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Porn Users Forum » Undermining the authority of the Police. Terrible news.
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02-01-21  05:56am - 1326 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Undermining the authority of the Police. Terrible news.

If a cop wants to pepper spray a 9-year-old-girl, the cop has the right and authority to act in self defense.
Also, shots fired in the back of a suspect, while the suspect is running away, are legal: a cop has the right of self-defense, more than a civilian does.

Cops are the law: stand up for Cops, who defend you from thugs and other people of the lower classes.

And if the pepper spray did not work to subdue the girl, they should have tasered her.
And if that didn't work, they should have emptied a clip of .44 Magnum bullets into the suspect, because she was acting badly.
Being 9 years old does not excuse you from obeying the orders of a cop.

Power to the people. And to the cops!
Police pepper spray 9-year-old girl in New York
NBC Universal
Tim Stelloh
February 1, 2021, 5:21 AM

Authorities in Rochester, New York, are investigating a confrontation captured on video that shows police pepper spraying a 9-year-old girl while responding to a report of “family trouble,” officials said Sunday.

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren said she directed Police Chief Cynthia Herriott-Sullivan to investigate last Friday's incident, and the city’s police accountability board also will review what happened.

“This is not something that any of us should want to justify,” Warren said, adding that she saw “her baby’s face” when she looked at the 9-year-old girl.

Police were called after a report that the girl was threatening to harm herself and her mother, Deputy Chief Andre Anderson told reporters.

When officers tried to move the girl into a police car to take her to a hospital, she resisted, kicking one of the officers, Anderson said.

Body camera video released by the police department Sunday shows authorities handcuffing the girl while she repeatedly screams for her father and refuses to get in the vehicle.

“You’re acting like a child,” one of the officers says at one point.

“I am a child,” she can be heard responding.

In the video, officers can be heard saying that they would pepper spray her if she continued to resist. When an officer did, Anderson said, the “effects of that didn’t work.”

It isn't clear what happened before or after the video, which was edited by police, though Anderson said the girl was eventually taken to Rochester General Hospital and released.

The officers in the video have not been identified and additional details about the incident weren’t immediately available. A message left with the Rochester Police Department requesting an incident report wasn’t returned Sunday night.

The city's police union also did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but in comments cited by the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, union president Mike Mazzeo said the officer made a decision to subdue the girl and acted in a way that didn't injure her.

"I'm not saying there are not better ways to do things," Mazzeo told the newspaper. "But let's be realistic about what we're facing. ... It's not TV, it's not Hollywood. We don't have a simple (situation), where we can put out our hands and have somebody be instantly handcuffed and comply."

The confrontation comes less than a year after Daniel Prude, 41, died while being restrained by Rochester police with a “spit hood” over his head.

The police department’s chief and entire command staff resigned after Prude’s death, and the city enacted law enforcement reforms, including moving crisis intervention from the purview of police.

The city launched a “person in crisis” response team earlier this month, but it didn’t respond to Friday's confrontation because the initial 911 call didn't warrant it, Warren said.

“There were a number of events happening at once at this location, all of which required a police response,” she said.

She added that the city aims to provide a joint response between police and the crisis team to “improve how we protect our community.”

02-06-21  04:49pm - 1321 days #2
LKLK (0)
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The rich are different: They feel they don't have to follow the same rules that peons have to obey.
Metal detectors, that the public has to pass through: The rules don't apply to Republicans, who are too important to follow those rules.

So the Democrats passed a rule that people (Republicans) who refuse to go through metal detectors can be hit with a $5,000 fine.
Must be nice to have so much money you can pay $5,000 because you're too special to follow the same rules ordinary people have to follow.

But Republicans are smarter than ordinary people: they have read crime stories, and know how to hide guns and evade searches for weapons.
One congressman boasted he read "The Godfather", and knew about hiding guns in the restroom.
This was a Republican, of course: a Democrat would be too stupid to know about hiding a gun in a restroom.
So, like Al Pacino, who blew away a corrupt police captain and a Mafia leader, Republicans demand the right to carry guns to protect not only themselves but anyone who needs protecting, and to hell with the laws that say they can't carry weapons.
Reps. Louie Gohmert, Andrew Clyde hit with $5,000 fines for dodging metal detectors
Mary Papenfuss
February 6, 2021, 6:47 AM

Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) were each fined $5,000 on Friday for refusing to go through a metal detector before entering the House chamber.

A fine for another infraction could be as much as $10,000 each. The penalties will automatically be deducted from their salaries if they lose any appeals and refuse to pay.

Gohmert said in a statement Friday later that he’ll be “appealing the fine and taking whatever action is necessary, especially considering this policy is unconstitutional.” That may come as a surprise to Americans with less lofty positions who have been required to go through metal detectors for years.

The GOP lawmakers were the first to be fined for refusing to cooperate with the new security measure passed by the House on Tuesday following the violent storming of the Capitol by Donald Trump supporters last month. Five people died during the insurrection.

Gohmert complained in his statement that Democrats were “making up the rules as they go.”

Gohmert, who had skirted the detectors in previous days, explained that he initially went through the screening to enter the chamber. But then he left to use a restroom off of the Speaker’s lobby and did not go through the metal detector again when he returned.

Gohmert disdainfully quipped on Twitter that “unlike in The Godfather, there are no toilets with tanks where one could hide a gun in the restroom in the Speaker’s Lobby off the floor. Re-entry onto the floor ... should have been a non-issue,” he added.

If Gohmert, however, were a gun-carrying lawmaker, presumably an aide could provide him with a firearm after he left the chamber and he could explain later that he had simply been in the restroom.

Clyde could not immediately be reached for an explanation about his situation.

Critics, including some constituents, responded on Twitter that Gohmert should follow metal detector rules like everyone else on the planet.

02-06-21  05:08pm - 1321 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Location: CA
President Trump resigns from the Screen Actors Guild.
Says he is too important to associate with Hollywood actors who can't act.
Also, he resigns before they take away his SAG card.
Which means he can't vote on SAG elections, and loses other privileges.

Kicking a man when he is down: is this the end of the Trump legacy, where he will fight to make America Great Again?
SAG-AFTRA speaks on Trump's union resignation: 'Members were just fine with his decision'
Yahoo Finance
Alexandra Canal
February 6, 2021, 5:37 AM

Former President Donald Trump announced his resignation from The Screen Actors Guild on Thursday, following a disciplinary probe over his role in January’s deadly attack on the Capitol.

“I write to you today regarding the so-called Disciplinary Committee hearing aimed at revoking my union membership. Who cares!” Trump wrote in a fiery resignation letter to SAG-AFTRA president Gabrielle Carteris.

His resignation means he can no longer enjoy SAG-AFTRA benefits, which include voting on employment and government structure of the union — in addition to other unique privileges such as movie screeners during award season and more.

“While I'm not familiar with your work, I'm very proud of my work on movies such as 'Home Alone 2,' 'Zoolander' and 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps'; and television shows including 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,' 'Saturday Night Live,' and of course, one of the most successful shows in television history, 'The Apprentice' — to name just a few!” the letter continued.

In response, SAG-AGTRA had just two words for the former commander-in-chief: “Thank you.” National Executive Director David White told Yahoo Finance during a recent interview that the terse response “is all we really had to say.”
Former President Donald Trump announced his resignation from The Screen Actors Guild on Thursday following a disciplinary probe over his role in the deadly Capitol riot attacks on January 6th.

“We actually expected him to show up [to the disciplinary hearing] but I think the members were just fine with his decision to no longer be a part of this family,” White said.

Tinseltown’s move to penalize the former president comes as the Senate is poised to deliberate on Trump’s impeachment beginning next week.

White added that SAG faced pressure to revoke Trump’s membership even prior to January 6th’s attacks — with current union members arguing that his actions did not reflect “the integrity and values of the membership. It had nothing to do with his politics,” White explained.

Hollywood is notoriously left-leaning, but White stressed that the union is a non-partisan organization that was once under the leadership of former Republican President Ronald Reagan. The 40th U.S. Commander in Chief served as SAG-president from 1947-1952, and then again from 1959-1960.

“We had a number of members call with lots of concern about Mr. Trump’s actions as a candidate when he was calling the media ‘fake news,’ calling upon people to take action against journalists,” White explained.

“And we know for a fact that, prior to his election as a president, then as president and even after being president, that his words incited actual violence and harm against members of this union, along with many others,” he continued.

Legally, Trump can still appear in movies and TV shows despite the resignation, yet White suggested that union representation in Hollywood is often paramount.

“This industry is one that respects labor relations and respects the collective activities of unions quite a bit, so most producers do look to see whether or not the person is a member of the union in their hiring decisions,” White explained.

Alexandra Canal is a producer & entertainment correspondent at Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter @alliecanal8193.

02-07-21  05:45am - 1320 days #4
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA
Be true to your school.
It doesn't matter if Trump is a Nazi, a criminal, a liar, or shits over people he doesn't like.
If you're a Republican, you have to the support the man, no matter what he does.
Republicans are loyal.
They might be brain-dead, they might be assholes.
But they support the Party.
Wyoming GOP censures Rep. Liz Cheney over impeachment vote
AOL Associated Press
February 7, 2021, 7:46 AM

RAWLINS, Wyo. (AP) — The Wyoming Republican Party voted overwhelmingly Saturday to censure U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney for voting to impeach President Donald Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Only eight of the 74-member state GOP's central committee stood to oppose censure in a vote that didn't proceed to a formal count. The censure document accused Cheney of voting to impeach even though the U.S. House didn't offer Trump “formal hearing or due process.”

“We need to honor President Trump. All President Trump did was call for a peaceful assembly and protest for a fair and audited election," said Darin Smith, a Cheyenne attorney who lost to Cheney in the Republican U.S. House primary in 2016. “The Republican Party needs to put her on notice."

Added Joey Correnti, GOP chairman in Carbon County where the censure vote was held: "Does the voice of the people matter and if it does, does it only matter at the ballot box?”

Cheney has said repeatedly she voted her conscience in backing impeachment for the riot, which followed a rally where Trump encouraged supporters to get rid of lawmakers who “aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world.”

Far from leading a peaceful demonstration, Trump “summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack," Cheney said in a statement ahead of the Jan. 13 impeachment vote.

In a statement after the state GOP vote, Cheney said she remained honored to represent Wyoming and will always fight for issues that matter most to the state.

“Foremost among these is the defense of our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees. My vote to impeach was compelled by the oath I swore to the Constitution,” Cheney said.

Republican officials said they invited Cheney but she didn’t attend. An empty chair labeled “Representative Cheney” sat at the front of the meeting room.

The censure vote was the latest blowback for Cheney for joining nine Republican representatives and all Democrats in the U.S. House in voting to impeach. Just three months after winning a third term with almost 70%, Cheney already faces at least two Republican primary opponents in 2022.

They include Republican state Sen. Anthony Bouchard, a gun-rights activist from Cheyenne, who was at the meeting but not among those who spoke. Smith also has said he is deliberating whether to run for Congress again.

On Jan. 28, Republican U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, of Florida, led a rally against Cheney in front of the Wyoming Capitol. About 1,000 people took part, many of them carrying signs calling for Cheney's impeachment though several were supportive.

Cheney will remain as the third-ranking member of the House GOP leadership, however, after a 145-61 vote by House Republicans on Wednesday to keep her as conference committee chair.

Trump faces trial in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday over allegedly inciting insurrection when a mob of supporters stormed into and rampaged through the Capitol after the nearby rally led by Trump and close allies.

Censure opponents mainly came from Casper, Wyoming’s second-largest city, and the Jackson Hole area near Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks.

“Let’s resist this infusion of left-wing cancel culture to try to censure and get rid of anybody we disagree with,” said Alexander Muromcew with the Teton County GOP.

Momentum for censure had been growing for weeks as local Republicans in around a dozen of Wyoming's 23 counties passed their own resolutions criticizing her impeachment vote.

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