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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of Wraith0711's Comment

OMG thats awful, so glad you managed to get your money back, so glad I didn't join because I nearly did.

02-22-25  04:08pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Thanks for this info, its good to know that they have maybe now not doing what they used to but for me I won't risk it with them, shame but it was only a few old videos I needed, I'll live without.

02-08-25  05:45am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of benmar51's Comment

Yeah this is good news, certainly like to join reality kings for some old video I lost years ago but haven't joined because of payment providers they used for the last few years, whos the payment provider is it still the same one or are they using a more safer option like ccbill or epoch?

02-05-25  06:36am

Visit Next Door Sins

Next Door Sins
Reply of Wraith0711's Review

Thanks for the review, its on my list now so cheers, of late I've got used to 1080 and 720 used to be ok for me but seen some really good clear 1080 and makes me want all my vids now on 1080, but hate them sites though when 1080 file sizes go too big as they fill up the hard drive too quick, must be some software to keep the quality but reduce the file size now adays, must try and find one.

Glad to hear Liz Jordan is on here as she is one of my fav, wished she'd stayed away from the tats though as she has a few now.

Is Hazel Moore on the site by any chance as she is my fav girl.

09-07-24  03:14am

Visit Next Door Sins

Next Door Sins
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Yeah that is rather weird, wonder why.

09-07-24  03:04am

Visit Adult Prime

Adult Prime
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Yeah its like going back in time thats for sure, average at prime was probably 15-20 mins and I was only getting the 720 ones so maybe average size is 1.2GB, waiting 20 or 25 mins for a 720 video on a super fast internet connection, don't know how long a 4K would take lol.

So whats your opinion on VR porn, I've never tried it or ever got one of these headsets, are they good? often wondered what they are like.

07-26-24  09:47am

Visit Adult Prime

Adult Prime

Anyone else had download speeds capped

I had the first couple of downloads do them at 3000 Kbs then every video then never goes higher than 1200-1700 kbs sometimes it got to even as low as 200 and 300s for me which is like going back to dialup speeds. My internet connection is ultra fast but seems to makes no difference here.

I'll write a new review soon for the site.

07-25-24  06:52am

Replies (3)
Visit Next Door Sins

Next Door Sins
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Thanks for the reply, yeah certainly looks like the girl next door type and more amateur stuff which I go for more than generic porn by numbers on most other sites. I've bought TNV girls dvds years ago and know they did good stuff back then, shame they don't offer this as an add-on site but will certainly keep this site on my list to try.

Thanks again for the heads up as I'd never heard of the site before.

07-25-24  06:32am

Visit Next Door Sins

Next Door Sins
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Thanks for the reply, yeah certainly looks like the girl next door type and more amateur stuff which I go for more than generic porn by numbers on most other sites. I've bought TNV girls dvds years ago and know they did good stuff back then, shame they don't offer this as an add-on site but will certainly keep this site on my list to try.

Thanks again for the heads up as I'd never heard of the site before.

07-25-24  06:32am

Visit Next Door Sins

Next Door Sins
Reply of Wraith0711's Comment

Hi Wraith, Yeah it looks good but not the best preview without seeing the models on the site, is it a largish site or tiny as its hard to know how many videos or models included, also the link at the top TNVgirls is this site included or totally separate.

07-20-24  09:23am

Visit Tushy.com


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Great looking models to be found on the site
- Great mixture of models to suit your preferences
- High classy scenes
- Decent download speeds
- Good Pricing
- Large back catalogue so plenty of videos to choose from now
Cons: - Has a download limit of 25 a week
- Sometimes the videos are a little the same
- Lots of lingerie scenes but maybe this is a plus for you
- Large file sizes
Bottom Line: It's been a few years now since I was last a member of Tushy but joined again as they had a Christmas discount and there were new girls on there obviously during this time that I thought would be great to add to the collection. The site itself hasn't changed really since I was a member 2 or 3 years ago but just grown in size, they update usually one scene a week, unsure if they did manage that during the worst part of covid but that's understandable, this was a strange time and restrictions everywhere with what you could do, certainly here in the UK there was.

The thing I like about these sites I think the company is called Madcheddar or it used to be (might just be vixens now though which is weird as one of the sites is that so for this review I'll call them madcheddar) is they film porn at a really high-end classy output and all the women are not really over done with the makeup and wearing slutty clothes like you see sometimes on other sites, the women here are often more wearing expensive clothes and you see lingerie lots, strangely posh lingerie has never really done it for me personally, I know loads of men love women in lingerie but I much prefer just normal underwear or sporty underwear if I'm honest. I think the sites this company does tend to mix it up OK and when it gets to the sex scenes they are usually naked, some scenes maybe they keep lingerie on but there's lots of scenes so skip those that maybe don't appeal so much to you. The settings too on these sites are what sells it as being a cut above the rest with not just a normal everyday house, they film at these really luxurious mansions and exotic locations. I love the outdoor scenes the best and in general on other sites too really like wow girls scenes outdoors in places like Ibiza, the girls look the most hottest soaking up the sun and having sex outside.

On all of madcheddars sites they now have a download restriction that is set to 25 a week, its annoying if you've never been a member as you are going to need to probably get more than a months downloads will give you. If you've been a member in the past it's not so much a problem as it's unlikely you'll want every video, we all have different preferences so just getting those you like the most. I used to join sites and think I should get nearly all but soon found out they take too much room on hard drives and you simply never get around to looking at them all, so many movies I have that if you only sort of fancy them you end up just never giving the movie a full watch and it's just taking space up. So now I'm much more selective with who I can be downloading and the fact is some of the 720p scenes are into the 3GB somehow, I normally get scenes on other sites in 1080 but these were so large on Madcheddar sites I have to settle for the 720p, not sure why they have to be so large though.

Overall Tushy is a great site full of some great scenes and some real gems to be found. Its a site I know I will be keeping an eye out for their updates, I don't say that about too many sites and know I'll return to be a member again.

01-11-24  02:32am

Replies (0)
Visit Blacked Raw

Blacked Raw
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Thanks I joined in the end and it says now its every 7 days

01-11-24  02:24am

Visit Hegre


Wow looks so much more tempting now in my eyes

Hegre is a site that I have enjoyed for it solo models and more for the group girl stuff, actual sex it didn't really go near and odd video stepped into this arena but mainly solo models stuff, really looks like things have changed with them going much more adventurous into more penetration scenes, not joined myself yet as will wait till they add some more but the latest vids look so tempting and think they could be onto something special with highend erotica, would love them to just concentrate in making each video more like this as no one else is producing arty hardcore as good as what these previews show, well not maybe some companies do but not many, loads doing solo model stuff.

12-23-23  12:39pm

Replies (0)
Visit Blacked Raw

Blacked Raw

Is it 25 a week or a month Limit

I thought it used to be a week this limit but the last review says its 25 a month, does anyone know if its a week or a month, if its a month I wouldn't join.

12-22-23  09:41am

Replies (2)
Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of BLKE444's Comment

Yeah totally agree with you, never understood this thinking, they are missing so many subscribers and money for people that are into downloading, I'd never join a site for a year or ever join a streaming only one either.

09-08-23  03:43am

Visit Zishy

Reply of LKLK's Reply

No worries, yes I blame onlyfans and sites like this that have shown good looking girls another way of making money, lots of mainstream porn sites struggle to find the girls now that make people subscribe more. I also don't think streaming only helps the porn industry as part of the fun for lots of people was collecting your fav models, take this away and less cute girls doing mainstream then sadly it has a downward spiral in the interest in mainstream porn.

Zishy finds some real beauties though, love to see some of the real cuties do more nude work though have to say.

Still good sites out there but not as many as there used to be that had a real buzz about them.

07-10-23  06:31am

Visit Zishy

Reply of LKLK's Comment

Yeah same here, it just shows the normal price now for $15, shame I was thinking of joining again.

07-09-23  02:11am

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of Trump2020's Reply

yeah that doesn't sound good, hope they don't do it in the UK

06-29-23  03:42am

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of Trump2020's Comment

Yeah I agree it a real downward spiral in porn when you just have streaming, seems so pointless to me, I'm oldskool downloads all the way and watch them in your own time in a collection of fav models.

Have you tried contacting them and seeing if they have a download subscription available.

06-27-23  12:33pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of SelenaMetArt's Reply

Thanks Selena for your help yes received the link, had signed up with another site. I take it the link will last a couple of weeks. Also curious to know can it be used more than once at this deal price if I cancelled and signed up again, or is this not possible.


03-17-23  02:45am

Visit MetArt

Reply of SelenaMetArt's Reply

Hi Selena

Yeah already contacted them ask them if they had a link for an epoch or ccbill for this discounted deal and someone replied said

Hi there,

I do apologize for the inconvenience. The discounts are only available on the discount site . Thank you.

Rather confused with this brief answer, I sent back asking if they could confirm that they didn't have any ccbill or epoch for any deal site as I didn't want to use Rocketgate but no one got back to me, this was 17.30 yesterday UK time.

Oh well thanks anyway Selena for trying

03-16-23  02:41am

Visit MetArt

Reply of SelenaMetArt's Reply

Hi Selena

Sadly, there is no there is no paypal included under step 2, just Visa, Mastercard, Discover and JCB

I'm from the UK

03-15-23  01:22pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of SelenaMetArt's Reply

Hi so went to join today and no can't see any link saying Alternative Payment Options just this Rocketgate one

03-15-23  09:52am

Visit MetArt

Reply of SelenaMetArt's Reply

Hi Selena, thanks for getting back with this and great to know that its still possible to use epoch or ccbill. I'll join soon, currently on femjoy so it will be a month or two.

01-12-23  12:23pm

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

Thanks PinkPanther for this, something really worth knowing before signing up, sounds a bit of a hassle. You'd think they have been doing it so long these things would be sorted.

01-09-23  03:12am

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