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07-19-09  06:14pm - 5709 days #101
GCode (0)
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If anyone is familiar with Mike Judge (Simpsons, Office Space, Idiocracy), he is coming out with a new comedy called Extract which looks pretty good. I've always found his sense of humor to be the same type as mine, so I'm looking forward to it.

Wikipedia info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extract_(film) Sexted From My iPad

07-19-09  08:12pm - 5708 days #102
lk2fireone (0)
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GCode, probably better to use the link to Mike Judge at wikipedia instead of a link to "extract". The extract link leads to an article about the chemical process of extraction of flavors, not about Mike Judge's upcoming comedy. :)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Judge Edited on Jul 19, 2009, 08:37pm

07-19-09  08:47pm - 5708 days #103
GCode (0)
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Oh goodness you are right, I think the parentheses in the link screwed up the whole thing. Thanks for catching that. I've seen people link to pages on the forum using a word but you click on the word and it has a hyperlink but I'm not sure how to do that so I just copy and pasted. Sexted From My iPad

07-20-09  09:56am - 5708 days #104
lk2fireone (0)
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Not precisely an upcoming movie for 2009, but a comment on the current popularity of vampires today. There are popular TV shows and movies featuring new-age vampires that are different from the traditional vampire we all grew up with. The older vampire were supposed to be dangerous and sexy. The new vampires are supposed to be even sexier. The traditional vampires could only bite the female (for Anne Rice, female and the male) lover on the neck or wherever. Other than that, the traditional vampire couldn't really get it up: He was as dead down there as he was dead otherwise. The new-age vampire can get it up. The twilight vampires sparkle in the sun. Some of the new-age vampires even wear condoms, or that's what I've read.
The first vampire convention, called Vampire-Con, (probably fake vampires, not the real undead) will be held August 14th-16th, 2009, in Hollywood, CA., with a vampire-film festival, panel discussions, and what-not.

07-20-09  11:05am - 5708 days #105
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:46pm

07-20-09  05:14pm - 5708 days #106
lk2fireone (0)
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After reading pat362's short review of the new Harry Potter movie, and Wittyguy's review of the same movie, which reads like a review of an entirely different movie, I am now much more comfortable in giving my site reviews any score I want. If other people review the same site that I do and give it a different score, that's their personal opinion, no matter how much "factual" data they give to support their score. Scores are really based on personal opinion, in spite of the idea many members have that their score is based on real facts and the TRUTH (their opinion). Edited on Jul 20, 2009, 05:43pm

07-20-09  06:16pm - 5708 days #107
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I saw the new Harry Potter movie and I really enjoyed it. The director did an excellent job of incorperating some key elements from the book and adding some new stuff The pacing was escellent. There wasn't any time that I looked at my watch and that's pretty good for a 2:30 movie. This is my seond favorite Harry Potter movie after The Goblet of Fire.

This is probably my second favorite after the next one. They've got me in that mode of "more, more, more". They're damned good movies.

07-20-09  06:23pm - 5708 days #108
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:46pm

07-20-09  07:01pm - 5708 days #109
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

After reading pat362's short review of the new Harry Potter movie, and Wittyguy's review of the same movie, which reads like a review of an entirely different movie, I am now much more comfortable in giving my site reviews any score I want. If other people review the same site that I do and give it a different score, that's their personal opinion, no matter how much "factual" data they give to support their score. Scores are really based on personal opinion, in spite of the idea many members have that their score is based on real facts and the TRUTH (their opinion).

I think you should always give the score you think the site is worth afterall it is your opinion. Since you're an honest reviewer then the score and the review will make sense. Of course if I ever see you give a score of 100 to a site and then you write all cons then I'll just think you've gone nuts.

I watch movies for the enjoyment they bring me. The ones I love the most are those that take me away from the real world. Movies with the "based on a true story" do not appeal to me whatsoever. If I want something like that then I'll watch a documentary.

If I read wittyguys comment correctly then the latest Harry Potter movie is as good as The Empire Strikes Back.
Of course don't hold me to that statement Long live the Brown Coats.

07-21-09  12:23am - 5707 days #110
lk2fireone (0)
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Iron Man 2 is coming in 2010.

Geez, I'm old enough to where I remember 2001 A Space Odyssey back in the 1960s, and thought that was a great picture (great visuals by Stanley Kubrick, with not a whole lot of story, but the music and the visuals just blew you away watching that in the movie theater.

And now we're already in 2009, and 2001 A Space Odyssey was over 40 years ago.

OK, Iron Man 2 with Robert Downey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson.

That's a lot of big names in one movie.

Hope it's as good as Iron Man 1.

07-21-09  06:04pm - 5707 days #111
PinkPanther (0)
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I remember going to see 2001: A Space Odyssey - and being completely fucking confused. I was way too young to know what the fuck that movie was trying to do. As much as I think Kubrick was a great director, he's not a director that I like all that well - his style, in most films, was just way too detached for my tastes. Sometimes the actor overcame the detachment - Jack Nicholson in The Shining, for example - Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange - but a lot of his films had no "heat" to them and are interesting as set pieces, but not fun to watch - sit down with Barry Lyndon and I'll give you $1 if you can make it through that sucker without rushing to clean your sock drawer or something.

Kubrick is like the polar opposite of Quentin Tarantino, who is all about entertaining the audience, even if it's during a long dialogue scene.

07-21-09  06:42pm - 5707 days #112
pat362 (0)
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I don't beliee that I have ever watched 2001 from beginning to end in one sitting. I'm sure that I've seen the complete movie but that's only because it's played so many time over the years. There is no denying that it's a sci-fi movie or that visually it's great.
It may be the book it's based on was so complex that there was no way to bring it to the screen. I just think that it's a visually & auditory masterpiece. I still reel at the complexity of the story but I can't deny the cinematic achievement. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-21-09  06:57pm - 5707 days #113
lk2fireone (0)
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Kubrick is all about your mind-set or what you are expecting or appreciate.

I saw both 2001: A Space Odyssey and Barry Lyndon in the movies, and thoroughly enjoyed them as visual spectacle. Neither one had that much of a story as far as I was concerned, it was more about watching the beautiful images (costumes, colors, etc.) that were on the screen.
Some people might have thought the stories of these movies were enjoyable, but I thought the plots were minor compared to the lush visual images, and the soundtrack, especially for 2001.

I have watched both of these movies on DVD, and was thoroughly bored. I've changed, the visuals don't thrill me like I dimly remember from the time back in the 1960s-1970s that I saw them originally. Neither picture had a story that interested me that much, but that is personal taste.

I grew up on science fiction, read it as a pre-teenager, had already read the Arthur Clarke stories that 2001 was based on, none of the ideas was new or fresh to me. The evil robot wasn't the first time the idea had been presented, that had already been covered many times in written fiction before then.

Quentin Tarantino is much easier for me to enjoy today than Stanley Kubrick. Tarantino is not only strong visuals, but excitement, mindless violence, lovely dialog, etc. etc. Sometimes he even throws in a fabulous woman like Uma Thurman to look at.

07-21-09  07:04pm - 5707 days #114
lk2fireone (0)
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Blades of Glory is not an upcoming new release, but a movie that's already on DVD. This is an inspirational movie that tells of how a couple (Will Ferrell and Jon Heder) are able to overcome the challenges of life, that determination and love and honor are the basic building blocks to a better life where God and people can be served. Especially relevant is the end of the movie, where this God fearing couple soar into the sky in an incredibly poignant moment of hope and glory and love.

Recommended for all sports fans and lovers of true romance.

Please park your expectations outside if you watch this movie on DVD. Otherwise, those ideas might get in the way of your enjoyment of this spiritually uplifting film. I saw the movie on DVD today, and, because I was not expecting that much, actually liked watching it.

07-21-09  07:21pm - 5707 days #115
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Blades of Glory is not an upcoming new release, but a movie that's already on DVD. This is an inspirational movie that tells of how a couple (Will Ferrell and Jon Heder) are able to overcome the challenges of life, that determination and love and honor are the basic building blocks to a better life where God and people can be served. Especially relevant is the end of the movie, where this God fearing couple soar into the sky in an incredibly poignant moment of hope and glory and love.

Recommended for all sports fans and lovers of true romance.

Please park your expectations outside if you watch this movie on DVD. Otherwise, those ideas might get in the way of your enjoyment of this spiritually uplifting film. I saw the movie on DVD today, and, because I was not expecting that much, actually liked watching it.

You found this movie spiritually uplifting? I put it in my "I probably would have enjoyed it more if I'd been really fucking stoned" category. Will Farrell has done some funny stuff, but more often than not, he, like the vast majority of SNL veterans, thinks he is way cuter and funnier than I think he is.

07-21-09  07:33pm - 5707 days #116
GCode (0)
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Agreed 100%. Will Ferrel is 10x more annoying and repetitive than he is funny. Step Brothers was great but out of everything else he's done, it is the same character and jokes with a different job title. But, people must really enjoy this 'character' a lot because he does the same thing everytime and people still watch it. So, I guess he's doing something right to keep a fan base. However, to me, doing the over the top character with some type of job just gets old quick :( Sexted From My iPad

07-21-09  07:41pm - 5707 days #117
lk2fireone (0)
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My sister used to say that if you were drunk and watched Johnny Carson or David Letterman, they were much funnier.

As for Blades of Glory, if you aren't expecting that much from the movie, it's easier to enjoy what there is. It's certainly not the best that Will Ferrell has done.
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby was funnier.

I was trying to make a joke (not very good, I admit) about spirtually uplifting. The ending where Ferrell and Heder soar into the sky is a not-very-good take-off on the upbeat endings of Hollywood movies.

There were enjoyable moments in the movie.

I agree, though, if you were totally stoned or totally plastered, the movie would probably be more enjoyable. But at my age, if I have a few drinks of alcohol, I tend to fall asleep, instead of getting pleasantly happy.

07-28-09  06:57pm - 5700 days #118
GCode (0)
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Anyone see the trailer for 'District 9'? Looks like a movie about aliens who get stranded here, we set up an area for them to live, but mistreat them harshy and they fight back with some humans on their side. Not sure if that's a correct synopsis, but that's what I got from the trailer. Anyways, looks like it may be interesting. I guess Peter Jackson produced it if that means anything to anyone. Sexted From My iPad

07-28-09  07:11pm - 5700 days #119
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by GCode:

Anyone see the trailer for 'District 9'? Looks like a movie about aliens who get stranded here, we set up an area for them to live, but mistreat them harshy and they fight back with some humans on their side. Not sure if that's a correct synopsis, but that's what I got from the trailer. Anyways, looks like it may be interesting. I guess Peter Jackson produced it if that means anything to anyone.

I've seen a couple of trailers for it and your description appears correct. It looks interesting but I'll have to do some more research before I decide to see it when it comes out.

I don't know if you have seen the new trailer/promo video for the upcoming Tron Legacy movie? That looks really good. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-28-09  07:17pm - 5700 days #120
GCode (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I've seen a couple of trailers for it and your description appears correct. It looks interesting but I'll have to do some more research before I decide to see it when it comes out.

I don't know if you have seen the new trailer/promo video for the upcoming Tron Legacy movie? That looks really good.

wow is is tron as in the old movie with the adventure inside the game with the bright lights? If it is, I might actually be quite interested in it. Any big names planning to star in it? They could actually probably get Jeff Bridges again huh? I'm gonna go look up the movie now. Sexted From My iPad

07-28-09  10:46pm - 5699 days #121
biker (0)
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Films have been poor the last couple of years. I see movie about two or three times a year instead of once a month.

The new Star Trek movie was not bad. I just had to tell myself that William Shatner was not going to play Captain Kirk. With that in mind I was able to watch it.

But in truth that last films I saw that I really enjoyed were the "Kill Bill" series. I had just the right amount of action in it with a evil sense of humour.

And I also enjoyed "Momento". I saw it mentioned in an earlier post and had to acknowledge my pleasure in seeing this film. Warning Will Robinson

07-28-09  10:54pm - 5699 days #122
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:46pm

07-29-09  01:07am - 5699 days #123
lk2fireone (0)
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Tron was so long ago I barely remember it. But if you think Jeff Bridges is a bad actor, I think you're being overly harsh. In my opinion, he is one of the best actors of his generation. Actually, I just checked imdb, and that shows he was nominated for 4 Oscars. So apparently I'm not the only one who thinks he's good.

On the other hand, I don't put a whole lot of weight in an Oscar, but they can sure give a boost to an actor's paycheck and career.

07-29-09  07:06pm - 5699 days #124
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by GCode:

wow is is tron as in the old movie with the adventure inside the game with the bright lights? If it is, I might actually be quite interested in it. Any big names planning to star in it? They could actually probably get Jeff Bridges again huh? I'm gonna go look up the movie now.

The only confirmed actor to return is Jeff Brdiges, but Bruce Boxleitner is rumored to be in it. In case you don't ususally visit Ain't it cool news then I added a link below for the railer. This was showna comi-con just recently. It may or may not be in the finish product but regardless of that. You get a very good idea of the visuals. I'm too geeky not to be thrilled about this upcoming movie.

http://www.aintitcool.com/node/41813 Long live the Brown Coats.

07-29-09  07:10pm - 5699 days #125
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I'm sort of wondering about the new Tarantino movie, Inglorious Bastards. One hand it seems like a rip off the Dirty Dozen and several similar rogue GI turned Nazi killler flicks from the past. On the other, it is Tarantino and it has Brad Pitt (not that I find his work that interesting, it's just that he's an A List star so you figure there has to be something to the movie). I sort of have a gut feeling that is going to be more like the Reservour Dogs movie which was more about brutality and violence than intriguing plot. In other words, I think that movie might be more aptly titled Hitler's Grindhouse.

I'd have to agree with you on the similarity between quentin's new movie and the original Dirty Dozen. Who knows maybe it's an hommage to them. It's certainly will contain a significant amount of blood. I just re-watched both Kill Bill so I known Quentin likes his blood. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-30-09  10:52am - 5698 days #126
GCode (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

The only confirmed actor to return is Jeff Brdiges, but Bruce Boxleitner is rumored to be in it. In case you don't ususally visit Ain't it cool news then I added a link below for the railer. This was showna comi-con just recently. It may or may not be in the finish product but regardless of that. You get a very good idea of the visuals. I'm too geeky not to be thrilled about this upcoming movie.


I had no idea it was going to be animated. From the trailer the visuals look nice and it has sparked my interest so far. Sexted From My iPad

07-30-09  11:53pm - 5697 days #127
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I'd have to agree with you on the similarity between quentin's new movie and the original Dirty Dozen. Who knows maybe it's an hommage to them. It's certainly will contain a significant amount of blood. I just re-watched both Kill Bill so I known Quentin likes his blood.

I am afraid it's a remake of an Italian film from 1978, which itself was a sort of homage to "The Dirty Dozen". So now he's now longer stealing -- I mean paying homage to -- his favorite films, but instead just outright remaking them. Hey, it's easier than thinking up a whole new story. Frankly I got tired of Tarantino in the late '90s, or at least I later realized I had after I saw the first "Kill Bill".

And I also got tired of new WWII films, and almost all new war films in general, since Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan" was released a few months later. It's not a terrible film by any means, but definitely far from my favorite film, or even favorite war film, and not even close to the unquestionably great masterpiece that everyone seems so determined to defend it as. (This also was around the time of the birth of that bullshit term "Greatest Generation," so anything short of absolutely loving the movie has been tantamount to blasphemy.) "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

07-31-09  06:54pm - 5697 days #128
lk2fireone (0)
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Two ideas whose time has come:

There is a web site that advises you when to break during a movie for your bathroom needs.

There is a different web site that will be available that will tell you where the nearest restroom is.

When I was growing up, I had to find these things on my own. But with the Internet, life has been made simple.

Is the article below important enough that I should have started my own thread, that people could find it more easily, or is it OK to put it in this 2009 Upcoming Movie thread, where people who are going to the movies will more likely run across these helpful sites?



Web site helps time mid-movie bathroom breaks

By JAKE COYLE, AP Entertainment Writer Jake Coyle, Ap Entertainment Writer - 2 hrs 17 mins ago

NEW YORK - The mid-movie dash to the restroom can turn us into calculating Usain Bolt wannabes: Ah, this looks like a lull -- time to dash.

When we return to our seats, we pray the answer to "What did I miss?" isn't "Darth Vader is really Luke's father" or "the girlfriend is really a guy."

The Web site RunPee.com can help with such anxious guess work.

The site provides recommended opportunities to race to the restroom. It tells you when the action or romance wanes, and gives you a cue ("Baby O.J. is taken from Bruno") for your exit.

The site tells you how long you've got and even summarizes what you missed. Since early July, RunPee.com is available as an iPhone app, too.

Launched last August, RunPee took off earlier this summer. It's been one of the season's runaway hits -- a clever idea that has spawned a lot of word-of-mouth from moviegoers.

"Helping your bladder enjoy going to the movies as much as you do," the site boasts.

It was created by Dan Florio, a 42-year-old Flash developer who got the idea during the three-hour-plus "King Kong" remake in 2005.

Florio, who lives in Orlando, Fla., with his wife, does everything for the site, though he gets some help from his wife and his mother. He's become a regular opening day attendee of movies, busily taking notes in the back row.

On Friday, he's planning a double-feature of "Funny People" -- which runs nearly 2 1/2 hours -- and "Aliens in the Attic."

"I never intended to refocus my energies on this," says Florio. "And I never thought that I'd be seeing every single movie that comes out, either."

The site averages 3,000-6,000 visitors a day, Florio says. The iPhone app is available on iTunes for $1. It's not a huge moneymaker (Florio estimates he'll make $800 this month) but is providing him a little extra cash.

He believes that not only do moviegoers benefit from the service, but theater owners do, too.

"Lots and lots of people comment: `Ah! I can get that 64-ounce drink now!'" Florio says.

Florio designed the site to be wiki-based with break times submitted by users, but it's turned out that he's done most of the work. Finding the right moments and recording the correct time is more work than it might sound -- most moviegoers leave their stopwatches at home.

"It's not fun," says Florio. "I would literally have to pay someone to do this."

Generally, the better the movie is, the harder it is to find a break. The 96-minute "Up," for example, is one film where no bathroom break is advisable. But there are suggested options -- after all, movies that children flock to are the kind where bathroom breaks are often unavoidable.

There are, of course, limits to the usefulness of RunPee. But it's also found friends in cyberspace like WhereToWee.com, a site in the works that tells you where the nearest restroom is.

07-31-09  07:54pm - 5697 days #129
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I am afraid it's a remake of an Italian film from 1978, which itself was a sort of homage to "The Dirty Dozen". So now he's now longer stealing -- I mean paying homage to -- his favorite films, but instead just outright remaking them. Hey, it's easier than thinking up a whole new story. Frankly I got tired of Tarantino in the late '90s, or at least I later realized I had after I saw the first "Kill Bill".

And I also got tired of new WWII films, and almost all new war films in general, since Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan" was released a few months later. It's not a terrible film by any means, but definitely far from my favorite film, or even favorite war film, and not even close to the unquestionably great masterpiece that everyone seems so determined to defend it as. (This also was around the time of the birth of that bullshit term "Greatest Generation," so anything short of absolutely loving the movie has been tantamount to blasphemy.)

I don't mind if a director steals material from anywhere he wants. He isn't the first or last one to do that. I judge the finish product. To be honest, I'm not a big Tarantino fan. I've only seen Kill Bill 1 & 2 and Pulp Fiction. Only the first 2 do I own and enjoy.

I've seen Saving Private Ryan once on TV and although I appreciate the talent that went in making it. Once was plenty. I won't argue whether it's more real than most other war movies. My idea of good war movies are those old school ones: Where Eagles Dare, Mosquito Squadron, and quite a few others. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-31-09  11:58pm - 5696 days #130
turboshaft (0)
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I prefer his earlier work, which seems more original (okay, "Reservoir Dogs" is basically a modern update of Stanley Kubrick's "The Killing," but I still like it), but I really can't stand either of the Kill Bills. I don't know if the style just overwhelms me more than the characters and the story, but I really think it's all show and no depth.

One of the films that was a big inspiration for Kill Bill, particularly Uma Thurman's Bride character, was a 1974 Swedish film called "Thriller: A Cruel Picture." It's about a teenage girl forced into prostitution who eventually uses her free time and her earnings to buy weapons, learn martial arts, and eventually get bloody and slow motion revenge on her pimp (no, that's the real plot). I saw it on DVD last year; it's pretty slow (too much slow motion) but plenty violent, sexually graphic, and the influence on the Kill Bill films is obvious. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-01-09  12:11am - 5696 days #131
turboshaft (0)
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RunPee sounds like a good idea for the casual moviegoer, but my philosophy is that real movie fans don't take bathroom breaks, dammnit! Okay, I'm not old enough to need Flomax yet, nor do I buy my drinks by the half gallon, so it's easy for me to criticize, but I'm not paying this guy even a dollar to tell me when to use the bathroom (or someone else to tell me where) -- I thought that was the girlfriend or wife's job.

With these URLs, I wonder if either of them had to buy the domain names from a porn company? ;) "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-02-09  09:08am - 5695 days #132
lk2fireone (0)
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turboshaft, you have both a girlfriend and a wife? How do they get along together? Lol.

By the way, I take furosemide (lasix), a diuretic. Normally I can watch an entire movie with no breaks. But when I saw Knowing with Nicolas Cage at a movie theater, I missed the end because I just couldn't wait any longer. The older you get, the more your body can start to wear out, which gives you something to look forward to. Enjoy your youth while you can.

08-06-09  09:16am - 5691 days #133
lk2fireone (0)
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Film and performance critics can be aggressive. Do we want PU reviewers to behave that way?

French star Deneuve booed at Italy performance

August 06, 2009

The Associated Press

ROME - French actress Catherine Deneuve was booed during a stage performance in Italy by people demanding a refund.

Deneuve, 65, and Italian actor Michele Placido performed a reading in French and Italian at the cultural festival in Marina di Pietrasanta, Tuscany, which was greeted by whistles and boos, the ANSA news agency said Thursday.

Police had to intervene to calm down about 200 people shouting, "Thieves. We want our money back," ANSA said. Organizers responded by offering free tickets to another show at the La Versiliana festival as compensation, the news agency said.

ANSA said Deneuve declined to comment, while Placido, who also is a director, downplayed Wednesday's incident.

"These things happen," he told SkyTg24 TV channel. Placido also suggested it might have been "a mistake" to have Deneuve read her part in French without subtitles.

The two actors performed a reading from George Perec's book "Je me souviens" (I Remember) -- a recollection of memories from postwar decades accompanied by music.

Deneuve was nominated for an Oscar for her role in 1992's "Indochine."

08-06-09  02:22pm - 5691 days #134
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

turboshaft, you have both a girlfriend and a wife? How do they get along together? Lol.

Definitely not, but I was just trying to be as inclusive as possible for PUers (but I forgot to include myself, as I have neither). If I had both I would probably be at the movies just to get away from them, therefore I would have to decide when to go, if I needed to. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-06-09  06:18pm - 5691 days #135
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

RunPee sounds like a good idea for the casual moviegoer, but my philosophy is that real movie fans don't take bathroom breaks, dammnit! Okay, I'm not old enough to need Flomax yet, nor do I buy my drinks by the half gallon, so it's easy for me to criticize, but I'm not paying this guy even a dollar to tell me when to use the bathroom (or someone else to tell me where) -- I thought that was the girlfriend or wife's job.

With these URLs, I wonder if either of them had to buy the domain names from a porn company? ;)

REAL men sorry I mean moviegoers hold it in until the end of the movie. That's how we distinguish the amateurs from the professionals. I sat through Titanic without going to the bathroom and I had to go at about the mid mark. I was so damn glad when Leonardo finally sank under the water that I almost cheered. I didn't because I suspect that all the 12yrs old girls in the theater would have torn me to pieces. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-07-09  11:30pm - 5689 days #136
turboshaft (0)
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Well, maybe instead of running to the bathroom, we just relieved ourselves through our tears of sorrow (of realizing we were watching "Titanic"), joy (Yea! Topless Kate Winslet!), more sorrow (such a long movie), and finally, more joy (Yea! Leo/Jack is dead!). "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-07-09  11:37pm - 5689 days #137
turboshaft (0)
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I am surprised no one has mentioned it here, or started a new thread (please do, if someone feels it's appropriate), but writer and director John Hughes has died. He's probably best known for directing "The Breakfast Club," "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," "Sixteen Candles," and writing "Home Alone." "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-17-09  10:42am - 5680 days #139
mbaya (0)

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Has anyone seen District 9? Is it up to the level of Peter Jackson's other films?

08-20-09  07:51pm - 5677 days #140
PinkPanther (0)
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I've heard good things about District 9, though I haven't seen it. Being a huge Tarantino fan, I'm looking forward to seeing his new one tomorrow - A Jews vs Nazis revenge flick - I love it!

08-23-09  09:53am - 5674 days #141
pat362 (0)
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I saw GI Joe last night and I'd suggest you wait for the DVD. This is another one of those popular saturday cartoon made into a movie but where the people involved have no idea what it was about. The only thing this has in common with the cartoon are the character's name. I knew I was in trouble when the first 5 minutes are waisted in introducing the faith of one of the main charatcers. I'm still scratching my head why it was done wsince it added nothing to the story except as a reason for the first target of the bad guy. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-23-09  07:15pm - 5674 days #142
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I saw GI Joe last night and I'd suggest you wait for the DVD. This is another one of those popular saturday cartoon made into a movie but where the people involved have no idea what it was about. The only thing this has in common with the cartoon are the character's name. I knew I was in trouble when the first 5 minutes are waisted in introducing the faith of one of the main charatcers. I'm still scratching my head why it was done wsince it added nothing to the story except as a reason for the first target of the bad guy.

There was an article somewhere (I can't remember where) about how Hasbro realized that it was missing out on the merchandising dollars from having films based on their products - so they started putting a lot of energy into that, lining up top-tier producers and directors, etc - so you had Transformers and its sequel and you've got GI Joe and you'll have a lot of other stuff to help Hasbro rake in the merchandise dollars - that's why this was made.

08-23-09  08:08pm - 5673 days #143
turboshaft (0)
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I read a great article today pointing out the many challenges of modern Hollywood films, and why brain-dead blockbusters have been flooding the theaters and why somewhat medium-budgeted dramas are becoming scarce. Many of the things users have already pointed out are mentioned, such as grossly overpaid stars, increasing DVD competition, and films with enormous budgets that require a lot of work to turn a decent profit. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-23-09  08:08pm - 5673 days #144
lk2fireone (0)
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I saw GI Joe today and could hardly believe how stupid it was. Stephen Sommers, the director, did the first two Mummy movies. At least those pictures had some plot to them. GI Joe was just a bunch of guys fighting and things exploding and it was hard to care about anything that happened to any of the characters. The only good thing was that we now have a new President of the United States, who is a secret villain. This movie should have come out when Bushie was still in office, because then it would have given us hope that things would get better before the next election. But now that Bushie is history, do we really need a villain in his office to give us hope? I say, let's give Obama a chance before we start rooting for a replacement for him as well.

08-24-09  07:20pm - 5673 days #145
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

There was an article somewhere (I can't remember where) about how Hasbro realized that it was missing out on the merchandising dollars from having films based on their products - so they started putting a lot of energy into that, lining up top-tier producers and directors, etc - so you had Transformers and its sequel and you've got GI Joe and you'll have a lot of other stuff to help Hasbro rake in the merchandise dollars - that's why this was made.

I don't know if they got the go ahead but I know that they were planning a Monopoly and a Battleship movie as well.
How Fucking stupid do you have to be to come up with both of these turds as good movie concepts? Long live the Brown Coats.

08-24-09  07:30pm - 5673 days #146
pat362 (0)
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There was an article last week on the reason why movies are doing so poorly at the box office. It's not because the movie's action sequences are filmed at such a high frame rate that you had a brain aneurysm an hour in. It's not because the scripts are awful. It's not because the director couldn't direct himself out of a box. It' not because producers took a look at every possible product placement possible before they started filming. No, it's none of these things. Yes, you all knew it...It's Twitter. That evil piece of technology is destroying Hollywood.

Sure, Twitter will end the year with around 12 million users, or roughly 7 percent of total people on the internet, many of them barely touching the service, according to an analysis by eMarketer. But Twitter is buzzy and trendy, lending it a certain authority when placed at the focal point of a spin campaign. "Twitter can't be stopped," a Weinstein marketer tells the Washington Post. "People will be Twittering during the opening credits," adds the president of Magnolia Pictures. "It's never been this easy to be this influential," says a guy who helped promote a Disney movie. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-24-09  07:35pm - 5673 days #147
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

The only good thing was that we now have a new President of the United States, who is a secret villain. This movie should have come out when Bushie was still in office, because then it would have given us hope that things would get better before the next election. But now that Bushie is history, do we really need a villain in his office to give us hope? I say, let's give Obama a chance before we start rooting for a replacement for him as well.

That plot line was by far the funniest part of the entire movie. I'm Canadian and even I know that the President has to be born in the US. Something the people involve in this movie did not know about because they got Jonathan Price to play the President. His British Accent kind of stuck out. Mind you if GI Joe's secret base can be deep undeground in Egypt, then I guess it makes sense for the President to be British. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-25-09  03:27pm - 5672 days #148
lk2fireone (0)
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Jennifer's Body, new movie coming out September 18, 2009. Film stars two attractive leading women, Megan Fox (Transformers) and Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia). Horror movie rated R for sexuality, violence, language. The preview clips are on Yahoo already. The preview clips make the movie look like a low-budget horror movie, a cheapie with not a lot of sense or class. Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox are both 23 years old, and they are playing girls in high school. The girls are both gorgeous, but the previews look really stupid. Both girls are rising actresses, really hot at the moment (Megan Fox from Transformers, Amanda Seyfried from Mamma Mia), and you would think they would be in a classy horror film or some other movie with solid money behind it, and this movie just looks cheap and stupid. A disappointment, I was hoping for something better. I'll wait for this on DVD, or maybe skip it altogether.

08-25-09  03:52pm - 5672 days #149
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Being a huge Tarantino fan, I'm looking forward to seeing his new one tomorrow - A Jews vs Nazis revenge flick - I love it!

Are you going to keep it a secret what you thought about the Tarantino flic? Worth seeing at the movies (which is kind of expensive), better to wait for DVD, or skip it altogether?

08-25-09  05:31pm - 5672 days #150
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Are you going to keep it a secret what you thought about the Tarantino flic? Worth seeing at the movies (which is kind of expensive), better to wait for DVD, or skip it altogether?

Well, I would have to say that I'm conflicted about it. It is a full-on revenge flick in the sense of grungy Italian/Mexican revenge flicks - down and dirty - perhaps the most thoroughly perverse major motion picture aside from a slasher film since Blue Velvet - and it has my brain flipping back and forth between "Oh, that's good" and "Is it?" As a Jew, though a thoroughly non-religious one, a Jews-vs-Nazis down-and-dirty revenge flick has it's primal attraction - and I was howling out loud in the theater when Eli Roth was machine gunning lots and lots of Nazis and Nazi-lovers. There's something fucking great about Tarantino making a gift to his friend of being able to fulfill that fantasy and Eli Roth was LOVING it! It's a fascinating and confusing film at a deep moral level - on the level of film - hey, if you want to see a major motion picture down-and-dirty Jews-vs-Nazis revenge flick, now's your chance.

I love Tarantino's movies - including his attraction for excess dialogue. He writes dialogue that's fun to listen to and he casts actors that are fun to watch. Brad Pitt doing a bad-actor gig is wonderful to watch - and it's great to see another Tarantino character with a huge unexplained scar.

I'm glad I went - and I'm sure I'll buy the DVD when it comes out too.

08-28-09  01:14pm - 5669 days #151
lk2fireone (0)
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I find it mildly surprising that so few PU members are going to the movies. Based on the responses to this thread, almost no one is willing to spend time or money going out to the movies. Or maybe it's a secret guilty pleasure, and they don't want to report on what they've been doing, but I find that idea doubtful, based on their vocal responses to porn issues.

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