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07-10-11  08:53am - 4995 days Original Post - #1
gaypornolover (0)
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Posts: 153
Registered: Jul 09, '11
Location: Birmingham, UK
New to site, saying hello and a question or two

Hi there new to the site, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself - a gay man in Britian who loves porn and is really glad to have found such a great site!

I submitted my first review and had it approved, got an excellent and was really pleased but I'd like to find where the comment was so I can read it again and take notes but I can't figure out where - any ideas?

Also, the comment said I should give more info on the video types etc. I'm not so technical so don't understand different file types and qualities etc.

I tend to waffle so my biggest thing is trying to keep it within 60 lines - I have so much to say!

07-10-11  10:29am - 4995 days #2
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Ok, lets see if I can point you in the right direction.

When you're logged in, at the top of the screen you'll
see a box for pending submissions ...
X New Replies
X Denied X Ratings
... where X is a number (usually zero)

Click the text link "New Replies"
On that next page you'll see (towards the top) 3 lines:
- Feedback: All | Reviews | Comments | Replies
- Other: Replies Received | Trust Ratings
- Feedback Status: Pending | Approved | Denied

That last line is the one you want. Click "Approved"

From there you should be able to see your reviews that have been approved along with "Staff Notes"

As far as the suggestion to give some specific info on the site's content ...

Well, users generally want to know if a site has pics and/or vid. If pics, what is the size? If videos, what size are they? How clear do they seem? Usually it's just a matter of checking the file (image or video) properties. Perhaps some of our more experienced users can share their tips for collecting that kind of info.

That kind of specific info goes a long way in satisfying first item under the Excellent rating. You can see the actual guidelines at:

Anyway, hope you'll find something in the above helpful.

Welcome to PornUsers, btw.

Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson
Edited on Jul 10, 2011, 10:36am

07-10-11  11:13am - 4995 days #3
pat362 (0)
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Posts: 3,575
Registered: Jan 23, '07
Location: canada
Welcome to our little corner of the world. Although gay porn is not my cup of tea. I found both of your reviews to be quite good. We don't get too many gay site reviews on PU and I'm glad to see that we have you and manholover offering some very good reviews. Hopefully you will also participate on the forum. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-10-11  11:45am - 4995 days #4
gaypornolover (0)
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Posts: 153
Registered: Jul 09, '11
Location: Birmingham, UK
Thanks for the help and welcome from you both. I do appreciate the welcome I get here and everyone seems very open and respectful. I hope I can help out by reviewing some straight sites, though I hope my reviews of non-gay sites aimed at women will also help some heterosexual women and maybe even the occasional bi or straight guy who is curious!

I'll try and go back and edit my reviews. Still won't be very technical but I'll do it.

07-10-11  03:31pm - 4994 days #5
Tree Rodent (0)
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Location: UK
Welcome to the site. It's good to see the gay angle finally getting some coverage here, and the first two reviews were very good.

07-10-11  05:14pm - 4994 days #6
gaypornolover (0)
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Posts: 153
Registered: Jul 09, '11
Location: Birmingham, UK
Thank you! I have tried to take on board the suggestions I've received to improve them, but I really need to be strict with myself about length () cause I write way too much and have to edit it down, so adding extra stuff is hard.

07-10-11  06:05pm - 4994 days #7
rearadmiral (0)
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Welcome to the site! I think you'll find that this site is an excellent resource for porn information. And like the others, while gay porn isn't my thing, I think it is great that we're seeing more members who review and comment on it. It makes for a more thorough site.

07-10-11  07:00pm - 4994 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Originally Posted by gaypornolover:

Thank you! I have tried to take on board the suggestions I've received to improve them, but I really need to be strict with myself about length () cause I write way too much and have to edit it down, so adding extra stuff is hard.

If all your reviews look like the ones you've already done then I don't see any problem with the length. I envy most of the other reviewers because they are so much better at it than I am. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-11-11  01:54am - 4994 days #9
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Location: Havasu City, AZ USA
Yes, very good reviews! Nice to see you here. This is one of the most civilized boards you will find in all of Internetdom. Welcome! You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

07-11-11  11:27am - 4994 days #10
messmer (0)
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A warm welcome from me as well, gaypornolover. As WeeWillyWinky and others have stated, this is indeed a very civilized forum and if you make the effort to participate you will find yourself quickly addicted to it! Well, at least I am!

07-12-11  01:05am - 4993 days #11
manholelover (0)
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Posts: 37
Registered: Jun 17, '11
Location: London, UK
Hi there and welcome!
Great to have another gay guy posting reviews. I find this site great however I do feel gay sites are under represented here.You seem to have taken to reviewing like a duck to water, so hopefully we can redress the balance.
Look forward to reading more of your reviews...

07-13-11  08:21am - 4992 days #12
kamel05 (0)
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Posts: 2
Registered: Jul 13, '11
Location: algeria
hello every one, i need the full name of that pornstar, its urgent please:




thanx freinds

07-13-11  03:31pm - 4991 days #13
manholelover (0)
Active User

Posts: 37
Registered: Jun 17, '11
Location: London, UK
Site looks interesting, from a gay man's point of view. Bit like CFNM. Sorry, can't help you with the pornstar though!

07-13-11  07:11pm - 4991 days #14
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by kamel05:

hello every one, i need the full name of that pornstar, its urgent please:

FWIW, these kinds of questions generally receive a better reply if they're posted as a new thread rather than tacked on to an existing thread. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

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