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11-04-20  01:32am - 1416 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Trump claims victory.

Trump claims victory. Threatens to go to the Supreme Court to stop the voting.

President Trump, in an effort to stop the Democrats from stealing the election, has stood up for justice and the American way of life.

Trump has vowed to go to the Supreme Court to stop the Communists, the Socialists, and unwashed Mexicans and unwashed Canadians from stealing our votes.

Vote today, and keep America free, White, and the nation of God-fearing people.


Note: only registered Republicans can vote today, and in the near future. Votes by Democrats will not be allowed or counted.

11-04-20  05:37am - 1415 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Trump says he's won the election. But Biden, a poor loser, is trying to steal Trump's victory.

Trump says he's already won the election. Why he hasn't.

Yahoo News
David Knowles
Nov 4th 2020 5:20AM

President Trump prematurely declared that he had won reelection early Wednesday morning, while millions of votes had yet to be counted in the key states that could decide the contest in former Vice President Joe Biden’s favor.

“Millions and millions of people voted for us tonight, and a very sad group of people is trying to disenfranchise that group of people. And we won’t stand for it,” Trump said to a group of supporters in the East Room of the White House at around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday.

Election officials in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Nevada and Alaska, which all remained too close to call, continued to count the votes that will decide which candidate reaches the threshold of 270 Electoral College votes to claim victory.

As of 3:30 a.m. ET, Biden had 238 electoral votes to 213 for Trump. If Trump were in fact to carry all the states where he was in the lead, he would win the election comfortably. But that’s not how elections work.

“We won Texas by 700,000 votes, and they don’t even include it in the tabulations,” Trump said. “It’s also clear that we have won Georgia. We’re up by 2.5 percent or 117,000 votes, with only 7 percent left. They’re never going to catch us. They can’t catch us.”

After Trump was declared the winner in Texas, networks added the state’s 38 electoral votes to his total, so it was not clear what the president meant. In Georgia, news organizations like the Associated Press had held off making a call, because there were still enough uncounted votes to allow either candidate to win there.

Trump also complained that North Carolina had yet to be called in his favor, and took issue with Fox News for calling the race in Arizona for Biden.

“If you look and you see, Arizona we have a lot of life in that, and somebody said, somebody declared that it was a victory for, and maybe it will be — I mean that’s possible, but certainly there were a lot of votes out there that we could get, because we’re now just coming into what we call Trump territory.”

Moments after the president delivered his remarks, the Associated Press projected that Biden had won the state of Arizona and its 11 electoral votes.

Trump also claimed victory in Michigan, where he was leading, but only 55 percent of the vote had been tallied at the time he was speaking.

Then, repeating a contention that he has often floated, Trump alleged that Democrats had launched a conspiracy against him, using mail-in ballots.

“I’ve been saying this since the day I heard they were going to send out tens of millions of ballots. Because either they were going to win, or if they didn’t win, they were going to take us to court,” Trump said.

A few moments later, though, he went on, “We will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop.”

In truth, the counting of votes in American presidential elections routinely drags on for days, as absentee and mail-in ballots are tabulated. Twenty-three states allow for those ballots to be tallied after Election Day, as long as they are postmarked by the date of the election. State legislatures controlled by Republicans in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin have refused to allow election officials there to tabulate mail ballots before Election Day.

Trump may not like it, but that is the way our elections are conducted, despite his months of campaigning to discredit voting by mail and his insistence that this year, the counting of votes not extend beyond Nov. 3.

“This is a fraud on the American public,” Trump said. “This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election.”

11-04-20  04:17pm - 1415 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Dead man wins election to North Dakota state legislature. Proving that the best candidate can sometimes win.

North Dakota politician who died from coronavirus wins House race

New York Daily News
Nov 4th 2020 9:09AM

North Dakota residents elected a dead man to the state legislature Tuesday.

Republican David Andahl, 55, died Oct. 5 after a short battle with coronavirus. Less than a month later, Bismarck voters sent him and running mate Dave Nehring to the state House of Representatives out of District 8.

Early Wednesday morning results had Andahl garnering about 35% of the vote in the district, with only Nehring beating him at about 40%, according to the state election board.

State Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem ruled last month that all votes cast for Andahl should still be counted and that, if he won, a vacancy would be created in his seat. The seat could then be filled either by a legislative member’s party or by voters in a special election.

District 8 Republican Chairman Loren DeWitz said an appointment would “be open to anybody who would like to” seek it, according to the Bismarck Tribune.

“I want it to be wide open and fair," he told the paper.

Andahl, a cattle rancher and race car driver, was hospitalized for four days in early October after testing positive for coronavirus.

“He had a lot of feelings for his county and his country and wanting to make things better, and his heart was in farming. He wanted things better for farmers and the coal industry,” his mother, Pat Andahl, told the Tribune after his death.

"So many things he was very passionate about, and was hoping that he could get into the Legislature and be of some help. He was looking forward to it. He was looking forward to being part of that.”

11-05-20  04:52am - 1414 days #4
LKLK (0)
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Trump needs to declare martial law.
Have Biden and that dangerous criminal Kamala Harris arrested for illegal acts and fraud.
Trump must assume command of the White House, to keep people safe.

To stop vote fraud, Trump needs to stop the vote counting: Trump has already declared victory.
Support Trump.
Put the fraudsters Biden and Harris in jail, where they belong.
Trump sues in 3 states, laying ground for contesting outcome

The Associated Press
Nov 4th 2020 9:16PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's campaign filed lawsuits Wednesday in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, laying the groundwork for contesting battleground states as he slipped behind Democrat Joe Biden in the hunt for the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House.

The new filings, joining existing Republican legal challenges in Pennsylvania and Nevada, demand better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots are being processed and counted, and absentee ballot concerns, the campaign said. However, at one Michigan location in question The Associated Press observed poll watchers from both sides monitoring on Wednesday.

The AP called Michigan for Democrat Joe Biden on Wednesday. Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia are undecided.

The Trump campaign also is seeking to intervene in a Pennsylvania case at the Supreme Court that deals with whether ballots received up to three days after the election can be counted, deputy campaign manager Justin Clark said.

The actions reveal an emerging legal strategy that the president had signaled for weeks, namely that he would attack the integrity of the voting process in states where the result could mean his defeat.

His campaign also announced that it would ask for a recount in Wisconsin, a state the AP called for Biden on Wednesday afternoon. Campaign manager Bill Stepien cited “irregularities in several Wisconsin counties,” without providing specifics.

Biden said Wednesday the count should continue in all states, adding, “No one’s going to take our democracy away from us — not now, not ever."

Campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said legal challenges were not the behavior of a winning campaign.

“What makes these charades especially pathetic is that while Trump is demanding recounts in places he has already lost, he’s simultaneously engaged in fruitless attempts to halt the counting of votes in other states in which he’s on the road to defeat,” Bates said in a statement.

Election officials continued to count votes across the country, the normal process on the day following voting. Unlike in previous years, states were contending with an avalanche of mail ballots driven by fears of voting in person during a pandemic. At least 103 million people voted early, either by mail or in-person, representing 74% of the total votes cast in the 2016 presidential election.

Every election, results reported on election night are unofficial and the counting of ballots extends past Election Day. Mail ballots normally take more time to verify and count. This year, because of the large numbers of mail ballots and a close race, results were expected to take longer.

The Trump campaign said it is calling for a temporary halt in the counting in Michigan and Pennsylvania until it is given “meaningful” access in numerous locations and allowed to review ballots that already have been opened and processed.

The AP's Michigan call for Biden came after the suit was filed. The president is ahead in Pennsylvania but his margin is shrinking as more mailed ballots are counted.

There have been no reports of fraud or any type of ballot concerns out of Pennsylvania. The state had 3.1 million mail-in ballots that take time to count and an order allows them to be received and counted up until Friday if they are postmarked by Nov. 3.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said in a CNN interview the lawsuit was “more a political document than a legal document.”

“There is transparency in this process. The counting has been going on. There are observers observing this counting, and the counting will continue,” he said.

The Michigan lawsuit claims Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, was allowing absentee ballots to be counted without teams of bipartisan observers as well as challengers. She’s accused of undermining the “constitutional right of all Michigan voters...to participate in fair and lawful elections.” Michigan Democrats said the suit was a longshot.

Poll watchers from both sides were plentiful Wednesday at one major polling place in question — the TCF Center in Detroit, The Associated Press observed. They checked in at a table near the entrance to the convention center’s Hall E and strolled among the tables where ballot processing was taking place. In some cases, they arrived en masse and huddled together for a group discussion before fanning out to the floor. Uniformed Detroit police officers were on hand to make sure everyone was behaving.

Mark Brewer, a former state Democratic chairman who said he was observing the Detroit vote counting as a volunteer lawyer, said he had been at the TCF arena all day and had talked with others who had been there the past couple of days. He said Republicans had not been denied access.

“This is the best absentee ballot counting operation that Detroit has ever had. They are counting ballots very efficiently, despite the obstructing tactics of the Republicans.”

GOP lawyers had already launched legal challenges involving absentee votes in Pennsylvania and Nevada, contesting local decisions that could take on national significance in the close election.

In one appeal to a Pennsylvania appellate court, the Trump campaign complained that one of its representatives was prevented from seeing the writing on mail-in ballots that were being opened and processed in Philadelphia. A judge in Philadelphia dismissed it, saying that poll observers are directed to observe, not audit.

The Georgia lawsuit filed in Chatham County essentially asks a judge to ensure the state laws are being followed on absentee ballots. Campaign officials said they were considering peppering a dozen other counties around the state with similar claims around absentee ballots.

Trump, addressing supporters at the White House early Wednesday, talked about taking the undecided race to the Supreme Court. Though it was unclear what he meant, his comments evoked a reprise of the court’s intervention in the 2000 presidential election that ended with a decision effectively handing the presidency to George W. Bush.

But there are important differences from 2000 and they already were on display. In 2000, Republican-controlled Florida was the critical state and Bush clung to a small lead. Democrat Al Gore asked for a recount and the Supreme Court stopped it.

To some election law experts, calling for the Supreme Court to intervene now seemed premature, if not rash.

A case would have to come to the court from a state in which the outcome would determine the election’s winner, Richard Hasen, a University of California, Irvine, law professor, wrote on the Election Law blog. The difference between the candidates’ vote totals would have to be smaller than the ballots at stake in the lawsuit

“As of this moment (though things can change) it does not appear that either condition will be met,” Hasen wrote.

Ohio State University election law professor Edward Foley wrote on Twitter Wednesday: “The valid votes will be counted. (The Supreme Court) would be involved only if there were votes of questionable validity that would make a difference, which might not be the case. The rule of law will determine the official winner of the popular vote in each state. Let the rule of law work.”

Biden campaign attorney Bob Bauer said if Trump goes to the high court, “he will be in for one of the most embarrassing defeats a president has ever suffered by the highest court in the land.”

The justices could decide to step into the dispute over the three-day extension for absentee ballots if they prove crucial to the outcome in Pennsylvania.

Even a small number of contested votes could matter if a state determines the winner of the election and the gap between Trump and Biden is small.


Associated Press writers Ben Nadler in Atlanta, John Flesher in Traverse City, Mich., Mike Householder and Ed White in Detroit, Nomaan Merchant in Houston, Kathleen Ronayne in Sacramento, Calif., and David Eggert in Lansing, Mich., contributed to this report.

11-06-20  06:37am - 1413 days #5
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
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Trump must declare martial law to save America's freedom.
Biden, the sore loser, is trying to steal the presidency away from Trump.
Trump must remain firm and strong as he fights off this threat.
Only in God can we trust, and Trump is God's choice to lead Americans in the fight against Socialism and Communism.

Do we want to let the Socialists and Communists into our country, and take our Freedoms away from us?
Vote for Trump!!!

A special law has been passed that only Republicans can vote in the days ahead, to ensure that Trump remains our President-For-Life.
And Ivanka is waiting in the wings, to continue the proud legacy of her father, once he passes the torch to his beloved daughter.
God save America.
Vote for Trump.

Also, as Trump himself has declared, the election must be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court in the land.
Only these judges have the wisdom and integrity of knowing who is the true, real President-For-Life of the United States.
These Supreme judges bow down to Trump, our God-given leader.

Biden sees path to 270; Trump attacks election integrity

The Associated Press
Nov 6th 2020 6:05AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is testing how far he can go in using the trappings of presidential power to undermine confidence in this week's election against Joe Biden, as the Democrat gained ground in tight contests in some key battleground states.

With his pathway to re-election appearing to shrink, Trump on Thursday advanced unsupported accusations of voter fraud to falsely argue that his rival was trying to seize power. It amounted to an extraordinary effort by a sitting American president to sow doubt about the democratic process.

“This is a case when they are trying to steal an election, they are trying to rig an election,” Trump said from the podium of the White House briefing room.

The president's remarks deepened a sense of anxiety in the U.S. as Americans enter their third full day after the election without knowing who would serve as president for the next four years. His statements also prompted a rebuke from some Republicans, particularly those looking to steer the party in a different direction in a post-Trump era.

Neither candidate has reached the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House. But Biden eclipsed Trump in Wisconsin and Michigan, two crucial Midwestern battleground states, overtook the president in Georgia and was inching closer to doing the same in Pennsylvania, where votes were still be counted.

It was unclear when a national winner would be determined after a long, bitter campaign dominated by the coronavirus and its effects on Americans and the national economy. The U.S. on Wednesday set another record for daily confirmed cases as several states posted all-time highs. The pandemic has killed more than 233,000 people in the United States.

Biden spent Thursday trying to ease tensions and project a more traditional image of presidential leadership. After participating in a coronavirus briefing, he declared that “each ballot must be counted.”

“I ask everyone to stay calm. The process is working,” Biden said. “It is the will of the voters. No one, not anyone else who chooses the president of the United States of America.”

Biden’s victories in the upper Midwest put him in a strong position, but Trump showed no sign of giving up. He was back on Twitter around 2:30 a.m. Friday, insisting the “U.S. Supreme Court should decide!”

It could take several more days for the vote count to conclude and a clear winner to emerge. With millions of ballots yet to be tabulated, Biden already had received more than 73 million votes, the most in history.

Trump’s erroneous claims about the integrity of the election challenged Republicans now faced with the choice of whether to break with a president who, though his grip on his office grew tenuous, commanded sky-high approval ratings from rank-and-file members of the GOP.

Maryland GOP Gov. Larry Hogan, a potential 2024 presidential hopeful who has often criticized Trump, said unequivocally: “There is no defense for the President’s comments tonight undermining our Democratic process. America is counting the votes, and we must respect the results as we always have before.”

But others who are rumored to be considering a White House run of their own in four years aligned themselves with the incumbent, including Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., who tweeted support for Trump’s claims, writing that “If last 24 hours have made anything clear, it’s that we need new election integrity laws NOW.”

Trump’s campaign engaged in a flurry of legal activity to try to improve the Republican president’s chances, requesting a recount in Wisconsin and filing lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia.

Judges in Georgia and Michigan quickly dismissed Trump campaign lawsuits there on Thursday.

Trump held a small edge in Georgia, though Biden was gaining on him as votes continued to be counted. The same was true in Pennsylvania, where Trump’s lead had slipped to about 22,000 votes — and the race is destined to get tighter.

One reason is because elections officials were not allowed to process mail-in ballots until Election Day under state law. It’s a form of voting that has skewed heavily in Biden’s favor after Trump spent months claiming without proof that voting by mail would lead to widespread voter fraud.

Mail ballots from across the state were overwhelmingly breaking in Biden’s direction. A final vote total may not be clear for days because the use of mail-in ballots, which take more time to process, has surged as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Trump campaign said it was confident the president would ultimately pull out a victory in Arizona, where votes were also still being counted, including in Maricopa County, the state’s most populous area. The AP has declared Biden the winner in Arizona and said Thursday that it was monitoring the vote count as it proceeded.

“The Associated Press continues to watch and analyze vote count results from Arizona as they come in,” said Sally Buzbee, AP’s executive editor. “We will follow the facts in all cases.”

Trump's campaign was lodging legal challenges in several states, though he faced long odds. He would have to win multiple suits in multiple states in order to stop vote counts, since more than one state was undeclared.

Some of the Trump team's lawsuits only demand better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots are being processed and counted. A judge in Georgia dismissed the campaign’s suit there less than 12 hours after it was filed. And a Michigan judge dismissed a Trump lawsuit over whether enough GOP challengers had access to handling of absentee ballots

Biden attorney Bob Bauer said the suits were legally “meritless.” Their only purpose, he said “is to create an opportunity for them to message falsely about what’s taking place in the electoral process.” Edited on Nov 06, 2020, 06:43am

11-06-20  07:04am - 1413 days #6
LKLK (0)
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Lies the Socialists and Communists are spreading about our President.
Must we gather our .357 Magnums, our AK47 submachine gun rifles, and take to the street to defend ourselves from the looters, rapists, hate-mongering rebels who are trying to destroy President Trump?

Stand firm, people. We must remain true to Trump!!!

Stephen Colbert Fights Tears While Eviscerating Trump’s Election Lies: ‘He Tried to Poison Democracy’
“Republicans have to speak up. All of them," Colbert said. "For evil to succeed, all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing."

Zack Sharf

Stephen Colbert started the November 5 episode of his “A Late Show” by eviscerating the lies Donald Trump is peddling about the 2020 presidential election results. The president gave a press conference shortly before Colbert recorded the episode and claimed that “if you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us.” Trump declared “historic election interference” is taking place, which led to an impassioned monologue from Colbert in which he fought back tears at one point while condemning Trump’s conspiracies.

“We’re taping this just a little while after Donald Trump walked into the White House briefing room and tried to poison American democracy,” Colbert said. “That’s why I’m not sitting down yet. I just don’t feel like it yet. That’s also why I’m dressed for a funeral. Because Donald Trump tried really hard to kill something tonight.”

Colbert said Trump’s claims are made up of “just nonsensical stuff about illegal vote dumps and corrupt election officials and secret Democratic counting cabals and, I don’t know, long-form birth certificates, probably. It’s all the same. And if you didn’t know that Joe Biden was getting close to 270, Donald Trump just provided all the proof you will ever need.”

“We all knew he would do this,” the late night host continued. “What I did not know is that it would hurt so much. I didn’t expect this to break my heart. For him to cast a dark shadow on our most sacred right, from the briefing room in the White House — our house, not his — that is devastating. … This is heartbreaking for the same reason that I didn’t want him to get COVID, certainly why I wanted him to survive, because he is the president of the United States. That office means something and that office should have some shred of decency.”

Colbert then called on Republicans all over the United States to “speak up” against Trump. “All of them,” he added, “Because for evil to succeed, all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing. So say something, right now, Republicans.”

11-09-20  09:39am - 1410 days #7
LKLK (0)
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Russia missed its chance.
After Trump tweeted he would send nuclear missiles to destroy the rebel states that were trying to remove him from office, Russia could have sent Russian troops to help stabilize the United States and keep the rebels from rioting in the streets.

But it's too late now. Rebels are trying to seize control of the White House, and Trump is under vicious attack.

Will Trump survive and lead us out of the virus epidemic?
Stay tuned for further news as Americans battle it out and violence and bloodshed stain the streets.
Kremlin: Putin won't congratulate Biden until challenges end

The Associated Press
Nov 9th 2020 10:37AM

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t congratulate President-elect Joe Biden until legal challenges to the U.S. election are resolved and the result is official, the Kremlin announced Monday.

Putin is one of a handful of world leaders who have not commented on Biden’s victory, which was called by major news organizations on Saturday. But President Donald Trump's team has promised legal action in the coming days and refused to concede his loss, while alleging large-scale voter fraud, so far without proof.

When Trump won in 2016, Putin was prompt in offering congratulations — but Trump's challenger in that election, Hillary Clinton, also conceded the day after the vote.

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Monday that this year is different.

“Obviously, you can see that certain legal procedures are coming there, which were announced by the incumbent president — therefore this situation is different, so we consider it correct to wait for the official announcement,” he said.

The leaders of China, Brazil and Turkey also are holdouts in offering congratulations. And Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador also said he would wait to comment until the legal challenges were resolved.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin offered a similar explanation of why President Xi Jinping has stayed silent.

“We understand the presidential election result will be determined following U.S. laws and procedures,” he said.

Peskov suggested that when the time comes, a congratulatory message from Putin would come with all the expected protocol.

“I remind you that Vladimir Putin said more than once that he will respect any choice of American people, and will be ready to work with any chosen president of the United States,” he said.

For now, Putin's holding back allows a delay in addressing that fraught question of how to improve relations. Although Russian politicians widely lauded Trump's election in 2016, expecting him to make good on his promises of improving ties, his administration disappointed Moscow by enacting sanctions, expelling scores of Russian diplomats in the wake of the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal in the U.K., and authorizing lethal weapons sales to Ukraine.

But Russia is characteristically wary of Democratic U.S. administrations because they tend to be more forward about criticizing Russia on human rights and democracy issues.

Biden, in a 2011 trip to Russia as vice president, epitomized that approach in a speech at Moscow Statue University, the country's most prestigious higher education institution.

“Don’t compromise on the basic elements of democracy. You need not make that Faustian bargain," he told students.

Biden also is tainted in Russia's eyes by having been the Obama administration's point-man in Ukraine after the uprising that drove the country's Kremlin-friendly president from power in 2014. Russia contended that those protests were fomented by the United States.

Russian officials frequently blamed the difficulties of Moscow-Washington relations during the Trump administration on alleged “Russophobia” carried over from the Obama years. Some politicians expect that could increase under Biden.

“With the victory of a Democrat, one can expect revenge from all nonconservative forces around the world. This means more Russophobia in Europe, more deaths in (eastern Ukraine) and in many other hot spots of the world, as well as more politically motivated sanctions, if we talk about the direct and simplest consequences,” said Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the upper house of parliament, whose views generally parallel the Kremlin's.

“The Biden administration may return to a much more assertive policy in the post-Soviet space, which is always extremely unnerving for Moscow,” Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the Russia In Global Affairs journal, told the state news agency Tass.

Both, however, noted that a Biden administration is likely to be more amenable to international cooperation, especially in arms control such as renewing the New START treaty between Russia and the U.S. that is to expire next year.

Kosachev also suggested that Biden’s election would largely eliminate complaints about Russian election interference, thereby smoothing the way for armaments agreements.

“Not that we believe Washington will be sobering up, but at least a key irritant can go away. Is this not a reason for the resumption of negotiations, for example, on arms control? We are definitely ready," he said.

11-14-20  06:10pm - 1405 days #8
LKLK (0)
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President Trump attacks N.Y. governor, says he will withhold the Covid vaccine from New York state until Cuomo approves.
Trump has a heart of gold.
He will suffer internally while New Yorkers die: but Trump has to follow the law, and can't release the vaccine to New York until there is legal authority.
However, Cuomo says the Prez is full of bullshit. Many states are holding review panels on the safety of the upcoming vaccine.
And New York has said if Trump wants to play games with people’s lives, we will sue and we will win."

However, Trump's failure to concede is already affecting Biden's plans to combat the virus by blocking his ability to communicate with government officials about their current efforts.
Trump's dignity is more important than saving lives.
Trump attacks N.Y. gov, says he'll withhold Covid vaccine from state until Cuomo approves

NBC News
Dareh Gregorian and Natalia Abrahams and Dartunorro Clark
Nov 14th 2020 1:21PM

President Donald Trump threatened to withhold a coronavirus vaccine from New York state on Friday and escalated his feud with Gov. Andrew Cuomo during his first public comments since Joe Biden was projected the winner in the presidential race.

Trump — snapping the longest stretch of silence in his presidency — began his remarks in the White House Rose Garden by touting the effectiveness of Operation Warp Speed, his administration's initiative to spur production of a vaccine, before taking aim at his home state.

"As soon as April the vaccine will be available to the entire general population, with the exception of places like New York state, where for political reasons the governor decided to say — and I don't think it's good politically, I think it's very bad from a health standpoint — but he wants to take his time on the vaccine," Trump said.

He was referring to comments Cuomo made in September, where he said he planned to have a panel of experts review a vaccine because he was concerned that Trump was trying to rush one out ahead of the presidential election.

"He doesn't trust where the vaccines coming from," Trump continued. "So the governor, Gov. Cuomo will have to let us know when he's ready for it, otherwise we, we can't be delivering it to a state that won't be giving it to its people, immediately. And I know many I know the people in New York very well I know they want it. So the governor will let us know when he's ready," he added.

"I hope he doesn't handle this as badly as he's handled the nursing homes. But we're ready to provide it as soon as they let us know that they'll actually use it," Trump said.

The comments came as the virus that's already killed over 244,000 in the U.S. has surged across the country in recent weeks, with spikes in infections and hospitalizations from coast-to-coast, including in New York.

Asked about Trump's comments, Cuomo told MSNBC, "None of what he said is true."

"We're all excited about the possibilities about a vaccine," Cuomo said, adding his state review panel would review the information on the vaccine at the same time as the Food and Drug Administration, and was designed to instill public confidence.

Other states are doing the same thing, he noted. "Ours is headed by a Nobel Prize Laureate who will review the FDA process so we could say to people it is safe, you should take the vaccine," Cuomo said.

In a statement, New York Attorney General Letitia James called Trump's threat "nothing more than vindictive behavior by a lame-duck president trying to extract vengeance on those who oppose his politics."

"Once there is a fully-developed Covid-19 vaccine, we are confident that a Biden-Harris Administration will provide New York with the proper number of doses so that our state’s residents can achieve immunity. If dissemination of the vaccine takes place in the twilight of a Trump Administration and the president wants to play games with people’s lives, we will sue and we will win," James said.

Trump took no questions and only made a passing reference to the election in his remarks, when he vowed the country would not lock down again. While doing so, he acknowledged for the first time publicly that he might not be in office much longer.

"This administration will not be going to a lockdown hopefully the, the, whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration will be, I guess time will tell, but I can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown," Trump said.

Trump's failure to concede is already affecting his successor's plan to combat the virus by blocking his ability to communicate with government officials about their current efforts.

That has doctors close to Biden’s transition team working to develop their own plans to mass distribute a coronavirus vaccine, concerned that Trump administration planning will leave them underprepared when he leaves office.

Trump made no mention of the surge in cases, but Vice President Mike Pence did, and encouraged all Americans to "practice good hygiene, wash your hands, practice social distancing, wear a mask when that's not possible. We all have a role to play."

Trump has been seen since has last public remarks, leaving the White House to golf over the weekend and attending a Veterans Day wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

He has been very active on Twitter, where he's made numerous unfounded claims that the presidential election was "rigged" and that he actually won.

As of Friday morning, he'd sent 210 tweets or retweets since the briefing room appearance, while making no mention of the surge in coronavirus cases.

On Friday, he suggested he might make a public appearance on Saturday afternoon at a march his supporters are planning for Washington.

"Heartwarming to see all of the tremendous support out there, especially the organic Rallies that are springing up all over the Country, including a big one on Saturday in D.C. I may even try to stop by and say hello," he tweeted, adding, "This Election was Rigged."

NBC News made projections in the two outstanding states in the presidential race on Friday with Trump winning North Carolina and Biden the apparent winner in Georgia. That has Trump trailing Biden in the Electoral College vote 232 to 306. The number of votes needed to win is 270. Trump is also trailing Biden by over 5 million votes in the popular vote.

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