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Porn Users Forum » How do you define “site ripping”?
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01-04-12  02:36pm - 4816 days Original Post - #1
rearadmiral (0)
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On the thread here that discusses download limits and streaming several mentions were made of “site ripping.” I’m familiar with the concept, and I generally aware that many people consider it a bad thing, but I don’t really understand what it means.

I do a lot of research here and on TBP before I join a site. I know that I’m not going to get scammed, I have a good idea of the material and the technical bits are understood before I join. What this means, however, is that most sites I join I know I have an interest in and will want a lot of the material that is available.

Two examples: I love many Kink sites. Say I join Everything Butt again for the first time in a few months and there are 30 new scenes since the last time I was there. I know the theme, I know the stars and I know I will thoroughly enjoy every single one of them so I spend some time and download them all. It might take me a few days, but I’ll download them. Is that “site ripping”?

Second, a real-time example is Fucked Hard 18. I joined that recently based on some tips from members here, the reviews here and the review at TBP. I figured I’d like the site, but what I didn’t count on was how much I like the site. There are over 100 scenes on the site and all but maybe three or four feature girls that I think are incredibly sexy (actually, the few scenes that I didn’t download feature incredibly sexy girls but with large breasts, which isn’t an interest of mine). Further, I have a thing for massage scenarios, and I have a HUGE thing for seeing girls get oiled up. So, with about 100 scenes of stunningly beautiful, petite, young girls getting covered with oil and massaged this site is just about perfect. And the result is that I’m downloading most of the scenes here. I’m not using software that crawls the site downloading the whole thing. I’m downloading them one at a time. But I’m still going to end up with most of the site’s material. Am I “site ripping”?

I’m asking this question in good faith, folks. I really don’t know the answer. I sometimes feel guilty about downloading so much from a site, but since I know I’ll like it I download it. I watch all of it and I never delete a scene. The fact is that my last two sites that I may have ‘ripped’, Sinnistar and Fucked Hard 18 will be in my top 10 sites for a loooong time.

So am I a “ripper”?

(No fart jokes, please… )

01-04-12  02:41pm - 4816 days #2
Lance Chris (0)
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To be completely honest. If you pay for something in my (OPINION) Its yours to do what you want with it. Hence if you buy a magazine subscription if you want to tear out every page and keep all of them. Its yours you can do as you please with them. As long as your not re-distributing them.

01-04-12  03:04pm - 4816 days #3
yadayada321 (0)
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No, technically I think a ripper is someone who rips a site, packages it, and then posts the content onto newsgroups or other file sharing sites. Even though I massively download off of porn sites using download managers for which I can, I consider myself to be a collector rather than a ripper.

01-04-12  03:13pm - 4816 days #4
Capn (0)
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To me, the term means someone who indiscriminately downloads an entire site in a very short space of time.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

01-04-12  03:46pm - 4816 days #5
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

To me, the term means someone who indiscriminately downloads an entire site in a very short space of time.


That's what it has always meant to me as well, but that doesn't mean I'm right. I think yadayada's description of a site ripper would most likely be the correct one. So, rearadmiral, enjoy yourself. I wish I could find a site where I feel like downloading most of the content. Most of the time I'm through after a couple of days and end up waiting for a good update that never seems to come or at the most very rarely. Edited on Jan 04, 2012, 03:49pm

01-04-12  03:50pm - 4816 days #6
Capn (0)
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Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

01-04-12  03:57pm - 4816 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:



Maybe the term has changed ? In my day we ripped a site we took everything off a site right down to the icons and code.
If you had a data base we did that as well. Of course that was quite awhile ago, and the www was the wild wild west.
And of course I behave my self now days having had a brush or two tends to quiet your energetic, www experience..
I know use my expertise for Good. Since 2007

01-04-12  04:07pm - 4816 days #8
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Maybe the term has changed ? In my day we ripped a site we took everything off a site right down to the icons and code.
If you had a data base we did that as well. Of course that was quite awhile ago, and the www was the wild wild west.
And of course I behave my self now days having had a brush or two tends to quiet your energetic, www experience..
I know use my expertise for Good.

I always wish I had been born a bit later because I would have loved to be able to do all the neat things youngster can do with a computer .. I am not talking about ripping sites, of course.

Well, I guess I should consider myself lucky that I learned how to use MS-DOS for certain basic functions and after that Windows 3.1 !

01-04-12  04:09pm - 4816 days #9
jberryl69 (0)
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Well Rear, if that is ripping, and you paid for access to the site, then ripping is NOT a bad thing. What is the point of paying your dime and not have access to all the content all the time, hence, "RIP it baby!" If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

01-04-12  04:35pm - 4816 days #10
Ed2009 (0)
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I've always viewed ripping as downloading with intent to reuse (ie redistribute/pirate) the content. Otherwise it's just downloading isn't it? Webmaster of StripGameCentral and A Measure of Curiosity.

01-04-12  04:50pm - 4816 days #11
rearadmiral (0)
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I won't reply to all of you (Lance, yada, Capn, messmer, cybertoad, jberry and Ed) because most of your comments seem to jive with what I thought ripping might be. Yes, I download a lot, and sometimes all, of the material on a site because I like it, I want to keep it and I want to watch it again. I've stated this in the past and I'll say it again: I will not share material! My intention if I buy a membership to a site is to take everything I like.

There is NEVER any intent to redistribute.

So thanks for this, guys. I appreciate it!

Must be that Catholic guilt kicking in after my Sinnistar membership got hacked and it caused 500GB of traffic...

01-04-12  05:55pm - 4816 days #12
pat362 (0)
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I'll join those that agreed with capn's definition of site ripping. That's how I look at it as well. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-05-12  05:37am - 4815 days #13
t9chome (0)
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If Capn's definition is correct (and I agree too), then I've never ripped a site, since I definitely am discriminatory in what I dl. I dl files 1 at a time too, even though I'm using a dl manager. It's more for the increased speed than group dl's. If I had less time, then I might group them.

So, joining a site, downloading all you like, then unsubscribing within the time period would not be considered ripping a site.

I can see why site admins don't like that, since their revenue stream is interrupted. But, I say better to have received and lost than to never have received at all!

01-05-12  06:38am - 4815 days #14
Ed2009 (0)
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Don't forget that with home Internet connections getting faster (people around here sometimes have 100Mb/s download speed), if no controls are placed to downloads then more popular sites can suffer from a few users hogging all the available bandwidth, while those on slower connections think there is something wrong with the site, or simply can't get anything to download.

Bandwidth costs money and these days most sites are desperately trying to keep their costs under control. I suspect in future we might start seeing different tiers of membership fees to sites with different speeds or limits available (ie pay more to download faster/more). Webmaster of StripGameCentral and A Measure of Curiosity.

01-05-12  07:28am - 4815 days #15
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Don't forget that with home Internet connections getting faster (people around here sometimes have 100Mb/s download speed), if no controls are placed to downloads then more popular sites can suffer from a few users hogging all the available bandwidth, while those on slower connections think there is something wrong with the site, or simply can't get anything to download.

Bandwidth costs money and these days most sites are desperately trying to keep their costs under control. I suspect in future we might start seeing different tiers of membership fees to sites with different speeds or limits available (ie pay more to download faster/more).

Interesting thought - that in the future you not only "subscribe" to a site - but also subscribe to a chosen download speed.....
That input from Ed2009 is worth to remember. Let's see if it happens. "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

01-05-12  09:57am - 4815 days #16
jberryl69 (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Bandwidth costs money and these days most sites are desperately trying to keep their costs under control. I suspect in future we might start seeing different tiers of membership fees to sites with different speeds or limits available (ie pay more to download faster/more).

Hmmm... it would seem that it would drive more people toward fileserve like sites and pirating would increase. Most people think they paid for the bandwidth on the front end from their provider (at no cheap amount) so to be double charged would perhaps be a further discouragement. Limiting the bandwidth for any one download (if possible) would seem a fair manner to deal with it but adding more price structure would seemingly a dent in the revenue stream. Anytime to you can hide limitations or integrate them as a part of the norm would create less waves. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

01-05-12  11:43am - 4815 days #17
t9chome (0)
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I would think that most site admins already have a "throttle per connection" speed in use today. If I owned a site, I certainly would. This helps even the field.

Maybe a site admin can chime in as inquiring minds would like to know.

01-05-12  02:05pm - 4815 days #18
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by t9chome:

If Capn's definition is correct (and I agree too), then I've never ripped a site, since I definitely am discriminatory in what I dl. I dl files 1 at a time too, even though I'm using a dl manager. It's more for the increased speed than group dl's. If I had less time, then I might group them.

So, joining a site, downloading all you like, then unsubscribing within the time period would not be considered ripping a site.

I can see why site admins don't like that, since their revenue stream is interrupted. But, I say better to have received and lost than to never have received at all!

I agree. At first I read Capn's definition as capturing me as a site ripper since I do tend to download a lot from a site in a short time. But... where I think I fail to become a ripper is that while I may download a lot, there is nothing indiscriminate about it. With my Fucked Hard 18 membership, for example, the webmaster may think I'm ripping his site, but in reality I look at the thumbs for each scene and go through a specific thought process: "18-22 years old, petite, smallish breasts, covering in oil... want it." There's nothing indiscrimiate about it. If the webmasters through in some MILF BBWs then I could say I skipped a few scenes.

01-05-12  02:07pm - 4815 days #19
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Don't forget that with home Internet connections getting faster (people around here sometimes have 100Mb/s download speed), if no controls are placed to downloads then more popular sites can suffer from a few users hogging all the available bandwidth, while those on slower connections think there is something wrong with the site, or simply can't get anything to download.

Bandwidth costs money and these days most sites are desperately trying to keep their costs under control. I suspect in future we might start seeing different tiers of membership fees to sites with different speeds or limits available (ie pay more to download faster/more).

Interesting concept and one that could work if implemented properly and sites were transparent about it.

01-05-12  04:05pm - 4815 days #20
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

Interesting concept and one that could work if implemented properly and sites were transparent about it.

I agree, rearadmiral, after all we pay for different tiers of Internet service already. Anything from dial-up to ultra high speed.

01-05-12  06:51pm - 4814 days #21
JosiahE (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Don't forget that with home Internet connections getting faster (people around here sometimes have 100Mb/s download speed), if no controls are placed to downloads then more popular sites can suffer from a few users hogging all the available bandwidth, while those on slower connections think there is something wrong with the site, or simply can't get anything to download.

Bandwidth costs money and these days most sites are desperately trying to keep their costs under control. I suspect in future we might start seeing different tiers of membership fees to sites with different speeds or limits available (ie pay more to download faster/more).

You're forgetting, that the future will bring monitors/TVs with higher resolutions. The HD Resolution won't stay at 1920x1080 forever, (in korea they have an 8kx4k TV already).

As resolutions for videos getting bigger, they need a higher bitrate and the video sizes will increase

01-06-12  01:30am - 4814 days #22
Ed2009 (0)
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Download speeds are increasing much faster than filesizes. Whilst resolution of video has increased massively, greatly improved compression codecs means that file sizes have not gone up proportionately.
My local cable ISP is launching a 250Mb/s service in a few months time and predicting that by 2015 they will be offering 1Gb/s to most customers. Personally I find that my 30Mb/s connection is plenty fast enough, but I'm only one step above the minimum they offer now and it comfortably streams FullHD video. Webmaster of StripGameCentral and A Measure of Curiosity.

01-06-12  03:38am - 4814 days #23
SimonSubAms (0)
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Site ripping is now meant to mean where someone downloads a full site and then posts it on pirate sites for everyone and his dog to download free of charge.

I don't have any download limits. My view is you pay your money you download whatever and however much you want, when you want it.
Sites that impose usage limits are only going to piss off legitimate users and that's bad business in my view. Surely a site wants its legitimate users to download and enjoy every update and not have a constant battle with restrictions. I see users unhappy on some sites as they've reached a limit and can't download the latest update until their limit has expired. That's not what joining a site should be about and those site owners are the first to blame site ripping and piracy for their sites failing whereas the real reason is their lack of understanding what the end user really wants - and has paid for. http://www.suburbanamateurs.com/freeview/

01-06-12  10:33am - 4814 days #24
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Download speeds are increasing much faster than filesizes. Whilst resolution of video has increased massively, greatly improved compression codecs means that file sizes have not gone up proportionately.
My local cable ISP is launching a 250Mb/s service in a few months time and predicting that by 2015 they will be offering 1Gb/s to most customers. Personally I find that my 30Mb/s connection is plenty fast enough, but I'm only one step above the minimum they offer now and it comfortably streams FullHD video.

I had a tiff with my ISP a few months ago. They had promised me a few years ago that they would never impose bandwidth limits and then decided to put a limit of 250GBs on my 4.0 MB/s connection with a usurious penalty for every extra GB used.

When I threatened to cancel the technician told me why don't you go back to a 2.0MB/s connection. There are no bandwidth restrictions on the slower speeds. I now pay 10 dollars less a month, and find my download and streaming speeds very adequate at around 2.3MB/s if a site's server is capable of handling it, or isn't throttling speeds.

Strange thing though, why would anyone offer extremely high speeds that make it possible to make the fullest use of all the multimedia contents on the Web and then punish you FOR doing just that??

01-06-12  01:06pm - 4814 days #25
Capn (0)
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It all comes down to marketing.

Offer a good enough deal to make a sale.
Sometimes they guess it wrong & when they find that out, then they surruptitiously try to claw something back!

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

01-06-12  03:01pm - 4814 days #26
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

It all comes down to marketing.

Offer a good enough deal to make a sale.
Sometimes they guess it wrong & when they find that out, then they surruptitiously try to claw something back!


I think the "suits" guess it wrong more often than not, Cap'n!

01-06-12  05:23pm - 4814 days #27
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by SimonSubAms:

Site ripping is now meant to mean where someone downloads a full site and then posts it on pirate sites for everyone and his dog to download free of charge.

I don't have any download limits. My view is you pay your money you download whatever and however much you want, when you want it.
Sites that impose usage limits are only going to piss off legitimate users and that's bad business in my view. Surely a site wants its legitimate users to download and enjoy every update and not have a constant battle with restrictions. I see users unhappy on some sites as they've reached a limit and can't download the latest update until their limit has expired. That's not what joining a site should be about and those site owners are the first to blame site ripping and piracy for their sites failing whereas the real reason is their lack of understanding what the end user really wants - and has paid for.

Thanks for such a too-the-point answer from a webmaster. Even with faceless mega-site I worry that I'm downloading too much if in the run of a membership I find a lot I like. When it comes to a smaller site I really worry that my bandwidth demands alone make my membership a money loser. I usually try to compensate for that by regularly rejoining smaller sites at relatively frequent intervals so I'm sure they can make some money off me.

01-06-12  05:29pm - 4814 days #28
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I had a tiff with my ISP a few months ago. They had promised me a few years ago that they would never impose bandwidth limits and then decided to put a limit of 250GBs on my 4.0 MB/s connection with a usurious penalty for every extra GB used.

When I threatened to cancel the technician told me why don't you go back to a 2.0MB/s connection. There are no bandwidth restrictions on the slower speeds. I now pay 10 dollars less a month, and find my download and streaming speeds very adequate at around 2.3MB/s if a site's server is capable of handling it, or isn't throttling speeds.

Strange thing though, why would anyone offer extremely high speeds that make it possible to make the fullest use of all the multimedia contents on the Web and then punish you FOR doing just that??

I've asked this same question of several industry people (one a family member) and I NEVER get a straight answer. I'm with Bell Aliant in NB and they have yet to impose a cap, but I'm sure it will come because it seems all major ISPs in Canada are going that route. The downside to that is that I've been joining sites more frequently and downloading like a madman until the caps get imposed. After that I'll go into withdrawl.

Messmer, are you in the Maritimes too?

01-06-12  07:09pm - 4813 days #29
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

Messmer, are you in the Maritimes too?

Yep, right next door to you in beautiful Nova Scotia, rearadmiral, in HRM (Halifax Regional Municipality).

01-06-12  09:07pm - 4813 days #30
pat362 (0)
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^Well guys don't switch to Videotron if it ever becomes available in your corner of Canada. I'm only allowed 120 Gig per month and I've got their best plan. That's 20 Gig more than I had at the beginning of last year when they graciously offered me an increase. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-07-12  02:04am - 4813 days #31
elephant (0)
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Site ripping I always presumed was joining a site , setting up a download manager and downloading, all photos and videos of everything, basically the sites porn content. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

01-07-12  07:12am - 4813 days #32
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Yep, right next door to you in beautiful Nova Scotia, rearadmiral, in HRM (Halifax Regional Municipality).

I love Halifax. It's a beautiful city. I was posted at Shearwater across the harbour for a while and loved living in the area. I get to travel to CFB Halifax on occasion and love every second I'm there.

01-07-12  07:13am - 4813 days #33
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by elephant:

Site ripping I always presumed was joining a site , setting up a download manager and downloading, all photos and videos of everything, basically the sites porn content.

Thanks for weighing in. I agree that a true 'ripper' is indiscriminate and lets some digital doodad do the downloading. That isn't me.

01-07-12  08:41am - 4813 days #34
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I always wish I had been born a bit later because I would have loved to be able to do all the neat things youngster can do with a computer .. I am not talking about ripping sites, of course.

Well, I guess I should consider myself lucky that I learned how to use MS-DOS for certain basic functions and after that Windows 3.1 !

Yea, there was allot to come after the 70's and 80's I try and keep up being a 60's kid myself. But slowly I see it slipping away Since 2007

01-07-12  08:43am - 4813 days #35
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

I've always viewed ripping as downloading with intent to reuse (ie redistribute/pirate) the content. Otherwise it's just downloading isn't it?

Thats my take is a site rip is used to redistribute. Since 2007

01-09-12  10:03am - 4811 days #36
SimonSubAms (0)
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some you win, some you lose - as long as it averages out to being profitable overall I'm quite happy.
Initially people joining tend to download a lot but then settle down after a few days to downloading what they like rather than everything.
Bandwidth is so much cheaper nowadays that it isn't really an issue for any size of site. It's more about whether their server can cope with the peaks. http://www.suburbanamateurs.com/freeview/

01-09-12  03:39pm - 4811 days #37
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by SimonSubAms:

Initially people joining tend to download a lot but then settle down after a few days to downloading what they like rather than everything.

That's exactly what I do, Simon. One question: do webmasters keep track of what an individual subscriber downloads when it comes to the daily updates?

I keep hoping they do because, this way, my lack of enthusiasm for most updates in a given week might count as a protest!

01-09-12  04:33pm - 4811 days #38
Ed2009 (0)
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Yes they do, Messmer. At least I do, so I assume most do.

To be more precise: I don't work through every subscriber, but my log file analyser sorts users by how much is downloaded so I look at those who download much more than the average. I also avidly watch how each update compares in terms of download popularity. Webmaster of StripGameCentral and A Measure of Curiosity.

01-10-12  03:44am - 4810 days #39
SimonSubAms (0)
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Analising the logs of every user would be a job in itself so no, although I do have stats available for that kind of thing, I don't have time to go into the details of each one.
What I do tend to do regularly is see which sets/videos are the most popular overall and can see at a glance if something isn't quite right and then look into the reasons why. http://www.suburbanamateurs.com/freeview/

01-10-12  01:03pm - 4810 days #40
messmer (0)
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Thanks, Ed and Simon. I sort of figured that you wouldn't keep track of every individual subscriber and what he downloads (except when he downloads excessively) but was hoping!

01-10-12  04:40pm - 4810 days #41
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by SimonSubAms:

some you win, some you lose - as long as it averages out to being profitable overall I'm quite happy.
Initially people joining tend to download a lot but then settle down after a few days to downloading what they like rather than everything.
Bandwidth is so much cheaper nowadays that it isn't really an issue for any size of site. It's more about whether their server can cope with the peaks.

Simon - I hope you don't regret stopping in to this thread, but I'd really like to get your thoughts on something related to what you wrote.

You wrote that 'bandwidth is so much cheaper nowadays that it isn't really an issue for any size of site.' I have to say that probably my biggest worry about downloading a lot of material from a site is related specifically to bandwidth and not production costs for the material. My worry is that if I really like the site and take a lot of material I'm cost the site for bandwidth rather than letting them make money off me. What you say is that bandwidth shouldn't be a worry. Is that a correct take on what you said? Knowing that big or small, downloading a lot of material from a site won't bankrupt them in terms of bandwidth costs will help me sleep better at night.

01-10-12  04:47pm - 4810 days #42
Ed2009 (0)
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Bandwidth is much cheaper BUT not as proportionately cheaper as home internet connections are faster. Updates on my site routinely take up about 4-8 times as much space as they did 5 years ago. Added to that, users can download the updates upto around 50 times faster. A popular update can lead to considerably greater bandwidth expense than the equivalent a few years ago, even though the bandwidth costs a lot less.

Think of it as buying fuel for 1/4 of the price for a car which uses 20x as much. Yes fuel is cheaper, but you would still be paying out a lot more for it.

A sensible webmaster will price his site so that even the most popular update will not cause him to lose money (and in the longer run it should cause more people to join too), but password sharing etc. can very quickly overturn that safety if checks are not in place.

Obviously, downloading more does cost the site more, so I would view it as supporting the site to only download the stuff you actually want to view - downloading everything regardless is causing the site unnecessary expense - not good if you like the site! Webmaster of StripGameCentral and A Measure of Curiosity.

01-11-12  08:38am - 4809 days #43
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Think of it as buying fuel for 1/4 of the price for a car which uses 20x as much. Yes fuel is cheaper, but you would still be paying out a lot more for it.

Obviously, downloading more does cost the site more, so I would view it as supporting the site to only download the stuff you actually want to view - downloading everything regardless is causing the site unnecessary expense - not good if you like the site!

Very good points ED. Since 2007

01-12-12  09:39pm - 4807 days #44
PinkPanther (0)
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The term "rip" means to rip off. If you're paying for a site and downloading from the site that you paid for and it's for your own purposes and you're not doing anything that is injurious to the site, then even if you're using a digital vacuum cleaner, you are not a site ripper and nothing that you are doing could be honestly construed as site ripping.

As the web masters in the thread have said, what makes something constitute "site ripping" is if you download the site's contents and post it on a forum, a peer-to-peer network or other means to constitute piracy.

01-12-12  11:57pm - 4807 days #45
BadMrFrosty (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

The term "rip" means to rip off. If you're paying for a site and downloading from the site that you paid for and it's for your own purposes and you're not doing anything that is injurious to the site, then even if you're using a digital vacuum cleaner, you are not a site ripper and nothing that you are doing could be honestly construed as site ripping.

As the web masters in the thread have said, what makes something constitute "site ripping" is if you download the site's contents and post it on a forum, a peer-to-peer network or other means to constitute piracy.

I have always thought of "rip" to mean taking something from somewhere and transferring it somewhere else. For example, ripping a audio CD or DVD to my hard drive. I'm not ripping anyone off as I own the CD, I am just transferring it in its entirety to some place else. I think the same way about websites, if I join a site and want to download its content in its entirety I consider that to be site ripping. I dont redistribute it but I have a rip of that particular site, or a "siterip" if you prefer, sat on my harddrive which is available at any time with or without a internet connection or when my membership has expired. I paid for it and downloaded what was on offer. The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
Frank Zappa

01-13-12  04:33pm - 4807 days #46
SimonSubAms (0)
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sorry didn't have this thread added for e-mail replies...

No, I don't regret stopping by at all
Bandwidth isn't a worry for me at all, that's correct.
My videos have been 500mb+ for a while and with 1 or 2 new videos a week plus 1 or 2 big photo zips I have no worries with people downloading everything.
Anyone with a problem isn't getting a good deal on their hosting. It's far far cheaper now than it was just 2 years ago and if they're not asking for a price reduction every now and again then they're paying too much. If they don't get a lower price there are plenty of good hosts waiting with good deals to get the business.
The ONLY problem I've found is when too many are using download managers at the same time during busy periods it can slow the site down but that's only happened a couple of times in the last few years. Busy periods tend to be 10pm to midnight GMT.
Password traders aren't an issue with the correct security in place. Passwords get hacked every few minutes, sometimes 20 different ones in a minute, but they're blocked straight away and members can retrieve a new pass themselves instantly.

Anyway, if you join a site and want to download any amount you should be able to without feeling guilty, that's what joining a site is all about. The days of putting restrictions on paying members should be in the past. http://www.suburbanamateurs.com/freeview/

01-13-12  04:49pm - 4807 days #47
SimonSubAms (0)
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It's the cheaper bandwidth and bigger harddrive space that has enabled us to deliver better quality content. That's what the paying customer wants...better quality and the ability to download everything that's being offered within his membership without limits.
Paysites are now competing with tubes that give surfers as many videos as they want to watch totally free so why should a paying customer be limited?
It doesn't make sense.

Nice looking content btw http://www.suburbanamateurs.com/freeview/

01-13-12  04:57pm - 4807 days #48
SimonSubAms (0)
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Posts: 24
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Location: UK
Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty:

I have always thought of "rip" to mean taking something from somewhere and transferring it somewhere else. For example, ripping a audio CD or DVD to my hard drive. I'm not ripping anyone off as I own the CD, I am just transferring it in its entirety to some place else. I think the same way about websites, if I join a site and want to download its content in its entirety I consider that to be site ripping. I dont redistribute it but I have a rip of that particular site, or a "siterip" if you prefer, sat on my harddrive which is available at any time with or without a internet connection or when my membership has expired. I paid for it and downloaded what was on offer.

That's one way of looking at it but it has now become known, certainly amongst those doing it and site owners, for taking from the site and posting it on another site for others to download, usually free of charge.
I've had one of my sites removed from 3 different places this week. They'll probably be back within days so it's a big time consuming job keeping a watch but luckily I have a lot of people give me a heads up quite quickly, mainly paying members I'm glad to say
If someone was to rip my site for their own use, that's fine by me http://www.suburbanamateurs.com/freeview/

01-14-12  08:58am - 4806 days #49
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by SimonSubAms:

sorry didn't have this thread added for e-mail replies...

No, I don't regret stopping by at all
Bandwidth isn't a worry for me at all, that's correct.
My videos have been 500mb+ for a while and with 1 or 2 new videos a week plus 1 or 2 big photo zips I have no worries with people downloading everything.
Anyone with a problem isn't getting a good deal on their hosting. It's far far cheaper now than it was just 2 years ago and if they're not asking for a price reduction every now and again then they're paying too much. If they don't get a lower price there are plenty of good hosts waiting with good deals to get the business.
The ONLY problem I've found is when too many are using download managers at the same time during busy periods it can slow the site down but that's only happened a couple of times in the last few years. Busy periods tend to be 10pm to midnight GMT.
Password traders aren't an issue with the correct security in place. Passwords get hacked every few minutes, sometimes 20 different ones in a minute, but they're blocked straight away and members can retrieve a new pass themselves instantly.

Anyway, if you join a site and want to download any amount you should be able to without feeling guilty, that's what joining a site is all about. The days of putting restrictions on paying members should be in the past.

Thanks for taking the time to post this. This is really useful information and I'll stop feeling guilty simply because I happen to like a lot of material that a site has to offer. If anything, the site should take that as a compliment.

01-14-12  09:00am - 4806 days #50
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by SimonSubAms:

That's one way of looking at it but it has now become known, certainly amongst those doing it and site owners, for taking from the site and posting it on another site for others to download, usually free of charge.
I've had one of my sites removed from 3 different places this week. They'll probably be back within days so it's a big time consuming job keeping a watch but luckily I have a lot of people give me a heads up quite quickly, mainly paying members I'm glad to say
If someone was to rip my site for their own use, that's fine by me

I rarely use tube sites, and after reading what you wrote I'll be certain to report pirated material to sites that own it if I see any. That, and actually paying for the memberships I have, is a good way to show support for the industry.

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