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11-08-09  04:39am - 5603 days Original Post - #1
jd1961 (0)
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Burger King Butts

I'm old I guess, let me set that straight.

Is it just me, or are big fat asses on women in vogue in American porno?

Browsing through sites, I seem to be seeing this trend more and more.

Or is the "bottom" of the barrel being scraped?

Nothing makes me run away faster.

11-08-09  04:57am - 5603 days #2
james4096 (0)

Posts: 132
Registered: Mar 02, '09
Huh? What is a burger king butt?

Bigger asses are more in demand in today's porn than they were 10 years ago. It used to be all about big tits only.

A lot of guys like a big booty. I know I do.

But how big are you talking about?

11-08-09  05:14am - 5603 days #3
mr smut (0)
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I've seen big butts that look great as long as they are firm. I don't like BBW too much but a thick girl with firm assets is something special :-)

Andie the girl you can see as my avatar has a very perfect firm butt and legs thicker than you'd expect but she's to me a real beauty and I know of no girl being prettier than her. But no need to be scared or alarmed as she's doing softcore only and mostly pictures.

To each his own I'd say. Have you got any names on your list of makes-you-run-away?

Smut Edited on Nov 08, 2009, 05:17am

11-08-09  06:43am - 5603 days #4
Drooler (0)
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Yes, define "Burger King Butt." That's what Voltaire probably would have said.

I'll venture that a BBB is at least 40 IN on a BBW. How'zat? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-08-09  07:09am - 5603 days #5
mr smut (0)
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Also I would like to know what differs a Burger King Butt from a Mc Donald's Butt. I'd expect the second one to be less tasty ;-)

11-08-09  08:20am - 5603 days #6
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by mr smut:

Also I would like to know what differs a Burger King Butt from a Mc Donald's Butt. I'd expect the second one to be less tasty ;-)

A Burger King butt is grilled, not fried. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

11-08-09  08:46am - 5603 days #7
mr smut (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

A Burger King butt is grilled, not fried.

According to my personal taste I will then order another Burger King Butt that's for sure :-)

11-08-09  11:22am - 5603 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by mr smut:

Also I would like to know what differs a Burger King Butt from a Mc Donald's Butt. I'd expect the second one to be less tasty ;-)

Either way, they're lower carb and Atkinsy. After all, they aren't on a bun; they ARE the bun. Er, buns. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-08-09  12:54pm - 5603 days #9
lk2fireone (0)
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Back when I could still taste the difference, I thought that Wendys made a better burger than both McDonalds and Burger King.

Now that I'm getting older, I seem to be losing my sense of taste.

I still go for teenies, which seems to be much more popular than MILFs.

But there seem to be plenty of PU folks who are into big boobs and big buns. I don't know if Drooler fits into that category, but he sure seems to appreciate the female posterior (ass, for short).

11-08-09  02:40pm - 5603 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

But there seem to be plenty of PU folks who are into big boobs and big buns. I don't know if Drooler fits into that category, but he sure seems to appreciate the female posterior (ass, for short).

Big isn't necessary, but shapely is. Think Monique Alexander, or Lucy Stratilova, who was an avatar of mine here for a little while. Maybe some folks wouldn't think of hers as shapely, but I like it! More recently: Dominika C, who displays it very nicely at MC Nudes.

Bigger bums like the set on Raylene Richards are pretty nice, too. Or Vendula! Yeah! Or Sandra DeMarco. She's got a big ass, but it's firm and shapely; it looks like you could crack an egg on it.

The biggest aren't necessarily the best in my book, though. Most ass sites are extreme about it, like "42 plus" or some name like that. It's just the same as with the boob sites. They get not-so-pretty women with big 'un's and that's that.

I mean, when an ass has got its own member of the House, it's too big.

Which brings us back to the topic ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 08, 2009, 02:58pm

11-08-09  03:30pm - 5603 days #11
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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I like a big booty, but on a slenderish girl. Can't get interested in women who are big all over, no matter how I try.

One of the things I have always loved about Japanese photogs is that they can take a slender little lady and by shooting from a certain angle make her look amazingly booty-licious. Well, I guess they can all do that, but the Japanese do it the best. I will take this opinion to my grave (or urn). You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

11-08-09  04:07pm - 5603 days #12
rearadmiral (0)
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I'm with jd1961 on this. Big butts don't do it for me at all. Slim, sexy bum on a slim sexy lass does it for me. And narrow hips too. Too wide leave me with the impression that she'd likely get pregnant too easily...

11-08-09  07:35pm - 5602 days #13
pat362 (0)
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I don't think that it's so much that big butts are more in vogue. I think that we are seeing more of them now because a larger portion of the performers are older that what we were seeing a few years ago. There is still a large portion of teens and girls in their early 20's, but I think that there is a much larger number of women in their 30's and above.

Since big may be a little subjective. I can say that for the most part. I don't mind a larger butt. In some ways I prefer that to the anorexic look that was common only a few years ago. I can remember Noemie going from healthy looking to bone thin. She had an amazing ass that some might have called big, but after she lost all that weight then she lost most of her backside. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-08-09  08:15pm - 5602 days #14
GCode (0)
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I think the big butt thing is something that is kind of popular due to part in both societal and psychological terms. This meaning, there are quite a few factors in my opinion.

The first of my argument is the fact that the large ass is portayed as sexy due to the fact that a lot of mainstream thinking is revealed from black society. I am not trying to argue that ALL black people think this way nor should think way but I find the majority of the black community finds these traits as extremely attractive. Therefore, the younger crowd can be exposed to what many black people find sexy in their ethnicity. Most black women that are a bit bigger in stature (especially their ass) and this can be seen as healthy and extremely sexy amongst that community (and has been this way for years upon years) while many typical white women are supposed to be unhealthy and extremely thin. Therefore, a 'phat' ass potrayed amongst the black community is ideal and this is leaking in to the greater crowd in the suburbs and so on. The reason I think this is because I never thought a larger ass was sexy until I started hearing how much this was considered sexy through my favorite genre hip hop and associating with that crowd as I got older. I was basically in a all white community growing up but met more black people as I got older which swayed me to look at black women and respect their basic body shape a lot more. However, this is just a contrubuting factor in my opinion and not the only reason that many will think a larger ass is better.

Another factor that probably affects the fact that a larger ass may be better is through the psychological pre existing factor that a bigger ass (or hips) portrays greater fertility which unconciously makes these features sexier for men. While I may be being overananalytic, I do feel this could be a major contributor to the larger ass bandwagon that appears to be shown in porn these days. It's just, a bigger waist and ass shows maturity and is just a bit more sexually attractive to many men due to the fact that these ladies are seen as being completely developed and not just little girls anymore.

Of course, there are probably other reasons and theories as to why the 'phat ass' has become such a hit these days but I think my above argumesnts could be a factor. Plus, I feel the bigger ass may be more popular amongst the younger community due to the first factor that I spoke of above. I could be completely wrong but I think the arguments I provided are worth looking at and could be large contributions to the sites showcasing the 'bigger' side of things. Sexted From My iPad Edited on Nov 08, 2009, 08:24pm

11-09-09  02:27pm - 5602 days #15
Wittyguy (0)
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Given that the average american adult from 40 years ago weighs about the same as a modern average american 10 year old, you have to expect that the whole big ass burger butt trend will simply spill over into porn (just kidding on the factoid but you it's probably closer to reality than we'd like to think). The King tells us to have it "Your Way" and apparently most of us interpret that as "Your Weigh" meaning it's a race to top of the obesity / diabetes pyramid ... the food pyramid has gone the way of King Tut.

The result is more people sporting "mud flaps" (thanks Spinal Tap for that song), jeans that would shelter an Ethiopian family of 6, an economy centered around growing food that can't be eaten in it's natural state (soy and corn -- just process it for the sugar), and entertainment in form of the " The Biggest Loser", diet books and countless daytime talk show diatribes. America relishes it's obsesity and we are proudly exporting it to the world.

I say "Stand Up America" and proudly display your g-stringed / thonged Burger Butt's sagging out of those super elasticized sweatpants and proudly sing "God Save the King" the next time you get up from the couch for that refrigerator run just before kick off of the next game.

(Rant concluded; your regularly scheduled programming will now continue already in progress).

11-09-09  02:48pm - 5602 days #16
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough
'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh baby, I wanna get with you
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But that butt you got makes me so horny

~Sir Mix-a-lot Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

11-09-09  03:14pm - 5602 days #17
malikstarks (0)
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Originally Posted by GCode:

I think the big butt thing is something that is kind of popular due to part in both societal and psychological terms. This meaning, there are quite a few factors in my opinion.

The first of my argument is the fact that the large ass is portayed as sexy due to the fact that a lot of mainstream thinking is revealed from black society. I am not trying to argue that ALL black people think this way nor should think way but I find the majority of the black community finds these traits as extremely attractive. Therefore, the younger crowd can be exposed to what many black people find sexy in their ethnicity. Most black women that are a bit bigger in stature (especially their ass) and this can be seen as healthy and extremely sexy amongst that community (and has been this way for years upon years) while many typical white women are supposed to be unhealthy and extremely thin. Therefore, a 'phat' ass potrayed amongst the black community is ideal and this is leaking in to the greater crowd in the suburbs and so on. The reason I think this is because I never thought a larger ass was sexy until I started hearing how much this was considered sexy through my favorite genre hip hop and associating with that crowd as I got older. I was basically in a all white community growing up but met more black people as I got older which swayed me to look at black women and respect their basic body shape a lot more. However, this is just a contrubuting factor in my opinion and not the only reason that many will think a larger ass is better.

Excellent Analysis I would agree with everything said. Being a black man myself I perfer a women with nice curves. I'm not talking about obese but I really don't care much for petite girls, at least in not in real life. Oddly enough it is the influence of porn that will cause me to occasionally indulge in a "young teen" site, so I can see the attraction, but that wouldn't be the type of women I would settle down with. The main drawback with a bigger women is they can tend to fall into the obese category as they have children and grow older, so from a practical standpoint I can see how a petite women might be the way to go. I guess it's not in the nature of black folk to think too far ahead, (lol), we should be encouraging our young women to eat healthier and lose at least some of that big ass!!

On the flip side I think alot of white men end up unhappy with their spouses due simply to the natural aging process of women gaining weight as they bear children and get older. Also (I know I'm going to take some heat for this one), I think an overt obsession with petite girls can often go too far and cross into the pedophilia zone. Often this is the first suspicion of wives who catch their husbands with loads of "young teen" porn. Not saying anyone on this board falls into that category, but it is something I am always weary of. (actually if you did fall into that category you probably would be on a different kind of site)

As far as the influence of black society I think that is also very true, black culture has permeated the larger pop culture in so many ways as to now be ubiquitous. One study showed that black people are by far overrepresented on TV when accounting for our size of the population. I've always wondered how this made hispanic friends feel, being as they are by far the bigger minority. Issues in America always seem to play out between white and black, I guess do to the long history. People only bring up hispanic culture when talking about food or immigration issues. Most of my hispanic friends follow black culture, but eat hispanic food and will occasionlly listen to reggaeton.

Your analysis of the psychological factors are also spot on. Everyone knows that pre-1960's, most men preferred curvier women. Especially when you talk about 19th century and earlier. Edited on Nov 09, 2009, 09:35pm

11-09-09  07:14pm - 5601 days #18
GCode (0)
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Originally Posted by malikstarks:

As far as the influence of black society I think that is also very true, black culture has permeated the larger pop culture in so many ways as to now be ubiquitous. One study showed that black people are by far overrepresented on TV when accounting for our size of the population. I've always wondered how this made hispanic friends feel, being as they are by far the bigger minority. Issues in America always seem to play out between white and black, I guess do to the long history. People only bring up hispanic culture when talking about food or immigration issues. Most of my hispanic friends follow black culture, but eat hispanic food and will occasionlly listen to reggaeton.

This is a great addition and may help clear things up as far as I was trying to get across when it came to the influence of black society being more exposed to 'other' ethnicities than in the past. Thanks for the response. Sexted From My iPad

11-14-09  08:05am - 5597 days #20
Drooler (0)
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Actually, I think there should be a fast-food restaurant called "Booty Queen!" There could be standard sandwiches like "The Big Crack" and the "Fish-Smell Filet." And of course the "Tiny Ass" vegetarian option.

And when you want to super-size it, you have to say, "Make mine All Jiggly (TM)!" I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 14, 2009, 02:25pm

11-14-09  11:41am - 5597 days #21
jd1961 (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

Yes, define "Burger King Butt." That's what Voltaire probably would have said.

I'll venture that a BBB is at least 40 IN on a BBW. How'zat?

I mean like Alexis Texas.
She has a pretty face, but a semi tractor butt. At least in some of her videos.

11-14-09  11:45am - 5597 days #22
jd1961 (0)
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Originally Posted by malikstarks:

Your analysis of the psychological factors are also spot on. Everyone knows that pre-1960's, most men preferred curvier women. Especially when you talk about 19th century and earlier.

Curvy yes---lard asses NO.

Marilyn Monroe was curvy. Fat she was not.

11-14-09  11:53am - 5597 days #23
jd1961 (0)
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TBP just provided a good example of what I mean:


Get these pigs on a diet!

11-14-09  12:13pm - 5597 days #24
james4096 (0)

Posts: 132
Registered: Mar 02, '09
Geez. Maybe it's the black in me, but I love these type of girls. Especially white girls with big asses. Yes, this type of thing has become more popular.

To each his own I guess.

11-14-09  02:28pm - 5597 days #25
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

I mean like Alexis Texas.
She has a pretty face, but a semi tractor butt. At least in some of her videos.

If you look at it closely enough, you can see Charlie Wilson out there pressin' the flesh. ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-14-09  02:30pm - 5597 days #26
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

Marilyn Monroe was curvy. Fat she was not.

By today's skinny-ass 'standards' -- at least those found in the U.S. -- I bet Marilyn Monroe would be deemed fat, though in her lifetime she was just normal and thin. She is what I would now call healthy as a lot of the women in today's skin-and-bones standard of body type look anything but healthy.

Go back a little farther in history, particularly the west in the 19th century, and you see the popularity of what was probably even more unhealthy: the hourglass figure. Now of course the only way to see women wearing a corset that tight is to search for it in the fetish niche. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

11-14-09  02:35pm - 5597 days #27
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by james4096:

Geez. Maybe it's the black in me, but I love these type of girls. Especially white girls with big asses. Yes, this type of thing has become more popular.

To each his own I guess.

Whenever I hear "white girls with big asses" I think of Flower Tucci. A great squirter for sure, but the proud owner of a nice big ass too. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

11-15-09  03:27am - 5596 days #28
Capn (0)
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Yes, fashion changes what is deemed generally attractive.

Personally I like curvy. Big is OK, provided the proportions are there.

For instance 'Rubenesque' by todays standards is obese.

I like the fifties film star look though! ;0) Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

11-17-09  02:37pm - 5594 days #29
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

TBP just provided a good example of what I mean:


Get these pigs on a diet!

I don't know what you're seeing, but I didn't see a single "pig" on all of their tour pages, nor even a single girl I would venture to call overweight. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

11-18-09  05:32am - 5593 days #30
mbaya (0)

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Originally Posted by jd1961:
TBP just provided a good example of what I mean:
Get these pigs on a diet!

I think these girls look great, not at all fat. My only gripe with the site is that it appears to no longer be updating.

11-18-09  07:42am - 5593 days #31
Denner (0)
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There's got to be something for everybody - also in porn...
But ok, I go for the slim kinds - a little curvy too - I share jd's love for Eve Angel - and got quite a few favorites of my own, also "older" ones like Marilyn Jess, Silvia Saint, Christina Bella ect. They are not "thin" - but the curves are just 'right'...
But "fat ass" - nada. Like the legendary David Allan Coe said:

'I fucked them all, but those fat women sure are a drag'

Well, bottom line: It's a matter of individual taste - and so be it... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

11-18-09  02:03pm - 5593 days #32
turboshaft (0)
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From looking at the previews for Big Ass Adventure I don't think any of their girls are particularly fat, or even pigs in need of a diet, but then again it's a very subjective term. It could just be using a lot of wide angle lens (literally false-ass advertising?) or the girls really are just gluteally gifted.

The girls who I would start to call 'fat' would be those who really had too much Burger King and sport the Burger King gut, which I don't think is a niche...yet (I don't really want to know if it is either). Still, there are plenty of porn girls who I think could stand to lose a few pounds but can still put on a hell of a great show regardless of their waist or ass line, so what's the harm? "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

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