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Porn Users Forum » Gaetz is a world-famous Republican.
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04-06-21  01:19pm - 1262 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Gaetz is a world-famous Republican.

He says he is not a criminal. He is not a monk.
He can fuck whoever he wants.
He is co-operating with a federal investigation into sex trafficking, because he holds extensive knowledge about sex. And trafficking.
And women's vaginas.
That is why the FBI and the Justice Department are talking to him: since he is an expert on a woman's vagina.
And Gaetz has never paid for sex.
Although he was generous with his girlfriends, paying for hotel rooms and other gifts.
But that's because Gaetz is a warm-hearted man, like his hero, Donald Trump.
Both Trump and Gaetz know the fastest way to a woman's heart is to grab them by the pussy.
'Absolutely not resigning': Gaetz blasts Justice Dept. probe — and critics
NBC Universal
Dareh Gregorian
April 5, 2021, 4:44 PM

A defiant U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz said in an op-ed article published Monday that he's "not a criminal" and is "absolutely not resigning" despite an investigation into sex trafficking allegations against him.

"Since I’m taking my turn under the gun, let me address the allegations against me directly. First, I have never, ever paid for sex. And second, I, as an adult man, have not slept with a 17-year-old," the Florida Republican wrote in the Washington Examiner, where he described himself as the victim of a diverse group of enemies.

"Folks won’t be surprised that bizarre claims are being made about me shortly after I decided to take on the most powerful institutions in the Beltway: the establishment; the FBI; the Biden Justice Department; the Cheney political dynasty; even the Justice Department under Trump," he wrote.

The inquiry into Gaetz, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, was opened under then-Attorney General William Barr during the Trump administration, two sources told the New York Times.

The congressman also denied the allegation when the story was first reported last week. He has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

Probe into whether he trafficked a 17-year-old girl

Law enforcement officials confirmed to NBC News that the Justice Department probe started as a result of an investigation into a former Seminole County tax collector and friend of Gaetz named Joel Greenberg, who's since been charged with sex trafficking. Greenberg has pleaded not guilty.

Investigators are looking into whether Gaetz trafficked a 17-year-old girl, the officials said. The Times, citing people close to the investigation and text messages and payment receipts, reported that investigators also looking into allegations Gaetz and Greenberg recruited women online to have sex in return for cash and gifts.

In the op-ed article, Gaetz portrayed that as an "allegation that I, a grown man, paid for an adult girlfriend’s expenses."

"I am a representative in Congress, not a monk, and certainly not a criminal," he wrote.

"My lifestyle of yesteryear may be different from how I live now, but it was not and is not illegal," the 38-year-old added. "My personal life is and always has been conducted on my own time and my own dime."

Though the probe originated under Barr, Gaetz singled out President Joe Biden's attorney general in his article.

04-07-21  09:34am - 1261 days #2
careylowell (0)
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It’s scary that this over preened ass hat is only now being taken to task...
after years of bad behavior. He was born too late: would of made a very effective hitler youth leader.

04-08-21  08:38am - 1261 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Politics News
April 7, 2021 2:00PM ET
Matt Gaetz Asked Trump to Pardon Him for … Oh, Anything That Might Come Up

The New York Times reports that the Florida lawmaker currently under investigation for sex trafficking sought a pre-emptive blanket pardon for himself and other lawmakers
By Ryan Bort

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) — who maintains he is extremely innocent of everything the FBI is investigating him for — sought a “blanket” pardon from President Trump in the final days of Trump’s time in office.

The New York Times reported the news on Tuesday night, a week after it was revealed the Justice Department was looking into whether Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl and paid for her to travel with him. The pardon request, which was not granted, was viewed by the White House as a “nonstarter” that would set a “bad precedent,” according to the Times.

Gaetz reportedly asked the White House in private for pre-emptive blanket pardons for himself and some congressional allies. The FBI began investigating Gaetz for sex trafficking in the final months of Trump’s term, but it is unclear whether Gaetz was aware of the investigation when he made his pardon request. It’s also not clear whether Trump or the White House knew of the investigation, although because of Gaetz’s high profile, certain Justice Department officials, including some appointed by Trump, were made aware of it.

The Times reports that since the investigation into Gaetz was made public last week, Trump associates have wondered whether the pardon request was an attempt by Gaetz to get rid of his legal troubles. A spokesman for Gaetz, however, denied the request was connected to the sex-trafficking investigation. “Entry-level political operatives have conflated a pardon call from Representative Gaetz — where he called for President Trump to pardon ‘everyone from himself, to his administration, to Joe Exotic’ — with these false and increasingly bizarre, partisan allegations against him,” the spokesman said in a statement. “Those comments have been on the record for some time, and President Trump even retweeted the congressman, who tweeted them out himself.”

Gaetz’s office told Rolling Stone on Wednesday that it does not have a statement at this time.

Though Gaetz’s private request for a pardon was not made public until Tuesday, he was indeed vocal about the need for Trump to let the pardons fly before he left office. “You see from the radical left a bloodlust that will only be quenched if they come after the people who worked so hard to animate the Trump administration with the policies and the vigor and the effectiveness that delivered for the American people,” he said on Fox News last November.

Few shilled for the president with as much vigor as Gaetz, who made a name for himself by defending Trump through bizarre stunts, hundreds of media appearances per year, and even, if it came down to it, resigning from Congress. In February, he said he’d step down from his seat if Trump needed his representation during the second impeachment trial. “I only regret that I have but one political career to give to my president,” Gaetz said at the time.

Gaetz is now claiming to be the target of the anti-Trump forces he warned would be out to get the former president’s supporters. “I’m a well-known, outspoken conservative, and I guess that’s out of style in a lot of parts of the country right now,” Gaetz told Fox’s Tucker Carlson last week. He added, “I don’t need a pardon. I’m not seeking a pardon. I’ve not done anything improper or wrong.”

Following a week of silence, Trump on Wednesday weighed in on both the pardon request and the sex trafficking investigation. “Congressman Matt Gaetz has never asked me for a pardon,” the former president said in a statement. “It must also be remembered that he has totally denied the accusations against him.”

04-08-21  01:39pm - 1260 days #4
LKLK (0)
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Bad news for Matt Gaetz.

His friend, Joel Greenberg, is expected to plead guilty to criminal charges. And will probably cooperate in the investigation into Matt Gaetz for reduced charges against Joel Greenberg. That's the way it works: squeal on your buddies, for reduced charges.

Plea deal could spell more trouble for Matt Gaetz
Yahoo News
Alexander Nazaryan
April 8, 2021, 12:28 PM

Embattled Rep. Matt Gaetz received more bad news on Thursday with the disclosure that one of his close friends, former Florida tax collector Joel Greenberg, is expected to plead guilty in the coming days to a range of criminal charges and may be cooperating with the investigation into Gaetz.

“I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today,” Greenberg attorney Fritz Scheller told reporters following a Thursday hearing at the federal courthouse in Orlando, Fla.

At the hearing, Assistant U.S. Attorney Rogern Handberg disclosed that Greenberg would plead guilty to wide range of charges that include sex trafficking, the same crime at the heart of a Department of Justice investigation into Gaetz.

"We believe this case is going to be a plea," Handberg said during the hearing, according to Politico. "My hope would be that it is done this month."

Scheller confirmed that Greenberg was seeking a deal with prosecutors. "I expect this case to be resolved with a plea," Scheller said, but adding that he did not think it "realistic for the plea to be resolved this month."

An ongoing Justice Department investigation is looking into whether Gaetz, 38, had sex with a 17-year-old girl and provided her with anything of value in return. Federal child sex trafficking law prohibits providing anything of value to someone under the age of 18 in exchange for sex. Greenberg is said to have had sex with the same girl, and taken her on trips out of state.

The New York Times reported last week that it had been shown copies of payments made by Gaetz to two women using a mobile app. The women, according to the paper, told friends that those payments were made in exchange for sex with Gaetz.

The Miami Herald reported on competitions held by Gaetz and former male colleagues in the Florida legislature that established a point-scoring system for sleeping with female interns, lawmakers and associates. Gaetz is said to have regularly boasted of his sexual conquests to other members of Congress, sometimes showing off pictures and video.

Earlier Thursday, "The Women of the Office of U.S. Congressmen Matt Gaetz" issued a press release in support of their boss.

"Congressman Gaetz has always been a principled and morally grounded leader," the statement read. "At no time has any one of us experience or witnessed anything less than the utmost professionalism and respect. No hint of impropriety. No ounce of untruthfulness."

A close political ally of former President Donald Trump, Gaetz is said to have sought a blanket pardon when Trump was still in office, the Times reported. Trump and Gaetz, however, have both denied that any such request was made.

“Congressman Matt Gaetz has never asked me for a pardon,” Trump said in a statement. “It must also be remembered that he has totally denied the accusations against him.”

Indeed, Gaetz, 38, has vehemently denied that he had sex with a 17-year-old since becoming an adult and has claimed that he is being framed as part of an extortion plot. But a plea deal between federal prosecutors and Greenberg presents a new level of danger for the Florida congressman.

Greenberg is currently in jail for violating the terms of his parole. If he does enter into a plea deal, he would be required to fully cooperate in any related investigation.

04-11-21  04:04am - 1258 days #5
LKLK (0)
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Matt Gaetz's associate is expected to plead guilty in sex trafficking: What that means for the congressman
Kristine Phillips, USA TODAY
Sat, April 10, 2021, 1:34 PM

WASHINGTON – The House Ethics Committee on Friday said it would investigate Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., capping a scandal-plagued week for the congressman.

The day prior, an attorney representing an associate of Gaetz in a fraud and sex trafficking case hinted that the congressman could face serious legal troubles.

"I'm sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today," Fritz Scheller said outside a federal courthouse in Orlando, Florida, shortly after he and federal prosecutors disclosed that they had agreed to negotiate a plea deal.

Gaetz, a Republican firebrand and staunch defender of former President Donald Trump, has been the subject of controversy since the New York Times reported that the Justice Department is investigating whether he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her to travel across state lines – a violation of federal sex trafficking laws.

A potential plea deal with Scheller's client, former Florida tax collector Joel Greenberg, could open Gaetz to greater legal jeopardy if Greenberg were to fully cooperate by telling prosecutors everything he knows about illegal activities the two men may have been involved in, legal experts say.

Gaetz saga: Indicted tax collector who kicked off Matt Gaetz investigation working on plea deal

The Justice Department's investigation on Gaetz is part of a broader probe on Greenberg, and investigators are examining whether the two men were involved in recruiting women online for sex, the Times reported.

A person familiar with the matter told USA TODAY that former Attorney General William Barr was briefed on the investigation into Gaetz last year. The source, who is not authorized to comment on a pending investigation, said federal authorities had opened a full investigation at the time.

Gaetz controversy: Rep. Matt Gaetz's media blitz publicized a federal investigation. Legal experts say that poses risks

Greenberg, who's accused of trafficking minors, is facing a lengthy prison sentence, and if he were to try to seek a more lenient punishment, he must cooperate fully.
In this Sept. 30, 2019, file photo, Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg talks to the Orlando Sentinel during an interview at his office in Lake Mary, Fla. Greenberg has been charged with trafficking a minor, stalking a political opponent, producing fake IDs, identity theft, embezzlement and bribery. But it's his friendship with U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz that is attracting the most attention now as federal investigators have launched a sex trafficking probe into the Republican congressman from the Florida Panhandle. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP, File)
In this Sept. 30, 2019, file photo, Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg talks to the Orlando Sentinel during an interview at his office in Lake Mary, Fla. Greenberg has been charged with trafficking a minor, stalking a political opponent, producing fake IDs, identity theft, embezzlement and bribery. But it's his friendship with U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz that is attracting the most attention now as federal investigators have launched a sex trafficking probe into the Republican congressman from the Florida Panhandle. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP, File)

"You're either on the bus or you're off the bus. You can't cooperate a little bit," said former federal prosecutor Patrick Cotter said, adding that Scheller's comment to reporters was telling.

"What you can say with confidence is that if Greenberg reaches an agreement to cooperate, it will almost certainly be very bad for Mr. Gaetz's legal position," Cotter said.

Gaetz, who has not been charged with a crime, has denied the allegations.

A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment. Scheller did not return a call seeking comment.

A majority of federal criminal cases are resolved through plea deals, and defendants facing years-long punishments have a strong incentive to cooperate with prosecutors.

Gaetz and the GOP: Adam Kinzinger becomes first Republican in Congress to call for Matt Gaetz's resignation amid federal investigation

In Greenberg's case, it would not be unusual for him to provide prosecutors with evidence implicating Gaetz in exchange for a reduced sentence, said Bruce Udolf, a criminal defense lawyer and former federal and state prosecutor.

Court records show that the parties have until May 15 to reach a plea deal. If the parties are not able to agree on the terms, Greenberg will go to trial in July.

Greenberg, who was indicted last summer, is also charged with stalking a political opponent who is also an employee at a Florida school. Court records say he repeatedly harassed the employee by sending anonymous letters to the school claiming the employee had sexual relations with a student. Greenberg also set up a fake Twitter account in the employee's name portraying the employee as a segregationist and white supremacist, court records say.

As news of Greenberg's possible plea deal broke, Gaetz's office released a statement from female staffers defending the congressman.

"Congressman Gaetz has always been a principled and morally grounded leader. At no time has any one of us experienced or witnessed anything less than the utmost professionalism and respect. No hint of impropriety. No ounce of untruthfulness," according to the statement, which does not list the staffers' names.

Contributing: Kevin Johnson

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Matt Gaetz: What Joel Greenberg's plea deal might mean for Gaetz

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