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08-19-10  12:39pm - 5313 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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How You Can Achieve Instant Fame and Fortune !

Apparently, some billionaire is taking pity on the rest of us fools and offering us the chance to live a life of luxury ... albeit in a federal prison hospital paralyzed after being shot by the secret service. All you have to do is get someone to videotape you running naked in front Obama with the words "Battlecam.com" printed on your stomach. A small price to pay for money and immortal fame ... to go along with your wheelchair.

Here's the article: http://business.avn.com/articles/Billion...nt-Obama-408602.html.

08-19-10  04:08pm - 5313 days #2
turboshaft (0)
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Actually considering that it was only a year ago that gun nuts-I mean defenders of the 2nd Amendment started showing up armed at rallies where the president spoke this probably doesn't worry the Secret Service that much. I'd imagine that the Secret Service would thoroughly 'question' Mr. David (the billionaire) about his involvement after the streaking.

I personally have too many self confidence issues to even streak alone on a deserted island, much less in front of the hundreds of cameras around the presidential entourage. Besides you won't even be a millionaire after taxes are collected--though what the tax rate is on rich douche bag streaking dares I can only imagine.

A word of caution; there's no constitutional right to have children or even the ability to have children, and running naked around jittery security people might earn you a swift kick to the groin! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove Edited on Aug 19, 2010, 04:15pm

08-20-10  06:01am - 5312 days #3
Capn (0)
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A Billionaire major perv could do so much good.
Altruistically investing in the production of porn to sate the masses.

Why waste so much money on such transient pleasure.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

08-20-10  09:43am - 5312 days #4
RustyJ (0)

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Registered: Aug 04, '10
Nobody took the offer at 100.000$?!? I guess the hard part is actually getting close enough to be in the same video image with Barack. I can imagine his next public appearance with the entire audience wearing trench coats and slippers

08-20-10  05:06pm - 5312 days #5
Drooler (0)
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If you ask me, obscurity is the best policy. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-20-10  07:15pm - 5311 days #6
pat362 (0)
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We now live in a society that worships fake celebrities
The Hills, Jersey Shore, Jackass and a slew of reality TV have elevated ordinary people to the status of stars. We watch what happens in their fakes lives on TV and read all the little tidbits of what they are doing on a daily basis.

It's so pervasive and destructive to the fabric of society that when the President of the United States was invited on The View. One of the questions was: Do you know who Snookie is? This is the President of the United States and this is the first time in history that a sitting President accepts to do this and you wasted important airtime by asking if he knows a usueless reality star who is now a very rich useless reality star.

Sometimes the only thing that I can think is: FUCK ME. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-20-10  08:23pm - 5311 days #7
lk2fireone (0)
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Before Obama got in, there was a great air of excitement and anticipation about what a wonderful president he would be and what he would do for our country. I think that excitement and anticipation has evaporated. And now he's seen as just the guy who won the election.

08-20-10  09:45pm - 5311 days #8
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Sometimes the only thing that I can think is: FUCK ME.

Hey, you don't have to feel too bad--you're in Canada. We have to be put up with this nonsense day in, day out, for four years at a stretch!

I think comedian Lewis Black summed up the U.S.'s two party system best when he said, "it's a bowl of shit looking in the mirror at itself." He also said the only difference between the two bowls of shit (the two parties) is the smell. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-21-10  02:54am - 5311 days #9
Capn (0)
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Going slightly off topic.

As I see it these talentless, meritless 'reality tv celebrities' are manufactured by the television companies.

Reality television is cheap, lazy television.

'Hey, let's just get a collection of cheap low brows & stick them in a room with a camera. That should be good for a few hundred hours of air time.'

Cap'n Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

08-21-10  11:26am - 5311 days #10
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Going slightly off topic.

As I see it these talentless, meritless 'reality tv celebrities' are manufactured by the television companies.

Reality television is cheap, lazy television.

'Hey, let's just get a collection of cheap low brows & stick them in a room with a camera. That should be good for a few hundred hours of air time.'


I agree one million times with you but here is the big problem. People watch this shit day in and day out. It's the old saying: Give the People what they want. I don't think any of these stupid shows would still exist tomorrow if people stopped watching. Network executive are simply doing these shows because they are cheap to make but bring in tons of advertising revenus. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-21-10  11:32am - 5311 days #11
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Hey, you don't have to feel too bad--you're in Canada. We have to be put up with this nonsense day in, day out, for four years at a stretch!

I think comedian Lewis Black summed up the U.S.'s two party system best when he said, "it's a bowl of shit looking in the mirror at itself." He also said the only difference between the two bowls of shit (the two parties) is the smell.

It's a small comfort because Canadians watch just as much US made TV shows as Americans do. The only difference is that we sometimes watch an older episode than you guys.

Canada is also up the same shit creek as you guys when it comes to politics. We might have a few more parties but there are still only 2 main parties that keep getting elected every few years. The main advantage in our system is that our Prime Minister is not limited to only 2 terms.
It's still boggles the mind why once you find a great President you limit him to a maximum of 8 yrs. Who knows maybe one day Congress will change that law. I think some problem take way morew than 2 terms to fix. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-21-10  11:45am - 5311 days #12
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Before Obama got in, there was a great air of excitement and anticipation about what a wonderful president he would be and what he would do for our country. I think that excitement and anticipation has evaporated. And now he's seen as just the guy who won the election.

I like Obama and I'd have no problem if he was our Prime Minister. I think that no one would or could have done better with the mess the US and frankly most of the world is at the moment. I don't even know how he can fix what's broken with the US. Don't you think there is a serious problem when a tiny portion of the US are billionairs or multi-billionaires vs the ever increasing poverty rates. There are over 400 billionaires in the US at the moment. How many of these upstanding citizens want to change the way wealth is distributed or would willingly change their business attitude to save the US? Long live the Brown Coats.

08-22-10  04:40am - 5310 days #13
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Canada is also up the same shit creek as you guys when it comes to politics. We might have a few more parties but there are still only 2 main parties that keep getting elected every few years. The main advantage in our system is that our Prime Minister is not limited to only 2 terms.
It's still boggles the mind why once you find a great President you limit him to a maximum of 8 yrs. Who knows maybe one day Congress will change that law. I think some problem take way morew than 2 terms to fix.

I hope you're not being too serious. Eight years is plenty for the vast majority of these jackasses we find to run things, not even counting the full ten they are eligible to serve in the case of presidential succession (vice president for at least half of one term --> succeeds president for remainder of term --> reelected to two full terms). I don't think you have to look very far back in history to think of at least one glaring example (Uh oh! I'm bad mouthing Bush!). I think there is a fairly large percentage of the people--not active voters, that's a different group--who would not have wanted that fucking idiot to serve for even eight seconds much less eight years.

And you could find similar groups for Clinton, and Reagan, and maybe even Eisenhower, though not as many of his voters still around I'm guessing. One of the founding ideas of the U.S. is not to be ruled by a king, and thus limit consolidation and excesses of power, such as in term limits and checks and balances (in theory). The idea of a term-limitless executive leader would probably make plenty wet their pants, but for different reasons. The U.S. president may not have nearly as much power as imagined but it's still plenty and that endearing term 'leader of the free world' isn't just for shits and giggles.

But I do understand your main point that there are some problems that take way more than two terms to address, in fact nearly all problems take decades to fix because they are so serious and complex. I would think that the majority party in the senate and in the house of congress could make more changes than the president alone, but that doesn't always happen, and sweeping legislation is not that easy without controlling the White House too. Hell, even when it's one ruling party for both branches it's no guarantee of getting anything passed.

The bigger problem may be the collective unwillingness to try and think anything out that far ahead. We want instant results, not this 'it will take time' bullshit. And the future can be hard to predict when everyone's working in different directions. A couple of good examples are Medicare (limited health care for old and disabled) and Social Security (limited pay for the same groups) which may not even exist when I reach their current eligibility age. They'll probably be tall tales to entertain my grandchildren! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-22-10  05:05am - 5310 days #14
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Don't you think there is a serious problem when a tiny portion of the US are billionairs or multi-billionaires vs the ever increasing poverty rates. There are over 400 billionaires in the US at the moment. How many of these upstanding citizens want to change the way wealth is distributed or would willingly change their business attitude to save the US?

Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. is pretty insane--the top 10% or so possessing 90% of the wealth, with the bottom 90% fighting over the remaining 10% of wealth. That's not exactly something to be proud of (unless you're in that top 10% of 'earners', in which case pride is probably a virtue).

Or Warren Buffett complaining a few years ago about paying a smaller income tax rate than his secretary--what the hell does that say about this country (besides don't be a secretary)? He probably pays a lot of capital gains taxes and writes a larger overall check for income taxes, but the percentage differences seemed to be skewed towards easing the burdens on those with the Scrooge fortunes. I bet a lot of these guys (and gals, if there are any) would defend paying at lower rates because of their donations to charity though these arguably do nothing for the economy. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-22-10  06:14pm - 5310 days #15
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I hope you're not being too serious. Eight years is plenty for the vast majority of these jackasses we

I was serious about a maximum of 2 terms because it's well known that many president's second term is more about their image and legacy and less about what they wanted to accomplish.

I agree that limiting a president to only 2 terms means that at some point a president like say Bush will be gone from office and can never comeback. It also means that if you have a great President that is getting things done but will need more than 2 terms to do it, is also limited by that 2 terms system. Americans have the ability, like any democratic society, to vote whomever they want into office and in return vote out anyone they want. I would think that a society that prides itself on the greatness of it's democratic system would be against anything that limits those rights and freedoms.

I think the one major advantage Canadians have over our Americans neighbors in that there is no such thing as long term campaigning. The Prime Minister can call an election when he wants to or he can wait until the designated date is reached but either way we only get two months of campaigning. It's less expensive this way then in the US. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-22-10  06:24pm - 5310 days #16
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Warren Buffett complaining a few years ago about paying a smaller income tax rate than his secretary[/url]--what the hell does that say about this country (besides don't be a secretary)? He probably pays a lot of capital gains taxes and writes a larger overall check for income taxes, but the percentage differences seemed to be skewed towards easing the burdens on those with the Scrooge fortunes. I bet a lot of these guys (and gals, if there are any) would defend paying at lower rates because of their donations to charity though these arguably do nothing for the economy.

Good Old Warren. Mr number 3 on Forbes billionaire list.
Estimated net worth of 47 billion dollars. He is only surpassed by Bill Gates at #2 and Carlos Sim who's #1. At least Bill made is money by owning a company that employs thousands of people. Warren and Carlos made theirs with the stock market. Mmm isn't that strange that 2 of the richest people in the world got their money from the stock market???

My biggest problem with Mr BUffet is that he has been called a genius of the stock market. Where exactly was he before the crash? I don't remember him going to Congress and saying that laws had to be put in place or the US and most of the world was going down a dangerous road and might very go into a long term recession. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-22-10  06:52pm - 5310 days #17
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I was serious about a maximum of 2 terms because it's well known that many president's second term is more about their image and legacy and less about what they wanted to accomplish.

I agree that limiting a president to only 2 terms means that at some point a president like say Bush will be gone from office and can never comeback. It also means that if you have a great President that is getting things done but will need more than 2 terms to do it, is also limited by that 2 terms system. Americans have the ability, like any democratic society, to vote whomever they want into office and in return vote out anyone they want. I would think that a society that prides itself on the greatness of it's democratic system would be against anything that limits those rights and freedoms.

I think the one major advantage Canadians have over our Americans neighbors in that there is no such thing as long term campaigning. The Prime Minister can call an election when he wants to or he can wait until the designated date is reached but either way we only get two months of campaigning. It's less expensive this way then in the US.

Two months of campaigning, that would be great! Make it one!

And keep people from announcing their intentions to run until a week or less before campaigns start, just to keep the "pre-campaigning" stuff limited as well.

Oh, and no campaigning after being sworn in! You know, "Mission Accomplished" and all that nonsense.

And when people are hypocrites on the Sunday shows like "Meet the Press," let us watch them be harangued into silence. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-22-10  08:41pm - 5309 days #18
Wittyguy (0)
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I think that Sims and Buffett should offer cash prizes for a bunch of unemployed middle age, heavy set gay guys to run naked through the stock exchange. Spain has the running of the bulls, we'll have the running of the bears (what better way to stimulate the economy than through trickle down economics).

08-23-10  08:30am - 5309 days #19
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I think the one major advantage Canadians have over our Americans neighbors in that there is no such thing as long term campaigning.

You guys are lucky, our presidential campaigns start and a year and a half before the election takes place, if not earlier. I remember already hearing last year about people who were "thinking of 2012." (And not that Mayan calendar nonsense.) "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove Edited on Aug 23, 2010, 09:03pm

08-23-10  07:17pm - 5308 days #20
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

You guys are lucky, are presidential campaigns start and a year and a half before the election takes place, if not earlier. I remember already hearing last year about people who were "thinking of 2012." (And not that Mayan calendar nonsense.)

I know and that is probably the on thing that would drive me completely nuts if I was an American. You are almost inviting corruption by requiring candidates to accumulate bigger and bigger debts just to stay ahead of the next guy.

I know that there's been talk that Congress would amend the rules and shorten the campaign period but I haven't seen anything happen yet. Can you imagine what a 6 months campaign would be like? You couldn't shorten it to our system because the US has 10 times our population. There is no way that you can vist 50+ States in less than six months. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-23-10  08:10pm - 5308 days #21
Wittyguy (0)
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Congress can't actually shorten the campaign timetable (that little thing called the 1st Amendment sort of gets in the way). The only thing they could possibly do is pass a law stating when presidential and congressional primaries will take place and then hope the states agree to go along with it and that it passes constitutional muster. The odds of this actually happening? 0.0%

It's a total screwball process (no other country has this hodgepodge eternal election season) that we have but I guess it works. The length of the campaign (basically 18 months to 2 years) just makes the candidates have to raise all the more money. On the other hand, the extended process weeds out the screwballs (they can't raise enough money, including Sarah Palin) and it puts candidates under the spotlight long enough that if they are screwballs you start to figure it out. The only good thing about extended campaigns is that people who are relatively unknown can break into the process, thus reducing the chances of political dynasties that so many other countries have from forming. Obama, Clinton, Carter wouldn't have been elected in a short campaign. It's just that with the 24 hour news cycle and the need to raise a freakin' billion dollars to run successfully we get to suffer through the eternal nonsense just to watch the clueless minority (swing voters who couldn't find their own ass with both hand) in a couple of states decide the outcome.

08-23-10  09:33pm - 5308 days #22
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Congress can't actually shorten the campaign timetable (that little thing called the 1st Amendment sort of gets in the way). The only thing they could possibly do is pass a law stating when presidential and congressional primaries will take place and then hope the states agree to go along with it and that it passes constitutional muster. The odds of this actually happening? 0.0%

Yeah, I think most campaign finance reform legislation would be dead in the water...because it would have to be crafted by the very people who spend most of their careers campaigning! If anything we have loosened the process, most recently with the supreme court's decision over political donations in Citizens United v. FEC, which allows corporations a lot more freedom in donating money to candidates. It seems the theory of the court (and Citizens United who won the case) is that campaign finance laws unconstitutionally limit free speech, even when it comes to large corporations. Hey, where are these people when it comes defending icky issues like porn as forms of 'free speech'? Hypocritical dicks.

I've actually heard this decision could end up hurting corporations who are not careful when donating to certain politicians, at least if the donations are made public. This summer Target and Best Buy were in some hot water over donating money to a republican candidate running for governor of Minnesota, over the views he holds against legalizing gay marriage in the state. The companies claimed they supported him for his economic policies, not his social ones, but intent doesn't mean much when people get offended. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

10-13-10  11:33pm - 5257 days #23
turboshaft (0)
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Hey, Wittyguy, someone did it just this last Sunday. The guy was arrested and there's no confirmation yet of whether he will get the full million, but he did streak with the url on his stomach. The billionaire prankster seems to be hinting that he will get most if not all the money for the stunt in the next few days. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

10-14-10  07:07pm - 5257 days #24
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Hey, Wittyguy, someone did it just this last Sunday. The guy was arrested and there's no confirmation yet of whether he will get the full million, but he did streak with the url on his stomach. The billionaire prankster seems to be hinting that he will get most if not all the money for the stunt in the next few days.

Good for him because he'll need all the money to pay his lawyers to get his ass out of jail and trouble. I'll make a prediction that this time next year. Captain imbecile is broke. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-14-10  09:46pm - 5256 days #25
turboshaft (0)
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Supposedly he needed the money for his family, certainly more than the douchebag billionaire prankster needed it. Kind of ironic that he probably wouldn't have been there if he had a job but all people will talk about is the fact that he was a streaker, never mind his economic situation.

At least the teabaggers keep there clothes on when they disrupt the president! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

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