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07-25-19  04:41pm - 1883 days #1451
LKLK (0)
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President Trump says the threat from North Korea is over.
Says his good buddy North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has stopped the missile development program, so the world is safe for democracy.


North Korea fires new type of short-range ballistic missiles
By: Hyung-Jin Kim, The Associated Press   1 day ago

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea fired a new type of short-range ballistic missile in two launches into the sea Thursday, South Korean officials said. They were North Korea’s first weapons launches in more than two months and appeared to be a pressuring tactic as Pyongyang and Washington struggle to restart nuclear negotiations.

The South's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the missiles were fired from near the eastern coastal town of Wonsan and flew about 430 kilometers (270 miles) and 690 kilometers (430 miles) respectively before landing off the country's east coast.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff described both missiles as short-range but didn't elaborate. But after a national security council meeting later Thursday, South Korea's presidential Blue House said the weapons North Korea launched were assessed as "a new kind of short-range ballistic missiles."

North Korea is banned by U.N. Security Council resolutions from engaging in any launch using ballistic technology. So North Korea could face international condemnation over the latest launches. But it's still unlikely for the North, already under 11 rounds of U.N. sanctions, to be hit with fresh punitive measures because the U.N. council has typically imposed new sanctions only when the North conducted long-range ballistic launches, not short-range ballistic launches.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for the swift resumption of working-level talks between the United States and North Korea following the new missile launches.

Gutteres has made it clear "that he views those meetings as a hopeful development — and he's hoped that that will lead to progress towards the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula," said U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq.

A South Korean defense official, requesting anonymity because of department rules, said that an initial analysis showed both missiles were fired from mobile launchers and flew at a maximum altitude of 50 kilometers (30 miles).

The North is unhappy over planned U.S.-South Korean military drills that it says are preparation for an invasion. The missile tests may be meant as a warning to Washington.

They came as many in the United States were focused on testimony before Congress by Robert Mueller, the former special counsel, about his two-year probe into Russian election interference. A day earlier, U.S. national security adviser John Bolton left Seoul after agreeing with South Korean officials to work closely to achieve North Korea's denuclearization.

"North Korea appears to be thinking its diplomacy with the U.S. isn't proceeding in a way that they want. So they've fired missiles to get the table to turn in their favor," said analyst Kim Dae-young at the Korea Research Institute for National Strategy.

But North Korea doesn’t appear to be pulling away from U.S.-led diplomacy aimed at curbing its nuclear program, analysts say. The relatively short distance traveled by the missiles suggests the launches were not intended as a major provocation, unlike a test of a long-range missile capable of reaching the U.S. mainland.

North Korea has been urging the U.S. and South Korea to scrap their summertime military drills. Last week, the North said it may lift its 20-month suspension of nuclear and long-range missile tests in response to the drills. Seoul said Wednesday North Korea was refusing to accept its offer to send 50,000 tons of rice through an international agency to protest the drills.

Some experts say North Korea is trying to get an upper hand ahead of a possible resumption of talks. Pyongyang wants widespread sanctions relief so it can revive its dilapidated economy. U.S. officials demand North Korea first take significant steps toward disarmament before they will relinquish the leverage provided by the sanctions.

A senior U.S. official said the Trump administration was aware of the reported launches. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to provide a response, said the administration had no further comment.

South Korean Defense Ministry spokeswoman Choi Hyunsoo urged Pyongyang to stop acts that are "not helpful to efforts to ease military tensions on the Korean Peninsula."

"If they were ballistic missiles, they violate the U.N. resolutions, and I find it extremely regrettable," Japan's Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya told reporters in Tokyo.

China, the North's last major ally and biggest aid provider, said both Washington and Pyongyang should restart their nuclear diplomacy as soon as possible.

"All parties concerned should cherish the hard-won opportunity for dialogue and the easing of tensions, express goodwill, meet each other halfway and jointly make positive efforts to promote denuclearization," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

It was the first missile launch since Seoul said North Korea fired three short-range missiles off its east coast in early May. At the time, many experts said those missiles strongly resembled the Russian-designed Iskander, a short-range, nuclear-capable ballistic missile that has been in the Russian arsenal for more than a decade.

Analyst Kim Dong-yub at Seoul's Institute for Far Eastern Studies said the latest missiles could be Scud-C ballistic missiles or KN-23 surface-to-surface missiles, a North Korean version of the Iskander.

During a third summit at the Korean border late last month, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed to resume nuclear negotiations that had been deadlocked since their second summit in Vietnam in February. It ended in disagreement over U.S.-led sanctions.

North Korea leader Kim Jong Un has inspected a newly built submarine and ordered officials to further bolster the country's military capability, state media reported Tuesday, as the North is increasing its pressure on the United States ahead of the possible resumption of nuclear diplomacy.
By: Hyung-Jin Kim, The Associated Press

On Tuesday, North Korean state media said Kim inspected a newly built submarine and ordered officials to further bolster the country's military capabilities. The Korean Central News Agency said the submarine's operational deployment "is near at hand."

After analyzing North Korea-dispatched photos of the submarine, experts said it likely has three or more launch tubes for missiles. South Korean government documents say North Korea has about 70 submarines. Most have only torpedo, not missile launch tubes, except for a test platform with a single launch tube the North has used when it fired ballistic missiles in recent years, according to Kim Dae-young, the analyst.

The new submarine suggests North Korea has been increasing its military capability despite nuclear diplomacy that it began with the United States early last year.

The latest launches came amid a flaring of tensions in North Asia after South Korean fighter jets on Tuesday fired warning shots to drive away a Russian reconnaissance plane that Seoul says violated its airspace. Before that alleged intrusion, South Korean military jets scrambled after Russian and Chinese warplanes including the reconnaissance aircraft made an extremely unusual joint entrance into South Korea’s air defense identification zone.

Associated Press writers Deb Riechmann in Washington, Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo, Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations and researcher Liu Zheng in Beijing contributed to this report.

08-08-19  10:08am - 1869 days #1452
LKLK (0)
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President Trump, the man of the people. Stands up for the rights of convicted criminals everywhere.
Says he is seriously thinking of pardoning Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor convicted of federal corruption charges that included efforts to sell former President Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat.

Trump says Rod was treated very unfairly. The ex-governor, who is now in prison for taking bribes, was only trying to make money, which is the same thing Trump tries to do.

Trump 'thinking very seriously' about commuting prison sentence for Rod Blagojevich

David Jackson 4 hrs ago

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump says he may commute the prison sentence of Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor convicted of federal corruption charges that included efforts to sell former President Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat.

Noting that Blagojevich was once a guest on his television program, "The Apprentice," Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One late Wednesday that "I think he was treated very, very unfairly, just as others were."
Blagojevich, who entered federal prison in 2012, is in the middle of a 14-year sentence after being convicted on federal charges of using his powers as governor to extract campaign money and other political favors.
In 2015, a federal appeals court threw out some of the charges related to Blagojevich's attempts to sell an appointment to the Senate job that Obama vacated after he won the 2008 presidential election. The appeals court left the other charges intact.

Trump also suggested he might commute Blagojevich's sentence in May of 2018. A month later, Blagojevich filed paperwork with the Justice Department formally requesting a commutation.
Click to expand

"I am thinking very seriously about commuting his sentence so that he can go home to his family after seven years," Trump said Wednesday. "I’ve been thinking about that for a long time. I thought, from day one — I said, 'Boy, that is really tough stuff.'"
In deriding the length of Blagojevich's sentence, Trump criticized "the gang" around former FBI Director James Comey and "all those sleazebags." But Comey, fired by Trump in 2017 during the investigation of Russian election interference, did not take over the FBI until 2013, the year after Blagojevich went to prison.
Speaking with reporters after a trip to Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, to meet with survivors of mass shootings, Trump cast the prospective commutation of Blagojevich as a bipartisan gesture.
"A man who is a Democrat, not a Republican," Trump said. "Who I don’t know very well, but he was on 'The Apprentice' for a couple of weeks."

08-10-19  10:34am - 1867 days #1453
LKLK (0)
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Donald Trump's administration reveals the truth:
Hilary Clinton was behind the suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier who was in prison on sex charges.

Everyone knows that Bill Clinton is a sex fiend. And that his wife supports Bill's sex crimes.

That's why Donald Trump is such a moral man, who is leading America to become great again, in spite of the hateful, evil legacy of Bill Clinton and Obama that is dragging down many Americans.

August 10, 2019 11:50AM ET
Trump Official Promotes Clinton Conspiracy Theory About Epstein’s Death

Lynne Patton has repeatedly stirred up controversy since joining the federal government
By Andy Kroll
& Peter Wade

Lynne Patton, who works in the Trump administration at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, shared a conspiracy theory on Instagram regarding Jeffrey Epstein's death.

WASHINGTON — A Trump administration official and friend of the Trump family promoted a conspiracy theory about the apparent suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier and friend to the powerful who was in jail facing charges of federal sex trafficking.

Lynne Patton, who works at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, posted a screenshot of a news story about Epstein’s reported suicide. In the caption Patton wrote, “Hillary’d!!” suggesting that Hillary Clinton had played a role in Epstein’s death. Patton also added the hashtag “#VinceFosterPartTwo” which refers to a long-running and baseless conspiracy theory about the tragic suicide of a former lawyer in Bill Clinton’s White House named Vince Foster. HUD did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Jeffrey Epstein & The Clintons
A Jeffrey Epstein-Clinton Conspiracy Theory Was Trending — And That's a Problem
Who Is British Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's Longtime Partner?

Here is Patton’s Instagram post:

Lynne Patton's Instagram post

Patton earned nearly $162,000 in 2017 as an administrator overseeing one of the largest regional offices at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Before joining the Trump administration, she worked as a senior adviser and liaison on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign; before that she worked for eight years as a vice president at Eric Trump’s foundation and as a “senior aide” to the Trump family, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Patton has repeatedly stirred up controversy since joining the federal government, where of course her six-figure salary is paid for by American taxpayers. Most recently, in May, Patton said she shared on both her personal and government Twitter accounts a message that was supportive of her boss, HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, and critical Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

“Just retweeted this amazing tweet from both of my Twitter accounts – professional and personal,” Patton wrote on Facebook. She said that sharing the tweet from her official government “may be a Hatch Act violation” which prohibits federal employees “from engaging in partisan political activity.” “Either way,” Patton wrote, “I honestly don’t care anymore.”

And in 2018, she shared a meme that accused CNN anchor Anderson Cooper of exaggerating the amount of flooding Texas experienced during Hurricane Ike in 2008. “You know it’s sad when even the WEATHER is #FakeNews,” she wrote. “🤬😤 #StayWokeMyFriends.”

Patton gained notoriety when Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) had her stand behind him at a congressional hearing to refute former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s testimony that the president “is a racist.” Meadows said, “I asked Lynne to come today in her personal capacity to actually shed some light. She says that as a daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Ala., that there is no way that she would work for an individual who was racist.” The move drew criticism from Democrats including Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) who said Meadows used Patton as “a prop.”

She also signed an agreement in March to appear on a reality show about Black Republicans that was in early development, saying she had permission from the Trump family. “Look, they know I tend to put my foot in my mouth,” Patton said. “They were a little concerned that maybe with some alcohol I might be a little too freewheeling on a show like this … But they were very supportive.”

Patton posts memes frequently on her Instagram account attacking Democrats and praising Trump. But her most recent post accusing the Clintons of involvement in Epstein’s death is particularly egregious, especially for a Trump administration official.

08-12-19  08:53am - 1865 days #1454
LKLK (0)
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Trump stands firm with polluters and big corporations who will destroy the environment in the name of profits.

Trump tramples the rights of future generations to preserve America. Trump is a lying piece of shit.

Trump just ripped apart the Endangered Species Act.

And the Center will sue to stop him.

Your donation now to the Endangered Species Act Protection Fund will help us win.

Just minutes ago Trump and his Department of the Interior released their final plan to eviscerate the Act, the law that protects wolves, bears, sea turtles, birds and more than 1,700 species across the country.

But now Trump has weakened the law so much that corporate polluters will be able to bulldoze, mine, drill, log and destroy some of the last remaining habitat for polar bears, monarch butterflies, whooping cranes and so many others.

It's exactly the kind of giveaway that corporate, anti-wildlife forces have been after for years — and it comes right as the extinction crisis reaches the point of no return.

We've been battling right-wingers' attempts to destroy the Endangered Species Act for decades, but we've never seen anything like what Trump's administration did today.

08-15-19  01:58pm - 1862 days #1455
LKLK (0)
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Epstein investigation expands, with stakes high for all

Yahoo News
Alexander Nazaryan
Aug 15th 2019 3:43PM

WASHINGTON — Just hours after sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein was found hanged in his lower Manhattan prison cell, the federal government began an investigation into how he managed to kill himself after a failed attempt in late July.

At the very beginning, that investigation was led by the inspector general of the Department of Justice — which oversees the Bureau of Prisons, in whose custody Epstein died — and the FBI.

In the days since, the investigation into Epstein’s death has expanded to include several more federal entities in both Washington and New York, suggesting that Attorney General William Barr is aware his reputation is tethered to the resolution of the Epstein affair.

An official at the Department of Justice who spoke only on the condition of anonymity told Yahoo News that aside from the Justice Department inspector general and the FBI, the investigation into Epstein’s suicide now also includes the Southern District of New York (the federal court in which Epstein would have faced trial), Main Justice (that is, the department’s Washington headquarters), a Bureau of Prisons after-actions team and Bureau of Prisons psychiatric staff equipped to deal with suicide.

The Department of Justice official would not say how long the investigation would take or whether investigators are under pressure to conclude their work quickly.

The outcome of that investigation could have significant implications for both the Epstein case and the federal prison system at large. Epstein’s death is only the latest of a string of abuses at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC), which has been troubled as long as it has been open. His death comes only months after the Metropolitan Detention Center — another federal prison in New York, this one in the borough of Brooklyn — lost heat and light in the midst of a brutally cold spell of winter. The outage lasted for days, leading to prisoner protests.

So far, much of the blame for Epstein’s death has been focused on two guards at the MCC. Reports have indicated that they may have been sleeping when they were supposed to be monitoring him and other inmates.

Eric Young, president of a union for federal prison workers, told Yahoo News that placing the blame on those guards would be misguided. He speculated that they were “probably overworked and fatigued” and said that overall, corrections officers in federal prisons were underpaid and exhausted. Young said that corrections officers were already the “black sheep” of the federal law enforcement apparatus, adding that many of his union members were “very scared” Barr would ultimately blame them for Epstein’s death.

Doing so, Young argued, would only betray how little most people understand the difficulties corrections officers face, including psychological duress and fears of assault from inmates. “We were trying to protect him,” said Young, bristling at the criticism that has been leveled at correctional officers since Epstein’s death.

“You want to Monday-morning-quarterback us when we fall short?” the union president asked.

If he is frustrated, Epstein’s victims — underage women he allegedly trafficked to his friends and associates — are significantly more so. “We’ve worked so hard to get here, and he stole that from us too,” one of those accusers, Virginia Giuffre, told the New York Times.

Barr has vowed to pursue any accomplices who helped Epstein in his exploitation of young girls as sex slaves. That accounting will have to come as Barr struggles to explain how Epstein himself managed to evade justice by taking his own life.

Among those eager for resolution is Alan Dershowitz, the former Harvard Law School professor who represented Epstein. Giuffre, a prominent Epstein accuser, said she had sex with Dershowitz as well. Dershowitz has forcefully denied any improper involvement with Epstein as well as sexual contact with Giuffre.

“I am happy to have the investigation go forward,” Dershowitz told Yahoo News on Wednesday, referring apparently not to Epstein’s death but to the alleged activities that brought him to a lower Manhattan detention center in the first place. Dershowitz said he was confident that such an investigation would exculpate “those who’ve been falsely accused.”

Dershowitz, who met Epstein in 1996 and was close to him in the years that followed, said he was surprised that Epstein killed himself. “I’m not surprised that Epstein tried,” Dershowitz elaborated. “I am only surprised that he succeeded.”

08-15-19  09:57pm - 1862 days #1456
LKLK (0)
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President Donald Trump is trying to buy Greenland.
The reason: he thinks Greenland is green, his favorite color (US dollars are greenbacks).
Also, if Trump is impeached, he thinks he will be safer in Greenland, since the extradition laws are unclear about extraditing criminals from Greenland to the US.
(Trump is seriously worried about being impeached, or going to jail or prison: Would Trump be safe in jail or prison: he would prefer living in Greenland, where he plans on opening a huge golf course.)


Trump's Green New Deal: President reportedly considering buying Greenland

NBC News
Dareh Gregorian
Aug 15th 2019 7:05PM

This land is your land, this land is ... Greenland?

President Donald Trump has on multiple occasions discussed trying to buy the country of Greenland, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Trump has with "varying degrees of seriousness" expressed an interest in trying to purchase the icy 811,000 square mile island in the North Atlantic, according to the Journal, citing unnamed sources familiar with the deliberations.

Greenland is an autonomous Danish territory. Trump reportedly told advisers in one exchange last spring he'd heard that Denmark was having financial problems because of the subsidies it pays to Greenland, and wondered if he should buy it. "What do you guys think about?" Trump asked the room, a source told the Journal. "Do you think it would work?"

It's unclear what the price tag for the country would be, or whether Denmark would consider selling it.

Officials with the Denmark's Royal House and the Danish embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to the Journal's request for comment on the talks.

Trump is scheduled to visit Denmark in September.

The United States has previously tried to buy the strategically located country, which has a population of just over 50,000. President Harry S. Truman offered to purchase it for $100 million in 1946, but Denmark declined the offer, the Journal noted, adding the U.S. had also looked into acquiring the country back in 1867.

Technically a part of North America, Greenland is located between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, between Canada and Europe. The U.S. has an air base there, which is a part of the country's state-of-the-art ballistic missile early warning system and satellite tracking system.

08-31-19  06:03am - 1846 days #1457
LKLK (0)
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President Donald Trump, the Man of Action.
Uses tweets to shape US policies.
Also uses tweets to reveal US secrets.
Trump tweet raises worries about U.S. surveillance secrets

Thomson Reuters
Steve Holland
Aug 30th 2019 9:58PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday posted on Twitter a photo of what appeared to be the site of a failed Iranian satellite launch, raising questions about whether he had disclosed U.S. surveillance secrets.

The black-and-white photo showed the fire-blasted launch site at a space center in northern Iran including a damaged gantry service tower and a downed mobile erector launcher.

Trump, in his tweet, cited the specific location of the site, saying the United States was not involved in the "catastrophic accident during final launch preparations for the Safir SLV Launch at Semnan Launch Site One in Iran."

Speaking to reporters at the White House later on Friday, Trump defended his posting of the photo and reiterated that the United States had nothing to do with the incident.

"We had a photo. I released it, which I have the absolute right to do," Trump said.

He said the Iranians "were going to set off a big missile and it didn't work out too well. Had nothing to do with us.”

The rocket exploded on its launch pad on Thursday, an Iranian official said. A U.S. official also said Iran suffered a satellite launch failure.

"I wish Iran best wishes and good luck in determining what happened at Site One," Trump said in his tweet.

Patrick Eddington, a former CIA satellite imagery analyst, said the photograph tweeted by Trump appeared to be a classified image taken by a U.S. spy satellite.

"If the president simply tweeted out an image from classified briefing that utilizes our most advanced overhead collection capabilities, it is no doubt welcome news to our adversaries," said Eddington, now a research fellow at the CATO Institute.

"While he has the authority to declassify any federal document, Twitter is not a legitimate or responsible way to do so."

A U.S. defense official told CNBC that the picture, which appeared to be a snapshot of a physical copy of the satellite image, was included in an intelligence briefing on Friday.

The Pentagon did not have any immediate comment.

The United States has warned Iran against rocket launches, fearful the technology used to put satellites into orbit could enable Tehran to develop the ballistic missile capability needed to launch nuclear warheads.

Tehran denies the U.S. accusation that such activity is a cover for ballistic missile development.

The Trump administration has ratcheted up economic pressure on Iran this year with economic sanctions to try to force it to renegotiate a pact reached with world powers in 2015 limiting its nuclear program. Trump withdrew the United States from the pact in May last year.

Trump has offered to hold talks with Iran but Tehran says first it must get relief from U.S. sanctions.

08-31-19  01:55pm - 1846 days #1458
LKLK (0)
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Trump has a big heart.
He says the firing of his personal assistant was automatic, because she said hurtful things about his kids. The remarks were off-the-record, but that didn't matter.

It also doesn't matter that Trump has no problem separating parents from their kids if the parents are illegal immigrants.

And he thinks it's good for the kids to be put in jail.

Maybe it toughens the kids up.

So: his kids are off-limits.
But the kids of illegal immigrants are trash who can be put in jail.

Trump is a man of all heart.

Trump says aide left White House because she said something 'hurtful' about his kids

HuffPost US
Mary Papenfuss
Aug 31st 2019 8:26AM

President Donald Trump told reporters Friday that his personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout had departed because she made “hurtful” comments about his children during an off-the-record dinner with journalists.

“I really think she had a bad night,” he told reporters on his way to Camp David. “I think it was unfortunate.” Still, he added, “you don’t say things like she said, which were just a little bit hurtful to some people. She mentioned a couple of things about my children.” (See the video above.)

Despite that, he appeared compassionate about Westerhout’s situation.

“She called me. She was very upset, she was very down,” Trump said. “It’s too bad. I wished her well.” Trump, who called Westerhout, 27, a “very good person” who did a great job, didn’t say if she had been fired or had resigned, only that her departure Thursday was “automatic.”

Politico reported Saturday that Westerhout resigned because she had mocked Trump’s relationship with his children at an Aug. 17 dinner near the president’s golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey.

After a “couple of drinks,” she boasted that Ivanka and Tiffany Trump were closer to her than to their father, two sources told Politico. She also quipped that the president was so unfamiliar with Tiffany that he couldn’t pick her out in a crowd. The New York Times reported that she also talked about Trump’s eating habits, his thoughts on Tiffany’s appearance, and his youngest son, Barron.

Trump told reporters: “Tiffany is great. I love Tiffany.” The president said he would call his younger daughter when he reached Camp David.

Westerhout, a former Republican Party aide, has been with Trump since he was elected.
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Trump scolded the “dishonest media” for ignoring the rules of an off-the-record dinner. “This was an off-the-record dinner and the media blatantly violated that agreement,” an administration official told Politico. Westerhout’s confidences, however, only appeared to have been discussed later at the White House, and not to the public.

A friend of Donald Trump Jr. accused Phil Rucker of The Washington Post of “burning” Westerhout.

But Steven Ginsberg, national editor at The Washington Post, said in a statement to Politico that Rucker is “one of the best and most scrupulous reporters in the news business. He has always acted with the utmost honor and integrity and has never violated Washington Post standards or policies.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

09-03-19  05:58pm - 1843 days #1459
LKLK (0)
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Trump, the man who promised he would never play golf if elected president, because the job is too important to take time off to fool around on a golf course, changed his mind once elected.
He now plays more golf than any previous president, by far.
And while Hurrican Dorian is getting closer to Florida, Trump goes to the golf course.
And of course Trump says that his time on the golf course is very cheap.
Except that it has cost US taxpayers over $100 million dollars for Trump to go golfing.

Trump defends weekend of golf while Hurricane Dorian approached

Yahoo News
Christopher Wilson
Sep 3rd 2019 12:20PM

President Trump lashed out at Sadiq Khan Tuesday after London’s mayor criticized him for golfing over the weekend as Hurricane Dorian edged closer to the coast of Florida.

“The incompetent Mayor of London, Sadique Kahn [sic], was bothered that I played a very fast round of golf yesterday,” said Trump in a tweet that, before being corrected, misspelled Khan’s first and last names. “Many Pols exercise for hours, or travel for weeks. Me, I run through one of my courses (very inexpensive). President Obama would fly to Hawaii.”

Khan, who attended a ceremony in Poland over the weekend commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland that began World War II, chided the president for skipping the event in favor of golfing at his private club in Virginia.

“He’s clearly busy dealing with a hurricane out on the golf course,” Khan told Politico on Monday, adding that Trump “is a guy who amplifies racist tweets; amplifies the tweets of fascists; says things that are deeply objectionable. If I don’t stand up and call that out I think I’m doing a disservice to Londoners who chose me as their mayor.”

Trump has often criticized Khan, the first Muslim elected mayor of London, and routinely resorts to ad hominem attacks on those who find fault with him.

“Khan should focus on ‘knife crime,’ which is totally out of control in London. People are afraid to even walk the streets,” Trump wrote Tuesday. “He is a terrible mayor who should stay out of our business!”

Over the holiday weekend, the president played multiple rounds of golf at one of his properties in Virginia, where White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said he received “hourly updates.”

Trump’s golf trips have cost taxpayers over $100 million through the first two and a half years of his term, as he’s spent 227 days at one of his golf clubs as president. Former President Barack Obama did usually spend his Christmas vacations in his home state of Hawaii but did not fly there just to golf.

Last month, the president canceled a visit to Denmark because the country’s prime minister was not open to the idea of selling Greenland to the United States. His cancelation of the trip to Poland drew little initial criticism until it was learned that he spent the weekend golfing.

“To ensure that all resources of the federal government are focused on the arriving storm, I have decided to send our vice president, Mike Pence, to Poland this weekend in my place,” Trump said last week. “It’s something very important for me to be here. The storm looks like it could be a very, very big one indeed.”

On Sunday, Trump was asked if he had any message for Poland on the 80th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s invasion.

“I just want to congratulate Poland,” Trump replied, adding, “It’s a great country with great people.”

Trump has feuded with Khan since June 2017, when he misunderstood one of the mayor’s tweets following a terror attack in the British capital.

09-15-19  07:41am - 1831 days #1460
LKLK (0)
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Will President Trump lose his best drinking buddy?
Who will Trump find if Kavanaugh goes to jail?
Gasp! Can a US Supreme Court justice go to jail for sex crimes?
For lying to Congress under oath?
Enquiring minds want to know...
Julian Castro calls for Kavanaugh impeachment after new claim of sex misconduct

Sep 15th 2019 9:25AM

Democratic presidential contender Julián Castro and some former U.S. attorneys called for a new investigation into Brett Kavanaugh and the past FBI probe into his behavior as another accusation of sexual misconduct against the Supreme Court associate justice surfaced.

Classmate Max Stier told two New York Times reporters that he saw Kavanaugh with his pants down at a drunken Yale University party where friends pushed Kavanaugh’s penis into the hands of a female student. The report was similar to an allegation lodged against Kavanaugh last year by former classmate Deborah Ramirez. Stier informed senators and the FBI of the incident during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, but it was never investigated, according to the Times.

At the time, Christine Blasey Ford publicly accused Kavanaugh of pinning her to a bed and trying to take off her clothes at a high school party, and she testified before senators at the hearings.

Following the Times’ story, Castro called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment, tweeting: “It’s more clear than ever that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath.” He called Kavanaugh’s ascendence a “shame to the Supreme Court.”

Rep. Sean Casten (D-Ill.) echoed Castro’s accusation that Kavanaugh lied under oath to the United States Senate, adding that the majority of senators “didn’t care.”

Former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance called for a “full congressional investigation” into Kavanaugh’s behavior and a probe into his past to “determine whether someone, and if so who, gave orders that kept the FBI from investigating credible allegations.”

Another former U.S. attorney, Harry Litman, called the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh a “total con job.”

09-30-19  03:36pm - 1816 days #1461
LKLK (0)
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If Trump is removed from office, America could face a civil war.
Thousands of Americans could be killed.
Vote for Trump, the choice of right-wing Christians.

GOP Rep: Trump's 'Civil War' retweet 'beyond repugnant'

HuffPost US
Mary Papenfuss
Sep 30th 2019 9:15AM

President Donald Trump on Sunday ominously raised the possibility of violence if he is removed from office, quoting an evangelical pastor who warned on Fox News of a “Civil War-like” fracture.

Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an Air Force veteran of Iraq, quickly slammed Trump’s tweet as “beyond repugnant,” adding: “I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President.”

The Rev. Robert Jeffress said in an interview Sunday (see the video above) that “removing the president” will “cause a Civil War-like fracture in this nation from which this country will never heal.”

“I have never seen them more angry,” Jeffress, a right-wing megachurch pastor based in Dallas and powerful Trump supporter, said of evangelicals.

As many as 850,000 men were killed in the Civil War, according to a 2012 study by historians ― by far the greatest toll of any war in American history. An earlier estimate of 620,000 Civil War deaths approximately equaled the total American fatalities in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, combined, the National Park Service says.

Jeffress, who also preaches on radio and TV, has said that Jews are going to hell. He has characterized both Islam and Mormonism as heresies from the “pit of hell,” and called evangelical Christians who don’t support Trump “morons.”

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) also slammed Trump’s tweet.

“This is just a reprehensible way to talk and people could get hurt,” Schatz warned. He added that this “isn’t about partisan teams anymore.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) cited Trump’s warning in a tweet and wondered if Republicans will now support the impeachment inquiry against the president — and condemn him in “strong, unequivocal terms.”

In addition to the outrage expressed by politicians against Trump’s tweet, other followers of the president were stunned:

10-01-19  12:27am - 1816 days #1462
Loki (0)
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There are a lot of conservatives who look forward to a perceived upcoming civil war in the U.S. It doesn't take much searching on Google to find them. Not all of them are out of the conservative mainstream.

President Trump and his acolytes of fear love to demonize liberals (so has every Republican president since and including Ronald Reagan). But I've never heard a single liberal voice advocating for a civil war. "A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man talking nonsense not to himself."

10-03-19  02:20pm - 1813 days #1463
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Pence says Biden, son should be investigated for Ukraine dealings

Thomson Reuters
Oct 3rd 2019 3:46PM

Oct 3 (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday offered a full-throated defense of President Donald Trump's call for an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son's dealings with Ukraine, saying the American people deserve to know the facts.

"The American people have the right to know whether or not the vice president of the United States or his family profited from his position," Pence told reporters in Scottsdale, Arizona.

In a phone call in July, President Donald Trump pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigate Biden, the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, and his son Hunter.

That request is at the center of an impeachment inquiry launched by House Democrats, who accuse the president of abusing his office in an effort to gather dirt on a political rival.

Trump has repeatedly suggested Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a top prosecutor because the prosecutor was investigating a Ukrainian gas company where Hunter Biden sat on the board, a claim for which the president has offered no evidence.

Pence, who had remained largely silent as the political controversy erupted, firmly sided with Trump in his remarks.

"My predecessor had a son who was paid $50,000 a month to be on a Ukrainian board at the time that Vice President Biden was leading the Obama administration's efforts in Ukraine, I think (that) is worth looking into," Pence said. "And the president has made it very clear that he believes ... other nations around the world should look into it as well."

"When you hold the second highest office in the land it comes with unique responsibilities - not just to be above impropriety, but to be above the appearance of impropriety, and clearly in this case there are legitimate questions that ought to be asked," Pence added in a direct attack on Biden.

Pence also took aim at Democrats generally for what he termed as "endless investigations" of Trump, which he said should end. (Reporting by Makini Brice and Tim Ahmann; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama and Steve Orlofsky)

10-07-19  03:14am - 1809 days #1464
LKLK (0)
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If President Trump ever asked anyone to do an illegal act, it was only a joke on the President's part.
Trump would never do anything illegal.
The people he hires would never do anything illegal.
Trump is the most moral President the US has ever had.

Rep. Jordan suggests Trump was only joking when asking China to investigate the Bidens — despite private plea to Xi

Yahoo News
Kadia Tubman
Oct 6th 2019 5:20PM

Rep. Jim Jordan on Sunday insisted President Trump was not “serious” about asking China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

“Do you think it’s appropriate for President Trump to ask China and Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden?” asked George Stephanopoulos in an interview on ABC’s “This Week.”

“George, you really think he was serious about thinking that China’s going to investigate the Biden family?” Jordan, R-Ohio, responded, smiling.

“He said it right there in public,” Stephanopoulos pointed out.

“As I think Senator [Marco] Rubio said a couple of days ago, I think he’s getting the press all spun up about this.”

Rubio, R-Fla., at a press conference Friday said he doubted Trump was making “a real request” when he called on China in addition to Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. As he’d done with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky, Trump had also discussed his political rivals with China’s President Xi Jinping. During a June 18 phone call, the president brought up the standing of Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., in the presidential race, CNN reported Thursday. While the record of that call was stored in the same highly secure electronic system that houses the full record of Trump’s call with Zelensky, Trump is also reported to have told Xi that he would remain silent on protests in Hong Kong while trade negotiations continued with the U.S.

To call on a foreign government to investigate a political opponent is illegal, and is the primary reason why House Democrats are conducting an impeachment inquiry.

“Remember, this is the president who’s been tougher on China than any other president,” said Jordan, who sits on the House Oversight Committee. “The same guy who’s been tougher on China now thinks, ‘Oh, China’s going to investigate’ — he was just making a statement to just underscore how wrong it is what took place here with Hunter Biden getting these deals that he got. That’s all he’s doing.”

“So the president asked China to investigate. We’re not supposed to take the president at his word?” Stephanopoulos pressed.

“Again, I think Senator Rubio said it best,” Jordan said.

“But he said in public the exact same thing he said in private to the Ukrainian president,” Stephanopoulos countered.

Jordan argued that outrage, which also came from a member of his party, sparked by Trump’s comment should instead be directed at a claim that the “Democrat National Committee hired a foreigner [Ukraine] who worked with Russians to dig up dirt on the president.”

“So should I conclude from that that you don’t think it would be appropriate for the president to ask China to investigate the Bidens?” asked Stephanopoulos.

“I don’t think anyone in America really believes — except people maybe in the press and some Democrats in Congress really believe that the president of the United States thinks China is going to investigate,” Jordan said.

Republican Party leader Sen. Roy Blunt also cast doubt on Trump’s words, saying on Sunday, “I doubt the China comment is serious.”

“The president loves to go out on the White House driveway,” said Blunt, R-Miss., who sits on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Committee. “I haven't talked to him about this. I don’t know what the president was thinking. But I do know he loves to bait the press and he does that almost every day to see what you’ll talk about.”

Earlier this year, Trump claimed his call for Russia to find stolen emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee was a “joke.”

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a July 2016 news conference, and days after the FBI quietly opened an investigation, Operation Crossfire Hurricane, into connections between his campaign and Russia.

In March, he passed the request off as a joke: “I’ve learned with the fake news, if you tell a joke, if you are sarcastic, if you're having fun with the audience, if you are on live television with millions of people and 25,000 people in an arena, and if you say something like ‘Russia, please, if you can, get us Hillary Clinton's emails! Please, Russia, please! Please get us the emails! Please!’”

10-07-19  03:21am - 1809 days #1465
LKLK (0)
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Donald Trump, the President of the United States, wants Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House of Representatives) and Adam Schiff (another member of Congress) to be tried for treason.
The two members of Congress are attacking Trump, our dear President.
They should be tried for treason, and executed.
End of story.
Trump suggests Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason amid impeachment inquiry

Business Insider
Rosie Perper (feedback@businessinsider.com)
Oct 7th 2019 5:28AM

President Donald Trump on Sunday night launched an attack against Democrats who are pursuing an impeachment inquiry against him.
In a pair of tweets on Sunday, Trump suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, were both guilty of treason.
Pelosi announced last month that the House would launch a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump's activities — in particular, a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which is at the center of a whistleblower complaint filed in August.
Trump has denied that he said anything inappropriate during his phone call with Zelensky, and he suggested in a closed-door meeting last month that the whistleblower is "almost a spy."

President Donald Trump on Sunday heightened his attacks on Democrats who are pursuing an impeachment inquiry against him, claiming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff were both guilty of treason.

Pelosi announced last month that the House would launch a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump's activities — in particular, a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the center of an August whistleblower complaint.

The intelligence official who lodged the complaint detailed concerns that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son on allegations of corruption.

The complaint was declassified last month, and the White House released a memo about the call that appeared to corroborate it.

Trump on Sunday night lashed out at Pelosi and Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who has been tasked with leading the impeachment investigation.

"Nancy Pelosi knew of all of the many Shifty Adam Schiff lies and massive frauds perpetrated upon Congress and the American people," he wrote.

"This makes Nervous Nancy every bit as guilty as Liddle' Adam Schiff for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and even Treason. I guess that means that they, along with all of those that evilly "Colluded" with them, must all be immediately Impeached!"

Schiff previously characterized Trump's call with Zelenksy to a "classic mafia shakedown of a foreign leader." He later defended his comments and said they were "meant to be at least, part, in parody."
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Trump has denied that he said anything inappropriate during his phone call with Zelensky, and he suggested in a closed-door meeting last month that the whistleblower is "almost a spy."

Trump also accused Schiff of committing treason in a tweetstorm last week and demanded to meet with his accuser.

Schiff said last month that the whistleblower has agreed to testify before Congress, and said the testimony is expected "very soon" once security measures are in place to protect his or her identity.

10-11-19  10:33am - 1805 days #1466
LKLK (0)
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President Trump's financial records will be turned over to Congress.
However, Trump can stand on his own two feet, and refuse the court order.
Trump is a man with a strong will.
He does not hesitate to break agreements, and says he is the master of his own free will.

Also, the American public will not be able to read Trump's financial records, because Congress will respect Trump's right to privacy.

America first, or America Uber Alles.

Appeals court rules House should get Trump financial records

The Associated Press
Oct 11th 2019 12:01PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal appeals court ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's financial records must be turned over to the House of Representatives.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said that lawmakers should get the documents they have subpoenaed from Mazars USA. The firm has provided accounting services to Trump.

Trump went to court to prevent Mazars from turning over the records. He could appeal to the Supreme Court.

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform subpoenaed records from Mazars in April. They include documents from 2011 to 2018 that the House wants for investigation into the president's reporting of his finances and potential conflicts of interest.

In a 2-1 ruling, the appeals court batted away Trump's legal claims.

"Contrary to the President's arguments, the Committee possesses authority under both the House Rules and the Constitution to issue the subpoena, and Mazars must comply," Judge David Tatel wrote, joined by Judge Patricia Millett. Tatel was appointed by President Bill Clinton. Millett is an appointee of President Barack Obama.

Trump appointee Neomi Rao wrote in dissent that the committee should have asked for the records under the House's impeachment power, not its legislative authority.

"The Constitution and our historical practice draw a consistent line between the legislative and judicial powers of Congress. The majority crosses this boundary for the first time by upholding this subpoena investigating the illegal conduct of the President under the legislative power," Rao wrote.

The case is one of several working its way through courts in which Trump is fighting with Congress over records. The House Ways and Means Committee has sued the Trump administration over access to the president's tax returns . In New York, Trump sued to prevent Deutsche Bank and Capital One from complying with House subpoenas for banking and financial records. A judge ruled against him, and Trump appealed. Trump also is in court trying to stop the Manhattan District Attorney from obtaining his tax returns.

Trump had argued that Oversight committee seeking the records from Mazars is out to get him and lacks a legitimate "legislative purpose" for its request. His lawyers have argued that congressional investigations are valid only if there is legislation that might result from them.

The committee, for its part, has said it is seeking the Trump financial statements, accounting records and other documents as part of its investigation into whether the president has undisclosed conflicts of interests, whether he has accurately reported his finances and whether he may have engaged in illegal conduct before and during his time in office.

The committee says the House is considering legislation related to government conflicts of interest and presidential financial disclosures, among other things.

10-16-19  07:40am - 1800 days #1467
LKLK (0)
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Monica Lewinsky, an expert who has had an intimate connection with the impeachment process, speaks about the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump.
Monica says she is personally affected by the inquiry.
Is Monica a secret admirer of Donald Trump?
Or maybe she's one of Trump's many hidden girlfriends?

But Monica is a brave girl, and a fighter. If she and Donald Trump have a secret relationship, then Monica can come out of the closet and discuss it openly.

Enquiring minds want to know the true details.

Monica Lewinsky talks impeachment inquiry: 'We're all affected'

Today Show
Scott Stump
Oct 16th 2019 9:48AM

The impeachment inquiry launched against President Donald Trump last month has brought the past rushing back for Monica Lewinsky.

"Impeachment is a constitutional crisis, so obviously it's much bigger than me, but am I affected personally? Sure, of course,'' Lewinsky told Savannah Guthrie on TODAY Wednesday.

"People are making comparisons to when Bill Clinton was impeached. I've become a punchline of a joke a little bit more than normal."

The activist and speaker was at the center of the investigation surrounding the 1998 impeachment of President Clinton after she had an affair with him while working as a White House intern.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi initiated the inquiry against Trump on Sept. 24 for allegedly pressuring leaders of Ukraine for help in undermining political rival Joe Biden.

The action by Pelosi conjured memories of the '90s impeachment hearings against Clinton in which his sexual encounters with Lewinsky were examined in tawdry detail.

However, Lewinsky sees the current crisis as much bigger than any effect it has had on her.

"I found myself the last few weeks — I'm certainly more sensitive,'' she said. "Some people in my world might say cranky. Needed more self-care. The truth is if we're talking seriously about impeachment, it actually means we're all affected in the country."

Lewinsky has since become an activist fighting against public shaming and online bullying by drawing on her own experiences with it.

"I eventually kind of came to this point where I realized that I couldn't run away from what happened to me,'' she said. "I had to integrate it.

"What it also means is that anybody can do this. This can happen for anybody, you don't have to have go through a global scandal. I think that no matter what your humiliations are or setbacks, you can find a way to have a different ending to your story. "
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Lewinsky appeared on TODAY Wednesday to unveil a powerful new interactive public service announcement about what she called the "silent epidemic" of online bullying.

She also spoke about her return to public life in recent years to fight against bullying and public shaming.

"It was terrifying. I think that it really could've gone differently, and I'm so incredibly grateful for how things have changed,'' she said. "I can't even begin to tell you what it feels like to be able to give a purpose to my past and to use these painful experiences to help other people."

10-22-19  11:52am - 1794 days #1468
LKLK (0)
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Rep. Ilhan Omar was a female Somali army recruit at a Mogadishu military training campus in 1978, four years before she was born in 1984.
She was born in sin, steeped in terrorism even before she was born.
A Muslim in Congress?
What is the United States of America thinking, letting a person who is not only a woman, but also a Muslim, into the hallowed halls of Congress?


Rep. Ilhan Omar condemns GOP state lawmaker's Facebook post

The Associated Press
Oct 22nd 2019 12:29PM

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Rep. Ilhan Omar has condemned a Republican state senator from North Dakota who posted a long-debunked photo on his Facebook page that purports to show the Minnesota Democrat holding a weapon at an al-Qaida training camp.

Omar, a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in Somalia and is one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress, blasted state Sen. Oley Larsen's post, which also led to a call Tuesday from a top fellow Republican to apologize and relinquish a state Senate leadership position.

"This is pure propaganda designed to stir up hate and violence," Omar tweeted Monday night. "... Facebook's unwillingness to crack down on hate speech and misinformation is not just threatening my life, but our democracy."

The image Larsen posted has been debunked by several sources since it appeared on social media this summer. It's an Associated Press photo taken of a female Somali army recruit at a Mogadishu military training campus in 1978, four years before Omar was born in 1984.

In the comments accompanying his post, Larsen also called Omar an "elected terrorist" and asked his followers to "share it everywhere."

Facing mounting criticism, though, Larsen removed the photo Monday. And by Tuesday morning, his Facebook feed — minus the image — was full of attacks on him for posting it and accusing him of bigotry.

On Tuesday, the North Dakota Senate's majority leader, Republican Rich Wardner, called on Larsen to apologize and give up his position as the state Senate's president pro tempore, a post in which he presides over sessions when the lieutenant governor is absent.

"At this point I'm not calling for his resignation from the Senate, but if continues with this, I will have to rethink that," Wardner said.

Neither Larsen, who is from Minot, nor Facebook responded to requests for comment.

Facebook has been under fire from politicians, regulators and privacy advocates around the world over problems ranging from election security to what many consider its disproportionate, often negative influence on society.

While Facebook has said it's stepping up efforts to remove content that violates its rules, it has also said it's not the company's role to fact check or judge the veracity of what politicians say.

10-24-19  06:36am - 1792 days #1469
LKLK (0)
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Thank God for President Trump.
He will keep us safe.
He is now building a wall in Colorado.
That will keep out low-life scum and other people of color from flooking into the state and keep the bloodlines pure.
Trump says he's building a wall in Colorado - which is not a border state

HuffPost US
Ryan Grenoble
Oct 24th 2019 4:34AM

COLORADO ― Either President Trump failed remedial geography, or we’ve reached a full-on “Emperor’s New Clothes” scenario.

This, after Trump received a standing ovation in Pittsburgh on Wednesday after boasting about a nonexistent border wall he’s building ― in Colorado.

“We’re building a wall in Colorado - we’re building a beautiful wall,” Trump told the cheering crowd at a shale energy conference. “A big one that really works, that you can’t get over, you can’t get under.”

If Trump is building a wall on Colorado’s southern border with New Mexico, that’s news to the governors of both states, who were unaware of any such structure.

“Well this is awkward ... Colorado doesn’t border Mexico,” tweeted that state’s governor, Democrat Jared Polis, soon after Trump’s claim. “Good thing Colorado now offers free full day kindergarten so our kids can learn basic geography.”

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s press secretary Nora Sackett was less amused.

“Wouldn’t surprise me if he really did forget about a state that he lost by such a significant margin, especially when that seems to be the only thing of importance to him and given that he can expect more of the same in 2020,” Sackett told HuffPost in an email. “No one wants his wall, whether it’s on the Mexican border, the Colorado border, or the Canadian border.”

In a follow-up statement, a different member of Grisham’s press office emphasized: “Yes, we are a state.”

No wall here.

Sackett added that, in policy, the Trump administration really does seem to have turned a blind eye to New Mexicans devastated by the opioid crisis and others whose livelihoods depend on border trade.

So, will Trump admit he flunked this particular geography lesson?

If his history with maps ― and the eagerness with which he alters them ― is any indication, probably not. To that end, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has provided a preview of what we should expect from the Oval Office in the near future:

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

10-24-19  06:55am - 1792 days #1470
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Trump's lawyer: He can't be charged while in office.
Trump's legal team suggested that subjecting a president to a criminal investigation would be a distraction from his official duties.

Therefore, Trump is innocent. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. And Trump is the most innocent man of everyone in the United States of America, because he is making America great again.

So stop the impeachment proceedings, because they are taking away from the glory of President Trump.

10-25-19  02:54pm - 1791 days #1471
LKLK (0)
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President Trump is a man of honor.
He is fighting to have the US government clean house.
Why are there so many criminals hiding in the US government?
Is Joe Biden a criminal?
Is Biden's son a criminal?
Is Robert Mueller a suspect and also a criminal?

Enquiring minds want to know...
Rolling Stone
October 25, 2019 3:04PM ET
Trump Has Officially Weaponized the Justice Department to Go After His Rivals

“I think you’re gonna see a lot of really bad things,” the president said
By Ryan Bort

President Trump has been trying to discredit the Justice Department’s investigation into his campaign’s relationship with Russia for most of his presidency. His attempts to do so have mostly come through his Twitter account and yelling over Marine One on the White House lawn. But when Attorney General William Barr took over the Justice Department in February, it quickly became clear federal law enforcement resources would be used to go after the people who conducted the probe.

It didn’t take long. When Special Counsel Robert Mueller released his findings in April, Trump and Barr teamed up to misrepresent them. The following month, Barr tapped a John H. Durham, a U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to look into the origins of the investigation. Now, the New York Times reported on Thursday, Durham’s inquiry is no longer just an inquiry; it’s officially a full-scale criminal investigation.

In other words, the Justice Department is now investigating itself in service of the president’s political agenda.

When asked about the investigation Friday morning, Trump called Barr a “highly prestigious man” while defending the move to pursue criminal charges. “I think you’re gonna see a lot of really bad things,” he said.

Though, as the Times notes, DOJ guidelines hold that there must be an “objective, factual basis for initiating [an] investigation,” it’s not clear what — if any — evidence Durham was able to uncover that led the DOJ to launch an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. But the distinction will give Durham the ability to issue subpoenas and put together a grand jury to file criminal charges.

What those charges might be are a mystery. Trump and his allies have propagated several baseless conspiracy theories that the Russia probe was launched illegally by Democrats working in tandem with corrupt officials within the Justice Department. Most recently, Trump has hammered the idea that Russia did not actually interfere in the election (despite that this has long been the conclusion of both Congress and the intelligence community), and that Putin was framed by Democrats upset Trump won the election. If this doesn’t sound like it makes much sense, it’s because it doesn’t, and it’s frightening to consider what kind of criminal charges Durham might try to wring out of the morass of reckless speculation surrounding the investigation’s origins that the president has tried to cram into reality.

None of this is surprising. Trump has made it clear since taking office that he sees the Justice Department as a tool to carry out his personal agenda. He repeatedly attacked Jeff Sessions, his first attorney general, for not doing more to stymie the Russia investigation, ultimately forcing his resignation. His subsequent nomination of Barr, a noted critic of the investigation who had demonstrated extreme views on executive privilege, was considered a play to take a more offensive stance toward the inquiry. Launching a criminal investigation into the origins of the investigation certainly qualifies.

In This Article: Donald Trump, Justice Department, Russia Investigation, William Barr

10-25-19  09:56pm - 1791 days #1472
LKLK (0)
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President Trump has nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
He is innocent.
Trump is running the Justice Department.
He will have Joe Biden put in prison for serving a false president (Obama was born outside of the US, and was not a legitimate president. Everyone knew this, and Biden made crooked deals to keep Obama in the office of president.)

Mueller is another crook.

But democratic judges are fighting to impeach Trump.
Trump will never give in to the cowardly scum-sucking Democrats.
Judge: DOJ must give House Mueller grand jury evidence

The Associated Press
Oct 25th 2019 6:03PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — A judge on Friday ordered the Justice Department to give the House secret grand jury testimony from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, handing a victory to Democrats who want it for the impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump.

The ruling from Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell says that while the department had argued that existing law barred it from sharing the materials with Congress, "DOJ is wrong."

"In carrying out the weighty constitutional duty of determining whether impeachment of the President is warranted, Congress need not redo the nearly two years of effort spent on the Special Counsel's investigation, nor risk being misled by witnesses, who may have provided information to the grand jury and the Special Counsel that varies from what they tell" the House Judiciary Committee, Howell wrote.

Justice Department lawyers argued at a hearing earlier this month that House Democrats already had sufficient evidence from Mueller's investigation, including copies of summaries of FBI witness interviews.

The department had also argued that the House panel didn't have a sufficient explanation for how the material would help in the committee's investigations of Trump, and that impeachment isn't a "judicial proceeding" under the law, for which the information could be disclosed.


Associated Press writer Michael Balsamo contributed to this report.

10-26-19  07:52am - 1790 days #1473
LKLK (0)
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Fake news:

President Donald Trump has announced he will resign the presidency.

Says his future will include opening a chain of Golden Arches drive throughs with the brand name: Trumpland, the best meal direct from heaven.

People buying his happy meals will be able to enjoy heavenly blessings along with Coke (deal pending with Coca Cola) and meaty hamburgers (deal pending with China on discounted, non-tarrif meats).

Investors are lining up to invest in Trump's newest venture.
(Since Trump does not invest his own money. He likes to use other peoples' money).

10-28-19  01:17am - 1789 days #1474
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Is Donald Trump a sadist?
Was he smiling and clapping when he heard loud boos and chants of "Lock him up" at the World Series?
Does Trump want to go to jail?

Enquiring minds want to know...
Trump showered with boos, chants of 'lock him up' at World Series game
The president, who was there with first lady Melania Trump, stood smiling and clapping throughout.
Trump greeted with loud boos after being introduced at World Series

Oct. 27, 2019, 7:16 PM PDT / Updated Oct. 27, 2019, 7:39 PM PDT
By Richie Duchon

President Donald Trump was greeted with a chorus of boos and chants of "Lock him up!" along with some cheers on Sunday night as he was introduced at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C., during the team's third World Series home game against the Houston Astros.

Trump, who was there with first lady Melania Trump, stood smiling and clapping throughout.

Some fans broke out into chants of "Lock him up!" after Trump was shown on the stadium's big screen during a moment to honor a group of Marines.

Trump made the appearance the same day he announced the killing by U.S. forces of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. "Last night, the United States brought the world's No. 1 terrorist leader to justice," Trump said. "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead."
Image: U.S. President Donald Trump recognizes U.S. military personnel as the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros play in Game 5 of the World Series in Washington.

The announcement afforded the president a political win as he faces an intensifying impeachment inquiry led by House Democrats over his dealings with Ukraine. Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight committees are looking into whether Trump abused his powers by withholding $250 million in military aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son that would benefit the president politically.

The chants against the president harked back to campaign rallies in 2016 during which fans of Trump would often break into chants of "Lock her up!" in reference to Hillary Clinton.
Image: Richie DuchonRichie Duchon

Richie Duchon is an NBC News digital editor in the Los Angeles bureau.


10-29-19  03:58am - 1787 days #1475
LKLK (0)
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President Trump says a terrorist died screaming and crying.
But US officials aren't sure how the president learned this.
Don't US officials know that Trump, our president, the greatest president the US has ever had, has a direct connection to God, and knows much more than any other US official?
That Trump can hear the thoughts and sounds of every enemy and friend?
However, in reporting how the craven terrorist died, Trump is sending a message to everyone: Be very scared to be an enemy of the United States.
The truth will set you free.
Or send you to hell.
Trump says al-Baghdadi died 'screaming and crying.' U.S. officials aren't sure how he knows that.

Yahoo News
Dylan Stableford
Oct 28th 2019 4:09PM

While announcing the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, President Trump described the terrorist’s death during the U.S. raid in unusually graphic detail — repeatedly claiming that al-Baghdadi died “whimpering, screaming and crying.” But a top U.S. official who watched the raid with Trump in the White House Situation Room said he’s not sure where the president got that information.

“I don’t know what the source of that was,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters at the Pentagon Monday.

Trump announced al-Baghdadi’s death in a televised statement from the White House on Sunday morning, a day after U.S. forces carried out the operation in Syria.

“He died like a dog, he died like a coward,” Trump said. “He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way.

“The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, in total panic and dread,” the president added.

An actual dog used by U.S. forces in the raid was slightly wounded, officials said. Milley said the animal is recovering and will return to duty with its handler.

Trump told reporters that he watched the raid from the Situation Room as it was carried out in real time with Milley, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Vice President Mike Pence, among others. The White House later released an official photo of the president and the top defense officials taken in the Situation Room.

“It was something really amazing to see,” the president said, adding that it was “as though you were watching a movie.”

According to the New York Times, the Situation Room had live overhead surveillance footage of the operation. But the feeds did not have audio, nor did they show what was happening in the underground tunnel where al-Baghdadi was killed.

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Esper said he wasn’t sure where Trump got “whimpering” from, either.

“I don’t have those details,” Esper said, adding that the president “probably had the opportunity to talk to the commanders on the ground.”

After announcing al-Baghdadi’s death, Trump said it was important to describe his last moments in vivid terms so as to deter would-be ISIS fighters.

“Frankly, I think it’s something that should be brought out so that his followers and all of these young kids that want to leave various countries, including the United States, they should see how he died,” Trump said. “He didn’t die a hero. He died a coward — crying, whimpering, screaming.”


10-29-19  10:12pm - 1787 days #1476
LKLK (0)
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Scum Democrats are using an unfair impeachment process to bully our wonderful President and Commander in Chief.
The Dems should be lynched without a trial: they are traitors to the US.
Republicans rally around President Trump, who will lead our country to greatness.
Dems unveil impeachment procedures; GOP calls process unfair

The Associated Press
Oct 29th 2019 9:38PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats unveiled legislation Tuesday authorizing the next phase of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump as Democrats move to nullify complaints from Trump and his Republican allies that the impeachment process is illegitimate and unfair.

An eight-page resolution calls for open hearings and requires the House Intelligence Committee to submit a report outlining its findings and recommendations, with a final recommendation on impeachment left to the Judiciary Committee.

Republicans would be allowed to request subpoenas, but such requests would ultimately be subject to a vote by the full committee, which Democrats control as the House majority.

Democratic Rep. James McGovern of Massachusetts, the chairman of the House Rules Committee, said the resolution provides "a clear path forward" as the House begins a public phase of the impeachment inquiry, which up to this point has largely consisted of closed-door interviews.

"This is a sad time for our country," McGovern said. "None of us came to Congress to impeach a president, but each of us took a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution."

"The president's Republican allies in Congress have tried to hide the president's conduct, but the American people will now see the facts firsthand," he added.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said the resolution merely "confirms that House Democrats' impeachment has been an illegitimate sham from the start as it lacked any proper authorization by a House vote."

The resolution "does nothing to change the fundamental fact that House Democrats refuse to provide basic due process rights to the administration," she said, adding that the White House is barred from participating at all until after the intelligence panel "conducts two rounds of one-sided hearings to generate a biased report for the Judiciary Committee."

Separate language covering Judiciary proceedings allows for Trump and his lawyers to attend all Judiciary presentations and hearings. Trump's lawyers will be allowed to question any witness, according to a copy of the proposed Judiciary proceedings obtained by The Associated Press. The president can call witnesses if the committee agrees the testimony is "necessary or desirable to a full and fair record in the inquiry," the three-page document says.

The Judiciary language is expected to be incorporated into the larger resolution before the House votes on impeachment proceedings Thursday.

The impeachment inquiry is looking into Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in which he asked for a "favor" — to investigate a Democratic rival for president. Democrats say the request and other actions by the administration to push Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his family amounted to a quid pro quo for important military aid for Ukraine, providing sufficient grounds for impeachment.

The House is expected to vote on the resolution Thursday amid complaints from Trump and his Republicans allies that the monthlong impeachment process is illegitimate and unfair.

Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the No. 2 House Republican, denounced what he called a "Soviet-style impeachment process" led by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

More than 75% of House members have been unable to view what is happening in closed-door depositions conducted by the Intelligence panel and two other committees, Scalise said. "That represents more than 230 million Americans whose voices are denied right now," he said.

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican, said Democrats "have basically cooked up a process they have been conducting in secret" with the goal of preventing Trump's lawyers from asking questions of witnesses.

Democrats "are now attempting to sort of put a cloak of legitimacy around this process by saying they're going to bring it to a vote on the floor," Cheney said. "They can't fix it. The process is broken. It's tainted."

Democrats insisted they were not yielding to Republican pressure and dismissed a GOP argument that impeachment can't begin without a formal House vote.

Schiff and other Democrats defended the process and said the American people will soon hear from witnesses in an open setting, with transcripts of depositions already conducted set for public release.

"The evidence we have already collected paints the picture of a president who abused his power by using multiple levers of government to press a foreign country to interfere in the 2020 election," Schiff and three other committee chairs said in a statement Tuesday.

Following in the footsteps of previous impeachment inquiries, the next phase will move from closed depositions to open hearings, "where the American people will learn firsthand about the president's misconduct," the Democrats said.


Associated Press writer Mary Clare Jalonick contributed to this report.

10-31-19  01:30pm - 1785 days #1477
LKLK (0)
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The end of political freedom in the US.
2 Democrats vote against impeaching Trump.
There are men in Congress who hold their honor above the need for money.
Not just Republicans, but a few Democrats are willing to vote with their hearts and their honor.
God bless Donald Trump, the finest, most honorable president the US has ever had.
2 Democrats buck Pelosi and vote against resolution formalizing Trump impeachment inquiry

Yahoo News
Christopher Wilson
Oct 31st 2019 1:29PM

Reps. Collin Peterson of Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey’s 2nd were the only two Democrats to vote against Thursday’s resolution that formalizes the next steps in the impeachment inquiry of President Trump. Not a single Republican voted to pass the measure, although Rep. Justin Amash, a member of the GOP until he reclassified as an independent in July, voted yes. The resolution passed by a vote of 232-196.

Peterson’s district along the western edge of Minnesota went to Trump in the 2016 presidential election by 31 points and is considered a 2020 toss-up by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. Peterson was first elected to Congress in 1990 and is current chair of the House Agriculture Committee. He drew scrutiny last year when he was one of five Democrats who voted against ending the United States’ support of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. When asked about the vote, Peterson told a reporter, “I don’t know a damn thing about it.”

"If anyone thinks a partisan impeachment process would constrain President Trump, they are fooling themselves," Peterson said in a statement last month. "Without significant bipartisan support, impeachment proceedings will be a lengthy and divisive action with no resolution."

Following the vote, Peterson issued a statement where he said moving forward with impeachment was a mistake without the support of Senate Republicans.

Peterson has not yet committed to running for reelection, but the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that his longtime allies expect him to seek a 16th term. He won by just 4 percent last year, down from a 26 percent margin of victory in 2012. The Trump campaign has been outspoken in its belief that Trump can win Minnesota, where he lost by just 1.5 points in 2016. However, a recent poll showed him losing there to four different Democratic options by at least nine points.

Van Drew is a freshman, a former New Jersey state senator who was elected to represent the southern part of the Garden State last year. Trump won the 2nd District by five points in 2016, one point below his margin of victory in the 3rd District of Rep. Andy Kim, who voted yes on the resolution.

“All that’s swirling around us now is impeachment,” said Van Drew in a Fox News interview last month. “We talk about it day and night; it’s what’s on the news, and frankly I think it’s fine if they still want to continue to have the type of investigations they did to see if something new turns up. There is nothing that’s turned up that truly is impeachable.”

In September, Trump thanked Van Drew via Twitter for his skepticism regarding impeachment.

After Thursday’s vote, Van Drew issued a statement in which he said, "However, now that a vote has taken place and we are moving forward, I will be making a judgment call based on all the evidence presented by these investigations."

Along with Peterson and Van Drew, Democratic Reps. Jared Golden of Maine, Joe Cunningham of South Carolina, Kendra Horn of Oklahoma, Ron Kind of Wisconsin and Anthony Brindisi of New York all voiced skepticism about supporting an impeachment inquiry, but all ended up voting yes.

11-03-19  03:42am - 1782 days #1478
LKLK (0)
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The stable genius, our commander in chief, is going to personally stand on top of the wall he is building, to fend off any Mexicans or other people of ill repute, who are trying to invade our glorious country.

PS: the wall Trump is building seems to have some problems.
Not only is there not enough money to build the wall.
But also the wall is being damaged by smugglers who are using saws and power tools to cut large holes in the wall.

Billions for defense. Not one cent for appeasement.
A waste of billions of dollars?
Not Trump's problem: Even though the design of the wall was approved under the Trump administration, Trump blames Obama, that evil-looking black man, for the poor design of the wall.
And also blames Clinton, or anyone else who came before Trump took office to make America great again.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

Business Insider
Ellen Cranley
Nov 2nd 2019 8:39PM

Smuggling gangs in Mexico are reportedly using power tools to cut large holes in walls at the southern US-Mexico border, according to a new report from The Washington Post.

The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.

The report comes as the first and most detailed description of such breaches and says that the lack of government reporting means it is unclear how many times they have occurred. US Customs and Border Protection reportedly declined to provide further information about the number of wall breaches to the Post and had not yet fulfilled a Freedom of Information Act request seeking such data at the time of the report.

One factor of deterrent is electronic sensors that are yet to be added but could sense where and when the wall was damaged, triggering repairs. However, one former border chief said smugglers would likely eventually find a way around those as well.

The wall has been a costly and politically tense issue between lawmakers and Trump, after the president previously enacted what became the longest shutdown in government history when he did not relent in debates with lawmakers through December 2018 on his request for $5 billion to be allocated for the wall.

Despite the president's repeated pushes for the wall, environmental and immigration experts have expressed doubts about its possible effects on nearby areas and its overall efficacy. CBP officials were vocal during Trump's weighing of different designs that a solid concrete wall wouldn't be beneficial to agents who ideally would be able to see through to the other side.

According to the Post's report, smugglers are exploiting the "bollard" style design that the administration eventually settled on, which has been described as part of a "border wall system" as agents insisted a wall alone couldn't safeguard the border.

NBC News reported in January 2019 that a test of a steel bollard wall in Trump's chosen design by the Department of Homeland Security showed the wall could be sawed through.

Photos of the breaches were not included in a redacted version of an internal February 2018 US Customs and Border Protection report that mentioned the faults, NBC reported, and Trump denied the validity of the photos, saying it was "a wall designed by previous administrations," though the one in question was made under his administration.

11-07-19  04:11pm - 1778 days #1479
LKLK (0)
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Trump wanted the Ukraine to investigate Biden and Clinton.
Trump knew the US government was hopelessly corrupt.
That it could not impartially investigate Biden and Clinton.
So he asked for help to investigate.
Which was perfectly OK.
It was like hiring a maid to clean your house.
The US is President Trump's house, and he is proud of it.
He only wanted to clean the place up a little.
To prove that Clinton and Biden were criminals.
Trump's Ukraine request: 'Investigations, Biden and Clinton'

Yahoo News
David Knowles
Nov 7th 2019 5:26PM

In testimony released Thursday by House Democrats, a high-ranking State Department official said he understood President Trump’s bottom-line demand of Ukraine was for a statement that included three key words: “investigations, Biden and Clinton.”

“Clinton” was a reference to the conspiracy theory promoted by Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani about foreign efforts to sway the 2016 election.

The official, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent, was relaying what he was told by U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. The ambassador said the president “wanted nothing less than President Zelensky to go to microphone and say ‘investigations, Biden, and Clinton.’”

House Democrats made Kent’s testimony public on Thursday. In the transcript, Kent expanded about the messaging that Trump sought Sondland to convey to Ukrainian officials.

“This was the Gordon Sondland messaging of what the Ukrainians need to say in shorthand, 2016. And in shorthand it was suggested that the Ukrainians needed — Zelensky needed to go to a microphone and basically there needed to be three words in the message, and that was the shorthand.”

Kent was then asked, “Clinton was shorthand for 2016?”

“2016, yes,” Kent answered.

Kent testified that he created memos of the conversations he had witnessed relating to a quid pro quo sought by the White House — the restoration of military aid and better U.S. relations in exchange for an investigation, or the public announcement of an investigation, that Trump believed would help his reelection campaign.

“I wrote a note to the file saying that I had concerns that there was an effort to initiate politically motivated prosecutions that were injurious to the rule of law, both in Ukraine and the U.S.,” Kent told House members.

Kent also described the role that Giuliani played in attempting to secure an investigation in Kiev into Biden and Clinton, which entailed a campaign to oust U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, who Giuliani considered an impediment.

Giuliani “had been carrying on a campaign for several months full of lies,” Kent testified, adding that the president’s lawyer’s “assertions and allegations against former Ambassador Yovanovitch were without basis, untrue, period.”

As an example, Kent recounted an assertion that Yovanovitch was connected to liberal philanthropist George Soros, a claim he called “fake news.’

Other lies, according to Kent, stemmed from an untruthful news article published in The Hill and written by John Solomon that was critical of Yovanovitch, which Kent descried as “entirely made up in full cloth."

While the bulk of Kent’s testimony was damaging to Trump, who faces the prospect of impeachment over his attempts to procure a foreign investigation of his political rivals, Kent also was critical of Joe Biden’s son Hunter, whose business dealings in Ukraine was one of the predicates of the investigation Trump sought.

“I raised my concerns” about Hunter Biden being “on the board of a company owned by somebody that the U.S. Government had spent money trying to get tens of millions of dollars back and that could create the perception of a conflict of interest,” Kent testified.

11-10-19  11:24pm - 1775 days #1480
LKLK (0)
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The Democrats are stupid.
They say that Trump withheld aid to Ukraine in exchange for political favors.
But Trump says that was perfectly all right.
He was doing that to help the nation.
If elected, Trump will make America great again.
If a Democrat is elected, America will become a slum, with lots of brown people innudating our great country.
Also, Trump revealed that George Washington, our first president, had two desks: one for US business, one for personal business. Washington was trying to make money on the side, just like Trump. No problemo.

Vote white. Vote for Trump, the hero of the underclass.
Ukraine Aid Was Released After Federal Lawyers Said Trump Freeze Was Illegal: Report

HuffPost US Politics
Mary Papenfuss
Nov 10th 2019 11:33AM

It wasn’t Donald Trump who released the promised military aid to Ukraine, but the State Department, after lawyers determined that the White House freeze on the funds was illegal, several sources have told Bloomberg.

Trump has claimed he released the aid on September 11. But five sources told Bloomberg that $141 million of the money was actually authorized to be released several days earlier after lawyers determined that the White House Office of Management and Budget and, therefore, the president, had no legal standing to block the funds. The decision was outlined in a classified memo to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to Bloomberg.

The information severely undercuts Trump’s insistence that there was no quid pro quo for military aid when he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a July phone call to launch an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. Trump has pointed to the fact that he released the aid before a probe was begun. But Bloomberg now reports that Trump was no longer in control of disbursement when the money was released.

Officials have testified before House lawmakers that the aid — amounting to a total of some $400 million — was linked to Zelensky bowing to Trump’s demands. The New York Times has reported that Zelensky had already scheduled an interview on CNN in September to announce the launch of the investigation — even though he was opposed to it — in order to obtain the much needed funding. When the money was released, Zelensky quickly dropped the CNN appearance and did not begin a probe, according to the Times.

The OMB — headed by Mick Mulvaney, who is also the acting White House chief of staff — continues to argue that distribution of the funds, which had been approved by Congress, was up to the agency. “At no point was this pause inappropriate, let alone illegal,” OMB spokeswoman Rachel Semmel told Bloomberg Saturday.

Officials supporting Ukraine feared that if the money was not disbursed by September 30, the end of the fiscal year, it would likely no longer be available.

Trump has claimed he was the one who decided to release the money after a plea from Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio).

Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor testified that it was the legal offices at the both the State and Defense departments that decided they were “going to move forward with this assistance — OMB notwithstanding.”

“I don’t know if they’ve ever done that before,” Taylor said. “This was a big decision for them.”

Mulvaney has emerged in testimony as a key player in Trump’s strategy to involve Ukraine in American politics by pressing the nation to launch an investigation into the president’s rival, which would likely impact the 2020 election.

Last month Mulvaney said at a press conference that the military aid was part of a quid pro quo for Ukraine’s investigation, and that such negotiations are done all the time. “Get over it,” he told reporters. But such foreign policy negotiations are supposed to benefit the nation — and not to mobilize a foreign power to help a president win an American election.

11-14-19  01:50am - 1772 days #1481
LKLK (0)
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Truths about Trump (updated):
The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “genius” who hides his college grades.
The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
The “playboy” who pays for sex.
The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft (aka MBS - Mr. Bone Spurs).
The "educator" who rips off his students.
The "leader" who acts like a fascist dictator, and goes down on Putin.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
The "swamp drainer" who fills gov't posts with swamp creatures.
The "American values POTUS" who has no American values.
The "anti-socialist" who practices corporate socialism.
The "corruption fighter" who steals US citizens' tax money for his business.
The "deal maker" who bribes foreign leaders for personal gain - with your $.
Trump impeachment hearing, Day 1: The battle lines are drawn

Yahoo News
Alexander Nazaryan
Nov 13th 2019 9:10PM

WASHINGTON — For hours they fought, Democrats and Republicans waging furious battle over what President Trump called his “perfect phone call” with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During the first day of open impeachment hearings, Democrats repeatedly cast that call — and other actions by Trump and his associates, in particular his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani — as a blatant instance of corruption. The proceedings, said House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., “will affect not only the future of this presidency, but the future of the presidency itself.”

His counterpart, ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., was just as grave, calling the two witnesses — Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, and State Department official George Kent — actors in a “low-rent Ukrainian sequel” to the two-year investigation into Russian interference into the 2016 election, or as Nunes called it, the “Russian hoax.”

Taylor and Kent testified for more than five hours, with no respite but a single five-minute break. The impeachment hearing — the first on Capitol Hill since 1998, when Bill Clinton was the subject of an inquiry into his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky — was carried live on television stations and on some social media networks. The halls of the Longworth House Office Building were crowded with journalists, congressional staffers and members of the public, including drag queen Pissi Myles, who won a day that otherwise seemed to have few victors.

That is because, for all the accusation and recrimination surrounding Trump’s conduct, it is unclear how much has changed now that impeachment has entered its public phase. More witnesses will testify later this week, as well as next week, ahead of an expected vote on articles of impeachment sometime before December’s holiday break.

Most of those witnesses have already given closed-door testimony. That testimony, much of which was made public last week, has been widely seen as damaging to Trump, with career diplomats repeatedly asserting they believed the president would not grant Zelensky an Oval Office meeting or, more substantively, release $400 million in aid until the new Ukrainian leader announced investigations into alleged electoral interference by Ukraine in the 2016 election and into Hunter Biden’s seat on the board of Burisma, an energy company with a history of corruption.

The most substantive revelation to emerge from Wednesday’s testimony appeared to be that Trump called Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, to ask about “the investigations” into Biden and the 2016 election. That call took place the day after Trump spoke on the phone with Zelensky, seeming to suggest that the U.S.-Ukraine relationship was contingent on an announcement of such investigations being launched. An intelligence official later filed a whistleblower complaint over that phone call, which would eventually lead to the opening of a formal impeachment inquiry.

Sondland’s seeming eagerness to work with Trump was already known. And after Taylor offered the new detail in his opening statement, there was little else that was new in the hours that followed. But this was not because either Taylor or Kent was reticent; to the contrary, they had given meticulous testimony to congressional investigators only days before. There was simply not much more to say, given how forthcoming they had already been.

That’s not to say that the proceedings lacked drama or surprise, despite attempts by White House communications director Stephanie Grisham, the president’s son Eric and others to cast the hearing as “boring.” Daniel Goldman, lead counsel for the committee’s Democrats, questioned the witnesses with a prosecutor’s focus, attempting to fashion from the complex affair a narrative of foreign policy used to achieve political ends.

Goldman’s counterpart on the Republican side, Steve Castor, cross-examined Taylor and Kent but came across as meandering. It fell instead to Trump allies like Nunes and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, to offer the kinds of made-for-television moments Trump prefers.

Nunes, Jordan and others — including, somewhat surprisingly, Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., who was previously seen by some as not entirely in the pro-Trump camp — criticized the proceedings as rigged by Schiff to yield the expected outcome of a House vote in favor of impeachment. They also suggested that the whistleblower was a partisan operative who had extensive interactions with Schiff before filing his complaint. (Schiff energetically denied this charge.)

Republicans also pointed out that the aid to Ukraine was ultimately released, and that the Trump administration has provided more support — including lethal aid — than President Barack Obama ever did. They also cast Trump's desire to have Zelensky investigate Biden as part of a broader push by both Washington and Kyiv to root out corruption in the Eastern European country.

In the end, Wednesday’s hearing was likely only to harden opinions instead of changing them. Trump’s detractors will continue to see the Ukraine affair as evidence of the ineradicable corruption of his administration. The president’s supporters, meanwhile, are bound to treat impeachment as part of the enduring project to undo the results of the 2016 election.

Perhaps the most insightful moment of the day came from Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., who offered to reporters that “everybody has their interpretation of what truth is.”


11-14-19  02:04am - 1771 days #1482
LKLK (0)
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President Trump is a man with a heart of gold.
Not only did he pay Stormy Daniels for sex (allegedly), but now he is suing her to pay for his lawyer bills.
The office of the President is too important for Trump to fight with a porn star.

Trump should be impeached for immoral conduct, and put in prison, where he would be better able to defend himself against a porn star.
As president, he does not have the time to fight the porn star properly.

Power to the people!!!
Porn actress fights Trump request for settlement dollars

The Associated Press
Nov 13th 2019 9:32PM

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Attorneys for porn star Stormy Daniels are challenging a request by President Donald Trump’s lawyers to stake claim to a settlement between Daniels and Ohio's capital city.

A federal judge last year said Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, must pay Trump nearly $293,000 for his attorneys' fees and another $1,000 in sanctions after her defamation suit against him was dismissed.

Earlier this year, the city of Columbus reached a $450,000 settlement with Daniels over the porn actress' arrest at a strip club in 2018. Trump's lawyers noted in a filing to the court involved in the Columbus judgment last week that Clifford owes him $293,052.

Daniels’ attorneys said in a Wednesday filing that Clifford has an active appeal in her defamation suit and Trump’s request should be deemed “null and void.”

11-14-19  12:42pm - 1771 days #1483
LKLK (0)
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Being nice to one of Trump's greatest allies, Russia.

The US Navy canceled a routine Black Sea patrol after Trump complained that it was hostile to Russia

Ellen Ioanes
Business Insider
November 13, 2019

President Donald Trump called his then-national security adviser John Bolton to complain about a routine US Navy transit in the Black Sea after seeing a CNN report that framed the operation as a counter to Russia. An aide to a top Ukraine envoy testified about this to House investigators looking into the Ukraine scandal.

The White House ordered the Navy to cancel the freedom-of-navigation patrol, though one eventually took place in February.

The freedom-of-navigation operation came in the wake of an incident in which Russia attacked Ukrainian vessels and detained members of the Ukrainian military in the Kerch Strait, a body of water connecting the Black Sea to the Azov Sea.

Christopher Anderson, an aide to former Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, testified that the White House canceled a Navy freedom-of-navigation operation in the Black Sea after President Donald Trump complained to then-national security adviser John Bolton about a CNN report that framed the operation as a counter to Russia, Politico reported.

According to Anderson's testimony, the news report in question came from CNN and characterized the operation as antagonistic toward Russia. Anderson testified that Trump called Bolton at home to complain about the article, and the operation was later canceled at the behest of the White House, Anderson said.

"In January, there was an effort to get a routine freedom-of-navigation operation into the Black Sea," Anderson testified. "There was a freedom-of-navigation operation for the Navy. So we — we, the US government — notified the Turkish government that there was this intent."

While Anderson in his testimony placed the report in January, details from his testimony match a story from early December, which had the headline "US makes preparations to sail warship into the Black Sea amid Russia-Ukraine tensions."

Anderson said the White House asked the Navy to cancel the freedom-of-navigation operation because the report portrayed the operation as a move to counter Russia, which has increased its naval presence there since annexing Crimea in 2014. In November 2018, its forces attacked Ukrainian assets transiting the Kerch Strait, which connects the Black Sea with the Azov Sea. Russia seized three Ukrainian ships and held 24 Ukrainian service members captive.

11-15-19  02:13pm - 1770 days #1484
LKLK (0)
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President Trump attacks Democrats and others who are trying to impeach him.
Says he is above the law.
God Himself appointed Trump to be President of the United States.
The Democrats are scum sent by Satan to destroy Trump's fight to make America great again.

Vote for Trump, who will make America free, white and the land of the free.

Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine testifies to influence from 'foreign corrupt interests'

Yahoo News
Jon Ward
Nov 15th 2019 1:21PM

A former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine testified Friday in the second public impeachment hearing, amid real-time attacks by President Trump himself, that she was the victim of a dishonest smear campaign in which one of the president’s personal lawyers worked with corrupt Ukrainian officials to remove her from her position earlier this year.

“Ukrainians who preferred to play by the old, corrupt rules sought to remove me. What continues to amaze me is that they found Americans willing to partner with them, and working together, they apparently succeeded in orchestrating the removal of a U.S. ambassador,” said Marie Yovanovitch, who served as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2016 until her abrupt removal in late April.

“How could our system fail like this? How is it that foreign corrupt interests could manipulate our government?” Yovanovitch asked the members of the House Intelligence Committee.

The public hearings are part of an investigation led by Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., into whether the full House should vote on articles of impeachment and recommend to the Senate that it hold a trial to determine whether the president is guilty of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” as outlined in Article 2, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

The Yovanovitch story is important, Schiff said, because she was an obstacle to efforts by Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani to set up an “irregular channel” of diplomacy that could pressure the Ukrainians to announce they were investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, a rival to Trump for the presidency, and his son Hunter Biden, who was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

“The president’s scheme might have worked but for the man who succeeded Yovanovitch,” Schiff said, referring to Bill Taylor, who replaced Yovanovitch in June as acting ambassador to Ukraine.

Taylor testified Wednesday, in the first public hearing, that he was alarmed as he came to understand how this “irregular channel” — involving Giuliani and several others — was undermining U.S. national security by weakening U.S. support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

Taylor also called the withholding of nearly $400 million in military assistance to Ukraine until it announced an investigation of the Bidens “crazy” and “wrong.”

As Yovanovitch spoke to the committee, the president attacked her through his Twitter account, writing, “Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad.”

“It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors,” Trump added. He also said in a subsequent tweet that U.S. foreign policy is “very strong and powerful … much different than proceeding administrations.”

Yovanovitch, however, said that due to Trump’s actions, “our Ukraine policy has been thrown into disarray, and shady interests the world over have learned how little it takes to remove an American ambassador who does not give them what they want.”

Daniel Goldman, the Intelligence Committee attorney asking questions on behalf of Democrats, asked Yovanovitch about the effect on her of the president’s statement in July to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Yovanovitch would “go through some things.”

That July statement, Yovanovitch said, “sounded like a threat.”

“I didn’t know what to think, but I was very concerned,” she said. “It didn’t sound good.”

Schiff then read Trump’s tweet to Yovanovitch, a 33-year veteran of the U.S. diplomatic corps, about 90 minutes into the hearing.

“Now the president in real time is attacking you,” Schiff said.

“Where I’ve served over the years, I and others have demonstrably made things better for the U.S. as well as for the countries that I’ve served in,” she said.

Schiff asked her what kind of impact the president’s tweet might have on others who consider whether to publicly testify against any kind of wrongdoing in the Trump administration.

“It’s very intimidating,” Yovanovitch said.

Schiff referred to the president’s communication as “witness intimidation.”

“Some of us here take witness intimidation very, very seriously,” Schiff told Yovanovitch.

Schiff, during a break in the hearing, told CNN that “we saw today witness intimidation in real time by the president of the United States.”

Fallout from Trump’s tweet was immediate and negative from Republicans, even from a member of the Intelligence Committee.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, a New York Republican who has drawn attention for her combative presence in the hearings so far, criticized the president.

“I disagree with the tweet,” she told CNN’s Haley Byrd. “I think Ambassador Yovanovitch is a public servant.”

And Ken Starr, the former independent investigator who led the Republican impeachment of President Bill Clinton in 1998, said on Fox News that the president’s tweets were “quite injurious” and showed “extraordinarily poor judgment.”

“The president frequently says, ‘I follow my instincts.’ Sometimes we have to control our instincts,” Starr said.

Republicans did not ask a question of Yovanovitch until more than two hours after the hearing had begun, a function of the rules agreed to by the full House in a party-line vote on Oct. 31.

But the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes of California, attacked Schiff and the Democrats’ process in his opening statement, rather than going after Yovanovitch.

Nunes called the entire investigation and inquiry “an excuse for Democrats to fulfill their Watergate fantasies.”


11-16-19  07:51am - 1769 days #1485
LKLK (0)
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President Donald Trump, the most heroic president we've ever had, understands first-hand the hazards of military war.
He's studied in his mind military matters. Unfortunately, he got exemptions from military service, because of academic issues and a bone-spur problem. But as Commander in Chief, Trump is an expert on the military.

This is why he issued pardons in military justice cases.
Trump intervenes in military justice cases, grants pardons

The Associated Press
Nov 16th 2019 8:09AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has pardoned a former U.S. Army commando set to stand trial next year in the killing of a suspected Afghan bomb-maker and a former Army lieutenant convicted of murder for ordering his men to fire upon three Afghans, killing two, the White House announced late Friday.

The commander in chief also ordered a promotion for a decorated Navy SEAL convicted of posing with a dead Islamic State captive in Iraq.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a written statement that the president is responsible for ensuring the law is enforced and that “mercy is granted,” when appropriate.

“For more than 200 years, presidents have used their authority to offer second chances to deserving individuals, including those in uniform who have served our country,” she said. “These actions are in keeping with this long history.”

Trump said earlier this year that he was considering issuing the pardons.

“Some of these soldiers are people that have fought hard and long,” he said in May. “You know, we teach them how to be great fighters, and then when they fight sometimes they get really treated very unfairly.” At the time, Trump acknowledged opposition to the possible pardons by some veterans and other groups and said he could make a decision after trials had been held.

One of the pardons went to Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, a former Green Beret accused of killing a suspected bomb-maker during a 2010 deployment to Afghanistan. Golsteyn was leading a team of Army Special Forces at the time and believed that the man was responsible for an explosion that killed two U.S. Marines.

He has argued that the Afghan was a legal target because of his behavior at the time of the shooting.

The second pardon went to 1st Lt. Clint Lorance, who had been convicted of murder for ordering his soldiers to fire upon three unarmed Afghan men in July 2012, killing two. Lorance has served more than six years of a 19-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Trump also ordered a promotion for Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Edward Gallagher, the Navy SEAL convicted of posing with a dead Islamic State captive in Iraq in 2017. Gallagher was in line for a promotion before he was prosecuted, but he lost that and was reduced in rank after the conviction.

Last month Adm. Mike Gilday, the U.S. chief of naval operations, denied a request for clemency for Gallagher and upheld a military jury's sentence that reduced his rank by one step. One of Gallagher’s lawyers, Timothy Parlatore, said then that ruling would cost Gallagher up to $200,000 in retirement funds because of his loss of rank from a chief petty officer to a 1st class petty officer.

Gallagher ultimately was acquitted of the most serious charges against him. Grisham said the reinstatement of the promotion was “justified,” given Gallagher’s service.

“There are no words to adequately express how grateful my family and I are to our President - Donald J. Trump - for his intervention and decision,” Gallagher said in a statement on Instagram. “I truly believe that we are blessed as a nation to have a Commander-in-Chief that stands up for our warfighters, and cares about how they and their families are treated.”

Parlatore said Friday that his client had received a telephone call from Trump and Vice President Mike Pence informing him of the news.

Golsteyn’s trial by court-martial initially had been scheduled for December but was postponed until Feb. 19 to give attorneys more time to prepare.

In a statement Friday, Golsteyn said his family is “profoundly grateful” for Trump’s pardon.

“We have lived in constant fear of this runaway prosecution. Thanks to President Trump, we now have a chance to rebuild our family and lives. With time, I hope to regain my immense pride in having served in our military,” Golsteyn said.

His defense attorney, Phillip Stackhouse, said he was “confident we would have prevailed in trial, but this action by the President expedited justice in this case.”

Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project, said the actions amounted to an “utterly shameful use of presidential powers.”

“Trump has sent a clear message of disrespect for law, morality, the military justice system, and those in the military who abide by the laws of war,” Shamsi said in a statement.

Defense officials, including Defense Secretary Mark Esper met with Trump and provided him information on the cases.

Asked last week if he supported the exoneration of Gallagher, Golsteyn and Lorance, Esper told reporters that he had a “robust discussion” with the president about the issue and offered his advice and recommendations. He declined to provide more details, but said, “I do have full confidence in the military justice system and we’ll let things play out as they play out.”


Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor contributed to this report.

11-17-19  10:29am - 1768 days #1486
LKLK (0)
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President Trump's new best buddy.
Is North Korea's leader the new best buddy of President Trump?
Even more than Russia's Putin?
Kim Jong-un calls for Joe Biden to be beaten to death with a stick.
What can Putin do to make Trump like him just as well?
Send secret assassins to kill Joe Biden and his family, so Trump can have a better chance for re-election in 2020?
That would really make Trump's day.
Rolling Stone

Politics News
November 17, 2019 12:36PM ET
Trump Replies ‘See You Soon’ After Kim Jong-un Calls for Biden to Be ‘Beaten to Death With a Stick’

Trump seems to respect the violence Un brings, even against his own people
By Peter Wade

On Sunday, President Donald Trump took a quick Twitter break from trying to intimidate those who’ve testified during the impeachment inquiry to once again say friendly things to his favorite pen pal, North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-un. Only this time, it was in response to Un calling for the death of Joe Biden.

The president spotted a tweet from an anchor of the lesser-known Trump propaganda “news” network, One America News, who linked to an article that quoted Un’s own mouthpiece, North Korean’s state news agency KCNA. The tweet called Joe Biden a “rabid dog” and said he should be “beaten to death with a stick.” But Trump ignored the threat and cheerily replied, “See you soon!”

“Mr. Chairman, Joe Biden may be Sleepy and Very Slow, but he is not a “rabid dog.” He is actually somewhat better than that, but I am the only one who can get you where you have to be. You should act quickly, get the deal done. See you soon!” the president tweeted.

The article that Trump shared by quote tweeting the cable news host also goes after Biden’s health, saying he’s in “the final stage of dementia.” The article also said that the “time has come for him to depart his life.”

Trump has embraced North Korea’s ruthless leader after attacking him early in his presidency, publicly calling Un “little rocket man,” which led to a name calling back-and-forth. But that animosity has now ceased.

Trump seems to respect the violence Un brings, even against his own people. Back in June, the president brought along Fox News’ Tucker Carlson to a meeting with Un in North Korea, leaving behind his then national security advisor John Bolton. While with the president, Carlson said during a morning phone interview on Fox News, “You know you’ve got to be honest about what it means to lead a country; it means killing people.”

11-17-19  08:08pm - 1768 days #1487
LKLK (0)
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Donald Trump is the most honest and fearless president the US has ever had.
In spite of attacks by scummy Democrats and other lower-class dirt-bags, Trump has kept his cool and kept his honor bright.
But now it's time for Trump to unleash his presidential powers to cleanse our government of criminals and women of ill repute to make America great again.

Vote for Trump, the leader of a free, white America.

And give Trump the power to throw these scum in jail.
Trump needs the support of the American people.

And if Trump is not re-elected president in 2020, then Trump should be made the head of the FBI, where he can root out corruption in the US government.

Trump accuses Pence aide of 'presidential attack'

HuffPost US
Amy Russo
Nov 17th 2019 7:38PM

President Donald Trump lashed out on Sunday against Jennifer Williams, a foreign policy aide to Vice President Mike Pence who has become the latest impeachment inquiry witness to be targeted by the president’s ire.

“Tell Jennifer Williams, whoever that is, to read BOTH transcripts of the presidential calls, & see the just released ststement (sic) from Ukraine,” he tweeted. “Then she should meet with the other Never Trumpers, who I don’t know & mostly never even heard of, & work out a better presidential attack!”

Offering a non-defensive response to Trump’s tweet, Pence’s spokesperson told CNN, “Jennifer is a State Department employee.”

On Saturday, House lawmakers released a transcript of Williams’ testimony on Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which is at the heart of impeachment proceedings. A rough transcript of the call shows Trump sought Zelensky’s help with a corruption probe of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, based on unsubstantiated allegations.

Earlier this month, Williams told Intelligence Committee members that the conversation on which she listened in, “struck me as unusual and inappropriate.”

She described the discussion as “more political in nature” than Trump’s communications with other foreign leaders, noting that he was concerned with his “personal political agenda.”

The call, which occurred while American military aid was being withheld from Ukraine, has raised questions over whether Trump was attempting to broker a quid pro quo while soliciting interference in the 2020 election to handicap his Democratic rival.

Trump has already bashed other impeachment witnesses, including former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch who hadn’t even left Friday’s hearing before he assailed her decades-long career online.

In a tweet, Trump claimed that “everywhere” she “went turned bad.” Yovanovitch, responding in real time, called the rebuke “intimidating.”

Speaking to reporters, Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) characterized Trump’s remarks as “witness intimidation.”

11-18-19  05:01pm - 1767 days #1488
LKLK (0)
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Rats deserting a sinking ship.
Except Trump will not sink.
He wants to take down anyone and everyone around him.

Gordon Sondland, the US ambassador to the European Union, is changing his story about Donald Trump.
Trump is acting pro-actively, saying he is hardly aware of Sonddland, and that Sondland has little weight.
Therefore, anything Sondland says has little weight.

(Trump is a serial liar. Or he is deluded. Anyone who criticizes Trump is an idiot or a traitor.)

Gordon Sondland, key figure in Trump impeachment inquiry, set to testify this week

Yahoo News
David Knowles
Nov 18th 2019 6:05PM

As the public hearing phase of the impeachment inquiry of President Trump enters its second week, the House Intelligence Committee is set to hear testimony from eight witnesses. While each of the members of the administration are expected to shed light on Trump’s efforts to procure a Ukrainian investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden, none is more anticipated than Gordon Sondland.

Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, has emerged as a central figure in what Democrats allege is a bribery and extortion scheme in which the Trump administration conditioned the release of nearly $400 million in U.S. military aid and a meeting with the presidenton a public announcement that Kyiv was investigating Biden and his son Hunter.

A key Republican talking point used to defend Trump has been that none of the witnesses to publicly testify had direct interactions with the president regarding the Biden investigations. That is true, although those who might have firsthand knowledge — acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and lawyer Rudy Giuliani — have either been blocked from testifying by the White House or refused to appear.

But Sondland did have direct conversations with Trump about his demands on Ukraine, although his account has changed since his original testimony.

In his Oct. 17 deposition, Sondland first told House investigators that he was not aware the White House had linked release of aid to Ukraineto investigations of the Bidens. But after the release of testimony by other witnesses that supported the scenario Democrats describe, Sondland revised his testimony on Nov. 5.

“I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Sondland said in his written addendum. Sondland also described telling an aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that the “resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anticorruption statement that we have been discussing for many weeks.”

Other witnesses have added more detail about Sondland’s direct dealings with Trump. David Holmes, a U.S. Embassy official in Kyiv who is set to testify Thursday, said in his closed-door deposition on Friday that he overheard Sondland and Trump on a cellphone call discussing the plan to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

Holmes recounted hearing Trump ask Sondland, “So, he’s going to do the investigation?”

Sondland responded that Zelensky “loves your ass” and would do “anything you ask him to.”

After the call ended, Holmes then asked Sondland about what he had overheard, in particular whether it was true that Trump did not “give a s*** about Ukraine,” undercutting the president’s contention that he was concerned about corruption in the former Soviet nation.

“Ambassador Sondland agreed that the president did not give a s*** about Ukraine,” Holmes’s opening statement to lawmakers read. Sondland went on to say that Trump cared only about the “big stuff that benefits the president like the Biden investigation that Mr. Giuliani was pushing.”
Gone rogue?

If Sondland confirms Holmes’s account, contradicting Trump’s repeated assertions that he had nothing to do with demanding a quid pro quo from Ukraine,House Republicans are expected to attempt to minimize Sondland’s position in the administration. Indeed, Trump himself has already previewed this alibi, telling White House reporters earlier this month, “I hardly knew the gentleman.”

That would seem unlikely, given that Sondland, a businessman with no diplomatic experience, was appointed ambassador after making a million-dollar donation to the Trump inaugural fund — and that he could call the White House on his phone from a restaurant in Kyiv and get put through to the president.

Typically, the U.S. ambassador to the EU works out of Brussels, and the job does not concern matters related to Ukraine, a non-EU state. Democrats are expected to ask Sondland how he became Trump’s point person in the Ukraine matter.

Emails obtained by the Wall Street Journal show that Sondland also kept several Trump administration officials in the loop about his efforts to pressure Ukraine to announce an investigation of Biden.

And Sondland can hardly be portrayed as the “Never Trumper” that the president has labeled all those who have testified in the impeachment inquiry so far.

Less than a week after Sondland gave his sworn deposition to House investigators, the discrepancies with what others had told the Intelligence Committee had become apparent.

Prior to Sondland’s amending his testimony, Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., who sits on the committee, told MSNBC that the ambassador was at risk of perjury charges.

Some legal analysts have posited that rather than attempt to explain why he amended his deposition testimony, Sondland may invoke his Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination. Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump in a 2017 purge of 46 U.S. attorneys, noted that Trump’s longtime personal adviser Roger Stone was convicted last week of lying to Congress.

In an email to Yahoo News, Sondland’s attorney Robert Luskin said his client planned to show up on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning.

“Ambassador Sondland expects to testify as scheduled Wednesday,” Luskin said. “Beyond that, no comment.”

11-18-19  06:57pm - 1767 days #1489
LKLK (0)
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This is wrong.
A senior Trump administration official resigned her job at the State Department after it was revealed she had made false claims about her charity work.

Why is it wrong?

Because Trump has lied repeatedly, about almost everything.
Trump has lied about his charities.

So if one of his officials lies, she (or he) is just following in Trump's footsteps.

And if you follow in Trump's footsteps, you should be able to get away with anything.

So, don't resign. Instead, tell the public "This is a witch hunt. The media is biased. I'm innocent."

And ask for a raise on your current job.

Maybe Mina Chang could be promoted to serve as Donald Trump's spokesperson, since she and Trump seem to share a lot in common (they are both liars).

Follow President Donald Trump as he shapes America’s future
Senior Trump admin official Mina Chang resigns after NBC News report

NBC News
Dan De Luce, Laura Strickler and Ari Sen
Nov 18th 2019 7:26PM

WASHINGTON — Senior Trump administration official Mina Chang resigned from her job at the State Department two and a half hours after NBC News went to her spokesperson to ask about newly discovered false claims she had made about her charity work.

NBC News had previously reported that Chang, the deputy assistant secretary in the State Department's Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations, had embellished her resume with misleading claims about her educational achievements and the scope of her non-profit's work — even posting a fake cover of Time magazine with her face on it.

"It is essential that my resignation be seen as a protest and not as surrender because I will not surrender my commitment to serve, my fidelity to the truth, or my love of country," Chang wrote in her resignation letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. "Indeed, I intend to fight for those things as a citizen in the days and years to come."

Chang said she had been "unfairly maligned, unprotected by my superiors, and exposed to a media with an insatiable desire for gossip and scandal, genuine or otherwise."

NBC News had reported that Chang, who assumed her post in April, invented a role on a UN panel, claimed she had addressed both the Democratic and Republican national conventions, and implied she had testified before Congress.

She was being considered for an even bigger government job, one with a budget of more than $1 billion, until Congress started asking questions about her resume.

The newly discovered false claims include misrepresenting a trip to Afghanistan as a humanitarian mission, listing an academic who says he never worked for her nonprofit as an employee, claiming a nonexistent degree from the University of Hawaii, inflating an award and claiming to be a UNESCO "ambassador."

Chang had portrayed a 2015 trip to Afghanistan as a humanitarian mission for her non-profit, but a defense contractor footed the bill and no aid was delivered, according to documents from the company and a former employee.
Mina Chang and unnamed others in Afghanistan in a photo from the Facebook page of Automotive Management Services (AMS), a defense contractor operating in Afghanistan.

After the Afghanistan trip, Chang posted photos of herself meeting a group of Afghan women in a room. In a video posted on her charity's website, she refers to the photo and says the Afghan women are "in hiding" at a secret location.

"This is in Afghanistan, I am sitting with women in our program, they are living in hiding. I can only say they are right outside of the Kabul area," Chang said in an interview posted on her non-profit's website.

But the women were not part of any program run by her charity, Linking the World. They were wives of local employees of the defense contractor that paid for her trip, Automotive Management Services, and they were not in hiding, said a former employee.

"They were photo-ops," the former employee said of Chang's trip to Afghanistan, and another to Iraq.

Company documents obtained by NBC News show Chang was asked to help the firm manage an association of Afghan wives, whose spouses worked for the company. The plan would free up AMS to "focus on our commercial prospects," according to a document outlining the project. AMS, which helped Afghan security forces maintain a fleet of armored vehicles, paid for Chang's airfare and accommodation, according to documents and the former employees.

On her charity's website, Chang posted photos from the Afghan trip, without indicating that the defense contractor bankrolled the visit and that her NGO conducted no aid work during the trip.
The data scientist

In promotional material for her non-profit, Linking the World, under the heading "Who We Are," the group lists a "chief data scientist," Michele Leonard, an adjunct professor at New York University and Columbia University.

But Leonard told NBC News that "I was never an employee of this organization." He said he had never seen the document touting his expertise.

In response, Ian Dailey, Linking the World’s chief of staff, told NBC News in an email, "Linking the World is a volunteer-based organization, so no persons addressed on our site were employees. At the time, Mr. Leonard was employed by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), and I was personally working with him on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two organizations, to share data, skills and analyzes (sic). However, Mr. Leonard left USIP before that MOU was completed."
Michele Leonard - from

Dailey did not respond to a request for comment about the AMS sponsorship of Chang's trip to Afghanistan.

In numerous bios, including one when she was a fellow at the New America think tank in Washington, Chang said she had served as a "cross cultural ambassador" for the U.N.'s cultural agency, UNESCO.

But Chang does not appear on a list of ambassadors for UNESCO. Spokesman Roni Amelan said the organization does not have a "cross-cultural ambassador" category.

Chang has cited winning a "CBS Humanitarian of the Year Women That Soar" award in 2012. In fact, it was a local award in Dallas and the event was broadcast by a local CBS affiliate.

"It's not a CBS award. It aired on a CBS station," said Lori Conrad, market communications director for the CBS Corporation.

A spokesperson for the Women That Soar event did not respond to a request for comment but Mina Chang's bio has been removed from the organization's website.
Facebook banner picture for defense contractor Automotive Management Services(AMS) featuring Mina Chang.

In a profile published in 2012 with a Dallas publication, DFWChild, Chang is described as having earned a degree in international development from the University of Hawaii.

A University of Hawaii spokesperson says they do not have a Mina Chang of her age in their records, and that the university does not offer a "degree in international development."

The magazine on Monday published an editor's note, saying the article was based on false information from Chang.

"As other falsehoods and misleading statements come to light, we've made the decision to preserve the text as it was originally published in May 2012. We stand by our reporting at the time, and we want this article to serve as a snapshot of the narrative Ms. Chang promoted then."

11-19-19  04:24am - 1766 days #1490
LKLK (0)
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Trump is his own man.
He makes his own decisions.
Trump changes US policy toward Israel, that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are now legal.
A win for hard-line Israel parties, a loss for Palestinians.

Trump just upended 40 years of U.S. policy toward Israel and may have shattered any hope of peace in the Middle East

Business Insider
John Haltiwanger
Nov 19th 2019 5:41AM

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday announced the U.S. will break from decades of policy and will no longer view Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank as "inconsistent with international law."
This marks a stark departure from the policies of previous administrations and a 1978 State Department legal opinion issued under the administration of former President Jimmy Carter.
Israeli settlements are among the most heated topics in foreign affairs and this move could derail any hope of peace and a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians.
Palestinian leaders decried the announcement as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Trump ally who is fighting for his political survival, expressed gratitude.

The Trump administration on Monday announced a major shift in U.S. policy toward Israel that could make it virtually impossible to advance peace efforts in the Middle East.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the U.S. will no longer view Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank as "inconsistent with international law."

This effectively means the US will no longer adhere to a 1978 State Department legal opinion issued under the administration of former President Jimmy Carter, which determined the settlements violated international law.

"Calling the establishment of civilian settlements inconsistent with international law has not advanced the cause of peace," Pompeo said on Monday. "The hard truth is that there will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict, and arguments about who is right and who is wrong as a matter of international law will not bring peace."

In late 2016, the Obama administration declined to veto a landmark resolution in the UN Security Council that demanded a halt to all Israeli settlement in the occupied territories. The U.S. abstained from a vote on the resolution, which described the settlements as a "flagrant violation" of international law, and it passed 14-0.

Saeb Erekat, the secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which conducts peace talks behalf of Palestinians, in a statement on Monday slammed the Trump administration over this announcement.

"Once again, with this announcement, the Trump administration is demonstrating the extent to which it's threatening the international system with its unceasing attempts to replace international law with the 'law of the jungle,'" Erekat said. "Henceforth, the international community must take all necessary measures to respond and deter this irresponsible U.S. behavior, which poses a threat to global stability, security, and peace. "

Israeli settlements are among the most divisive topics in conversations on the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. The settlements have long been considered illegal by the international community and are widely seen as one of the key obstacles to a two-state solution, which has consistently been the goal of the US government.
Trump continues to hand gifts to Netanyahu at the expense of regional stability

Monday's announcement is part of a series of decisions the Trump administration has taken that represent a stark turn away from years of U.S. policy toward Israel, such as President Donald Trump's decision earlier this year to recognize Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights. This new decision could further undermine Palestine's efforts to achieve statehood.

By continuously taking stances that are in line with more extreme elements of Israeli politics, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has increasingly embraced, the Trump administration has decreased the likelihood of a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Israeli government's spending on West Bank settlements has skyrocketed since Trump was elected, according according to official data analyzed by the Associated Press. And the Trump administration's latest move could be viewed as a greenlight to expand settlements, which could exacerbate tensions and lead to more violence.

Netanyahu, a Trump ally, in recent months has vowed to annex all Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, where roughly 400,000 Israeli settlers and 2.8 million Palestinians live.

In an August speech, the Israeli leader said: "With God's help we will extend Jewish sovereignty to all the settlements as part of the (biblical) land of Israel, as part of the state of Israel."

At the time, Nabil Abu Rdainah, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said Netanyahu's remarks were a "continuation of attempts to create an unacceptable fait accompli that will not lead to any peace, security or stability."

Netanyahu, whose political career is in jeopardy after he failed to form a coalition following recent elections, on Monday celebrated the Trump administration's decision.

The Israeli prime minister in a statement said the US has "adopted an important policy that rights a historical wrong" and "reflects an historical truth."

"The Jewish people are not foreign colonialists in Judea and Samaria," Netanyahu said. "In fact, we are called Jews because we are the people of Judea."

Netanyahu added: "Israel is deeply grateful to President Trump, Secretary Pompeo and the entire US administration for their steadfast position supporting truth and justice, and calls upon all responsible countries who hope to advance peace to adopt a similar position."

More from Business Insider:
Trump reportedly shelved a ban on flavored e-cigarettes to avoid angering voters
Rudy Giuliani said he has 'insurance' if Trump tries to throw him under the bus in the impeachment process
Trump just petitioned the Supreme Court to shield his tax returns from federal prosecutors, in a test of separation-of-powers

11-21-19  02:33am - 1764 days #1491
LKLK (0)
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Eric Trump Burned For Using Impeachment Hearing To Sell Trump Wine

POLITICS 11/20/2019 07:10 pm ET
Eric Trump Burned For Using Impeachment Hearing To Sell Trump Wine
One Twitter user said the wine “pairs well with bribery.”

Eric Trump wasn’t exactly drunk with power during Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s testimony on Wednesday ― but he definitely thought about getting drunk.

While Sondland was directly implicating President Donald Trump in a Ukraine shakedown, the president’s second-born son was figuring out how to make a buck off the whole impeachment situation.

His solution was to push Trump wines.

As you might expect, many Twitter users called out the dubious marketing stunt and Eric himself.

Some people immediately thought of appropriate pairings.

Some suggested a different spirit might be in order.

Others were confused by the Trump wine tweet.

And others just assumed Trump’s second son made a spelling error.

One person wasn’t going to buy until they got a full accounting of the wine’s flavor profile.

11-21-19  07:20am - 1764 days #1492
LKLK (0)
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Stop the press!!!
Trump says he will release a financial statement before the 2020 election.
(Unless he changes his mind, of course.)
(Or, he could make the release a 1-page document of his charitable donations, that were funded by public donations.)

Trump, the man of a thousand lies.
Making America free, white, and great again.

And Trump will sue to make himself whole again, if any graft is uncovered.
Trump, the man with a teflon skin.
(Or, maybe it's a teflon brain. Ha-ha. Joke.)

Trump says he will release 'financial statement' before 2020 election

Thomson Reuters
Nov 21st 2019 9:04AM

WASHINGTON, Nov 21 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, facing lawsuits and political demands to release his U.S. tax returns and other financial information, said on Thursday he will release a statement on his finances before the presidential election, and asserted that it was his call on providing the information.

"I’m clean, and when I release my financial statement (my decision) sometime prior to election, it will only show one thing - that I am much richer than people even thought - And that is a good thing," Trump said in a post on Twitter, providing no details on his claims of wealth.

Trump also said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's two-year investigation into Russian interference in elections, which most recently led to the criminal conviction of Trump's former adviser Roger Stone, showed that his finances were in order.

Mueller "went over all of my financials, & my taxes, and found nothing. Now the Witch Hunt continues with local New York Democrat prosecutors going over every financial deal I have ever done. This has never happened to President before. What they are doing is not legal," Trump wrote.

Trump, an international hotelier and former reality TV star, is the first major-party presidential candidate since Gerald Ford in 1976 not to release his tax returns.

Last week a federal judge dismissed New York's attorney general and state tax commissioner as defendants in Trump's lawsuit seeking to block a congressional committee from obtaining his New York state tax returns. New York passed a law earlier this year that would allow the committee to access Trump's state tax returns.

Meanwhile an appeals court in New York has ruled that Trump’s longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors. (Reporting by Lisa Lambert; Additional reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Editing by Toby Chopra)

11-23-19  02:18am - 1762 days #1493
LKLK (0)
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Joe Biden is disappointed and angered by Lindsey Graham's investigation.
But Graham is a politician who must follow the law and his ethics.
Joe Biden must confess if he did illegal acts.

However, Biden is also a professional politician, and he is willing to work with Republicans and Democrats.
America, land of the free.
Joe Biden is 'disappointed and angered' by Lindsey Graham's investigation

HuffPost US
David Moye
Nov 22nd 2019 9:35PM

Two words described Joe Biden’s reaction to the news that old friend Lindsey Graham had launched an investigation of him and of his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine: “disappointed” and “angered.”

Graham’s investigation indulges an unsubstantiated right-wing theory that Biden pushed Ukraine to fire a prosecutor in order to shield Hunter, who was serving on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukranian natural gas company, at the time.

Biden told CNN’s Don Lemon that he believed Graham was being coerced into doing the investigation.

They have Graham “under their thumb right now,” Biden said. “They know he knows if he comes out against [Donald] Trump, he’s got a real tough road for reelection.”

Biden didn’t mince words about how being investigated by a friend who once called him “as good a man as God ever created” made him feel.

“Number one. I am disappointed, and, quite frankly I’m angered by the fact that he knows me,” Biden said. “He knows my son. He knows there’s nothing to this. Trump is now essentially holding power over him that even the Ukrainians wouldn’t yield to.”

Biden predicts things aren’t going to end well for Graham.

“Lindsey is about to go down in a way I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden said, before addressing his old friend from the Senate personally.

“Lindsey, I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing ― for you! I mean, my lord,” Biden said.

You can see the exchange below. CNN analyst Gloria Borger speculated at the end of the clip that Biden feels especially “betrayed” by Graham since one of his campaign arguments is that he will be able to work with Republicans.

11-24-19  12:02pm - 1761 days #1494
LKLK (0)
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President Trump fights for justice.
He demands that the whistleblower appear before the FBI and answer questions.
And if the whistleblower is a spy or a traitor, then the whistleblower should be put to death.
Traitors and spies deserve the death penalty.
Justice must be served.
Trump is God's servant on earth. Trump is the voice of God. Amen.
Schiff on why Democrats didn’t call the Ukraine whistleblower to testify

Yahoo News
Kadia Tubman
Nov 24th 2019 12:34PM

Despite two weeks of extraordinary impeachment hearings, which amassed a dozen witnesses and over 30 hours of testimony, there was one person the public and Democratic-led House of Representatives did not get to hear from: the still-anonymous whistleblower who triggered the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday told NBC “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd the committee wanted to call for the whistleblower’s testimony but declined to do so for a pair of reasons.

“You did pledge that the intelligence committee would hear from the whistleblower in some form or another,” Todd said. “Are you going to fulfill that pledge?”

“We had a deep interest in having the whistleblower testify until two things happened,” Schiff said. “One, we were able to prove everything in the whistleblower complaint with witnesses that had firsthand information; and second, the president and his allies effectively put that whistleblower’s life in danger.”

He continued: “The president said the whistleblower and others should be treated as a traitor or a spy and we ought to use the penalty we used to use for traitors and spies and that’s the death penalty."

“So here’s the thing, Chuck, we don’t need the whistleblower secondhand evidence anymore,” Schiff added. “It would only serve to endanger this person and to gratify the president’s desire for retribution and that is not a good enough reason to bring in the whistleblower.”

Trump, at the conclusion of the televised impeachment hearings, continued his calls for the whistleblower’s identity to be revealed as he lashed out at the inquiry in an interview with FOX & Friends last Friday.

“The bottom line is all of those witnesses, they're all shifty Schiff, don't forget. There was no due process. You can't have lawyers. We couldn't have any witnesses. We want to call the whistleblower,” Trump said, before adding, “I want a trial” in the Senate if the House votes to impeach him.

Meanwhile, the FBI recently sought to question the whistleblower, as Yahoo News first reported last week. No interview has been scheduled.

The inquiry, which followed the whistleblower’s complaint over President Trump’s July 25 Ukraine call, is centered on the president’s efforts, conveyed through his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, to coerce the government of Ukraine to announce investigations that he thought would help his 2020 campaign, including of his potential opponent Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Part of the pressure on Ukraine involved the temporary withholding of military aid.

While the public hearings have ended and Schiff on CNN's "State of the Union said “the evidence that's been produced overwhelmingly shows serious misconduct by the president,” the Democratic lawmaker doesn’t “foreclose the possibility of more depositions, more hearings.”

“We are in the process of getting more documents all the time. So that investigative work is being done," he told host Jake Tapper. "What we're not going to do is wait months and months while the administration plays a game of rope-a-dope in an effort to try to stall. We're not willing to go down that road. And what's more, the evidence is already overwhelming.”

Schiff spoke about another potential witness, John Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser, who reemerged on Twitter last week amid the hearings and had refused to testify before Congress, but, as the Democratic leader acknowledged, would more likely testify before a Republican-majority Senate.

“We have certainly been in touch with his lawyer. And what we have been informed by his lawyer -- because we invited him to come in, and he did not choose to come in and testify, notwithstanding the fact that his deputy Fiona Hill and his other deputy, Colonel Vindman, and Tim Morrison and others in the National Security Council have shown the courage to come in -- is, if we subpoena him, they will sue us in court,” Schiff told Tapper.

“Now, he will have to explain one day if he maintains that position, why he wanted to wait to put it in a book, instead of telling the American people what he knew when it really mattered to the country,” he added.

Schiff, nodding to the possibility of upcoming investigations, told Todd “there are still other witnesses, other documents we would like to obtain" before articles of impeachment would be moved from the House likely before the year’s end.

When asked by Todd whether he would testify if called by the Senate in an impeachment trial in the event that the House impeaches Trump, Schiff said, “If the Senate wants to call me as a witness then they pretty much made the decision not to take this process seriously.”

“I’m not a fact witness,” he added.


11-24-19  02:57pm - 1761 days #1495
Loki (0)
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Trump whined about not getting due process in the impeachment hearings. He's not being criminally prosecuted, so he due process protections don't apply. Impeachment is a political process, not a criminal one. "A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man talking nonsense not to himself."

11-26-19  04:18pm - 1759 days #1496
LKLK (0)
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Trump jokes about the impeachment process.
This is a solemn occasion.
The life of a turkey is at stake.
Yet Trump makes jokes while deciding whether to have a pet turkey put to death.
Trump used to have a heart of gold, but since he became president, he has turned cynical and bitter.

Both Butter and his alternate "Bread" escaped the fate of becoming the main course of a Thanksgiving feast and were sent to a special reserve in Virginia.

It's time to replace Trump with a man who cares about the people of the United States.
One who will not separate children from their parents.
Trump jokes about impeachment probe at annual turkey pardon

Thomson Reuters
By Lisa Lambert
Nov 26th 2019 6:08PM

WASHINGTON, Nov 26 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday used the high power of his office to pardon "Butter," a 47 pound (21 kg) turkey, during a U.S. tradition at the White House where he also cracked jokes about Democrats' investigation into whether he should be impeached.

Both Butter and his alternate "Bread" escaped the fate of becoming the main course of a Thanksgiving feast and were sent to a special reserve in Virginia.

Standing at a podium in the Rose Garden, Trump said the birds had been raised to remain calm under "any condition."

"Which will be very important because they've already received subpoenas to appear in Adam Schiff's basement on Thursday," he joked, referring to the House of Representatives intelligence committee chairman who has led the inquiry into whether Trump should be impeached for pressing Ukraine to investigate a political rival of his.

"It seems the Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on turkey. But Bread and Butter, I should note, that, unlike previous witnesses, you and I have actually met."

While other presidents occasionally gave turkeys commutations starting with Abraham Lincoln, another Republican president, George H. W. Bush, was the first to make sparing one an official act, according to the non-profit Constitution Center. Trump's predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama, is credited with starting the tradition of cracking "dad jokes" at the pardon.

The threat of impeachment may be looming larger each day, with Democrats expected to release a crucial report after Thanksgiving, but it did not stop the White House from reveling this week in the somewhat goofy pardoning tradition.

It posted videos of the turkeys checking into a special suite at the Willard Hotel, where political leaders have stayed in the past, and baseball card-like statistics on both Bread and Butter.

The National Turkey Federation introduced the birds in a press conference on Tuesday. In true Washington fashion, polling decided which turkey would receive the official pardon, with Americans sharing their preference for Butter on Twitter.

According to the White House, Butter enjoys listening to bagpipes and has a gobble style that is "rowdy." Bread prefers Bluegrass music and wants to master aerial yoga. (Reporting by Lisa Lambert Editing by Alistair Bell)

11-27-19  08:22pm - 1758 days #1497
LKLK (0)
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Trump tweets photo of his head on shirtless Rocky Balboa's body

Gabrielle Sorto, AOL.com
Nov 27th 2019 2:30PM

President Trump's latest tweet is sparking confusion, criticism and a whole lot of jokes.

The president posted a Photoshopped photo of his head on Sylvester Stallone's body from the classic film "Rocky" with no caption, context or follow-up explanation.

The tweet came out as the president was reportedly playing golf at his Florida Club while on Thanksgiving vacation at Mar-a-Lago, according to the New York Post.

The Washington Examiner speculated the post could be in reference to his Tuesday "Keep America Great" rally, where Trump told supporters that doctors told him to "show us that gorgeous chest" during his latest visit to Walter Reed hospital.

"We want to see it," he claimed doctors said. "We've never seen a chest quite like it."

The president faced a wave of responses on Twitter. Some people made jokes, comparing the photo to online dating when people look nothing like their photo in real life.

But most people didn't know how to respond to the doctored image. One person on Twitter called it "both sad and funny on a whole new level."

Katie Couric even responded saying, "I have no words."

Neither Trump nor the White House has given any explanation as to why he tweeted the photo or what it all means.

11-30-19  04:33pm - 1755 days #1498
LKLK (0)
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Fake news:
Donald Trump is interviewing Brazil's president for the job of White House Press Secretary.
Trump is a man who admired bold-faced liars.
Brazil's president is almost as good a liar as Donald Trump.
So Brazil's president would make a fine White House Press Secretary.

Brazil's president accuses actor DiCaprio of financing Amazon fires

Thomson Reuters
By Marcelo Teixeira and Eduardo Simões
Nov 30th 2019 11:36AM

SAO PAULO, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro claimed on Friday that Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio financed fires being set in the Amazon rainforest, without presenting any evidence, the right-wing leader's latest broadside in casting blame over forest fires that have generated international concern.

Bolsonaro appeared to be commenting on social media postings claiming that the environmental organization the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) had paid for images taken by volunteer firefighters that it then supposedly used to solicit donations, including a $500,000 contribution from DiCaprio.

The WWF has denied receiving a donation from DiCaprio or obtaining photos from the firefighters.

"This Leonardo DiCaprio is a cool guy, right? Giving money to torch the Amazon," Bolsonaro said on Friday during brief remarks in front of the presidential residence.

DiCaprio denied having donated to the WWF. In a statement, the actor lauded "the people of Brazil working to save their natural and cultural heritage." But, he said, "While worthy of support, we did not fund the organizations targeted."

DiCaprio has been an outspoken advocate on behalf of combating climate change, speaking frequently about environmental issues including the Amazon forest fires. His Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which is focused on projects that "protect vulnerable wildlife from extinction," is part of the Earth Alliance.

Four members of the nongovernmental organization Alter do Chão Fire Brigade were arrested on Tuesday with police accusing them of purposefully setting fires in order to document them and drum up more donations. They were released on Thursday on a judge's order.

Politicians and other NGOs fiercely criticized the arrest, saying it was part of a concerted attempt by Bolsonaro's government to harass environmental groups.

Scientists and activists blame land speculators, farmers and ranchers for setting the fires to clear land for agricultural use, saying that deforesters are being emboldened by Bolsonaro's rhetoric of promoting development and farming over preservation.

The Amazon rainforest is considered a bulwark against global climate change.

Bolsonaro has repeatedly lashed out at various factions in casting blame for the forest fires.

In a Facebook live post on Aug. 21, he said, "Everything indicates" that NGOs were going to the Amazon to "set fire" to the forest. When asked then if he had evidence to back up his claims, Bolsonaro said he had "no written plan," adding, "that's not how it's done."

One day later he admitted that farmers could be illegally setting the rainforest ablaze, but roughly a month later he attacked the "lying media" for saying that the rainforest was being devastated by the fires.

Bolsonaro talked about DiCaprio on Thursday during a live webcast. The president said the WWF paid the firefighting NGO to take pictures of forest fires in the Amazon.

"So what did the NGO do? What is the easiest thing? Set fire to the forest. Take pictures, make a video," the president said. "(WWF) makes a campaign against Brazil, it contacts Leonardo DiCaprio, he donates $500,000."

"A part of that went to the people that were setting fires. Leonardo DiCaprio, you are contributing to the fire in the Amazon, that won't do," Bolsonaro said.

(Reporting by Eduardo Simões and Marcelo Teixeira Editing by Jake Spring and Leslie Adler)

12-02-19  09:50am - 1753 days #1499
LKLK (0)
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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, one of the most important and powerful men in the United States, blasts Congress for trying to impede the work of our glorious Leader For Life, President of the United States of Trumperland.

Congress is full of scummy Democrats who are trying to bring Trump down.

We must fight the sinful Dems from Hell.

Republicans, stand proud.
Fight for Trump.
The most heroic, God-fearing President the US has ever known.
Pompeo: Impeachment work should pause while Trump is abroad

The Associated Press
Dec 2nd 2019 10:39AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted the House on Monday for scheduling impeachment hearings while President Donald Trump is abroad.

Pompeo said it’s “very unfortunate” for the House Judiciary Committee to hold its hearing Wednesday at the same time that Trump is representing the U.S. at this week’s NATO summit in London.

Pompeo told “Fox & Friends” that there is a long tradition of supporting a president when he is traveling overseas and shouldn’t be distracted by problems at home while discussing international issues with allies.

"I regret that they've chosen to hold these hearings at the same time that the president and our entire national security team will be traveling to Europe, to London, to work on these important matters," Pompeo said. "It's very unfortunate."

Separately, Pompeo declined to say whether he planned to step down as secretary of state to run for a Senate seat from Kansas.

12-05-19  03:21pm - 1750 days #1500
LKLK (0)
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Joe Biden is coming on strong.
Tells a guy the man is a damn liar.
Next thing you know, Biden will challenge President Trump to a knock-down brawl: the winner will take the presidency in 2020.
Go, Dems. You might not make America great again, but you are starting to eat red meat.

Side note: Trump is uncovering traitorous action on the part of Canadians.
Can he bar Canadians from entering the USA?
Can he send selected Canadians to the hoosegow, for crimes committed against the United States?
I hear Trump has ordered the FBI and the CIA (close friends of his in the shadow government) to investigate rearadmiral, a suspected Porn User who has close ties to the dark side of Mafia businesses.
Unless rearadmiral starts paying protection money, it seems clear rearadmiral will be making a visit to the clink.
'You're a damn liar': Biden shows his tough side in Iowa

Yahoo News
David Knowles
Dec 5th 2019 4:06PM

Joe Biden came out swinging on the campaign trail this week, calling out a hostile questioner as a “damn liar” and rolling out a campaign ad meant to hit Donald Trump where it hurts him most — his ego.

After enduring criticism about his measured response to Republican charges that he was implicated in a corrupt scheme to promote his son Hunter’s business interests in Ukraine, Biden confronted a voter in Iowa who parroted that claim.

“You’re a damn liar, man,” Biden snapped at an attendee at a rally in New Hampton who accused him of landing his son a seat on the board of the energy company, Burisma Holdings, to profit from his position in the Obama administration. “That’s not true and no one has ever said that.”

Biden, who has kept his lead in polls of the Democratic presidential field since he entered the race in April, nevertheless has struggled with how to respond to Trump’s attacks. Republicans in Congress have called for Biden’s son, and even Biden himself, to be called as witnesses in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, which is focused on White House efforts to coerce Ukraine to investigate the former vice president.

In early October, Biden told an audience that he didn’t want to be “sucked into the trap of the stuff that Trump was laying.” On Thursday, however, he tried to confront the accusations about his son’s former position on Burisma’s board while simultaneously making an affirmative case for his candidacy.
Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden faces off with a local resident challenging him about his son Hunter Biden's involvement with Ukraine. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

“Look, the reason I’m running is I’ve been around a long time and I know more than most people know and I can get things done,” Biden told the man who had brought up his son. “That’s why I’m running. And you want to check my shape on, let’s do pushups together, let’s run, let’s do whatever you what to do. Let’s take an IQ test. No. 2: No one has said my son has done anything wrong and I did not on any occasion, and no one has ever said it—”

“I didn’t say you were doing anything wrong,” the voter interrupted.

“You said I set up my son to work on an oil company. Isn’t that what you said? Get your words straight, Jack.”

“That’s what I hear on MSNBC,” the man replied.

“You don’t hear that on MSNBC,” Biden fired back.

On Wednesday, Biden’s campaign showed it was capable of the kind of rapid response that will be necessary to beat Trump in 2020, cutting an ad that utilized footage from just hours earlier of European heads of state laughing about the president’s behavior at the NATO summit in London.

Trump abruptly canceled a planned news conference and departed the summit after the video of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Britain’s Princess Anne gossiping about Trump went viral.

Before leaving London, Trump lashed out at Trudeau as “two-faced,” and later portrayed the summit as a success.

The Biden campaign ad portrayed the summit as an example of Trump diminishing America’s “standing in the world.”

“The world sees Trump for what he is — insincere, ill-informed, corrupt, dangerously incompetent and incapable, in my view, of world leadership,” Biden says during the spot. “And if we give Donald Trump four more years we’ll have a great deal of difficulty of ever being able to recover America’s standing in the world, and our capacity to bring nations together.”

Notably, the ad steers clear of the topic of impeachment. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she was asking her colleagues to draw up articles of impeachment against Trump over his pursuit of a Ukrainian investigation into Biden.

“The facts are uncontested,” Pelosi said. “The president abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our national security by withholding military aid and a crucial Oval Office meeting in exchange for an announcement of an investigation into his political rival.”

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