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04-28-08  01:33am - 6163 days Original Post - #1
Colm4 (0)
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Pictures: I don't understand it...

It seems that a lot of people are interested in pictures on pay-sites. But can someone explain to me why?

I mean, there's no movement, no sound, it's all staged and you have to constantly press a button or mouse to see the next one.
I will probably never be interested in it myself but I hope to understand it better why people like them so much.

04-28-08  04:14am - 6163 days #2
littlejoe (0)
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same with me. only use for pictures is if i wanna check them out while downloading vids

04-28-08  05:04am - 6163 days #3
roseman (0)

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Colm4, it is obvious that you don't like photosets much (you can have your reasons) but that does not mean that everyone else does not. '' Velvet Roses In My Way ''

04-28-08  11:19am - 6163 days #4
atrapat (0)
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It depends on the kind of content.

In glamour / softcore, I usually prefer photos over everything else because, the way I see it, many models strike great poses but aren't that good with their movements. Photographers in this field are also better at their job than videographers (many times videos are taken by a photo assistant). Porn is all the way around: the guy holding the videocamera is usually the one that's better at his job. Even though, I still like to see the pictures if available.

Also, when I started collecting porn, bandwidth was a real issue. I remember treasuring the first digital video file I ever had; it took like forever to download ... and it didn't completeley fill a 1.44Mb floppy disk. At that time, the only porn I could enjoy were pictures and I believe part of my liking for pictures could be that it is what was available when I started and I don't mind the "inconveniences" you mention.

04-28-08  11:48am - 6163 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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I'm a picture fan so I'll toss in my 2 cents here about why I prefer picks:

1. For me, bandwith is a bit of an issue as I don't want to spend all day downloading vids when I could pull a lot more picture sets instead. Pics also take up less room, although that isn't such a big issue these days, and are easier to manage in large numbers at least for me.
2. Another aspect is my limited attention span and interest in variety. I take some time to edit down my photo sets and put them into file sets. Put on the slide show function and you can cruise through many sets in the same time it takes to jump around a video looking for the scenes I like.
3. Bad acting is another reason. On many an occasion I've come across a hot babe in what could have been a hot scene only to be turned off by a mediocre "punching the clock" performance. With pictures your free to let your imagination fill in the blanks so to speak. I think you're less limited in that respect by pictures.
4. I also happen to just like photography. Some people don't go to see drama based movies because they don't like the genre; some people don't go to jazz concerts because they don't like jazz, etc. For me, it's just one of those things that floats my boat.

04-28-08  11:53am - 6163 days #6
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Colm4:

It seems that a lot of people are interested in pictures on pay-sites. But can someone explain to me why?

I mean, there's no movement, no sound, it's all staged and you have to constantly press a button or mouse to see the next one.
I will probably never be interested in it myself but I hope to understand it better why people like them so much.

I've always preferred pictures because there's no sound or movement. The image quality is usually considerably better than in videos, too. Not that I don't like videos at all, but they're just not my favorite thing.

You do realize that you're asking people about something that really cannot be adquately explained with reasons. They're just tastes, or what some might call preferences. Why do I get asked if I want cheese on a tuna sandwich? I think it's a weird question (the answer, to me at least, is obviously "no"), but I suppose some people like it. It makes me think of slow cows morphing into fast-moving, large fish. And some will insist on Swiss.

Some people think Americans are weird because they put ketchup on French Fries. And I'm sure that for some, foie gras is an acquired taste.

Frankly, I don't understand why people go for videos that take longer to download, have lower image quality, and take up more hard drive space. They often have bad editing, jerky camera movements, poor frame composition, mediocre sound (or annoying techno music tracks), and unrealistic or unappealing performances. And which they have to fast foward or click through on a player in order to skip past the parts they're not as interested in. But I'm not going to ask why. They can fucking have it if that's what they really want. LOL. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Apr 28, 2008, 12:06pm

04-28-08  12:06pm - 6163 days #7
Khan (0)

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As an aside ...

Originally Posted by Drooler:

Why do I get asked if I want cheese on a tuna sandwich? I think it's a weird question (the answer, to me at least, is obviously "no"), but I suppose some people like it.

ROFL !!!

I figured I was the only one who thought this an odd question. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
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04-28-08  01:51pm - 6162 days #8
jd1961 (0)
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Originally Posted by Colm4:

It seems that a lot of people are interested in pictures on pay-sites. But can someone explain to me why?

I mean, there's no movement, no sound, it's all staged and you have to constantly press a button or mouse to see the next one.
I will probably never be interested in it myself but I hope to understand it better why people like them so much.
Because with all photography, the movement is in the imagination. With videos, you are depending on someone else's imagination. And it's usually some schmoe with a camera having no idea what he's doing.

04-28-08  02:41pm - 6162 days #9
Goldfish (0)
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I prefer video myself but I download images on occasion for the screen saver.

04-28-08  04:44pm - 6162 days #10
pat362 (0)
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Although I'm not a great fan of photos/pictures. I can see the appeal in seeing a girl made much more attractive by the talent of the photographer. How often have I seen a website with a girl on it and thought to myself. Wow! that is one amazing looking girl. Then later on I see her in an hardcore movie, and althoughh it's the same girl. She has lost that wow quality. I guess it's true what they say about a picture being worth a thousand words. You never hear that said about a movie. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-28-08  09:02pm - 6162 days #11
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Originally Posted by Colm4:

It seems that a lot of people are interested in pictures on pay-sites. But can someone explain to me why?

I mean, there's no movement, no sound, it's all staged and you have to constantly press a button or mouse to see the next one.
I will probably never be interested in it myself but I hope to understand it better why people like them so much.

Wow. How strange. Colm, haven't you ever bought or borrowed a copy of Hustler, Penthouse, or some such magazine? Did you never have experience with men's magazines? If this is true, I have to assume you grew up with the Internet and developed an interest in video to the exclusion of pictures. If so, I can understand.

As for video: I am developing an interest in video, but not mainstream hardcore. I like anything that allows me a kind of precarious intimacy with a woman, which is why I like solo-women, though I'm not keen on masturbation vids since they seem so contrived.

As for most other porn: I don't know, but watching people fuck is boring to me. It was fascinating to me when I was younger, but it bores me to tears nowadays. There are some niches that interest me, like CFMN, various types of femdom, reverse gang-bang, but I waste a lot of time and money trying to find really good stuff in these areas. Don't get me wrong: there's tons of it available, just not tons of it that floats my boat. Consequently I rely mostly on my imagination, fueled by images of beautiful women which are imprinted in my noggin. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Edited on Apr 28, 2008, 09:06pm

04-29-08  06:49am - 6162 days #12
Colm4 (0)
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Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

Wow. How strange. Colm, haven't you ever bought or borrowed a copy of Hustler, Penthouse, or some such magazine? Did you never have experience with men's magazines? If this is true, I have to assume you grew up with the Internet and developed an interest in video to the exclusion of pictures. If so, I can understand.

That's right. As hard it is to believe, I never ever seen a Playboy or such magazine from the inside. I guess I'm just to cowardly to buy them in the shops.
And yes, though I'm already 33, I'm online for almost 15 years now, so I almost grew up with it.

Originally Posted by Drooler:

Frankly, I don't understand why people go for videos that take longer to download, have lower image quality, and take up more hard drive space. They often have bad editing, jerky camera movements, poor frame composition, mediocre sound (or annoying techno music tracks), and unrealistic or unappealing performances.

I agree to some of your complaints, however, I have a very fast connection and download an half hour movie in less then 10 minutes. Also with HD, image quality is great. As for the other things, like bad camera movement,sound,etc. yes that's annoying and can ruin a scene completely.

I did understand it was a bit of a weird question (happens to me often), but your replies gave me more insight and understand it much better now.

04-29-08  08:45am - 6162 days #13
messmer (0)
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I prefer pictures for the same reason you dislike them: no sound. If only those videographers shut up with their mindless babble/banter/so-called interviews I might watch videos more often. I also like pictures because there's more room to use one's imagination. There are also certain pictures that give me exactly the shot/angle I am looking for. If I stopped a video in the same spot it would be blurred like all screen captures. On the other hand I am starting to despair of ever getting a decent picture set because most are taken in portrait format which I despise. My latest crusade on the pay sites I subscribe to is to convince the web masters to mix up their sets a bit more, like half portrait, half landscape. If anyone will ever listen and do something about it, who knows! Few porn users seem to be bothered by it.

04-29-08  01:48pm - 6161 days #14
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there is a sense of forever in a photo in a different way to a video...with the right photo you have a sense of intimacy that is difficult to capture on a moving frame and is difficult to describe...a photo earns more respect from its viewer because it requires the viewer to pause. If it can capture you long enough for the pause, it is because your mind needs to assimilate the content of the image, and translate this image into a neural stimulus that requires more brain activity that a moving visual image that is saturated with sensory stimulus...the still image permits you to visualise your own fantasy as opposed to that being fed to you...

having applied FREUD as best I can, I'll like both, in BIG portions, but nothing that is past its sell-buy date...

nothing worse than steak that's turning green...

you need to mix it up...and having said all that...once you have the google map of your favorite model, I acually find the most appealing images are the ones where you can see the model's door to who she is...her eyes, her lips (on her face please guys)...

The one thing you don't get from images is her voice, and of all the dvd scenes my favorites are the bonus scenes where the girls are being them... Beautiful Girls Covered in Pearls and No Oysters in Sight

04-29-08  01:52pm - 6161 days #15
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

Wow. How strange. Colm, haven't you ever bought or borrowed a copy of Hustler, Penthouse, or some such magazine? Did you never have experience with men's magazines? If this is true, I have to assume you grew up with the Internet and developed an interest in video to the exclusion of pictures. If so, I can understand.

Maybe the strong differences in preferences can be at least somewhat understood by this. I hit 40 just around the time that the Internet that we know was really starting to pick up speed (though "www" then still often meant "world wide wait").

So nudie pics in mags featured prominently in my formative years. I'd learn Dad's in's and out's at home so I'd know when it was safe to delve into his Playboy stash and get another brain soaking of Miss January with the 60's hairstyle and also get a dose of social acculturation from Little Annie Fannie. (Anybody else remember those cartoons? They were hilarious!)

Not that the Playboy style interests me anymore. It's too tame. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

04-29-08  01:56pm - 6161 days #16
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by JBDICK:

the still image permits you to visualise your own fantasy as opposed to that being fed to you...

I was trying to think of how to express this idea, but you nailed it, JBDICK. Well said! Even in my middle age, I find I still have an active imagination and it's easier to apply it to photos or to videos that don't have a lot of fast editing.

How could anyone give me MY fantasies? Only I can do that. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

04-29-08  03:04pm - 6161 days #17
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Glad to help...

I'm 45 and started my life on various magazine formats...collecting an impressive set that included Gallery, Cheri, Club, Men Only, Penthouse, Mayfair, Playboy, Velvet, Mensworld, Color Climax, High Society etc etc...

the picture is the master...the video is the copy...and I never treasure copies in the same way as masters

...that would be disrespectful Beautiful Girls Covered in Pearls and No Oysters in Sight

05-02-08  04:29am - 6159 days #18
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Originally Posted by JBDICK:

Glad to help...

I'm 45 and started my life on various magazine formats...collecting an impressive set that included Gallery, Cheri, Club, Men Only, Penthouse, Mayfair, Playboy, Velvet, Mensworld, Color Climax, High Society etc etc...

the picture is the master...the video is the copy...and I never treasure copies in the same way as masters

...that would be disrespectful

I'm 43 and started my (private) life with nothing but the Sears and JC Pennys catalogs, which probably accounts for my ongoing fascination with seeing the present hidden behind cotton, nylon, silk, and satin. I remember my Dad's Playboys, but the first time I saw Hustler, I was a bit put off. All that lunchmeat. It was like being in a delicatessen.

Cheri magazine was my favorite. I also loved Mayfair. There's a site somewhere that has every issue in about a ten year period scanned and online, but I've long since lost the URL. Probably wouldn't be hard to find. It's a very strange thing to see a picture that you haven't seen in twenty plus years but which you instantly recognize and attach a great deal of significance to: probably because you stared at it for unusual lengths of time and it's much more deeply branded in your noodle. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Edited on May 02, 2008, 04:34am

05-04-08  09:18am - 6157 days #19
PinkPanther (0)
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I am a big pic fan - more a pic fan than a vid fan, though I do like hot vids. I love when a photo set has one great pic after another - where every pic is more exciting. I love women's bodies. I love when they're presented beautifully and where the expression in their eyes and the way their mouth is and where their hands are all contribute to the heat. Here's an example of what I consider to be a great pic that gets my imagination going and makes me want to see more and more:


05-04-08  01:18pm - 6156 days #20
biker (0)
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The one and only answer to that question for me is imagination. I can download the photos and place them in any order I want to create any fantasy my mind desires. Warning Will Robinson

05-04-08  04:07pm - 6156 days #21
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I prefer pictures for the same reason you dislike them: no sound. If only those videographers shut up with their mindless babble/banter/so-called interviews I might watch videos more often. I also like pictures because there's more room to use one's imagination. There are also certain pictures that give me exactly the shot/angle I am looking for. If I stopped a video in the same spot it would be blurred like all screen captures. On the other hand I am starting to despair of ever getting a decent picture set because most are taken in portrait format which I despise. My latest crusade on the pay sites I subscribe to is to convince the web masters to mix up their sets a bit more, like half portrait, half landscape. If anyone will ever listen and do something about it, who knows! Few porn users seem to be bothered by it.

Landscape is fine as long as the scene is well-composed. The girl is laying there, full and ripe of body. Snap! Then what do we get? Cropped butt cheeks, cramped crania, and missing upper appendages no matter what the orientation is. And then they'll pop it in their photo editor to overlay this hideous watermark which covers part of the girl's head or ass. And finally, they'll reduce the image quality so that important color and line information is magically vanquished before our eyes can see it. That finishes off the job! It's now ready for posting on the web!

Honestly, I've seen "landscape-only" by this one photographer at ATK Premium, and in many shots the girl occupies about 30% or less of the photo. To me, that makes no sense. Some of them were even like, "Hey, who's that girl standing over there?" I emailed them and complained. When the girls are standing, sitting, or even laying belly down on a bed, portrait can work just fine, if you ask me.

I guess the question is -- as the girl holds the pose -- which orientation works better here? I'd agree that sometimes the right choice isn't made. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

01-01-09  12:58am - 5915 days #22
ramscrota (0)

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Interesting question, Colm4. I prefer pics, for a few reasons.
1. Immediacy - you can get them straight away, instead of waiting 3 hrs for a DL
2. Far better resolution
3. I prefer the solo girl strip, which comes off far better as a photoshoot.
also, a good pic set (when pics & vids are available of each scene) gives an idea of whether or not a cnee is any good.

My ideal is HQ pics with HQ vids. I look at the pics while I DL them, but I keep the vid for later. I rarely look at pics after I DL them.

My own quirky habits, I guess.

But I am very fussy about my pic quality (see my article about good & and photography). Thanks for asking the question - good of you to ask about why others like something that is clearly not your preference. Show a broadminded attitude - well done!

01-01-09  09:13pm - 5914 days #23
PinkPanther (0)
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If you've got an active imagination, pics have that limitless element where you can think about all the things that could develop out of the pic. I'm more a pic fan than a vid fan for that reason.

01-02-09  01:59pm - 5913 days #24
messmer (0)
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Great, a resurrected thread! It was really nice reading all the replies again. I had forgotten that I participated in this thread.

Just wanted to add this: How many prefer books to their movie version? How many times have you been disappointed because you went to see a movie that had been made of a real good book and then left the theater disappointed? Videos leave nothing to the imagination, you're stuck with someone else's taste and what he considers sexy.

There's also this, as www put it above: "I don't know, but watching people fuck is boring to me. It was fascinating to me when I was younger, but it bores me to tears nowadays."

I agree with www and that's why I prefer pictures, preferably solo with a slow teasing strip. My imagination supplies the rest. I do have videos in my collection but they have to be exceptional for me to keep them. Certainly not the mass produced Gonzo style stuff.

01-08-09  08:50pm - 5907 days #25
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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I like what biker said above.

I am more into video now than I was when I joined PU over a year ago, but I am still an avid pic collector, and I spend a lot of time arranging pics. I organize by various types and categories rather than by model or source, and looking at pics in a given set one after another tends to bore me. I also organize certain pics in a series to achieve a certain effect, or to cater to some particular body-area, model-type, clothing, even pose. I also like to make my own collages.

And, as JBDICK said, pics have the "forever" thing going. It's amazing what kind of detail can ermerge, what depths of appreciation can be arrived at, by staring at a picture for a long time, or having it on your desktop, or whatever. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

01-09-09  07:00pm - 5906 days #26
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Seagate/Western Digital

That's why : - ) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

01-10-09  01:11am - 5906 days #27
Drooler (0)
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Tomato/Tomahto I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

01-10-09  02:13am - 5906 days #28
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

Seagate/Western Digital

That's why : - )

For no particular added value to this thread, I pick the following: Pepsi, Cars, Neither, Western Digital, Windows, Brunettes, Hairy, Summer, Briefs, Tea, and Both :-D "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

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