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Porn Users Forum » Donald Trump is still a power.
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04-14-22  10:48am - 889 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Donald Trump is still a power.

His PAC has given $500,000 to attack Georgia's Brian Kemp.
Kemp did not support Trump's bid to overturn Joe Biden's election as president.
So Trump wants someone else as governor of Georgia.

Trump called Kemp a “turncoat,” a “coward” and “a complete and total disaster” at a rally in Commerce, Georgia, last month.
Trump wants money. But he also wants power. To be seen as King of the Untied States of Trumperland.
As the true King of the Untied States of Trumperland, think of how he could make America great again.
And steal even more money, legally, to make him even richer.
God bless Trump, the most courageous, bravest, richest President we've ever had.
Trump PAC gives $500,000 to attack Georgia's Brian Kemp
Associated Press
April 14, 2022, 6:41 AM

ATLANTA (AP) — Former President Donald Trump’s political action committee has given $500,000 to a group that is running attack ads in Georgia against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.

The spending appears aimed at boosting former U.S. Sen. David Perdue, whom Trump has endorsed in the GOP gubernatorial primary, but the ad never mentions Perdue by name.

It’s the first major outlay from Trump’s Save America PAC, underlining Trump’s continuing obsession with beating Kemp. Trump views Kemp as disloyal for refusing to help overturn his defeat in the state’s 2020 presidential election.

The ad criticizes Kemp for not doing enough to combat voter fraud, citing discredited claims that a Georgia law enforcement agency examined and dismissed.

The Save America PAC entered the year with $120 million in cash. But until now, the former president has been reluctant to spend that money beyond small contributions to candidates and money spent on rallies he is now holding almost every week.

Federal campaign records show the donation went to a group called Get Georgia Right PAC in March, as first reported by Politico.

The ad began airing earlier this month, according to Kantar Media. The Associated Press also obtained a copy of a text message the group sent urging people to watch the ad.

The spending comes at a time that Perdue is trailing in the polls and is being outspent by Kemp. Perdue, who's worth $50 million, has suggested he could kick in some of his own money.

“We’re going to make sure this thing is well funded,” Perdue told reporters in March. “We’re going to get our message out.”

Kemp remains dismissive of Trump, with spokesperson Cody Hall attacking Perdue about remarks the challenger made Tuesday criticizing Kemp's stewardship of the state police.

“David Perdue is going to need a lot more than $500,000 to distract from his unhinged rant attacking the Georgia State Patrol," Hall said.

A Perdue loss in Georgia in the state's May 24 primary could be particularly embarrassing for Trump, who recruited Perdue to challenge Kemp and pressed another Republican — Vernon Jones — to exit the governor's race and run for Congress instead. Trump has also endorsed an extensive slate of other Republicans in Georgia running for statewide and congressional offices.

Trump called Kemp a “turncoat,” a “coward” and “a complete and total disaster” at a rally in Commerce, Georgia, last month. But the former president was noncommittal in an April 6 interview with conservative radio host John Fredericks about whether he would do an additional rally for Perdue. He told Fredericks that it's “not easy to beat a sitting governor, just remember that," adding that "it's a close race and we'll see what happens.”

Perdue has parroted Trump's lies in his own attacks against Kemp, declaring at the Commerce rally that “our elections in 2020 were absolutely stolen.”

04-14-22  11:01am - 889 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Bill Browder says Putin and his associates have stolen a tillion dollars from the Russian people.
That's why Trump admires Putin: Trump wants the right to steal more money, just like Putin.
And the power to have Trump's critics and detractors put in jail.
Power to the people, Trump blares.

Putin nemesis Bill Browder reveals the 'real money' funding Kremlin's war
Yahoo News
Alexander Nazaryan
April 14, 2022, 2:00 AM

NEW YORK — A trillion dollars: That’s how much money famed investor Bill Browder believes Vladimir Putin and Russian oligarchs have stolen from the Russian people since the fall of the Soviet Union.

“And that was money that was supposed to be spent on health care and education, roads and services,” Browder said at a Manhattan event to celebrate the publication of his second book, “Freezing Order,” which chronicles how he became a Putin nemesis as a result of his attempts to expose Kremlin corruption. Those efforts led to the death of Browder’s attorney Sergei Magnitsky, who was tortured in a Russian prison and whose name is affixed to sanctions bills passed by Congress.

Learning of Magnitsky’s death was “the most heartbreaking, traumatic, and devastating moment of my life,” Browder writes — and a sign of how committed Putin was willing to pursuing perceived enemies of the state. The grandson of American communist leader Earl Browder, Bill Browder had made billions through Hermitage Capital Management, the fund he started in 1996, during the chaotic period of full-contact Russian capitalism.

As Browder heightened scrutiny of some of the companies he invested in — most notably, energy giant Gazprom — he ran afoul of a Kremlin that, under Putin, has declared such questions off limits, as they would go to the very heart of the kleptocracy that had ruled Russia since the nation’s industry was sold off and plundered in the early 1990s.

“Everyone tries to think about Russia as a sovereign state and Putin as a leader acting in national interest,” Browder said to Yahoo News, describing that outlook as a fundamental misunderstanding. “You think you can apply political science to Russia. You need to apply criminal science. You need to be a criminologist to understand Russia. People don’t go into government to serve the country. They go into government to steal money.”

Browder was banned from entering Russia in 2005 and has since watched a series of American presidents try to improve relations with the Kremlin. He now lives in London, a city favored by the oligarchs he despises.

“We basically said, ‘It's OK. We want your money. We want your oil,’” Browder told Yahoo News in an interview at the Century Club ahead of Tuesday’s book release party.

Today it is uncontroversial to call Putin a war criminal. But the man bombing Kharkiv is the same one who leveled the Chechen capital, Grozny, in 2000, invaded Georgia in 2008 and seized Ukrainian territory for the first time in 2014. “When I walked into the offices of government ministers in Europe, or the United States, back in the early days talking about sanctioning Russia — it’s like I walked in with a giant turd on my head,” Browder said.

Today, Browder is known less as an investor than as a human rights campaigner and Putin critic. Tuesday’s party thus included an eclectic mix: the professional basketball player Enes Kanter Freedom, former federal prosecutor Preet Bharara, private equity giant Stephen Schwarzman and National Review journalist Jay Nordlinger, who in 2017 highlighted the refusal of federal authorities to allow Browder into the U.S. The decision was reversed.

Browder is especially withering when it comes to the Western attorneys, bankers and publicists who help Putin’s oligarchs hide their ill-gotten gains, sue investigative journalists into submission and burnish their blood-spattered records with favorable coverage.

There could be only one motive for Western firms to do business with the Kremlin, Browder believes. “They’re just a bunch of greedy bastards that are trying to make as much money as possible,” he said, alluding to the legal travails of British journalist Catherine Belton, who was sued for reporting on Kremlin corruption. “They don’t care who they’re working for.”

Last week, Browder testified in Washington during a hearing on the Enablers Act, which would tighten already existing rules around money laundering, in effect providing more government scrutiny into the secretive movement of funds from countries like China and Russia.

“If we make banks report dirty money but allow law, real estate and accounting firms to look the other way, that creates a loophole that crooks and kleptocrats can sail a yacht through,” Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J., said last fall when introducing the legislation. While it targets any institution or individual abetting money laundering, the measure has assumed a new urgency since Russia invaded Ukraine in February.

Browder has additionally called for foreign accomplices of Russia to be deprived of entry into the United States, a proposal clearly aimed at Kremlin allies residing in the British capital, which has earned the unflattering nickname “Londongrad.” He bemoans the notion that high-profile seizures of oligarchs’ yachts give the impression of fatal blows, when they are really just minor difficulties or men worth billions.

“The real money is held in highly complex trusts and structures,” Browder said, in offshore havens like Jersey and the Cayman Islands.

Sanctions are one way to fight Putin. Weapons are another. “The Ukrainians say they need a no fly-zone,” he pointed out, rejecting the idea that such a move would immediately lead to nuclear war. “At what point,” he wondered, “do you finally stand up to Russia?”
And much as he would like to see Putin defeated, he hopes to return to Russia one day when it is a free country, one that doesn’t threaten him with prison or murder.

“It’s fascinating. It’s interesting. It’s unforgettable. It’s horrible,” Browder told Yahoo News. “It’s nasty, brutish. It’s got everything. If Putin wasn’t in power, and there was a democratic government, I would love to go back there.”

04-14-22  11:14am - 889 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Man charged in January 2001 Washington riot explains he was trying to protect President Trump.
The man's lawyer sought subpoenas to call Trump and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as witnesses, but U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton rejected that request.
Why isn't Trump willing to testify on behalf of a man who fought for Trump?
Is Trump a coward, who will leave men in the field, without backup or support when they are in need?
Enquiring minds want to know: What is Trump thinking, when men who support Trump are put in jail?
That this nation was built on blood and sacrifice, that others must die before Trump wins back the Presidency that Joe Biden stole?
Capitol riot defendant: I was following Trump's instructions
Associated Press
April 13, 2022, 4:34 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — An Ohio man charged with storming the U.S. Capitol and stealing a coat rack testified Wednesday that he joined thousands of protesters in ransacking the building last year on what he thought were orders from the president, Donald Trump.

Dustin Byron Thompson, 38, of Columbus, Ohio, said he took to websites and the internet after being laid off from his exterminator job in March 2020 and in his pandemic doldrums fell under Trump’s sway as he bought into conspiracy theories and “went down the rabbit hole on the internet.”

On trial in U.S. District Court in Washington, Thompson testified that the claim that the election was stolen seemed credible to him because it was coming from the president. His defense team is the first to argue that Trump and those connected to him were responsible for the actions of the mob that day.

“It seems like everyone was attacking him (Trump). He needed someone to stand up for him, and I was trying to do that,” Thompson said.

Under questioning by the prosecution, Thompson acknowledged that he ignored signs he shouldn’t be at the Capitol — broken glass, alarms, chemical irritants in the air — and said he stole the coat rack to keep others from using it as a weapon. He also said he witnessed fierce fighting between police and rioters outside the building, and later ran away from officers. He said he realized weeks later that what he had done was wrong and now feels shame for his actions.

Thompson’s jury trial is the third among hundreds of Capitol riot prosecutions. The first two ended with jurors convicting both defendants on all counts. Thompson's defense team is the first to argue that Trump and those connected to him were responsible for the actions of the mob that day.

"If the president is giving you almost an order to do something, I felt obligated to do that,” Thompson testified.

Thompson’s lawyer sought subpoenas to call Trump and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as witnesses, but U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton rejected that request. Jurors on Wednesday began listening to recordings of speeches that Trump and Giuliani delivered at a rally before the riot. They were expected to finish listening to recordings Thursday morning and begin deliberations later in the day.

Thompson’s wife, Sarah Thompson, testified that she voted for Democrat Joe Biden, as well as Democratic presidential nominees Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. She said her husband’s views were more moderate then but shifted during the Trump years as he started encountering conspiracy theories. She said she did not share his views but helped arrange his travel to Washington for the “Stop the Steal” rally near the White House because he had a right to protest and she enjoyed having a quiet house.

Much of the prosecution's case was built around testimony from several Capitol Police officers placing Thompson at the scene, wearing a bulletproof vest that he said he found, and carrying a coat rack he took from the Senate Parliamentarian’s Office.

More than 770 people have been charged with federal crimes arising from the Jan. 6, 2021, riot. Over 250 of them have pleaded guilty, mostly to misdemeanors. Thompson is the fifth person to be tried on riot-related charges.

On Monday, a jury convicted a former Virginia police officer, Thomas Robertson, of storming the Capitol with another off-duty officer to obstruct Congress from certifying Biden’s 2020 electoral victory. Last month, a jury convicted a Texas man, Guy Reffitt, of storming the Capitol with a holstered handgun.

A judge hearing testimony without a jury decided cases against two other Capitol riot defendants at separate bench trials. U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden acquitted one of them of all charges and partially acquitted the other.

Thompson is charged with six counts: obstructing Congress' joint session to certify the Electoral College vote, theft of government property, entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.

A co-defendant, Robert Lyon, 27, pleaded guilty in March to theft of government property and disorderly conduct. Both counts are misdemeanors punishable by a maximum of one year imprisonment. Walton is scheduled to sentence Lyon on June 3.

04-14-22  11:24am - 889 days #4
LKLK (0)
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Russia warns it might be forced to use nuclear missiles if people want to fight Russia.
Does Russia have the legal right to fire nuclear missiles at Sweden and Finland?
And what about the USA?
Hasn't the USA been sending weapons to Ukraine, to keep the war going?
Why can't Russia invade the USA, and put someone friendly to Russia in power?
Someone like Donald Trump, the bestest buddy of Putin?
Can Trump stop Russia from invading the USA?
How much money will Trump make, if he brokers a deal with Putin to keep America safe from nuclear missiles?

Russia might be forced to bomb Finland and Sweden, to protect Russian citizens who live near Finland and Sweden. Much against the wishes of Russian people, who love freedom and Swedes and Finnish people.
Russia warns of Baltic nuclear deployment if NATO admits Sweden and Finland
April 14, 2022, 2:11 AM

LONDON (Reuters) - One of Russian President Vladimir Putin's closest allies warned NATO on Thursday that if Sweden and Finland joined the U.S.-led military alliance then Russia would have to bolster its defences in the region, including by deploying nuclear weapons.

Finland, which shares a 1,300-km (810-mile) border with Russia, and Sweden are mulling whether or not to join the NATO alliance. Finland will make a decision in the next few weeks, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said on Wednesday.

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said that should Sweden and Finland join NATO then Russia would have to strengthen its land, naval and air forces in the Baltic Sea to restore military balance.

Medvedev also explicitly raised the nuclear threat by saying that there could be no more talk of a "nuclear free" Baltic - where Russia has its Kaliningrad exclave sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev attend a meeting with members of the government in Moscow, Russia January 15, 2020. Sputnik/Alexey Nikolsky/Kremlin via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY.
Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin attend a meeting with members of the government in Moscow.

"There can be no more talk of any nuclear–free status for the Baltic - the balance must be restored," said Medvedev, who was president from 2008-2012.

"Until today, Russia has not taken such measures and was not going to," Medvedev said.

"If our hand is forced well... take note it wasn't us who proposed this," he added.

Russia's Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine has killed thousands of people, displaced millions and raised fears of a wider confrontation between Russia and the United States.

Putin says the "special military operation" in Ukraine is necessary because the United States was using Ukraine to threaten Russia and Moscow had to defend against the persecution of Russian-speaking people by Ukraine.

Ukraine says it is fighting against an imperial-style land grab and that Putin's claims of genocide are nonsense.

04-14-22  04:59pm - 889 days #5
LKLK (0)
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Russia admits Black Sea flagship sinks after Ukraine claims missile strike
Yahoo News
Niamh Cavanagh
April 14, 2022, 6:23 AM

LONDON — Russian officials said their flagship Black Sea vessel sank in what Ukrainian officials claimed was a missile strike against the warship Moskva.

Defense Ministry officials in Moscow said on Thursday that the Moskva, a warship leading the country’s naval assault against Ukraine, sank while being towed to port during a storm. Moscow initially said a "fire" set off some of its weapons and that “ammunition exploded on board" as a result. Officials said the crew, believed to include around 500 sailors, were safely evacuated from the burning ship. The ministry said the fire is now under investigation.

However, the governor of Odesa claimed the damage was a result of a Ukrainian missile strike on Wednesday.

"It has been confirmed that the missile cruiser Moskva today went exactly where it was sent by our border guards on Snake Island!” the governor, Maksym Marchenko, said in a post on Telegram. “Neptune missiles protecting the Black Sea have caused significant damage to this Russian ship.”

The Neptune is a Ukrainian-made anti-ship weapon that came into operation just last year, and its design is based on the Soviet Kh-35 cruise missile. The launchers are mounted on trucks and can hit targets up to roughly 175 miles away, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Neither Russia's nor Ukraine’s claims have been independently verified. National security adviser Jake Sullivan said early Thursday that the U.S. cannot confirm Ukraine's claims of hitting the ship but did say it was a “big blow to Russia.”
A satellite image of the Moskva in port.
A satellite image shows the Moskva in Port Sevastopol in Crimea. (Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies via AP)

Alessio Patalano, a professor of war and strategy at King's College London, told CNN that losing the flagship vessel would be a "massive blow" for Russian forces. "Ships operate away from public attention, and their activities are rarely the subject of news,” he said. “But they are large floating pieces of national territory, and when you lose one, a flagship no less, the political and symbolic message — in addition to the military loss — stands out precisely because of it.”

Two Ukrainian sources confirmed to Sky News that the 13,780-ton warship had been hit by missiles launched by Ukraine. "She is on fire," one of the sources said of the warship. "The level of damage is being clarified. … She is about 25 nautical miles from Snake Island."
A satellite image of Snake Island and a Russian ship.
A satellite image shows an overview of Snake Island and Russian Ropucha ship. (Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies/Handout via Reuters)

The Moskva is the ship that tried to attack Snake Island in February on the day Russia invaded Ukraine. The warship approached the island in the Black Sea and ordered 13 Ukrainian soldiers to surrender. However, the Ukrainian soldiers told the Moskva to “go f*** yourself.” After the attack, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the soldiers “died heroically but did not give up.” It was later reported by the country’s navy that they had been captured alive by Russia. According to the Ukrainian Parliament, the soldiers were later released in a prisoner swap.
Ukrainian service member Roman Gribov shakes hands with the head of Cherkasy Regional Military Administration Ihor Taburets.
Ukrainian service member Roman Gribov, who was captured by Russian troops on Snake Island on Feb. 24 and swapped for Russian POWs, receives an award from military official Ihor Taburets in Cherkasy, Ukraine. (Press service of the Cherkasy Regional Military Administration/Handout via Reuters)

The warship has led the naval assault on Ukraine, making it an important military target. Moskva has been a naval power in the Black Sea since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. It carries a number of anti-submarine and mine-torpedo weapons and holds over a dozen Vulkan anti-ship missiles.

If the Moskva is lost, it will be the second Russian warship to be destroyed by the Ukrainian military. On March 25, officials from Ukraine said they had struck a landing ship, named by Ukrainian forces as the Saratov, at the port of Berdyansk the day before. Videos from social media showed fires raging and smoke billowing from the docks, which had been occupied by Russian forces.

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