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04-13-20  08:21am - 1731 days #1601
LKLK (0)
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Trump is the Man.
He is in charge of the war against the coronavirus.
He is the leader who will keep us safe.
And Trump is such an extra-ordinary genius, he does not need to rely on fake health experts.
So if Dr. Anthony Fauci is not supporting Trump 10,000%, Trump should fire Fauci, and get a better expert who will support Trump with his whole heart, mind, and body.

Who needs Fauci when we have Trump?
Trump retweets 'Fire Fauci' coronavirus message in Easter Sunday Twitter rampage

HuffPost US
Ed Mazza
Apr 13th 2020 4:49AM

President Donald Trump on Sunday retweeted a message from a supporter criticizing infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the leaders of the White House effort to battle the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

And the message included a #FireFauci hashtag.

The tweet was part of a flurry of messages Trump fired off on Sunday, many of which attacked the media:

The message refers to a CNN interview on Sunday in which Fauci, who is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was asked about a report that his team pushed for earlier social distancing measures, but were rejected by the White House.

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked if earlier action could have saved lives.

“It’s very difficult to go back and say that,” Fauci said diplomatically, then added:

“I mean, obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives. Obviously, no one is going to deny that. But what goes into those kinds of decisions is complicated.”

Trump last month said he and Fauci “get along very well,” and called the highly respected infectious diseases specialist “extraordinary.”

Fauci, for his part, has defended Trump as well.

“The president has listened to what I have said and ... what the other people on the task force have said,” Fauci said in a radio interview last month. “When I made recommendations, he’s taken them. He’s never countered or overridden me.”

Trump’s Sunday message ― part of an Easter tweetstorm attacking the media including Fox News host Chris Wallace― could signal a rift between the two.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

04-13-20  12:02pm - 1731 days #1602
LKLK (0)
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Trump is the Man.
He is more powerful than all the states combined.
If he disagrees with a state, he can overrule the state.
Also, states can ask for aid from the US government, but they can only ask.
Trump is the one who decides whether he wants to give the states what they ask for.
The coronavirus is only a bad flu.
Don't worry about the virus.
Don't be afraid.
Be like Donald Trump, the man who is strong and courageous and not afraid of the common cold.
Vote for Trump, the man who will save us from the coronavirus epidemic.

The federal stockpile of emergency supplies is basically exhausted.
So if the states ask for help, they are shit out of luck.
The federal government has done more than enough to help the states.
The states must now do it themselves.

Trump, the stable leader who had done more than enough to help the states.
If the states are not prepared, that is the fault of the states, not the federal government.

We need to hold a public rally in Washington DC, where millions of Americans hold hands and pray for the soul of Donald Trump, God's messenger on earth, and the hope of Americans everywhere to lead the fight against the coronavirus.

Trump claims he can overrule states on ending COVID-19 shutdowns

Yahoo News
Christopher Wilson
Apr 13th 2020 12:41PM

With millions of Americans locked down at home and out of work, President Trump asserted on Monday his authority to reopen the country at a time of his choosing, although questions remain over the limits of his power because he is not the one who shut it down.

“For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government,” tweeted Trump on Monday. “Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect. It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue. A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!”

The comments echo a statement Trump made at Friday’s White House briefing.

“I like to allow governors to make decisions without overruling them, because from a constitutional standpoint, that’s the way it should be done,” said Trump. “If I disagreed, I would overrule a governor, and I have that right to do it. But I’d rather have them -- you can call it ‘federalist,’ you can call it ‘the Constitution,’ but I call it ‘the Constitution.’ I would rather have them make their decisions.”

Over the last month, Trump has been an on-and-off-again supporter of social distancing steps to slow the pandemic. But he has not imposed such measures on the whole country — and probably could not, except by declaring martial law. He has advocated following CDC guidelines about limiting gatherings and social contact, washing hands and disinfecting surfaces. But steps such as closing schools, restaurants, theaters and shops have been taken by state or local officials, or by businesses themselves.

Medical experts warn that attempts to reopen things too quickly could lead to a resurgence in the virus. Because there is no vaccine for the coronavirus, medical professionals battling the disease are at risk, and a surge of cases combined with a shortage of protective gear and intensive care beds could overwhelm hospitals. However, Trump has also been pushed by business leaders and conservative media personalities to get back to normal, seeking to reboot the economy that has seen millions of job losses over the last month.

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, a Republican, pushed back against Trump’s tweets on Monday.

“It was our call through executive order … to go to essential businesses only versus having to make the tough decision to shut down non-essential businesses to going to groups of 10 or less in terms of social meetings and thing of that nature,” Sununu said in an interview with CNN. “What we did with restaurants with take-out orders. All of these are state executive orders and so therefore it would be up to the state and the governor to undo a lot of that.”

Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic governor of New York, said Monday that he would be meeting with other governors in the region to discuss plans for reopening, with an announcement on details coming later in the day.

On Sunday, Politico reported that the White House still had no roadmap of how to restart the economy. The outlet said that while they were seeking private business leaders for a second task force devoted to the economy they were struggling to finalize the list because “not all companies wanted to participate, said a handful of lobbyists, because some wanted to keep a low profile after Trump got into public spats with corporate giants like 3M over the production and sale of medical masks.”

Trump does have the power of the bully pulpit because his daily briefings on the virus reach millions who still give him high marks for his response to the pandemic. There’s little reason to doubt that if Trump began broadcasting every day that it was time for Americans to return to their normal life, millions would heed his advice. But in jurisdictions where a governor or mayor had put restrictions in place, tweets or statements from Trump would not supersede those orders.

There is also the question of whether businesses that typically draw crowds would see their regular business. Would younger people who are less at risk for the disease still flock to bars, as happened in many places on St. Patrick’s Day weekend? Probably. But would Major League Baseball or the National Basketball Association cram thousands into stadiums and arenas for games if medical experts were warning against it — risking headlines about how they helped spread the coronavirus in their city? What about movie theaters, concert venues, malls and airports? If the death toll continues to tick up and horror stories about churches, families and neighborhoods stricken by the virus spread, how eager will Americans be to get back to normal?

If Congress fails to provide an adequate legislative response for working Americans — whether that’s increased unemployment insurance, direct cash payments or various types of debt or housing relief — then there will be pressure to get back to work, but if large parts of the population are still staying home, it’s difficult to imagine the economy or stock market quickly recovering the ground it has lost in the past month. Other countries have implemented legislation to reimburse businesses for a portion of their payrolls if they keep workers on the job, but the most recent legislation passed by Congress wasn’t nearly as robust.

In late March, Trump proposed the idea of opening the country back up by this past Sunday’s Easter holiday because “I just thought it was a beautiful time. It would be a beautiful time, a beautiful timeline. It's a great day.” Amid warnings this could spark a new wave of infections, the White House backed off the idea.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who was a leader in the coronavirus response, made clear his view that the government’s first priority should be saving lives. “Protecting people and protecting our economy are not mutually exclusive,” DeWine said. “The fact is, we save our economy by first saving lives. And we have to do it in that order.”

“Some of the messaging coming out of the administration doesn’t match,” said Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. “We don’t think that we’re going to be in any way ready to be out of this in five or six days or so, or whenever this 15 days is up from the time that they started this imaginary clock.”

DeWine and Hogan are both Republicans.

04-13-20  12:12pm - 1731 days #1603
LKLK (0)
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Location: CA
Donald Trump, our beloved president, loves the Post Office.
But he is afraid the Post Office may be forced to become a private organization.
This would stop the US Government from giving handouts to the Post Office.
And make the Post Office a strong business, that would stand on its own two feet.
Donald Trump, the stable genius who knew that the Post Office was running their business in a poor manner, depending on handouts from the Federal Government.
No more.
Let the Post Office run its business as a good business should.
Coronavirus may give President Trump a long-sought chance to privatize the Postal Service

Yahoo News
Hunter Walker
Apr 13th 2020 12:49PM

WASHINGTON — Amid a cash crunch threatening to put the U.S. Postal Service out of business, the Trump administration is being accused of blocking bipartisan efforts to provide money to the agency as part of a long-sought conservative effort to privatize mail delivery.

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a precipitous drop in mail deliveries, worsening a crisis for an already financially troubled service. Last week, Postmaster General Megan Brennan said financial woes exacerbated by the pandemic could cause the agency to run out of money by October.

The $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package passed on March 25 did not provide assistance for the Postal Service, despite bipartisan support for the funding, according to an aide to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Postal Service.

Instead, the legislation only allowed the Postal Service to borrow $10 billion from the Treasury Department.

“There was bipartisan support for direct appropriations to go to the Postal Service,” said a committee aide, who requested anonymity to discuss ongoing negotiations. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin “said you can have the loan or you can have nothing.”

Yet in the weeks since the stimulus passed, the Treasury Department has not approved the loan.

A spokesperson for Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, did not respond to a request for comment.

While the White House will not comment on the reason for the delay, American Postal Workers Union President Mark Dimondstein said the administration is using the loan to try to push privatization. He blames administration “idealogues,” including Mnuchin, for using the crisis “to push their privatization agenda.”

A spokesperson for the Treasury Department said Mnuchin and the White House are “supportive” of the loan.

“Treasury, including Secretary Mnuchin, has been in direct contact with the USPS multiple times this week, and we are working closely with the USPS to put the new $10 billion line of credit with the USPS into effect,” the Treasury spokesperson said in an email.

While the administration says it is working with the Postal Service, Ronnie Stutts, the president of the National Rural Letter Carriers Association, accused the White House and Treasury Department of blocking postal funding as part of an effort to privatize the agency.

“Everything was going good with this until they got to the White House,” Stutts said.

The Treasury Department and Trump want “to privatize postal service,” he added. “There's no two ways about it. And when it got there, he killed it. They said no. He was not going to give us any money.”

While the Postal Service is a quasi government agency, it is in a unique position since it has not been funded by taxpayer dollars since the 1980s. Instead, the post office relies on its own revenue from mail services.

While the Postal Service has made a profit, it has been facing financial woes since 2006, when legislation was passed requiring the Postal Service to pre-fund retirement for its workers. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the Postal Service was already in dire straits with its liabilities and debt vastly outpacing revenue. Last year, the U.S. Government Accountability Office described the “overall financial picture” of the Postal Service as “deteriorating and unsustainable.”

The coronavirus has dramatically worsened this situation by causing a large decline in mail volume due to decreased commercial activity. The Postal Service saw a 24.2 percent decline in delivered mail volume during the week of March 29 to April 4 and delivered-mail volume was down over 30 percent for the first three days of last week, according to a presentation made by the Postal Service and distributed to members of Congress last week.

The presentation, which was obtained by Yahoo News, predicted that there would be 35 billion fewer pieces of mail in the remainder of the fiscal year, which ends in September. The Postal Service is forecasting the declines to continue through the next fiscal year leading to a $23 billion increase in net losses over the next 18 months.

The presentation said the agency hopes to receive a $25 billion grant to cover losses related to the pandemic. It also said the Postal Service needs a $25 billion modernization grant to “weather the longer term economic impacts” as well as debt relief and additional borrowing authority.

A spokesperson for the Postal Service declined to answer questions and referred Yahoo News to a statement Brennan, the postmaster general, released on Friday describing the agency’s stimulus needs.

Stutts, the National Rural Letter Carriers Association president, said that even if Mnuchin approves the loans authorized by the last stimulus, it will not be enough to solve the Postal Service’s financial problems.

“Right now it’s approximately $11 billion that we’ve defaulted and it’s about 5.5 billion each year to pre-fund retirement. We just don’t have the money,” Stutts said. “It’s not going to be paid back. And if we borrowed $10 billion, it’s just going to put us further in debt.”

On April 7, during a coronavirus task force press briefing, President Trump dismissed allegations he was essentially trying to end the U.S. Postal Service.

“Oh, I’m the reason the Postal Service — the Postal Service has lost billions of dollars every year for many, many years. So I’m the demise? This is a new one. I’m now the demise of the Postal Service,” Trump said.

Trump went on to blame the situation on “internet companies,” including Amazon, which he has frequently accused of not paying enough for its use of the U.S. Postal Service.

“They lose money every time they deliver a package for Amazon or these other internet companies, these other companies that deliver,” he said. “They drop everything in the Post Office and they say, ‘You deliver it.’”

While the White House and Treasury Department did not respond to questions about whether the president or Mnuchin want to see the Postal Service privatized, they have signaled support for this approach in the past. In 2018, Trump issued an executive order that created a postal task force to identify potential ways to improve the agency’s financial woes. Mnuchin led that task force, and its final report advocated selling off parts of the service to private companies.

One major concern about privatization is that the Postal Service has a universal service obligation that requires it to deliver mail for equal rates anywhere in the country. This includes rural routes that are not necessarily profitable.

Dimondstein, the president of the American Postal Workers Union, noted private companies do not have any similar obligation. Other companies, he said, can pick and choose where they want to go.

“The Postal Service can’t, shouldn’t and won’t,” he said.

04-13-20  12:22pm - 1731 days #1604
LKLK (0)
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Real news:
Trump slams Chris Wallace, a reporter for Fox News, for being critical of Trump's actions in the fight against the coronavirus.

If Trump were the Supreme Dictator of the United States, he could have Chris Wallace arrested, tried for treason, and shot.
Or he could have secret assassins execute Chris Wallace, and deny he had anything to do with Chris Wallace's death.

But until Trump becomes Supreme Dictator, he can only fire off tweets, his not-so-secret weapon, to bring down Chris Wallace, a scum-sucking reporter who lies and spreads false rumors about our wonderful, stable-genius president.
Trump slams critical Chris Wallace, Fox News

HuffPost US
Mary Papenfuss
Apr 13th 2020 8:36AM

President Donald Trump on Sunday took time out from his COVID-19 fight to check what Fox News was saying about him — and he came up furious at Chris Wallace.

“What the hell is happening to Fox News?” Trump tweeted. He slammed “Mike Wallace wannabe” Chris Wallace and said he’s convinced the Fox News host is “even worse than Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd” of MSNBC. He complained that it’s a “whole new ballgame” now at Fox.

Trump didn’t detail what specifically set him off. But Wallace featured Johns Hopkins health expert Tom Inglesby, who said on Fox News Sunday that had the Trump administration taken earlier action against COVID-19, “we’d be in a much better position” now.

Trump has referred to Mike Wallace, Chris Wallace’s late father, in the past when attacking the Fox News host. “One of us has a daddy problem, and it’s not me,” Wallace quipped last year about Trump’s insults.

Mike Wallace had a reputation as a take-no-prisoners investigative reporter for CBS who would have likely been far harder on Trump than his son.

Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, referred in his interview with Wallace to a New York Times report Saturday that Trump ignored serious warnings from his health experts and waited precious weeks before taking action to contain COVID-19.

“If we’d acted on some of those warnings earlier, we’d be in a much better position in terms of diagnostics and possibly masks and possibly personal protective equipment and getting our hospitals ready,” Inglesby said.

Wallace himself referred to the Times article detailing a delay of more than a month as “stunning.”

Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser also joined Wallace Sunday to discuss data suggesting that the worst of the coronavirus crisis won’t begin to ebb in her district until the end of May.

Wallace asked her if that means she will ignore guidelines and a timetable pushed by Trump, who is aiming for May 1 as the start of a return back to business as usual.

Bowser pointed out that there have been absolutely no stay-at-home guidelines anywhere from the Trump administration, even though his top health adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has recommended them.

“We’re going to follow what the data on the ground tells us,” said Bowser. “As we have heard directly, the president hasn’t issued any stay-at-home orders for any jurisdiction in the United States of America.” The “most optimistic modeling points to interventions remaining in place through the end of May,” she added.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

04-13-20  12:38pm - 1731 days #1605
LKLK (0)
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Real news:
This is a woman who deserves to be a top aide to Donald Trump.
She is able to tell people that she is an independent thinker, who is not afraid of the coronavirus.

She also said that she would never put anyone's kids at risk, so maybe she believes that her child can lick instruments that other kids will use, and the other kids will not become sick: or if they do become sick, that the sickness cannot be linked to her child's actions. Except the mother posted a video showing her daughter licking tongue depressors and putting them back in the holder where they could be used to infect other children.

Can the mother use the stupidity defense?
Or the Donald Trump defense, that she is innocent until proven guilty?
Girl Licks Tongue Depressor in Doctor's Office, Mom Arrested
Mom Arrested After Daughter Licks Tongue Depressor in Doctor’s Office
July 24, 2019 / Wellness, Family Health / By Sara Gramling

There seems to be a new, disturbing trend of licking things in public places. The most notable, perhaps, is the girl in Texas who opened up a container of ice cream in a grocery store and licked the top. Then there was another licking incident that occurred earlier this month in Jacksonville, Florida, when a mom recorded her daughter licking a tongue depressor in a doctor’s office and shared it via Snapchat.

Cori E. Ward, a local mom, was at the All About Kids & Families Medical Center and filmed a video of her daughter licking the tongue depressors. In the video, which shows someone reaching in and taking the wood depressors, there a sign that’s visible that says, “Please do not touch medical supplies. Thank you.”

Unfortunately, the warning was not heeded and in the video you can see the young girl take out one of the tongue depressors, lick it, and put it right back into the container. The mom, who posted the video to Snapchat, added, “Don’t tell me how to live my life.”

There are laws, though, that dictate how you’re going to live your life, at least in certain ways. On July 12, Ward was arrested on a felony charge for “tampering with a consumer product without regard for possible death or bodily injury.”

Ward told the local news station, WJAX, “I mean honestly I wasn’t thinking. I know what it’s like to have to worry about your kids’ health and stuff. I would never put somebody else’s kid at risk.”

All About Kids & Families Medical Center also spoke to WJAX, “Upon notification of this isolated incident, we contacted law enforcement to request a full and thorough investigation,” the doctor’s office said. “We immediately removed all materials and containers from the specific exam room and re-sanitized our entire facility.”

The moral of the story? Stop licking things that don’t belong to you in public! Stay tuned for updates about Cori E. Ward and this developing story.
Sara Gramling

04-14-20  08:22am - 1730 days #1606
LKLK (0)
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Real news:
President Donald Trump rushes to help the oil and gas industries.
He wants higher prices for oil and gas, to help the companies in those industries make money.

What a wonderful man.
Since the coronavirus epidemic has forced a lot of people into isolation, demand for oil has dropped, and oil prices have dropped.

That is part of the reason Trump wants to end the stay-at-home and get people out of the home, to help the economy.
So what if a few more people die from the virus?
Death is a natural part of life.
Go, Trump, the Man with a heart of gold.
Force the US governors to stop the restrictions on health care, since health care is a waste of federal monies anyway.
And if the US governors don't go along with Trump's plans, declare martial law, and have the US Armed Forces arrest any governors who don't obey our commander-in-chief.

04-15-20  05:21am - 1729 days #1607
LKLK (0)
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Location: CA
Real news:
Claiming credit where credit is due.
Donald Trump, our beloved President and Commander-in-Chief, will have his name printed on paper checks of coronavirus relief payments.

The Treasury confirmed that it won't be a signature, but "President Donald J. Trump" will be printed on the checks.

The Washington Post, which first reported the story, said the process of adding Trump's name to the checks could slow their delivery by days.

The Treasury Department official disputed that and said there would not be any delays.

Anyone who works for the Treasury Department knows they must honor and obey Donald Trump, or risk getting fired.

So even if they have to tell little white lies, that's all well and good, because keeping your job is more important than telling the truth.

Which is what everyone knows, who is familiar with Donald J. Trump.

Stay tuned for further developments on the coronavirus healthcare scam, which was started by sneaky Chinese and dirt bag Democrats (according to true blue Republicans who follow President Trump).
Trump's name will appear on coronavirus relief checks

NBC News
Josh Lederman and Phil Helsel
Apr 15th 2020 7:57AM

Paper checks of coronavirus relief payments approved by Congress to be sent to Americans will have President Donald Trump's name printed on them, a Treasury Department official has confirmed to NBC News.

It won't be a signature, but "President Donald J. Trump" will be printed on the fronts of the checks, the Treasury official confirmed.

Congress last month passed a $2 trillion coronavirus relief package that includes direct cash payments of up to $1,200 for individuals, with an additional amount for children, as well as other measures. Trump signed it into law.

The majority of coronavirus relief payments are expected to go out by direct deposit, but some people will get paper checks. The Treasury Department expects the checks to start going out next week.

The Washington Post, which first reported the story, said the process of adding Trump's name to the checks could slow their delivery by days.

The Treasury Department official disputed that and said there would not be any delays.

"Economic Impact Payment checks are scheduled to go out on time and exactly as planned — there is absolutely no delay whatsoever," a Treasury Department spokesperson said in a statement. "In fact, we expect the first checks to be in the mail early next week which is well in advance of when the first checks went out in 2008 and well in advance of initial estimates."

The move to add his name to the checks sparked criticism that Trump, who is aiming to be re-elected in November, is trying to get voters to believe he is giving them the coronavirus relief payments. It is Congress that passed the package that authorizes the payments.

Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, tweeted: "You are getting your money late because the President thinks it is more important that his name be on the check than that you are able to pay your bills on time."

Walter Shaub Jr., who resigned as director of the independent Office of Government Ethics in July 2017 months before his term was to expire, tweeted that Trump was using the relief checks to promote himself.

"Where you see the dying and suffering of your fellow Americans, Donald Trump sees another opportunity to promote himself — and, by extension, his reelection campaign. Corruption, you see, has its visionaries," Shaub wrote.

The coronavirus epidemic has shut down large parts of the economy, and around 16 million people have filed for unemployment in the past few weeks.

As of Tuesday night, there have been more than 606,500 cases of the coronavirus illness COVID-19 in the U.S., with more than 29,500 deaths, according to NBC News' tally.

04-15-20  05:37am - 1729 days #1608
LKLK (0)
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Real news:
Donald Trump, the stable genius President of the United States, is saving money for the US.
He plans to halt funding for WHO (World Health Organization).
The coronovirus is old news.
Why spend money on old news, when you can spend it on building a wall to keep out dirty Mexicans?
And if there is any money left over, build a wall to keep out sneaky Canadians, who come into our country without a passport.

Trump is a hero, who is leading the fight against the coronavirus.
And he does not want to waste money on an organization that will fight the virus in other parts of the world.
And that was nice to China, who probably started the disease, along with dirt bag Democrats and other evil persons that don't respect or admire Trump.

Trump, the leader of Free White Men in the USA.
UN Secretary-General rebukes Trump over plans to halt funding for WHO amid coronavirus pandemic

Business Insider
Sarah Al-Arshani
Apr 15th 2020 5:27AM

The UN Secretary-General said "now is not that time," in a rebuke to President Donald Trump's call to halt funding to the World Health Organization.
Trump claims WHO mishandled the coronavirus outbreak and was too sympathetic to China.

The United Nations Secretary-General rebuked President Donald Trump after he announced his plans to halt funding for the World Health Organization on Tuesday.

In a statement, António Guterres wrote: "It is my belief that the World Health Organization must be supported, as it is absolutely critical to the world's efforts to win the war against COVID-19."

WHO is an independent international organization that works with the UN. During Tuesday's White House press briefing, Trump was critical of the organization's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and claimed it enabled China to hide the real extent of the coronavirus outbreak.

"With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have deep concerns whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said during a press conference at the White House's Rose Garden. "The reality is that the WHO failed to adequately obtain, vet, and share information in a timely and transparent fashion."

However, despite his criticism of WHO, Trump has been accused of not responding quickly enough to the threat of the virus in the US, and some health care experts said early lockdowns could have saved lives.

"As usual, Trump is looking to deflect blame for his own failures. After he wasted weeks calling COVID-19 as harmless as the flu. International cooperation on public health has never been more critical. Freezing funding for the World Health Organization will only make it worse," Rep. Adam Schiff said in a tweet.

According to Reuters, the US contributes about 15% of the WHO budget, approximately $400 million. The organization has requested $1 billion to help fund initiatives to deal with the pandemic.

"As it is not that time, it is also not the time to reduce the resources for the operations of the World Health Organization or any other humanitarian organization in the fight against the virus," Guterres wrote in his statement.

"As I have said before, now is the time for unity and for the international community to work together in solidarity to stop this virus and its shattering consequences. "

Trump has previously threatened to cut the WHO funding earlier this month as well after he accused them of being sympathetic to China. WHO receives $40 million from China.

At a press conference, Trump became defensive after a reporter asked him how he could criticize WHO for praising China's transparency when he did the same thing in a late-January tweet.

"I don't talk about China's transparency," Trump replied. "If I'm so good to China, how come I'm the one that closed our borders against China?"

Guterres wrote that they'll be plenty of time after the pandemic subsides to learn and understand how it spread and managed to be destructive: "The lessons learned will be essential to effectively address similar challenges, as they may arise in the future. But now is not that time."

04-15-20  05:27pm - 1729 days #1609
LKLK (0)
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Real news:
Trump is the Man: the most stable genius the United States has ever had.
He knew that as president of the United States, he would be forced to take command and lead our country out of raging epidemic.

And he has done a magnificent job.
World leaders, our state governors, and members of the House and Senate, are bowing down before Trump, saying he has saved countless Americans from death.

Here is a brief summary of the way Trump saved our great nation:

"The president, meanwhile, has dramatically shifted his message to the public over the last several months. He initially downplayed the risk of the coronavirus, called it a Democratic "hoax," and insisted it was no more dangerous than the flu and that the US was well prepared to handle it.

As the disease gained a stronger foothold in the country around mid-March, Trump acknowledged the severity of the crisis and claimed he "felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."

He pivoted to focus on the economy near the end of last month and said the US would "be open for business" again "very soon," despite public health officials warning that preemptively lifting stay-at-home orders would exacerbate the outbreak. But Trump doubled down, saying "we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself."

In recent days, Trump has become even more aggressive, lashing out at reporters who question his administration's preparedness in the early days of the pandemic and falsely claiming he has "total" authority to compel governors to reopen their states' economies."

Trump, the greatest, bestest president ever of the United States.
We need to change the constitution and make Trump President For Life.
Even better, make him King Donald J. Trump the First, the first of his family to serve as King.
And give Ivanka the title of Princess Ivanka, who will lead our nation after her father is called to Heaven.
The Trump National Doral resort in Miami just laid off 560 employees

Business Insider
Sonam Sheth
Apr 15th 2020 4:57PM

The Trump National Doral resort in Miami, Florida, has laid off 560 employees, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing filings the resort made in Florida.
Most of the cuts affected staffers working in food service, hotel services, and golf course operations. Forty-three housekeepers, 123 servers, and 25 cooks were placed on furlough, according to The Journal.
The coronavirus has decimated the US economy as businesses across the country shut down and millions of workers either lose their jobs or are forced to work from home.

The Trump National Doral resort in Miami, Florida, has laid off 560 employees, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing filings the resort made in Florida.

Most of the cuts affected staffers working in food service, hotel services, and golf course operations. Forty-three housekeepers, 123 servers, and 25 cooks were placed on furlough, according to The Journal.

The Trump National Doral, one of President Donald Trump's flagship properties, was forced to shutter as federal and state officials enforce social-distancing measures and limit outside activity in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

The coronavirus, which causes a disease known as COVID-19, has decimated the US economy as businesses close their doors and millions of workers are forced to work from home or have lost their jobs.

The service industry has been particularly hard hit, with restaurants, bars, hotels, and clubs shuttering entirely or only remaining open for takeout and delivery.

Nearly 17 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the last three weeks, overwhelming states who were already struggling to keep up with the number of claims.

The number of jobs lost in the last three weeks now exceeds the 15 million jobs lost during the Great Recession over a decade ago. Economic forecasts also predict the numbers will keep rising and the unemployment rate will top the 25% peak it hit during the Great Depression.

"In its first month alone, the coronavirus crisis is poised to exceed any comparison to the Great Recession," Glassdoor Senior Economist Daniel Zhao said in a statement to Politico. "The new normal for UI claims will be the canary in the coal mine for how long effects of the crisis will linger for the millions of newly unemployed Americans."

"We are nowhere near the end of this," tweeted Heidi Shierholz, policy director at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute. "The labor market has been upended."

Trump signed a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus package last month that significantly expanded unemployment benefits for those who have been laid off as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. But NPR reported that obtaining those benefits can be a huge challenge as state unemployment offices are overwhelmed and people are unable to get in touch with anyone to file claims.

The president, meanwhile, has dramatically shifted his message to the public over the last several months. He initially downplayed the risk of the coronavirus, called it a Democratic "hoax," and insisted it was no more dangerous than the flu and that the US was well prepared to handle it.

As the disease gained a stronger foothold in the country around mid-March, Trump acknowledged the severity of the crisis and claimed he "felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."

He pivoted to focus on the economy near the end of last month and said the US would "be open for business" again "very soon," despite public health officials warning that preemptively lifting stay-at-home orders would exacerbate the outbreak. But Trump doubled down, saying "we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself."

In recent days, Trump has become even more aggressive, lashing out at reporters who question his administration's preparedness in the early days of the pandemic and falsely claiming he has "total" authority to compel governors to reopen their states' economies.

04-15-20  10:49pm - 1728 days #1610
LKLK (0)
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Trump, the most stable genius the United States has ever known, is maybe the most stable genius the world has ever known.
He is re-shaping the way America works.
Exposing the corruption and lies and shameful behavior of people in the United States government.
The House and Senate are lying to the American people.
They are not doing their duty.
Trump says he can adjourn Congress, and make appointments during the coronavirus emergency.
What a thinker. What a man to bring down his enemies.
To battle the evils in Washington to do the right thing.
Vote Trump to become the first King of America.
And to make Ivanka the first Princess of America.
Trump threatens to adjourn Congress to make recess appointments

Yahoo News
David Knowles
Apr 15th 2020 7:51PM

President Trump said Wednesday that he was considering taking the unprecedented step of adjourning both houses of Congress in order to make recess appointments to fill government posts, citing the emergency created by the coronavirus outbreak.

“If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress,” Trump said at a Rose Garden briefing of the coronavirus task force. “The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro-forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people cannot afford during this crisis. It is a scam what they do.”

Noting that the Senate, which has the responsibility for confirming executive-branch appointments, had “left Washington until at least May 4,” Trump said that “the Constitution provides a mechanism for the president to fill positions in such circumstances, the recess appointment, it’s called.”

Officials appointed in this manner can serve until the end of the following Senate session, although if Trump is not reelected in November the next president may choose to replace them with his or her own appointees.

Trump cited Michael Pack, who he nominated to head the U.S. Agency for Global Media in June of 2018.

“He’s been stuck in committee for two years, preventing us from managing the Voice of America, very important. And if you heard what is coming out of the Voice of America, it’s disgusting. The things they say are disgusting toward our country.”

Democrats have blocked Pack’s confirmation because they see him as a threat to the independence of the agency he would run. While Trump said, “We especially need [these people] now because of the pandemic,” he did not specify how Pack’s appointment would help with the effort to curb the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S.

While past presidents have made recess appointments when Congress was adjourned, and used their Constitutional powers to call Congress back into session, Trump would be the first in U.S. history to try to adjourn both chambers in order to fill vacant government positions.

“Perhaps it’s never been done before, nobody’s even sure if it has, but we’re going to do it. We need these people here. We need people for this crisis and we don’t want to play any more political games,” Trump said.

The president appears to be referring to Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. constitution, which grants presidents the right to adjourn Congress "in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment.”

Such a move would be immediately challenged in court, however, and the logistics of carrying out such a plan immediately drew scrutiny.

While Trump appealed to Congress to put politics aside and approve his nominees, he pinned the blame for what he said were “many, many positions that are unstaffed” on Democrats, who he said “are holding them up.” At the same time Trump boasted of the number of judges he has been able to have confirmed in the Senate.

“We’ve gotten judges because we’ve gone through the process. I guess we’re up to 448 federal judges and that we’ve gotten because we’ve focused on it,” Trump said.

04-15-20  11:07pm - 1728 days #1611
LKLK (0)
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Real news:
President Trump needs to create a task force to investigate whether Fox News is filled with traitors who need to be put into prison before being executed for treason.

The President has total authority to save America.
The US Constitution gave the President the powers back in the 1700s, when it was needed to fight the tyranny of Great Britain.

Now, President Trump is using those powers to save us from the coronavirus hoax, that the Chinese and Democrats cooked up to steal money and power from the rightful rulers of America.

God save the President and First Daughter Ivanka: Ivanka is a beautiful Princess who deserves to follow her father in power.

Fox host: Conservative heads would've exploded if Obama claimed Trump's total authority

HuffPost US
Lee Moran
Apr 15th 2020 10:02AM

Fox News host Bret Baier imagined how conservatives would have responded had former POTUS Barack Obama declared that the president’s “authority is total,” as President Donald Trump did earlier this week.

Speaking on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The Daily Briefing,” Baier noted the hypocrisy of “if President Obama had said those words that you heard from President Trump, that the authority is total with the presidency, you know, conservatives’ heads would’ve exploded across the board.”

Trump’s outlandish, and false, claim came during Monday’s daily White House coronavirus task force briefing after reporters asked how he would make governors kickstart their economies that have effectively been shuttered during the public health crisis.

Baier noted how there’d been “a lot of coverage” and criticism of why Trump hadn’t called for or implemented a nationwide stay-at-home order but said the coverage had now changed to ”‘No, he can’t open up.’”

“The bottom line is that the president can really influence these governors and work with them,” he added. “As far as the top-down order, by the Constitution, you can’t do that. So it’s working with these governors to open it up in a rolling kind of open is what I imagine would happen.”

Trump’s claim about authority attracted its fair share of criticism, but Baier’s Fox colleague Brit Hume described it as just “another of his serial exaggerations.”

04-15-20  11:19pm - 1728 days #1612
LKLK (0)
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Real news:

Is the coronavirus more dangerous than we thought it was?
Doctors think it can lead to strokes or other damage to brain.
Her father's delirium was a first sign of coronavirus. He's not the only one.

NBC News
Erika Edwards
Apr 15th 2020 6:03PM

Nicole Hutcherson first noticed something was wrong with her father — normally a spry early-riser who enjoyed yard work and home renovation projects — earlier this month, when he wasn't getting out of bed until nearly midday.

Her dad, Frank M. Carter, 82, of Goodlettsville, Tennessee, insisted he felt fine, despite some nausea and vomiting. Hutcherson suspected he was dehydrated, so she went to his house to give him intravenous fluids. Hutcherson is a nurse, and had supplies on hand.

That was when she noticed her father, who had shown no previous signs of dementia, was largely unaware of what was happening around him.

"He looked distant," Hutcherson recalled. "He just had this weird look in his eye, like his mental status had changed."

Carter didn't react at all when his daughter put the IV needle in his arm. "It was like he was sedated," she said.

Hutcherson believes that the delirium she noted in her father was one of the first signs that he had been infected with the coronavirus. Carter died within a week.

There is growing evidence to suggest that COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, can affect not only the lungs, but the brain, too.

A recent study of 214 patients in Wuhan, China, where the pandemic started, found more than a third had neurologic manifestations of the disease, including loss of consciousness and stroke.

Physicians in the U.S. have noted the same.

"We're seeing a significant increase in the number of patients with large strokes," Dr. Johanna Fifi, associate director of the cerebrovascular center at the Mount Sinai Health System in New York City, said.

Many are patients in their 30s and 40s. Over a recent two-week period, Fifi told NBC News she had five COVID-19 patients under age 49, all with strokes resulting from a blockage in one of the major blood vessels leading to the brain.

Two of those patients had what Fifi described as mild coronavirus conditions before the stroke. The other three had no symptoms at all.

How the virus might lead to a stroke or other neurological impairment remains unclear. Fifi said it's possible that inflammation in the body could damage blood vessels in the brain, or that the viral infection leads to increased clotting.

"I don't think we know right now which one it is," she said.

Dr. E. Wesley Ely, a professor of medicine and critical care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, has another theory: that the virus is "probably invading the brain."

Ely explained that symptoms such as loss of smell and taste reported among some coronavirus patients are neurologic in nature.

"This virus goes into your nose, and says, 'I'm just going to attack the first thing I see.' That's the respiratory tract," Ely said. But because humans have no immunity to this new virus, it's possible that it can attack any part of the body, including the brain.

"That's something that still needs to be teased apart and figured out," Dr. Felicia Chow, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of California, San Francisco, said.

But the issues surrounding loss of taste and smell "make us highly suspicious that ... the cranial nerves may be affected by the virus," she said. "We just don't have any direct proof at this point."

To fill that void, Ely and colleagues with the Critical Illness, Brain Dysfunction and Survivorship Center, in partnership with Vanderbilt and the Nashville VA, have launched a study of post-mortem brain tissue to look for signs of COVID-19 in the brain. The National Institutes of Health is funding the research.

The team will examine the brains' neurons for damage, measure various brain regions to see if parts have become unusually small, and analyze the hippocampus, which plays a large role in memory. They'll also look for evidence of amyloid and tau, two proteins linked to dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

"Anything we find is important because we're trying to understand the pathophysiology of this disease," Ely said.

The first brain donated to the project was Frank M. Carter's.

"My father would have wanted to do this because he was selfless," Hutcherson said. "He would have wanted to help others."

Hutcherson urged others to watch for unusual cognitive changes in family members, including lapses in consciousness and unexplained confusion. It is unknown whether Carter had suffered a COVID-19-related stroke.

Chow added that awareness of other stroke symptoms is also critical, including "drooping of the face, weakness of the arm or leg, especially on one side, and difficulties either understanding or producing speech."

"Those are definitely symptoms of a potential stroke and a reason to immediately call 911," whether they're related to COVID-19 or not, Chow said.

Delaying care can have devastating consequences. "One of our patients waited over a day at home, getting progressively weaker," Fifi, of Mount Sinai Health System, said. The patient told physicians she'd been afraid to go to the hospital because of the coronavirus outbreak.

"If you're having symptoms, it's safer to be in the hospital," Fifi said.

"If you don't re-establish blood flow quickly, the brain becomes irreversibly damaged. The sooner you do it, the better."

04-16-20  01:00am - 1728 days #1613
LKLK (0)
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News flash:
Trump has been giving new updates on the War Against The Coronavirus.
Although he admits he was suprised by the Chinese and Democratic Coronavirus Hoax, he was quick to respond to this threat against not only the United States, but also against his Administration as well.

Trump is a stable genius, quick to respond to threats.
He mobilized the entire country (except for Democrats and other scum-bag haters of Truth, Justice and the American Way of Life) to fight this disease.

He is finding the disease has been halted in many areas of the United States.
And it's now time to start opening up the country in selected areas to allow people to leave the prison of their homes and start to attend church and to mingle freely.

Stay tuned, as the President gives further help in the War Against The Invisible Enemy.
With Trump as our leader and Commander-In-Chief, we are winning the war on disease.

Edit: Before the coronavirus struck America, we had the greatest economy in the history of the world.
With Trump as our leader, we will once again scale the heights of peace and prosperity, and the future is looking brighter than ever before.

God bless America. God bless Trump and his daughter Ivanka.

04-17-20  01:39pm - 1727 days #1614
LKLK (0)
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Donald J. Trump, the most stable genius the world has ever known, has taken off his gloves in his dispute with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Trump says he's given Cuomo too much money and help that New York has not appreciated.
Cuomo says that instead of staying home watching TV, Trump should be out working to stop the virus.

Who is right?
Trump, the overweight bully who loves to criticize people who don't bow down before him?
Or Cuomo, trying to fight the virus, with very little aid from the Federal government?
In Trump-Cuomo spat on coronavirus, the gloves come off

Yahoo News
Dylan Stableford
Apr 17th 2020 2:14PM

As New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was giving his daily press briefing on the state's coronavirus response Friday, President Trump was apparently listening and didn’t like what he heard.

”Governor Cuomo should spend more time ‘doing’ and less time ‘complaining,’” Trump tweeted midway through the press conference, which was being carried live on cable news networks. “Get out there and get the job done. Stop talking! We built you thousands of hospital beds that you didn’t need or use, gave large numbers of Ventilators that you should have had, and helped you with testing that you should be doing. We have given New York far more money, help and equipment than any other state, by far, & these great men & women who did the job never hear you say thanks. Your numbers are not good. Less talk and more action!”

As he took questions, Cuomo was asked to respond to Trump’s comments. And the governor, who has been reluctant to engage with Trump during the crisis, turned the president’s criticisms back on him.

“First of all, if he’s sitting home watching TV, maybe he should go to work,” Cuomo said.

He said Trump’s announcement of new guidelines for reopening the U.S. economy was meaningless.

“He didn’t announce anything,” Cuomo said. “He’s doing nothing. ... All he’s doing is walking in front of the parade.”

Cuomo said he had repeatedly thanked the president for sending the USNS Comfort hospital ship to New York Harbor and using the military to set up a temporary hospital in the Javits Center in Manhattan.

“What do I need to send, bouquet of flowers?” Cuomo said. “How many times do you want me to say thank you?”

“Thank you for having the federal government participate in a federal emergency,” the governor quipped.

Cuomo pointed out that New York relied on projections from the White House coronavirus task force for the number of hospital beds the state required.

“Mr. President, if you want to point fingers ... we built more beds than we needed,” Cuomo added. “Our only mistake was believing your numbers.”

05-03-20  10:38pm - 1710 days #1615
LKLK (0)
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Donald Trump, our beloved president, is forced to reveal the truth:
The coronavirus, the evil disease that has killed thousand and thousands of heroic Americans, is the result of the Yellow Men (China), the Black Men (Obama), and the White Men (George W. Bush).

Trump, as Commander-in-Chief the US Armed Forces, has fought to keep America safe.
But these enemies of freedom and democracy are trying to bring us down.

Vote for Trump, the only man with the power, the strength, the vision to protect us from enemies internal and external.

Trump has said that he is being treated worse than Abraham Lincoln.
Down with Chinese, Obama, and Bush.
Trump will survive and prosper.

In spite of attacks from the Democratic party, which has forgotten loyalty and reverence to the US President.
President Trump has done a really great job protecting the American people from its enemies.
In spite of attacks from the Fake News.
Trump rips George W. Bush after he calls for unity amid coronavirus outbreak
By Justin Wise - 05/03/20 08:28 AM EDT

President Trump on Sunday took aim at George W. Bush after the former Republican president issued a call to push partisanship aside amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."

In an early morning tweet on Sunday, Trump called out Bush for his failure to support him as he faced an impeachment trial earlier this year over his alleged dealings with Ukraine. He cited apparent comments from Fox News anchor Pete Hegseth, who asked why Bush didn't push for "putting partisanship aside" amid the trial.

"He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history," Trump said.

.@PeteHegseth “Oh bye the way, I appreciate the message from former President Bush, but where was he during Impeachment calling for putting partisanship aside.” @foxandfriends He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 3, 2020

The House impeached Trump last December for allegedly pressuring Ukraine to open an investigation into his Democratic political rivals. The president was acquitted by the Senate in February.

While Bush never commented publicly on the allegations and the trial, he and other members of his family have voiced criticism of the president and his policies.

The former president released the video as confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, continued to rise in parts of the U.S. The country has confirmed more than 1.1 million COVID-19 cases and more than 66,000 deaths from it.

Bush invoked the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in his message, noting that the U.S. has faced "times of testing before."

"Let's remember that the suffering we experience as a nation does not fall evenly. In the days to come, it will be especially important to care in practical ways for the elderly, the ill and the unemployed," he said.

Trump has faced continued scrutiny for his early response to the outbreak. The president in February suggested the virus would suddenly "disappear" and later predicted that everyone who needed a test would have access to one. He's repeatedly pushed back against concerns from governors about testing and medical equipment shortages.

--This report was updated at 10:19 a.m.

05-04-20  12:36am - 1710 days #1616
LKLK (0)
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Originally Posted by LKLK:

Trump rips George W. Bush after he calls for unity amid coronavirus outbreak
By Justin Wise - 05/03/20 08:28 AM EDT

President Trump on Sunday took aim at George W. Bush after the former Republican president issued a call to push partisanship aside amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

The former president released the video as confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, continued to rise in parts of the U.S. The country has confirmed more than 1.1 million COVID-19 cases and more than 66,000 deaths from it.

--This report was updated at 10:19 a.m.

The number of American deaths from the virus is Fake News pushed by the Democratic party.

The actual number is far, far less.
Trump revealed in February that the Americans infected were less than 20.
And that the virus would disappear in April.

And just like Trump predicted, the number of the virus cases has gone to 0.

Don't be fooled by the Fake News. The Fake Press.
Trust in God and our wonderful president.

And remember to gargle with disinfectants in the morning, and swallow a bottle of bleach to cleanse your body, and you too, will be safe from the virus.

Warning: only swallow the bleach if under the care and supervision of a trusted medical doctor.
Results may vary.

Also, read all warning labels on the bleach bottle, to make sure you follow instructions carefully.
Do not swallow bleach unless you have been certified with a strontium 90+ grade stomach.

05-05-20  03:52pm - 1709 days #1617
LKLK (0)
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Trump claims victory over the coronavirus.
Discussing with his advisors about disbanding the coronavirus task force, even though the number of US cases in increasing.
Only 70,000 people in the US have died from the disease.
So Trump is more than satisfied people everywhere owe him a debt of gratitude.
Even if more people get sick and die, Trump has done his job of protecting America.
Vote for Trump, the most stable genius the US has ever produced.
The humble, warm-hearted man who deserves our gratitude and thanks.

Trump weighs disbanding coronavirus task force despite growing number of U.S. cases

Yahoo News
David Knowles
May 5th 2020 4:46PM

President Trump is looking to wind down the White House coronavirus task force in the coming weeks even asthe number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. continues to rise, the New York Times reported.

Vice President Mike Pence, who Trump appointed to lead the task force, confirmed that such a plan was in the works on Tuesday. “I think we’re having conversations about that and about what the proper time is for the task force to complete its work and for the ongoing efforts to take place on an agency-by-agency level. And we’ve already begun to talk about a transition plan with FEMA,” Pence told reporters.

“But it’s — it really is all a reflection of the tremendous progress we’ve made as a country.”

As reported Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has projected a rise in daily deaths from COVID-19 to around 3,000 by the end of this month, and a near-doubling of total deaths, to 134,000, by the beginning of August.

Following a much-criticized task force briefing on April 24, during which Trump suggested that coronavirus might be treated with injections of disinfectant, the president has retreated from the daily meetings with reporters.

Instead, Trump has focused his attention on jump-starting the nation’s shuttered economy, encouraging states to relax restrictions on businesses and gatherings meant to slow the spread of coronavirus. Yet while the number of new cases has continued to fall in the New York metropolitan area and a few other big cities, it has been rising steadily in much of the rest of the country. Guidelines set forth by the coronavirus task force — which call for a phased lifting of restrictions when the number of new cases of the virus is shown to decline over two weeks — have all but been ignored in many states pushing to reopen economic activity.

During task force briefings, Trump’s remarks were often at odds with the advice of his medical experts, notably on the drug hydroxychloroquine, which Trump repeatedly touted despite warnings from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading expert on infectious diseases on the task force.

After the White House barred Fauci and other members of the task force from testifying before Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., took aim at the briefings.

“I was hoping they would spend more time on the crisis instead of those daily shows that the president put on,” Pelosi said.

In explaining his decision to keep a member of the task force from testifying, Trump said Tuesday that “the House is a bunch of Trump haters.”

On April 15, with the U.S. death toll from the virus having climbed into the thousands, Trump used his coronavirus task force briefing to announce the formation of the “Opening Our Country Task Force,” which the president said consisted of more than 200 CEOs who were supposed to advise the administration on a return to economic activity. Another group for the same purpose, this one consisting of a select number of members of Congress, was announced the following day.

It is unclear whether either of the panels has actually convened, or what they have done.

Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, has played a central role in the administration’s effort to address the economic wreckage that has resulted from the pandemic.

In an interview last Wednesday, one day after the number of confirmed U.S. coronavirus cases topped 1 million and deaths from the virus hit 60,000, Kushner declared that “the federal government rose to the challenge and this is a great success story, and I think that that's really what needs to be told.”

As of Tuesday, more than 1,194,000 Americans had tested positive for COVID-19, and more than 70,000 had died of it.

05-06-20  11:38am - 1708 days #1618
LKLK (0)
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Utah is a state that should be ashamed of itself.
President Trump has stated that health guidelines are voluntary. And it's up to an individual's own beliefs whether he wants to follow them, or risk giving up his personal freedom.
Our president believes in personal freedom.
And the 2 Utah businesses also believed in personal freedom and the right to work.
So what if some of their employees got sick because the 2 businesses told the employees to ignore the coronavirus scare, which was a giant hoax cooked up by the Chinese and the Democratic party?

Believe in Trump. He has said the coronavirus cases will go to zero.
That day is near.

2 Utah businesses told staff to ignore COVID-19 guidelines, resulting in 68 infections

New York Daily News
Nancy Dillon
May 6th 2020 1:12PM

Nearly half the staff of a Utah business contracted COVID-19 after the company told employees to ignore pandemic guidelines and report to work even if infected, local officials said.

Between this business and another in the county that also “did not follow COVID-19 best practices,” a total of 68 employees tested positive for coronavirus, Utah County executives revealed this week, according to the Daily Herald.

“We found these businesses instructed employees to not follow quarantine guidelines after exposure to a confirmed case at work and required employees with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis to still report to work,” the officials said in a statement.

“This is completely unacceptable and resulted in a temporary full closure for one business along with heightened requirements for future cleaning and inspections,” it said.

The Utah County Health Department declined to release the names of the businesses Tuesday, citing privacy concerns.

It was through contact tracing that the Utah County Health Department was able to identify the two businesses, officials said.

County executives blasted the businesses for “putting employees, their families and ultimately the health of the community at risk,” the Herald reported.

Employers that don’t follow guidelines “jeopardize Utah County efforts to reopen businesses affected by the pandemic,” they reportedly said.

05-07-20  10:06am - 1707 days #1619
LKLK (0)
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President Trump, the most genius president the US has ever had, knows in his heart and gut that he is smarter than all the Fake News and Fake Scientists.

That's why he is not allowing medical doctors and experts on disease to speak to the public freely.

US citizens need to be told the truth, and only President Trump knows the truth.
You will hear Fake News and Fake Truths from Fake Scientists that will confuse the un-initiated.

Listen to Trump, who speaks with the Voice of God.
And disregard any Fake Experts like scientists and health care experts who have not been blessed by Our Heavenly Father.

Also, Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus. That is the Chinese and Democratic Party Virus Hoax.
Trump has done all he can to protect our country.
It's now up to the states to protect us from the virus.
And if anyone gets sick or dies, blame the states.
They should have been prepared.
Trump was prepared.
He did the impossible, in protecting us.
Not everyone is grateful to President Trump.
Shame on the liars and hoaxers and criminals who are spreading the disease.
AP Exclusive: US shelves detailed guide to reopening country

The Associated Press
May 7th 2020 10:32AM

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — The Trump administration has shelved a document created by the nation's top disease investigators with step-by-step advice to local authorities on how and when to reopen restaurants and other public places during the still-raging coronavirus outbreak.

The 17-page report by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team, titled “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework,” was researched and written to help faith leaders, business owners, educators and state and local officials as they begin to reopen.

It was supposed to be published last Friday, but agency scientists were told the guidance “would never see the light of day,” according to a CDC official. The official was not authorized to talk to reporters and spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

The AP obtained a copy from a second federal official who was not authorized to release it. The guidance was described in AP stories last week, prior to the White House decision to shelve it.

The Trump administration has been closely controlling the release of guidance and information during the pandemic spurred by a new coronavirus that scientists are still trying to understand, with the president himself leading freewheeling daily briefings until last week.

Traditionally, it's been the CDC's role to give the public and local officials guidance and science-based information during public health crises. During this one, however, the CDC has not had a regular, pandemic-related news briefing in nearly two months. CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield has been a member of the White House coronavirus task force, but largely absent from public appearances.

The dearth of real-time, public information from the nation’s experts has struck many current and former government health officials as dangerous.

“CDC has always been the public health agency Americans turn to in a time of crisis,” said Dr. Howard Koh, a Harvard professor and former health official in the Obama administration during the H1N1 swine flu pandemic in 2009. “The standard in a crisis is to turn to them for the latest data and latest guidance and the latest press briefing. That has not occurred, and everyone sees that.”

The Trump administration has instead sought to put the onus on states to handle COVID-19 response. This approach to managing the pandemic has been reflected in President Donald Trump’s public statements, from the assertion that he isn't responsible for the country’s lackluster early testing efforts, to his description last week of the federal government’s role as a “supplier of last resort” for states in need of testing aid.

A person close to the White House’s coronavirus task force said the CDC documents were never cleared by CDC leadership for public release. The person said that White House officials have refrained from offering detailed guidance for how specific sectors should reopen because the virus is affecting various parts of the country differently. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

The rejected reopening guidance was described by one of the federal officials as a touchstone document that was to be used as a blueprint for other groups inside the CDC who are creating the same type of instructional materials for other facilities.

The guidance contained detailed advice for making site-specific decisions related to reopening schools, restaurants, summer camps, churches, day care centers and other institutions. It had been widely shared within the CDC and included detailed “decision trees,” flow charts to be used by local officials to think through different scenarios. One page of the document can be found on the CDC website via search engines, but it did not appear to be linked to any other CDC pages.

Some of the report’s suggestions already appear on federal websites. But the guidance offered specific, tailored recommendations for reopening in one place.

For example, the report suggested restaurants and bars should install sneeze guards at cash registers and avoid having buffets, salad bars and drink stations. Similar tips appear on the CDC’s site and a Food and Drug Administration page.

But the shelved report also said that as restaurants start seating diners again, they should space tables at least 6 feet (1.8 meters) apart and try to use phone app technology to alert a patron when their table is ready to avoid touching and use of buzzers. That's not on the CDC's site now.

“You can say that restaurants can open and you need to follow social distancing guidelines. But restaurants want to know, ‘What does that look like?’ States would like more guidance,” said Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.

The White House’s own “Opening Up America Again” guidelines released last month were more vague than the CDC’s unpublished report. They instructed state and local governments to reopen in accordance with federal and local “regulations and guidance" and to monitor employees for symptoms of COVID-19. The White House guidance also included advice developed earlier in the pandemic that remains important like social distancing and encouraging working from home.

At a briefing Wednesday, White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany echoed the administration's stance that state's are most responsible for their own COVID-19 response: “We’ve consulted individually with states, but as I said, it’s (a) governor-led effort. It’s a state-led effort on ... which the federal government will consult. And we do so each and every day.”

The CDC is hearing daily from state and county health departments looking for scientifically valid information with which to make informed decisions.

Still, behind the scenes, CDC scientists like those who produced the guidance for “Opening Up America Again″ are working to get information to local governments. The agency still employs hundreds of the world’s most respected epidemiologists and doctors, who in times of crisis are looked to for their expertise, said former CDC director Tom Frieden. People have clicked on the CDC's coronavirus website more than 1.2 billion times.

States that directly reach out to the CDC can tap guidance that’s been prepared but that the White House has not released.

“I don’t think that any state feels that the CDC is deficient. It’s just the process of getting stuff out,” Plescia said.


Stobbe reported from New York. Associated Press writers Darlene Superville and Zeke Miller in Washington contributed to this report.


The Associated Press receives support for health and science coverage from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

05-07-20  10:14am - 1707 days #1620
LKLK (0)
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I'm proud to be a Texan, even though I live in Los Angeles County.
Texans died at the Alamo.
Texans are dying from the coronavirus.
But the spirits of Texans can never be overcome.

Governor softens order over jailed Texas hair salon owner

The Associated Press
May 7th 2020 12:40PM

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday removed jail as a punishment for violating his coronavirus restrictions following outcry by conservatives over a Dallas salon owner who was locked up for refusing to keep her business closed.

In a swift relaxing of his own rules, Abbott said his new order should free Shelley Luther, who was booked in the Dallas County jail this week for keeping her salon open in defiance of the governor's restrictions meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Luther refused to apologize for repeatedly flouting the order, leading a judge to find her in contempt of court and sentence her to a week behind bars. Her punishment quickly became a rallying cry for Republican lawmakers and conservative activists, and one online fundraising campaign had raised more the $500,000 for Luther as of Thursday morning.

“Throwing Texans in jail who have had their businesses shut down through no fault of their own is nonsensical, and I will not allow it to happen,” Abbott said in a statement. He also mentioned two women along the Texas border who were similarly jailed for violating his executive orders, but whose arrests have not drawn as much attention or inspired protests.

The reversal reflects the increasing pressure Abbott is under to reboot the state's economy at a much faster pace. It also comes just as Abbott was scheduled to meet Thursday with President Donald Trump at the White House to discuss the state's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Shortly after Abbott softened the enforcement of his previous virus safeguards, the Texas Supreme Court ordered that Luther be released from jail.

Texas began letting restaurants and retailers reopen last week under limited capacity. At the time, Abbott suggested it would not be until mid-May that barbershops and hair salons could resume serving customers. But some have balked and openly defied his timeline, including two GOP state lawmakers who let reporters film them getting haircuts outside of Houston earlier this week.

Texas has had more than 34,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and more than 940 deaths related to the virus. On Wednesday, Texas reported 42 new deaths, one of its highest single-day totals since the outbreak began, but Abbott has said he is focused on hospitalization rates that remain steady and infection rates that have dropped since mid-April.

Luther was cited last month for keeping her salon open despite state and local directives that kept nonessential businesses closed, but she continued to defy the order and tore up a cease and desist letter in front of TV cameras.

“I couldn’t feed my family, and my stylists couldn’t feed their families,” Luther testified Tuesday, saying she had applied for a federal loan but didn’t receive it until Sunday.

Dallas County Judge Eric Moye said during the hearing that he would consider levying a fine instead of jail time if Luther would apologize and not reopen until she was allowed to do so, but Luther refused.

“Feeding my kids is not selfish,” she told Moye. “If you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon.”

Moye wrote in his judgment of contempt: “The defiance of the court’s order was open, flagrant and intentional.” He noted that despite being given the opportunity to apologize, Luther “expressed no contrition, remorse or regret” for her actions.

05-07-20  11:15pm - 1706 days #1621
LKLK (0)
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Trump calls Obama administration 'human scum'
President Trump, one of the kindest, most gentle people to ever hold the office of president of the United States, has finally revealed the truth: the Obama administration was "human scum".
Trump calls Obama administration 'human scum'

Yahoo News
Hunter Walker
May 7th 2020 7:06PM

WASHINGTON — During an appearance in the Oval Office on Thursday afternoon President Trump excoriated the administration of President Barack Obama as “human scum” who attempted to undermine him by “targeting” former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump made his comments after a reporter asked about the Justice Department’s announcement earlier today that it is dropping its criminal case against Flynn. The president also railed against the media and argued “the Pulitzer Prizes should all be returned.”

“He was an innocent man. He is a great gentleman. He was targeted by the Obama administration and he was targeted in order to try and take down a president,” Trump said of Flynn, who was facing prison time after pleading guilty more than two years ago on charges related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Trump went on to allude to the charges against members of his former campaign team and other allies that emerged from Mueller’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election. He called the situation a “disgrace” and suggested it was a partisan effort.

“It’s treason,” Trump said. “So I’m very happy for General Flynn.”

The initial investigations began in 2016 while Obama was still in office. Mueller ultimately concluded the Kremlin mounted an extended effort to boost Trump’s campaign and identified multiple instances where Trump could have been seen as obstructing the investigation and documented multiple contacts between Trump’s team and associates of the Russian government. However, Mueller did not uncover evidence that Trump’s campaign worked with the Kremlin.

In the Oval Office, Trump suggested officials involved in investigating his administration and campaign wanted to pressure his allies to lie.

“It’s a disgrace. The Obama administration Justice Department was a disgrace and they got caught. They got caught, very dishonest people but much more. ... It’s treason. It’s treason,” Trump said. “So I’m very happy for General Flynn.”

Trump made his comments when he took questions from reporters while meeting with Texas Gov. Greg Abboott about the coronavirus pandemic.

A spokesperson for Obama did not respond to a request for comment.

Flynn, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general, had the shortest tenure as White House national security adviser in history. He resigned in February 2017, less than a month after Trump took office, when information surfaced indicating that he had lied to the FBI and Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with former Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

In December 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of making false statements to the FBI and made a deal to cooperate with former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race.

In December 2018, as federal prosecutors prepared to sentence Flynn, Mueller filed a memo that indicated the former national security adviser had provided “substantial assistance” to the Russia probe and a separate criminal investigation. Mueller recommended Flynn receive a sentence that potentially didn’t include any jail time.

However, in more than a year since then, Flynn has not been sentenced amid legal wrangling that included him firing his initial attorneys and hiring Sidney Powell, a veteran attorney and conservative activist. In January of this year, Powell filed motions to have Flynn’s case dismissed due to alleged government misconduct.

Federal prosecutors were fighting back against those motions. That same month Attorney General William Barr appointed Jeffrey Jensen, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, to review Flynn’s case. Jensen subsequently shared documents with Powell including notes and emails from FBI officials. Those documents included notes suggesting the FBI conducted the interview with Flynn to “get him to lie.”

Powell, Flynn’s attorney, argued the documents showed “appalling” behavior by the FBI agents and an “abuse of authority.” She did not immediately respond to a request for comment on this story.

U.S. Attorney Timothy Shea filed a motion to dismiss the case against Flynn in D.C. District Court on Thursday. The motion cited the recently revealed documents and argued they show the FBI’s 2017 interview of Flynn “was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn.”

“The Government is not persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue. Moreover, we [do] not believe that the Government can prove either the relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable doubt,” She wrote.

The D.C. District Court still must formally approve the government’s request to dismiss the case.

05-09-20  07:09am - 1705 days #1622
LKLK (0)
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President Trump on high alert.
He has received secret briefings about the traitor Barack Obama, the fake president of the United States who was born in Africa and secretly smuggled into the United States to gain a foothold for ISIS and the Islam revolutionaries.

Can Trump save America from the hateful enemies of the United States that are trying to destroy Trump?
Can Trump triumph over the Evil Cabal that Obama has fostered since he came to America?

I've read on facebook that the coronavirus is a hoax, that the Fake News is spreading lies about the fake disease, that no one has died from the disease.

Can Trump take down the Fake News?
Can he call on the Armed Forces to arrest and execute these traitors?

Vote to imprison Obama and his ally, Joe Biden.
We must cleanse America to make it Strong and Free and White.

WH on high alert as COVID-19 hits Secret Service

Yahoo News
Jana Winter and Hunter Walker
May 8th 2020 7:00PM

WASHINGTON — Multiple members of the U.S. Secret Service have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, according to Department of Homeland Security documents reviewed by Yahoo News.

In March, the Secret Service, which is responsible for the protection of President Trump and other leaders, acknowledged that a single employee tested positive in March. However the problem is currently far more widespread, with 11 active cases at the agency as of Thursday evening, according to a daily report compiled by the DHS.

This report comes as a pair of cases among White House staffers close to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have put the West Wing’s coronavirus security procedures in the spotlight.

According to the DHS document, along with the 11 active cases there are 23 members of the Secret Service who have recovered from COVID-19 and an additional 60 employees who are self-quarantining. No details have been provided about which members of the Secret Service are infected or if any have recently been on detail with the president or vice president.

The DHS, which oversees the agency, referred all requests for comment to the Secret Service, which declined to comment on the number of coronavirus cases among its employees.

“To protect the privacy of our employee’s health information and for operational security, the Secret Service is not releasing how many of its employees have tested positive for COVID-19, nor how many of its employees were, or currently are, quarantined,” Justine Whelan, a Secret Service spokesperson, said.

While the Secret Service is best known for providing security to the president and vice president, it also protects other leaders, including presidential candidates, former presidents, and visiting dignitaries. The Secret Service also conducts investigations, including most recently, scams involving the coronavirus.

Whelan said the Secret Service is following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, but she declined to comment on how many of the Secret Service employees who have tested positive for the coronavirus worked at the White House complex.

“Since the beginning of this pandemic, the Secret Service has been working with all of our public safety partners and the White House Medical Unit to ensure the safety and security of both our protected persons and our employees,” Whelan said. “The Secret Service continues to follow guidance issued by the CDC to ensure the health and welfare of our employees and those they come in contact with.”
Members of the Secret Service

However, the coronavirus measures at the White House complex, which includes both Trump and Pence’s offices, have not necessarily followed the guidelines from the CDC or the president’s own coronavirus task force. Those guidelines include staying 6 feet away from other people, avoiding large gatherings and wearing masks or other face coverings.

On Monday, Yahoo News reported that there are regularly held large events with unmasked attendees in close quarters at the White House — including inside the Oval Office, which is the president’s inner sanctum. Many Secret Service employees on the White House grounds are among those who are not wearing masks. The agency did not respond to questions about why its employees are not wearing masks or whether personal protective equipment is being provided to members of the Secret Service who request it. Pence and Trump have also regularly opted not to wear masks.

White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere responded to questions about coronavirus protocols in the West Wing last week by saying, “Those in close proximity to the president and vice president are being tested for COVID-19.”

“Temperature checks are occurring for all those entering the complex as well as an additional temperature check for those in close proximity to the president and vice president,” Deere said.

While temperature checks were being administered to everyone entering the White House complex, not everyone who entered the Oval Office with the president was given a test. On multiple occasions last week, reporters were brought into the Oval Office without being given tests or being required to wear masks.

Dr. Kavita Patel, a primary care physician who worked in the Obama administration as director of policy for the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, said she believes the partial testing for those in the White House complex is not sufficient.

“Having worked in the White House, there’s a ton of people that come in and out of there, and they touch things,” said Patel, a Yahoo News health contributor. “So, unless you are literally testing every individual and then following up … even with wiping down those surfaces every night, it’s not foolproof.”

In the days since that report, multiple COVID-19 cases have been confirmed within Trump’s inner circle. On Thursday, news broke that one of Trump’s military valets tested positive. According to CNBC, the valet “had very close contact with the president, including serving meals and helping him with his clothes and other personal needs.”

After the news emerged about his valet, Trump told reporters that the White House had only been testing on a weekly basis and would increase the number of tests given to key staffers.

“So we test once a week. Now we’re going to go testing once a day, but even when you test once a day, somebody could — something happens where they catch something,” Trump said.

On Friday, another top staffer tested positive for the coronavirus. Speaking at a meeting with Republican lawmakers in the White House State Dining Room, Trump indicated the staffer was Pence’s press secretary, Katie Miller.

“She’s a wonderful young woman, Katie,” Trump said. “She tested very good for a long period of time and, all of a sudden today, she tested positive. She hasn’t come into contact with me.”

Miller is the wife of Stephen Miller, who is one of the president’s closest and most influential advisers. The Millers did not respond to requests for comment.

The White House declined to comment on whether Stephen Miller had tested negative or was being quarantined. Deere, the deputy press secretary, provided a new statement saying, “the President’s physician and White House Operations continue to work closely to ensure every precaution is taken to keep the President, First Family and the entire White House Complex safe and healthy at all times.”

“In addition to social distancing, daily temperature checks and symptom histories, hand sanitizer, and regular deep cleaning of all work spaces, every staff member in close proximity to the president and vice president is being tested daily for COVID-19 as well as any guests,” Deere said.

Yet even after the pair of coronavirus cases among the Trump administration staff, not everyone who gets in a room with the president is being tested. The press that covered the event where Trump discussed Miller’s diagnosis was brought into the State Dining Room without being given tests. One of the untested reporters asked Trump for a reaction to the fact the virus is apparently spreading inside the White House, which is ostensibly one of the safest places in the country.

“It could happen anywhere,” Trump said. “You see where it happens.”


05-10-20  07:13pm - 1703 days #1623
LKLK (0)
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President Donald Trump, the most stable financial genius the world has ever known, will save the United States billions of dollars.

Trump has volunteered to be the first test patient to take the vaccine, if the nation needs him to step forward.
However, the coronavirus will go away, without a vaccine.
So Trump is saving the US billions of dollars that might have been wasted in trying to create a vaccine, because the virus will simply disappear in time, without even needing a vaccine.

Trump, the most stable financial genius the world has ever known.
Trump claims virus will 'go away without a vaccine'

Yahoo News
David Knowles
May 8th 2020 4:34PM

President Trump on Friday broke with health experts, telling reporters that the coronavirus will “go away without a vaccine.”

“This is going to go away without a vaccine, it's gonna go away, and we're not going to see it again, hopefully, after a period of time,” Trump said at the White House. “You may have some flare-ups and I guess I would expect that.”

Just days ago, the Trump administration launched “Operation Warp Speed,” a project to accelerate the production of a vaccine for the coronavirus, which, as of Friday had infected at least 1.2 million Americans and killed more than 76,000 here.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading expert on infectious diseases on the coronavirus task force, has repeatedly cautioned that a vaccine was still at least a year to 18 months from being made available to the public.

Asked what led him to believe that the virus would disappear without a vaccine, Trump claimed that he had received that information from medical professionals.

“I just rely on what doctors say. They say it’s going to go. That doesn’t mean this year. It doesn’t mean, frankly, it’s going to be gone before the fall or after the fall, but eventually it’s going to go away. The question is whether we will need a vaccine. At some point it will probably go away by itself.”

Asked how often he met with Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, who also serves on the coronavirus task force, Trump replied, “A lot. A lot.”

Birx said last week that it was possible that the intensified government focus on developing a vaccine could help produce one as early as January.

“The way that it’s possible is if you bring forward five or six different classes of candidates, which Operation Warp Speed has done,” Birx said in an interview with Fox News. “And so it’s not relying on a single vaccine platform. it’s relying on several different candidates that are made differently and act differently.”

A Yahoo News/YouGov poll released Friday showed that just 55 percent of Americans planned to get vaccinated against COVID-19 when it became available. Nineteen percent surveyed said they would not take a vaccine for the virus while 26 percent said they were not sure.

On Tuesday, Trump was asked whether he would personally receive a vaccine shot for the coronavirus if one was developed.

“If they would like me to, I’d go the first one or I’d go the last one. I don’t want to waste it,” Trump responded.

Reminded of that answer, in which he added that he would “absolutely” take a vaccine depending on his doctor’s advice, Trump seemed more hesitant Friday.

“I didn’t say I wanted to, that’s not a correct statement,” Trump said Friday. “You said, ‘Would you be,’ and I said if it was good for the country, I’d be, and if it was bad for the country, I’ll wait to be the last one or I wouldn’t do it at all.”

05-11-20  02:44am - 1703 days #1624
LKLK (0)
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Girl Licks Tongue Depressor in Doctor's Office, Mom Arrested

This is wrong.
The girl was only being cute.
And the mother was so proud of her daughter.
Also, freedom of expression: Doesn't the US Constitution tell us we have the right to express ourselves?
Also, Trump has explained the coronavirus is a hoax made up by the Chinese, the Fake News, and Barack Obama to bring down the Trump administration.
Facebook posts have revealed that the Fake News is fake, that that there were no deaths from the virus.
And people are starting to react to being shut in, and the Attorney General of the United States, fighting to keep America free, has studied whether he should start bringing suit against the states for issuing stay-at-home orders which limit the freedom of US citizens.

Trump, fighting for the right of US citizens to go out and mingle freely (while also fighting for the right of people to think about the CDC and whether the CDC should still get millions of dollars in funding while honest citizens live in fear of the fake virus).

Vote for Trump, the most stable financial genius the world has ever known.

Note: not only is there fake news, but there is also fake delayed news. This article is dated July 24, 2019, and it's now May 11, 2020. Why are we being bombarded with fake delayed news articles long after the fake news was supposed to have happened. This article came up on my computer today, months after the incidents happened.
Why aren't we getting fresh, real news?
Trump, we are depending on you and Fox News to tell us the Truth!!!
Girl Licks Tongue Depressor in Doctor's Office, Mom Arrested
Mom Arrested After Daughter Licks Tongue Depressor in Doctor’s Office
July 24, 2019 / Wellness, Family Health / By Sara Gramling

There seems to be a new, disturbing trend of licking things in public places. The most notable, perhaps, is the girl in Texas who opened up a container of ice cream in a grocery store and licked the top. Then there was another licking incident that occurred earlier this month in Jacksonville, Florida, when a mom recorded her daughter licking a tongue depressor in a doctor’s office and shared it via Snapchat.

Cori E. Ward, a local mom, was at the All About Kids & Families Medical Center and filmed a video of her daughter licking the tongue depressors. In the video, which shows someone reaching in and taking the wood depressors, there a sign that’s visible that says, “Please do not touch medical supplies. Thank you.”

Unfortunately, the warning was not heeded and in the video you can see the young girl take out one of the tongue depressors, lick it, and put it right back into the container. The mom, who posted the video to Snapchat, added, “Don’t tell me how to live my life.”

There are laws, though, that dictate how you’re going to live your life, at least in certain ways. On July 12, Ward was arrested on a felony charge for “tampering with a consumer product without regard for possible death or bodily injury.”

Ward told the local news station, WJAX, “I mean honestly I wasn’t thinking. I know what it’s like to have to worry about your kids’ health and stuff. I would never put somebody else’s kid at risk.”

All About Kids & Families Medical Center also spoke to WJAX, “Upon notification of this isolated incident, we contacted law enforcement to request a full and thorough investigation,” the doctor’s office said. “We immediately removed all materials and containers from the specific exam room and re-sanitized our entire facility.”

The moral of the story? Stop licking things that don’t belong to you in public! Stay tuned for updates about Cori E. Ward and this developing story.
Sara Gramling

05-11-20  03:28pm - 1703 days #1625
LKLK (0)
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President Trump has revealed that some people are putting politics ahead of national security.
People in Pennsylvannia want their freedom, but the governor, a Democrat, is trying to force people to stay-at-home.
Trump urges people to be safe, but to move quickly.
And health experts have warned that reopening too soon could lead to more death and economic damage.

Democrats want US citizens to die. In the hope that will hurt Trump's chances of re-election.
How evil. How cruel. Democrats are scum who want their fellow citizens to die.
That's why Trump is saying "Let my people go." Just like Moses said to the Egyptian Pharoah. Trump wants people to be free to shop, to hug each other, to kiss each other, maybe even to make more babies to replace the people who have died.

Trump, the candidate with the heart of gold.
Trump: People in Pennsylvania 'want their freedom now,' but Democrats delay reopening to hurt him

Yahoo News
Dylan Stableford
May 11th 2020 12:38PM

President Trump on Monday accused Democratic governors without evidence of moving to reopen their states too slowly amid the coronavirus pandemic to hurt his chances of reelection.

In a tweet, Trump singled out the battleground state of Pennsylvania, where officials in four counties are threatening to defy Gov. Tom Wolf’s stay-at-home order, which was extended for most of the state through June 4.

“The great people of Pennsylvania want their freedom now, and they are fully aware of what that entails,” the president tweeted. “The Democrats are moving slowly, all over the USA, for political purposes. They would wait until November 3rd if it were up to them. Don’t play politics. Be safe, move quickly!”

There have been more than 1.3 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States and over 79,000 deaths — far more than any other country in the world.

Pennsylvania has reported nearly 60,000 coronavirus cases and more than 3,700 deaths.

In a radio interview Monday, Wolf threatened to sanction county officials who defy his orders.

“These folks are choosing to desert in the face of the enemy, in the middle of a war we Pennsylvanians are winning,” Wolf said. “They need to understand the consequences of their cowardly act.”

While Trump says states with Democratic governors are moving “too slowly” to lift lockdowns and other measures to slow the spread of the virus, most Americans disagree.

A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll found 59 percent Americans believe states such as Georgia, Florida, Minnesota and Texas are “moving too fast” to reopen, while only 33 percent say the pace is “about right.” Just 8 percent say it’s “too slow.”

Public health experts, including members of the White House coronavirus task force, have warned that reopening too soon could lead to more death and economic damage.

Trump has acknowledged that “there will be more death” as states move to relax their stay-at-home mandates in the coming months.

“It’s possible there will be some because you won’t be locked into an apartment or a house or whatever it is,” Trump told ABC News while visiting a mask-making factory in Phoenix last week. “But at the same time, we’re going to practice social distancing, we’re going to be washing hands, we’re going to be doing a lot of the things that we’ve learned to do over the last period of time.”

While blaming Democrats for wanting to prolong the recession to make him look bad, he has also accused Democrats of wanting more Americans to die, also to make him look bad, a charge that was originally made by his son, Donald Trump Jr.

“The House is a bunch of Trump haters,” the president told reporters before departing for Arizona. “They, frankly, want our situation to be unsuccessful, which means death. Which means death.”


05-12-20  02:15am - 1702 days #1626
LKLK (0)
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Trump, the most stable genius the US has ever seen, is also a fluid person.
He says the killing of Ahmaud Arbery killing was heartbreaking, but cautions about empty spot on the tape.

So even though the death is heartbreaking, maybe there was a reason for the death.
There was an empty spot on the tape.

So, is anyone guilty?
Of what?
Killing a black man?
Killing a black man, in self-defense?

Enquiring minds want to know: what is Donald Trump thinking?
We must be cautious about thinking 2 white men murdered a black man.
Because there is an empty spot on the tape.

Trump calls Ahmaud Arbery killing 'heartbreaking' but cautions about 'empty spot on the tape'

Yahoo News
David Knowles
May 11th 2020 6:52PM

President Trump said Monday that a video showing two white men in Georgia gunning down and killing an African-American jogger is “heartbreaking,” though he left open the possibility that “an empty spot on the tape” might reveal more information in the case.

Trump was asked about the video that shows the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery as he jogged along a tree-lined street in Brunswick, Ga. The question came near the end of a Rose Garden briefing on the coronavirus pandemic.

“I think it’s horrible and it’s certainly being looked at by many people. I’m speaking to many people about it,” Trump said of the video that surfaced on social media two months after the Feb. 23 shooting. A swift public outcry erupted and was followed by the arrest of Travis McMichael, 34 on a charge of felony murder and aggravated assault, and his father, Gregory, 64, who is charged as a party to felony murder and aggravated assault.

Trump praised Arbery’s appearance in a photograph released by his family that showed him wearing a tuxedo.

“He looked, I saw the picture of him in his tuxedo and it was so beautiful and he looks like a wonderful young guy. Would have been a wonderful ... just a wonderful guy,” Trump said. “I think it’s a horrible thing. I think it’s a horrible thing. Now, with that being said, as you know they’re studying the case carefully, they’re interviewing everybody involved and we’ll see what happens. To me it’s a very sad thing.”

The video was believed to be in the possession of authorities before it was released anonymously online, but neither McMichael had been charged. In questioning at the time, they told investigators they were attempting a citizens arrest of Arbery, who was 25, suspecting him of a burglary. In the account by the McMichaels, according to The Brunswick News, Arbery, who was unarmed, was struggling with Travis McMichael, who had a shotgun.

Protests have erupted over the killing as well as the investigation. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said Sunday that “this was a lynching of an African-American man.”

Trump said Tuesday that he hoped for a speedy resolution in the case.

“You have a lot of people looking at it and hopefully an answer is going to be arrived at very quickly. But it’s something that it heartbreaking,” Trump said.

The president also repeated his earlier assertion that the video, which was shot by a motorist, might contain “an empty spot on the tape” that could impact the case.

“Well, I saw the tape and when they moved left, I don’t believe that when they moved left outside of the tape nobody saw what was going on. Nobody saw — it’s an empty spot on the tape, I guess,” Trump said. “Now, do they have additional tapes, I hope, but I will say that it’s something that based on what I saw, doesn’t look good.”

Trump added that he he had spoken over the weekend to Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., an African American who he had “a lot of respect for” to ask him his opinion of the video.

“Tim, what do you think, tell me,” the president said, reprising his conversation with Scott.

Trump said Scott was “very disturbed by it.”

05-12-20  02:52am - 1702 days #1627
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA
President Trump is getting no respect from reporters.
The reporters are wearing masks to the White House briefing, to hide their shame while they ask nasty questions.
Trump, a man of courage and honor, will not allow these scummy reporters to be un-civil.
To ask him questions on the coronavirus, after he has explained the virus to the satisfaction of everyone with any intelligence.

Trump, the man who triumphed over the deadly disease that was a fake hoax made up by the Chinese, the scummy Democrats, and the equally scummy Fake News.

Trump, the man who was president while over 80,000 US deaths were reported so far: Trump, the man who criticized Obama for his response to the swine flu in 2009, where over 12,000 Americans died.
Conservative sources are reporting that not only was Obama slow to respond to the swine flu, but that Obama funded the biological lab in Wuhan where the COVID-19 virus was created.

So Obama is responsible for all the American deaths from this invisible enemy.
That President Trump has fought so long and hard against.
Hail, President Trump, the most stable, warm-hearted President the US has ever had.
President Trump abruptly ends briefing after contentious exchanges

The Associated Press
May 12th 2020 4:37AM

NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump abruptly ended his White House news conference Monday following combative exchanges with reporters Weijia Jiang of CBS News and Kaitlan Collins of CNN.

Jiang asked Trump why he was putting so much emphasis on the amount of coronavirus tests that have been conducted in the United States.

“Why does that matter?” Jiang asked. “Why is this a global competition to you if everyday Americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases every day?”

Trump replied that “they're losing their lives everywhere in the world. And maybe that's a question you should ask China. Don't ask me. Ask China that question.”

He called for another question, and there was no immediate response.

“Sir, why are you saying that to me, specifically?” Jiang asked. Jiang, who has worked for CBS News since 2015, was born in Xiamen, China, and emigrated to the United States with her family at age 2.

Trump said he would say that to “anyone who asks a nasty question.”

“It's not a nasty question,” Jiang said. “Why does that matter?”

Trump again asked for another question, then said, “Nah, that's OK” and waved off CNN's Collins when she approached the microphone.

“You pointed to me,” Collins said.

The president said, “I pointed to you and you didn't respond.” Collins said she was giving Jiang the time to finish her questioning.

“Can I ask a question?” Collins said.

With that, Trump called an end to the news conference, held in the White House Rose Garden, and walked away.

Jiang and Collins wore masks to the news conference, as did most reporters, following the recent reports that two White House employees — an aide to Vice President Mike Pence and a valet to the president — had tested positive for the coronavirus.

05-12-20  07:51am - 1702 days #1628
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA
President Trump needs to have Dr. Fauci arrested for treason, and executed immediately.
Fauci is speaking against the party line.
Trump wants the US taken off the coronavirus stay-at-home order, and people to be allowed to go to work, to attend church, to have parties praising our glorious Commander-in-Chief, to hug and kiss one another.

But Fauci is preaching caution.
His mouth must be stopped.
Execute the traitor.
If people make the decision on their own to mingle, to dis-obey any stay-at-home orders, Trump is fine with that: some people might die, but death is part of life anyway.
So celebrate, along with Trump, who has battled the virus and won an admirable victory: America is safe, the virus will go away, and we don't even need a vaccine for the virus.
Associated Press
Fauci warns of 'suffering and death' if US reopens too soon
9 mins ago
Expert: Coronavirus to infect up to 70% of U.S.
How popular US resort towns are welcoming back visitors

WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, is warning Congress that if the country reopens too soon during the coronavirus pandemic, it will result in “needless suffering and death.”

Fauci is among the health experts testifying to a Senate panel. His testimony comes as President Donald Trump is praising states that are reopening after the prolonged lock-down aimed at controlling the virus' spread.

Fauci, a member of the coronavirus task force charged with shaping the response to COVID-19, which has killed tens of thousands of people in the U.S., is testifying via video conference after self-quarantining as a White House staffer tested positive for the virus.

With the U.S. economy in free-fall and more than 30 million people unemployed, Trump has been pressuring states to reopen.

Fauci, in a statement to The New York Times, warned that officials should adhere to federal guidelines for a phased reopening, including a “downward trajectory” of positive tests or documented cases of coronavirus over two weeks, robust contact tracing and “sentinel surveillance” testing of asymptomatic people in vulnerable populations, such as nursing homes.

“If we skip over the checkpoints in the guidelines...then we risk the danger of multiple outbreaks throughout the country," Fauci wrote. "This will not only result in needless suffering and death, but would actually set us back on our quest to return to normal."

A recent Associated Press review determined that 17 states did not meet a key White House benchmark for loosening up — a 14-day downward trajectory in new cases or positive test rates. Yet many of those have begun to reopen or are about to do so, including Alabama, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah.

Of the 33 states that have had a 14-day downward trajectory of either cases or positive test rates, 25 are partially opened or moving to reopen within days, the AP analysis found. Other states that have not seen a 14-day decline, remain closed despite meeting some benchmarks.

Fauci is testifying to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee via video conference after putting himself in quarantine when a White House staffer tested positive for the virus. The chairman of the committee, Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, also put himself in quarantine after an aide tested positive and will participate by video, too.

Besides Fauci, of the National Institutes of Health, the other experts include FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn and Dr. Robert Redfield, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with Adm. Brett Giroir, the coronavirus “testing czar” at the Department of Health and Human Services.

The health committee hearing offers a very different setting from the White House coronavirus task force briefings the administration witnesses have all participated in. Most significantly, Trump will not be controlling the agenda.

Eyeing the November elections, Trump has been eager to restart the economy, urging on protesters who oppose their state governors' stay-at-home orders and expressing his own confidence that the coronavirus will fade away as summer advances and Americans return to work and other pursuits.

The U.S. has seen at least 1.3 million infections and nearly 81,000 confirmed deaths from the virus, the highest toll in the world by far, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

Separately, one expert from the World Health Organization has already warned that some countries are “driving blind” into reopening their economies without having strong systems to track new outbreaks. And three countries that do have robust tracing systems — South Korea, Germany and China — have already seen new outbreaks after lockdown rules were relaxed.

WHO’s emergencies chief, Dr. Michael Ryan, said Germany and South Korea have good contact tracing that hopefully can detect and stop virus clusters before they get out of control. But he said other nations — which he did not name — have not effectively employed investigators to contact people who test positive, track down their contacts and get them into quarantine before they can spread the virus.

“Shutting your eyes and trying to drive through this blind is about as silly an equation as I’ve seen,” Ryan said. “Certain countries are setting themselves up for some seriously blind driving over the next few months.”

Apple, Google, some U.S. states and European countries are developing contact-tracing apps that show whether someone has crossed paths with an infected person. But experts say the technology only supplements and does not replace labor-intensive human work.

U.S. contact tracing remains a patchwork of approaches and readiness levels. States are hiring contact tracers but experts say tens of thousands will be needed across the country.

Worldwide, the virus has infected nearly 4.2 million people and killed over 286,00 0, including more than 150,000 in Europe, according to the Johns Hopkins tally. Experts believe those numbers are too low for a variety of reasons.

Becatoros reported from Athens, Greece and Parra from Madrid. Associated Press journalists around the world contributed.

05-12-20  08:08am - 1702 days #1629
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA
Mitch McConnell says ex-president Obama is a black man who should know his place and keep his mouth shut.
The only good black man is a dead black man.
The only good black man is either a Republican who follows Trump to heaven, or a bad black man who is better off dead.

Trump has the right to criticize Obama, because Trump is the president.
Obama is not the president any more, and needs to keep his mouth shut.

Go, Trump. Go, McConnell.
Mitch McConnell: ‘Classless’ Obama ‘should’ve kept his mouth shut’ about Trump

HuffPost US
Ed Mazza
May 12th 2020 5:36AM

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) thinks former President Barack Obama should’ve “kept his mouth shut” about President Donald Trump since leaving office.

And he called Obama “classless” for criticizing Trump’s response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, which has so far claimed more than 80,000 lives in the U.S.

In a private call last week with former members of his administration, Obama called Trump’s handling of the matter “an absolute chaotic disaster.” He also warned that “the rule of law is at risk” after Trump’s Justice Department dropped charges against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

McConnell believes Obama shouldn’t have said anything.

“I think President Obama should’ve kept his mouth shut,” he said in an interview with Lara Trump, who is the president’s daughter-in-law and an adviser to his reelection campaign.

“I think it’s a little bit classless, frankly, to critique an administration that comes after you,” he said. “You had your shot. You were there for eight years.”

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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