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Visit Young Harlots Academy

Young Harlots Academy
Reply of pj675mk's Review

Thanks for the insight pj675mk

I've wondered about this site but chose to stay with videosz.com who have the series (but not all titles)...

It would be useful for TBP to offer an opinion on this site as they state they haven't reviewed it yet themselves and have no plans to...

Any longstanding members had any experience of the site as opposed to the series which is as stated, available elsewhere...

Notes of interest: their 2257 states the holding company to be Coldfair Holdings Ltd, support is via harmonyvision.com and TBP lisst them as part of the Private Media Group and seem to distribute out of Milcap Media Group in Spain, and appear to NATS to private_thebestpartner_com?

So to sum up everything looks like it should be okay. I assume you tried their support at support@harmonyvision.com if this is different to the site. The email address above is listed on their 2257 so should respond (we hope).

Hope that helps

01-03-11  05:23am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of brotherlove's Reply

Hi brotherlove

Apologies if my comment did not clearly relate to yours in reply, I was a bit drunk last night when I logged on (no excuse though).

Essentially, I was agreeing with you that their customer support is suffering but was trying to suggest what might be the cause (IMO).

(IMO) they are losing market position to new sites and under threat are more focused on front shop rather than back office.

Part of that back office is bound to have included moving old content from older servers as they have grown and acquired and linking all that stuff must be an enormous task.

Like any large site, mixing old content with new content will end up with some links that are missing. I remember asking customer support for some Lucy Lee videos that they had listed but when you tried to save them, they didn't exist, the links were active but not working. They replied and explained that they were working through their older catalogue as a background job and these videos would eventually be moved across...

coming back to my main point in reply. A site always needs to keep its front shop fresh to attract customers but I agree with you that they shouldn't neglect customer support which they must be now doing going by your comment, the fact that they haven't even replied. I've had replies to my requests but no results, so whilst I was contacted nothing happened. I've since expired my membership but I was a continuous member for approx 11 months.

Again, apologies if I scrambled some comments with my reply, not intentional. I might have failed to make my point clear again but essentially, I think they are struggling now because they are so big, and some content and services are likely to suffer...again this is only my opinion.

Agree with you final comment though, I'm sure that at some stage I will be a member again, and will check with PU and TBP before I do.

01-02-11  07:09am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of brotherlove's Comment

Interesting comments brotherlove...

my take on this is. I think 21Sextury network/franchise is under serious threat from the smaller operators who are probably paying the girls and agents more frequently...

they need to re-invent themselves with some adjustment to the formula...new site layout...

no denying the girls are the most beautiful stable on the planet, with new content from girls like Michelle Moist, Mandi Dee, Blue Angel, Aleska Diamond, Ashley Bulgari, Sasha Rose, Ioana etc...

but the older girls need to be separated now so boys can play with new toys: girls like Sophie Moone, Sandy, Sandra Shine, Mandy Bright, Eve Angel... Sorry ladies we love you but the new girls are tighter and fresher...

so my suggestion for them would be to focus on the fresh talent instead of the long standing divas

note. don't get me wrong, I love the divas but given the choice I'll sit at the clean table when I eat in a restaurant as opposed to the one that needs to be cleaned for the next customer...

to sum up, go to the site and select models tab, then click on most active...guess who comes up, the divas who are probably the least active...change the business model/formula: most active in the last 3 months not since the beginning of time?

01-01-11  04:29pm

Visit My Pickup Girls

My Pickup Girls

Scenes are shot so real like you are there

Just wanted to say I happened to stumble on this site when I went looking for sites that have

Ioana (aka Tiffany Polie Polly Marmalade Anya Stephanie)

This is definitely the next step forward in terms of shooting raw hardcore for the Eastern European porn industry and demonstrates that with a camera and a beautiful girl (lots of them available in Eastern Europe and Russia) you can make bloody good porn...(aka staged Gonzo, as Real as can be expected considering the girls are professionals, and they do their job well)

I will be reviewing at some point after my New Year Spending Spree...

but in the meantime, content is limited to single scenes with the girls but no doubt some will be back with repeaters.

Most content looks new. Babes: Anya 7, Anya, Masha 13, Nastya 10, Nastya 4, Nastya 9, Katya 2.
(it appears I have a Nastya fetish?)

You know you are onto a winner when girls are just given numbers rather than made up names...

Interesting Site Network... respect to the guys doing the filming as they appear to treat the girls with respect (I hope this is true).

Final note, my favorite is Anya 7, but looking at them alphabetically, we appear to be missing some Anyas, as there are only 1, 2, 4 & 7 listed, which suggests they have a good stockpile of girls and videos to keep the site fresh.

Shot of Anya 7 (Ioana) in her profile is next to a window with glass of wine and cigarette, which is not the pickup scene she is in so I'll wait for this to appear before signing up in full.

Oh yes, and thanks to pat362 who helped with this when he rated me and I went to look at his reviews and found his and this then led me to Anya 7 (sounds like a Jeri Ryan Voyager 7 of 9 moment) 7 of Anya beam me up...

01-01-11  04:09pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

12 years old. staring at old copies of a magazine in South Africa called SCOPE.

I found a picture of Cheryl Tiegs wearing a see thru net one piece. Amazing

She had a cameltoe and i didn't even know what a cametoe was/is.

I've never found the photo again wish I could.

It made me happy at least 50 times growing up

12-28-10  04:04am

N/A Reply of pornwatcher's Poll

Nearly took part in a 25 orgy with Nikki Lewis. Hot UK babe in Manchester, actually the orgy took place in Salford.

i didn't make it as I had to stay late in work. Gutted.

I've rubbed oil in Charmaine Sinclair's tits and pussy. It was really really tight.

I've slept with Barbi Brandt from LA Centerfolds. Tico Torres was banging one of the other strippers and we had a curry together.

Lived 2 doors away from Samantha Fox (I know, she's not a stripper)

I'd love to win the lottery and spend time in Eastern Europe as a talent scout.

Sorry going off topic now.

Nearly slept with Rebecca Lord.

If I could know 4 UK porn stars they would be Natalia Forrest, Delta White, Michelle Moist and Sasha.

Fantasy over...put another 50p in the machine please.

12-28-10  03:36am

Visit Latexotica


Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.

Natalie Denning (uk glamour model)
Natasha Marley (rare find)
Lara (actually this is Lauren Ridealgh, note. dancer from music video: Fedde Le Grand - Creeps, Mason Exceeder - Perfect, purple unitard rotating hips on exercise ball, Rockfeller - Sexual Healing, nurse)
Jerri, Anastasia (tits, my God!), Chloe (eyes), Jodie (has done nude as Ava Blue) and more babes.

Girls are dressed in Latex (duh! as per site name)

They are without doubt the best looking girls in UK. Great close ups, porn star heels on most.

If you like a repeated format this site is for you but serious CAUTION - read the cons

Lots of staring at the camera with ''i know you've cum in your pants'' look on their faces. These girls are perfect SEXY and they know it.
Cons: Format is wooden.

no talking, no dancing (ironic as most are dancers), no walking, no nothing except starting at the camera.

If there is a fetish out there that is (DO NOT MOVE, JUST STARE AT THE CAMERA, NO SMILING, JUST STARE) this is the site for you.

Most people will probably be disappointed with this site unless you are absolutely in love with these gorgeous unavailable babes.

They are exclusive but unfortunately limited in what is offered.

Whoever the site owner is and probably the photographer have missed a trick. This site could be AWESOME, but isn't. See Bottom Line
Bottom Line: Stepford Wives without the emotion module fitted.

To sum up, I'll tell you what I think they should have done / do with this site, and the fact that they haven't is why this site has only scored 85%.

Girls should wear underwear under the latex, VPL is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should dress from / undress to underwear, stripping is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should walk around, walk up stairs, bend over, dance, movement is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should open their mouths, lick their lips, suck on things - bananas etc, being provocative is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should improvise, pour oil on the latex, get wet, doing things that are sexy is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should go outside in these outfits, seriously I'd travel 1000 miles to watch one of these shoots. They don't.

Girls should talk, especially fantasy talk, "do you like my outfit, it's really tight, blah blah blah", talking is a turn on, slutty talk is a big turn on. They don't.

Unfortunately, they do none of this, and they could and it would still be a non nude site, yet in the music videos Lara does all of these things and is f@cking amazing when she does.

I can only conclude that the owner of the site and the photographer are androids with no understanding of what sexy actually is.

Please introduce these girls to Michelle Moist who will inject some personality. These girls have been robbed of their sexuality.

Wanking requires stimulation, preferably visual and audio, not just physical.

80% of the score is because of Lara (Lauren Ridealgh) who is by far the most beautiful woman on earth, and one hell of a dancer.

I know where the photographer has gone wrong with this site, and would be happy to assist in making this the best site (as good as ALSANGELS, GIVEMEPINK, INTHECRACK, and still keeping it NON-NUDE). The material is still photo based with someone filming the girls at the same time. They should do this the other way round, film the girls and take photos at the same time, reverse the emphasis)

Finally, I love the concept (like the picture of a big mac), but disappointed with the lack of taste and satisfying feeling full result of this meal, but like fast food, i will probably use the drive thru again.

12-27-10  06:27pm

Replies (1)
Visit Tia Sweet

Tia Sweet
Reply of NMC2008's Comment

hi NMC2008

There is TIA SWEETS & then there is TIA SWEET

I believe the SWEETS is a latina girls and came first...the SWEET is obviously blonde and came second...

07-19-08  02:26pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

It doesn't affect my real life because it's not part of my real life... it is part of my fantasy

The reason we enjoy things like this is because it is escapist...fantasy...

which is why I like my porn to be sickly sweet, glossed up, hooker heels, loud colors, loud moaning, slutty outfits, painted makeup, unrealistic and far away from reality...

just my take...good examples are givemepink.com clubsandy.com dpfanatic.com asstraffic.com

AND just finally, with respect to my tastes described above...this is why I like Euro Babes because they get into that fantasy thing

07-18-08  02:38pm

Visit Babelicious

Reply of PinkPanther's Reply


I just wanted to say, thank you for pointing out these things to me. Don't get me wrong, I love the sites, but I'm getting use to the format and it's not distinct enough to distinguish it from its peers, ie. clubsandy, pixnvideo, 1by-day, teendreams.

What I was getting at was that the crispness of the video you see at Alsangels and Alsscan is very distinct for them, it's their signature and their format for shoot is unique.

like met-art or hegre have distinct signatures...

BUT ultimately...they do have the right girls...which is why I joined. because I thought I might find some new stuff I hadn't seen before...no regrets but I'll pick another one from the top reviews for my next membership...No mistaking that TBP and PU are helping me find the sites I like though...

cheers...JBDICK, and genuinely...thanks for your reply

07-04-08  10:44am

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of TheRizzo's Review

I've just read this review because I had a new trust from TheRizzo. For the record, I don't do reciprocals.

My motto is you earn it for your reviews and I agree with ace of aces

This is a good review and a fair rating as far as I'm concerned so I will be trusting TheRizzo...


07-03-08  03:27pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Do you find girls kissing a turn on?

I assume this means eachother as opposed to anything else...

just to put a spin on it / different angle...

how about one really awesome/sexy babe kissing/tonguing a really stale/fat middle aged ugly wart ridden hairy lesbian...

now, wouldn't you be thinking how could she do that...stirring emotions of arousal with repulsion...

07-03-08  03:20pm

Visit Babelicious


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: I've been looking for a site with more bang for my buck, this site has it except it's not quite loaded. You gotta love a site that gives you a search engine where you can find girls based on Labia size. I have an 8inch tape measure and I'd like that job.

Love Eurobabes: Ginger, Anette Dawn, Marketa Brymova, Kirsten Andrews, Susana Spears, Sophie Moone...easy to Navigate site. Quick link from Photos to Video.
Photos in various sizes, high: 4000.
Video in parts and single downloads. no DRM.
Good Ranking System -> Top 20 lists:
Girls, Videos or Photoshoots.

Membership links to 8 other sites: Sexy-Babes.TV EuroBabez.com BikiniBabes.TV BabesOnFilm.com DreamBabes.com CumminAtYa.com BabesUK.com RoyalBoobs.com

Large Archive: The site does remind me of the Eurobabeindex.com site which I use as a reference site, although unfortunately the scale is not the same, Shame. Now if it was, I'd never get around to doing the review. love Clara G, Sandra (eyes) Ding Dong.
Cons: Not as good as other sites, i.e. alsangels.com

A lot of the content is getting old now...I haven't found much new stuff.
(but the plus is the copy here is the best I've seen for the older stuff, so if like me you are sentimental for some of the older shoots, this network is a good place to be).

I get a sense that this site and its bonus sites were built on the success of their photoshoots.

I've changed this part of the review after reading what PinkPanther said in his reply.

Some of the extra sites are collections from other bigger sites so this padding is a shallow offering. This along with sexy-babes.tv and eurobabes.com are the best of the network, but I found it hard to find new stuff amongst the old catalogue stuff and I'd like to see move videos of the photoshoots that are available. Great if you only after photos. Unfortunately I want video.

Don't get me wrong, the girls are beautiful, but I do get a sense of sitting down to watch repeats and eat cold pizza...
Bottom Line: This site has drifted from being a market leader to a mid-market position and will have to work hard to regain that status again. I like the layout which is easy to use, but the format of the content is not fresh and new, format is like 1by-day, clubsandy eetc. There is nothing fresh about it. At the same time it's not stale, but it's no longer setting the standard anymore.

I don't regret paying the membership, but this is not a recurring membership for, time to move on. I've been here for 3 weeks.

I would expect this site's Score to start to erode away as other sites present fresh content & new models.

What can they do to recover...invest some of that money they've made and get the original models back (some of them, the most beautiful girls on the web) and do some new shoots and true HD video, not the badly labelled stuff they are claiming...I do think pornusers.com needs to revisit the score for this site, especially when other sites like alsangels.com & alsscans.com are doing a much better job of keeping themselves at the top...

finally. thanks for pointing out the errors in my review PinkPanther. Happy to hear constructive criticism...and more than happy to have paid for this membership...will try it again at a later date but I don't expect to be a recurring member for now.

07-01-08  11:54am

Replies (4)
N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

i'll take this as an opportunity to broaden some views

LUCY LEE www.eurobabeindex.com/sbandoindex/lucy.html
BLUE ANGEL www.eurobabeindex.com/sbandoindex/blue_ang.html
CRISTINA BELLA www.eurobabeindex.com/sbandoindex/krizstina.html
HONEY WINTER www.eurobabeindex.com/sbandoindex/honeyw.html
JANET PERON www.eurobabeindex.com/sbandoindex/janet.html

spot the trend. there are some many...whose the queen...what a challenge....

Euro Babes. Put on this earth to stir the juice in your balls

06-30-08  01:40pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

the reason I like new socks is because the elastic still works and they don't slip down around my ankles or ride under my heel.

I like my girls like my socks, legally young with the elastic still working

06-29-08  03:59am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It is purely for medical reasons that I strangle my dangle...


It's purely for selfish reasons... an interesting question is whilst men really enjoy watching girls tickle their pickle...and find it a turn on...


06-06-08  04:40pm

Visit Killergram

Reply of jbgild's Comment

Hi jbgild

just wanted to say that this is my current FAVORITE site primarily because of DELTA WHITE who I think is totally DING DONG.

enjoy... my only whinge is that there are a few mingers on the site. But as long as they don't put you off the gems, banging site.

05-31-08  07:36am

Visit Third Movies

Third Movies
Reply of Denner's Reply

Hi Denner

yep, been away on business...to answer your question...pretty much BIG FAT BLACK US ASS. There are some (not many) latina in there and they are the icing on the cake but I'm not keen on looking at butt that big...I like my Tight European Girls...

Cheers, I'm off to catch up on some of the activity on PU

05-30-08  06:13pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

eyes wide shut...

without a soul it's just a hole...

the eyes and lips are the visual catalyst to any image becoming more than just erotic...turning sexy into sensually arousing...

to make a connection with the girl in the image/video, you need them...they are what makes the girl sexy...which is why I like Sophie from givemepink...


look at the link below. apart from the banner there are no genitalia or tits on show... what makes this site inviting is the girls faces and specifically their eyes and lips.


05-23-08  05:26pm

Visit Tasty Tara

Tasty Tara
Reply of exotics4me's Review

Hi exotics4me

could you confirm something for me. Is there a shot where Tara is sat on a dining room type chair in an empty room looking very sexy...sorry I know that last statement doesn't help towards identifying the set.

If I remember she is wearing white and is tied to the chair...but the most important aspect is she is leaning over hands on the chair with straight legs and back arched which is in my opinion the best solo set she has ever done. She is beautiful in it...anyway...what I wanted to know, if you can identify this set by my statement (I hope) can you confirm this set is on the site and is there a related video...

Aside from this if you were to cast a porn star as 'Kim Bauer' from the TV series 24, I think Tasty Tara would fit the bill...

found it...link is


I take it this set is not on TastyTara.com

for some reason link does not work if you click it. you need to copy/paste

05-13-08  10:45am

N/A Reply of Denner's Reply

Hi Denner

I like her...but I guess I don't count..I live in the UK.

on a positive note...she must be ready for porn now though...she's married some basketball guy who's 6ft 2, and with her only being 5ft 2 and weighing under 100lbs, that a whole 12 inches between them. I'd like to see her hide that differential.

I always though she was Italian but no, she's hotter than that, She's Mexican and has 3 older sisters, yeehah!!

05-10-08  03:41pm

Visit Amateur Allure

Amateur Allure


You know that feeling when you know spring has arrived...You wake up and have all the enthusiasm in the world...the birds are singing, the air is fresh, the trees are green, flowers are opening up and the skies are blue. Hell, when it rains it smells fresh aswell...it makes you feel like living...

Welcome to the world of amateurallure.com. Every girl gives me the energy to keep on looking and thinking Ding Dong...is the world really this good.

Like maple syrup on freshly cooked pancakes, these girls look so sweet you could get tooth decay just looking...hell, I'm pulling my teeth out now...figuratively speaking off course.

I Love Demi, (can a girl's eyes really sparkle that much with a dick in her mouth? obviously they can, wow)

Grace has a mistaken identity, isn't that Courtney Simpson?

I'd love to put man icing on Kate's cake for her.

This looks like good clean fun and in that classic saying it's what it says it is on the tin, look at the preview pages and you know what to expect...

Love the format and the fact that Thomas has perfected this but the best thing is the quality of the girls...and the fact that I've never seen so many pretty models so happy sucking dick...

Nadia Nadia Nadia...yummy. Helloooo Erica! All these girls are GORGEOUS...I've never seen such a great set of faces looking like glazed doughnuts on one site...

Makes me want to dunk my doughnut every time...Thank you

05-09-08  04:22pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Toadsith's Reply

I'd like to be there to council them through their womanhood...help them understand that men have needs...

one on one...two on one

the choices are endless...

05-09-08  11:00am

Visit ALS Angels

ALS Angels
Reply of Sarah's Reply

Sarah...the mind of a normal male...
(I say normal because there are some who have some very sick tendancies which I'd rather exclude from this)
...is surprisingly complex. honest.

you say...

Please realize that some models will be better at this than others and we will have to adjust our filming to what the models can handle.

Could I reassure you and your models that quite often if a model is trying to be like this and doesn't do it so well...that can be the biggest turn on of all...nothing sexier than a model who is innocent of certain things like this which suggests a freshness...

Having said that, when they know exactly what they are doing...that works too. The eyes can tell you this...

To be honest...with the standard of your models no matter how well they do they'll still look jaw-dropping gorgeous...

And on closing can i just say one last thing...I love the fact that you call them MODELS...respect goes a long way in a business where all too often it is cast aside...Thank you...Yes your models do things of a VERY sexual nature and some are on other sites and referred to as Pornstars, and if that is what they are that's fine, I have no problem with that... but when you call them models...that's a big Tick in my box for you...for what it's worth...

Look forward to seeing the changes...market leader by a long shot.

05-09-08  10:15am

Visit ALS Angels

ALS Angels
Reply of badandy400's Reply

Hi badandy400

Good suggestion on the two part piece...

thanks for the support of my view...no mistaking ALS are a Market Leader...

05-07-08  04:05pm

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