the shooting.

Tobin’s narrative leaves out “key details that raise cause for extreme concern,” the attorneys’ statement reads, including the object Goodson was holding. Police say it was a gun that was later recovered from the scene; Goodson's family says he was holding a Subway sandwich.

“At this point, witness testimony and physical evidence raise serious concerns about why Casey was even confronted, let alone why he was shot dead while entering his own home,” the lawyers added.

Even if Goodson had been carrying a gun, the statement read, he had a license to do so.

The Sheriff’s Office and a police union declined to comment on behalf of Meade.

Mayor Andrew Ginther had sought Monday to send the probe to the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation, which the attorney general's office oversees, to ensure “another layer of independence." Protests in Columbus and elsewhere over the police killings of George Floyd in Minnesota and Breonna Taylor in Kentucky included, among other things, criticism of law enforcement officers investigating their own.

But the bureau declined to take the case because it believed Columbus police should have called for help immediately, according to the office of Attorney General Dave Yost, a Republican.

“Three days later after the crime scene has been dismantled” and witnesses have dispersed “does not work,” a spokesperson for Yost said in a statement Monday night.

On Tuesday, DeVillers' office made the announcement that it would work with other agencies to “review the facts and circumstances” of Goodson's shooting and “take appropriate action if the evidence indicates any federal civil rights laws were violated.”

Meade’s personnel file shows that he is a former Marine who received small arms training before joining the Sheriff's Office, and that he has had a generally good performance.

Two missteps stand out: In March 2019, he was reprimanded for misusing a stun gun on a suspect and failing to notify his supervisor of his use of force. And in September 2007, the Sheriff's Office prohibited Meade from having contact with inmates but did not disclose what conduct prompted it.

12-10-20  06:51am - 1380 days #6
LKLK (0)
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This is terrible news.
Trump, as Commander-In-Chief, still has the ability to send US Armed Forces to arrest Barack Obama, the Fake President who was born in Africa and should never have entered the White House.
But now Obama is joking that if Trump does not leave the White House on his own, the Navy SEALS can drag him out.

That is no way to speak about a sitting president.
We must respect Trump, and honor him for his good deeds.
Long live Donald Trump, the most honest, bravest, intelligentest president the US has ever had.

President Barack Obama is done playing nice. Last night, the 44th president sat down with Jimmy Kimmel to discuss his new memoir, A Promised Land, his marriage, and, of course, President Trump’s refusal to concede to Joe Biden. Obama was quick to throw shade at Trump’s administration, explaining that “there seems to be some lag” in the White House’s information system, and he even offered an idea for how to remove Trump on January 20, should he refuse to leave: “Well, I think we can always send the Navy SEALS in there to dig him out,” he joked.

“Do you feel that when you congratulated Biden and Sen. Harris that you were premature in doing that?” asked Kimmel with a knowing smile. “No,” replied a chuckling Obama. “I thought I was right on time.”

“The communication system in the White House used to be better. It was real time,” he said, referencing Trump’s insistence that he won the election, despite news outlets across the country calling the race for Biden. “There were a lot of computers there that actually tell you what is going on around the world.”

When Kimmel asked if there are places in the White House where “someone could hide if, say, they were going to be removed,” such as a “cubbyhole” or secret hallway, Obama let out another long laugh before suggesting that the Navy SEALS could be up to the task. At the rate things are going, they just might have to.

Obama added that he’s “already called [Biden] ‘Mr. President-Elect” and he stressed his former VP’s ability to heal the nation. “He knows the job. He understands the gravity of it,” he told Kimmel. “He will hit the ground running, most importantly with respect to how to deal with this pandemic.”

“I wish the transition was going better, because we lose time during these crises,” added Obama. “When I came in, we were in the middle of a big crisis, the financial crisis. George W. Bush, he and I obviously had big policy differences, but he’s a good man, he’s a patriot. And he ordered everybody on his team to work seamlessly with us on the transition. Could not have been more gracious, could not have been more helpful. And that actually helped us be able to get a head start on trying to stem what could have been a great depression instead of a great recession.”

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