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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Latexotica


Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.

Natalie Denning (uk glamour model)
Natasha Marley (rare find)
Lara (actually this is Lauren Ridealgh, note. dancer from music video: Fedde Le Grand - Creeps, Mason Exceeder - Perfect, purple unitard rotating hips on exercise ball, Rockfeller - Sexual Healing, nurse)
Jerri, Anastasia (tits, my God!), Chloe (eyes), Jodie (has done nude as Ava Blue) and more babes.

Girls are dressed in Latex (duh! as per site name)

They are without doubt the best looking girls in UK. Great close ups, porn star heels on most.

If you like a repeated format this site is for you but serious CAUTION - read the cons

Lots of staring at the camera with ''i know you've cum in your pants'' look on their faces. These girls are perfect SEXY and they know it.
Cons: Format is wooden.

no talking, no dancing (ironic as most are dancers), no walking, no nothing except starting at the camera.

If there is a fetish out there that is (DO NOT MOVE, JUST STARE AT THE CAMERA, NO SMILING, JUST STARE) this is the site for you.

Most people will probably be disappointed with this site unless you are absolutely in love with these gorgeous unavailable babes.

They are exclusive but unfortunately limited in what is offered.

Whoever the site owner is and probably the photographer have missed a trick. This site could be AWESOME, but isn't. See Bottom Line
Bottom Line: Stepford Wives without the emotion module fitted.

To sum up, I'll tell you what I think they should have done / do with this site, and the fact that they haven't is why this site has only scored 85%.

Girls should wear underwear under the latex, VPL is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should dress from / undress to underwear, stripping is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should walk around, walk up stairs, bend over, dance, movement is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should open their mouths, lick their lips, suck on things - bananas etc, being provocative is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should improvise, pour oil on the latex, get wet, doing things that are sexy is a turn on. They don't.

Girls should go outside in these outfits, seriously I'd travel 1000 miles to watch one of these shoots. They don't.

Girls should talk, especially fantasy talk, "do you like my outfit, it's really tight, blah blah blah", talking is a turn on, slutty talk is a big turn on. They don't.

Unfortunately, they do none of this, and they could and it would still be a non nude site, yet in the music videos Lara does all of these things and is f@cking amazing when she does.

I can only conclude that the owner of the site and the photographer are androids with no understanding of what sexy actually is.

Please introduce these girls to Michelle Moist who will inject some personality. These girls have been robbed of their sexuality.

Wanking requires stimulation, preferably visual and audio, not just physical.

80% of the score is because of Lara (Lauren Ridealgh) who is by far the most beautiful woman on earth, and one hell of a dancer.

I know where the photographer has gone wrong with this site, and would be happy to assist in making this the best site (as good as ALSANGELS, GIVEMEPINK, INTHECRACK, and still keeping it NON-NUDE). The material is still photo based with someone filming the girls at the same time. They should do this the other way round, film the girls and take photos at the same time, reverse the emphasis)

Finally, I love the concept (like the picture of a big mac), but disappointed with the lack of taste and satisfying feeling full result of this meal, but like fast food, i will probably use the drive thru again.

12-27-10  06:27pm

Replies (1)
Visit Babelicious


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: I've been looking for a site with more bang for my buck, this site has it except it's not quite loaded. You gotta love a site that gives you a search engine where you can find girls based on Labia size. I have an 8inch tape measure and I'd like that job.

Love Eurobabes: Ginger, Anette Dawn, Marketa Brymova, Kirsten Andrews, Susana Spears, Sophie Moone...easy to Navigate site. Quick link from Photos to Video.
Photos in various sizes, high: 4000.
Video in parts and single downloads. no DRM.
Good Ranking System -> Top 20 lists:
Girls, Videos or Photoshoots.

Membership links to 8 other sites: Sexy-Babes.TV EuroBabez.com BikiniBabes.TV BabesOnFilm.com DreamBabes.com CumminAtYa.com BabesUK.com RoyalBoobs.com

Large Archive: The site does remind me of the Eurobabeindex.com site which I use as a reference site, although unfortunately the scale is not the same, Shame. Now if it was, I'd never get around to doing the review. love Clara G, Sandra (eyes) Ding Dong.
Cons: Not as good as other sites, i.e. alsangels.com

A lot of the content is getting old now...I haven't found much new stuff.
(but the plus is the copy here is the best I've seen for the older stuff, so if like me you are sentimental for some of the older shoots, this network is a good place to be).

I get a sense that this site and its bonus sites were built on the success of their photoshoots.

I've changed this part of the review after reading what PinkPanther said in his reply.

Some of the extra sites are collections from other bigger sites so this padding is a shallow offering. This along with sexy-babes.tv and eurobabes.com are the best of the network, but I found it hard to find new stuff amongst the old catalogue stuff and I'd like to see move videos of the photoshoots that are available. Great if you only after photos. Unfortunately I want video.

Don't get me wrong, the girls are beautiful, but I do get a sense of sitting down to watch repeats and eat cold pizza...
Bottom Line: This site has drifted from being a market leader to a mid-market position and will have to work hard to regain that status again. I like the layout which is easy to use, but the format of the content is not fresh and new, format is like 1by-day, clubsandy eetc. There is nothing fresh about it. At the same time it's not stale, but it's no longer setting the standard anymore.

I don't regret paying the membership, but this is not a recurring membership for, time to move on. I've been here for 3 weeks.

I would expect this site's Score to start to erode away as other sites present fresh content & new models.

What can they do to recover...invest some of that money they've made and get the original models back (some of them, the most beautiful girls on the web) and do some new shoots and true HD video, not the badly labelled stuff they are claiming...I do think pornusers.com needs to revisit the score for this site, especially when other sites like alsangels.com & alsscans.com are doing a much better job of keeping themselves at the top...

finally. thanks for pointing out the errors in my review PinkPanther. Happy to hear constructive criticism...and more than happy to have paid for this membership...will try it again at a later date but I don't expect to be a recurring member for now.

07-01-08  11:54am

Replies (4)
Visit Third Movies

Third Movies

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Join and you get full access to ZTOD.com and blackicepass.com

just on thirdmovies.com you get 175 DVDs, 1252 Scenes, average file sizes per scene are 400-900MB, total just under 1/2 terabyte AWESOME.
Frame Width : 720. Height ; 540. Data rate : 3000kbps. Frame rate 29/sec. NO DRM...

high gloss girls include Jenna Haze, Ginger Lee,
Angel Dark 32 scenes!, Jenaveve Jolie, Jayna Oso 30 scenes!...the list goes on...DING DONG

navigation superb, click stars to all scenes
this is the Ferrari of dvd porn sites...
Search Engine brilliant

If you like your girls to be typically Perfect Porn this is your site...GOD if only I could upload myself into their members area...

If you took only the best DVDs from videobox you would end up with this. it is the best of the best...price is not important for this level of quality
Cons: sorry, I can't say anything bad really. not about the site anyway...I might have seen these titles elsewhere but they appear to be higher quality here...so yes, I'm downloading repeats in some places but I have found some real Gems, some new scenes...

I want more and maybe the only thing I can see that is negative is that it looks like 1 new DVD per week...like any Porn Addict I need more...
Bottom Line: There are galleries (over 500) but hey this is a High Video Porn Site with Beautiful Professional Pornstars from select Top end DVD releases...i like my images to move...

I love the fact that you can find a scene with a girl you like, and maybe that scene is a hot one because it has a genre type you like, so you can then click the DVD tab and it shows you all scenes in the DVD with similar setup, outfits, type of sex and you take a look and discover a new girl you've not noticed before...invaluable.

Download speed was very good on this site. I keep running out of space on my laptop...I have downloaded 70GB in 4 days...

Quality of video has blown me away on this site...I love the fact that they probably have 5 times more than what is on the site in their vault but they have chosen to only put the quality DVDs online...every download is unbeatable...

BEST membership I've taken out in 6 months...

04-21-08  12:54pm

Replies (3)
Visit Argentina Triple X

Argentina Triple X

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Beautiful Girls (top 3 - Sofia, Mora, Veronica)
Exclusive Content
Video Quality is Excellent and No DRM
Site Preview is honest
Site Layout clear and easy navigation

The only thing that I can say is... I am a sucker for a beautiful girl and Sofia / Sofi is that girl, and because of her I spent $29.99.

Did I regret it...no not really...when you want something you have to concede that the price is the price when you are dealing with exclusive content...would I do it again...only if there were new Sofia Videos.
Cons: There are claims that this is a membership of 2 sites. it's not. it twins with nastymakeup.
This is a small site which doesn't look like it is getting serviced regularly unlike the girls who deserve to be serviced regularly and probably are...unfortunately not on camera anymore.
Approx 15 videos worth downloading unless you like 'about average' girls...then the total is only approx 40.
Downloads are slow...400MB file - 1 hour 20 mins
Bottom Line: This is one of those one-off buys, like a souvenir t-shirt you buy when you visit some exotic holiday location.

You only need to join for 1 month.

there are some bonus DVDs, but you can get these elsewhere so they are not an incentive

the biggest thing that pissed me off about this site is that the company behind it is ThyInc.net and they have 21 sites, so they could open up the network a bit more for the price... some of these other sites have 5+ videos so bring it all together and you have a very good site.

Why did I score this 81. Exclusive Beautiful Girls Sofia and Mora, who know that the reason a man has a penis is so he can tickle their tonsils, their cervix and the star of darkness, or in their case, pinkness...

Would I recommend it...I don't need to...like impulse buys, click on the preview pages

what you see is what you get... no more no less

If you want it think hard about and if you can afford the price do it otherwise...walk away...

the PREVIEW PAGES are what you get...

04-21-08  11:58am

Replies (0)
Visit Killergram


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: OK...where do I start... if I said think of the perfect Pornstar...I tell you what! Let me help you. Take Roxy (clubsandy.com), Jesse Jane (jessejane.com), and Kathy Lee (ddfbusty.com aka Caylan Curtis), add the 'fuck me' attitude of Jasmine Rouge (assholefever.com) and what do you get...Delta White...oh my god...After I saw her videos, 30 of them, each at least 20 minutes long, averaging 200MB (6GB of Ding Dong)...who cares what they charge...and this is exclusive Content.
The only thing better than this, Delta asking for a date. I give the site 85 just for Delta. Next, Anjali - 112 videos (20GB) & Anaya then there's the other 213 models. 966 videos.
average 170-250MB - 640x360 Crystal Clear

fetish & showcase

cute storylines...see Bottom Line.

Girls really relate to you (staring straight at the camera, while they are stretched to the limit). This is givemepink.com with bells on. Reality of shoots blew me away. I'm looking for the catch...there isn't 1.
Cons: downloads are a bit slow at times.

I want HD-DVD of Delta White.
I want 100GB of Delta White.
but seriously, what are the cons...okay the price is higher than most, but they have some fantastic content, so it is a con...Not Really.

I know there are other girls on the site but Delta is the best. I feel guilty ignoring the other girls.

I might be wrong, I hope I am, can't find any galleries...it could be the Delta Fever?

There are a few mingers and MILF (but not well kept). Some look really rough...double baggers, 1 bag on their head and 1 on your in case theirs falls off.

Like any serious Addict, I want more and this is the kind of site that makes you feel out of control...hey, I promised myself I wouldn't join until next month...I'll blame Denner who pointed me at the site, and what do you know, I was a member...so Yes this site is Dangerous...Be Warned...this is pure porn, no cut.

Navigation can be a little annoying. There's more than 1 way to the same page.
Bottom Line: NO DRM.

Okay...let me just explain something for those who want something that NO ONE ELSE IS DOING, and is seriously ball tinglingly HORNY...

They do these storylines, where they set up a fantasy situation 'handyman' and the girl is exercising wearing not alot, yadda yadda yadda. the thing is with other sites you have use your imagination around the dialogue.
Killergram.com gives you the complete deal with the storys with the 'cheesy' lines, like the Handyman comes to fix the ceiling, and Delta saying, 'My tiny crack needs filling and its damp', he says 'I can see your crack' and Delta saying 'Do you think you can fill it for me, do you have the right tool', and the handyman's reply 'I think I've got the tool to fill that'

BRILLIANT. other storylines: smoking blow job, office, slutty look, pornstar heels, hooker, numpho, groupie (usually guitar), Doggin, Shopping, plumber, plasterer, window cleaner,

These guys have put the effort in to create something unique...

I love the layout of the site, deceptively simple layout, easy to use, and makes the site very elegant. you do get misled - you think there's not much to the site but behind this clever layout and the presentation on the pages and the navigation is innovative...Me Like...

There is a wealth of fresh content here....Delta is unbelievable...She is trying so hard to be everything any man could want yet, she has a cute giggle...Ding Dong.

The other girls are nice too...AWESOME

04-08-08  03:31pm

Replies (2)
Visit CL Pass

CL Pass

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: Entrypoint to 4 sites, content from one studio so treat as 1 site. Click on thebestporn.com link, girls in the banner/logo are two prettiest girls on site. You might think they're not pretty. That wont matter. After 3 seconds girls faces are no longer inframe. If camera goes for wide shots you wont be looking at their faces. Girls do not need expressions, your eyes will be elsewhere.
Under Welcome message an exact description of what you get, read it, you'll know to decide to join.
Downloads are quick. Didn't use downloader but if you do you'll get the whole site in a few hours.
Girls are not slapped up with makeup like Porn Stars. They actually look innocent. The positions are incredible. I love the fact, take a Gymnast and make her wear PornStar Heels. So corrupt. Second biggest turn on for me.
First is the only thing seperating you from Heaven is a stretched piece of lycra with the gusset under strain and you can see every crease underneath. If only for HD-DVD.
Cons: Too Expensive, should be $19.99. For $39.99 you need HD, and buy some new leotoards for the girls. I think the leotards are shared.
Sasha's squint is annoying & sexy, a bit Rabbit caught in the headlights, but whose car?
Don't bother with archive site. Archive Photos struggle to fill a cell/mobile screen.
There are only a few Hi(ish)-Res videos, 100MB+. I seem to remember finding 3 over 150MB. Most 10-16Mb chunk files, approx 6-12 each set. Indicates most of content is old. Photosets not high-res. at most 1024px.
Repeating theme is boring. Like watching adverts on TV, Sitting there waiting for the main feature and eventually you realise there isn't one. Mind you it took me 8 days to work it out. I only went back once a week to pick up infrequent updates until my membership expired.
Loads of Girls but some mingers. Navigation basic but works.
Studio environment. You feel like its shot in someones house. Unfortunately it's not my neighbours otherwise I'd become a window cleaner.
Bottom Line: I couldn't work out was in most shoots they pose next to a camera tripod. Weird, what are they saying, Hey! we have two cameras?
If you like girls who suspend their bodies between two wooden chairs aka Golden Gate Bridge, you'll like this site. Where's the toll gate please.
How did that come about anyway, the chairs? Limited props? They look like old school chairs. creepy.
A few Girls look innocent. Having said that there are some shots where you can tell either the photographers jaw is on the floor, he's drooling or he's got a boner because the girl looks off camera and smiles. They know you're undressing them where the sun shines.
There is something very erotic about these girls. The problem is there's something missing. The poses are too posed, you feel like you're watching girls turn themselves into Rubik's Cubes...they never get to show us who they are. It is almost like they aren't there either.
I've got it. This is how women feel like when they go to the gynaecologists. It's like, please warm that up while I look over here because you look creepy drooling all over my 2nd hand leotard with your camera.
If you got these girls into a studio like inthecrack.com, gave them Estee Lauder makeup, not Avon, film them in HD DVD, I'd pay $39.99. (need to do nude though). Sad thing, none of them will get to the Olympics so this is it for them in Mother Russia / Eastern Block
Don't pay this much. Hate to say it. It's my money and I don't like being ripped off.

04-06-08  01:23pm

Replies (10)
Visit Paul Markham Teens

Paul Markham Teens

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: Download Speed was fast.

Good sizes for both Photo and Video files (but not Hi-Res quality)

Exclusive content.

This is one of those sites where you find gems. You find girls who previously you've only seen doing fairly tame shoots, or semi-hardcore (holding it, not using it), and bam, on this site they are definitely using it.

I like European, and this site has a lot of European. Girls are Beautiful and Lots (Loads) of them.

Any site that has what it puts on its preview pages and ten times more behind it deserves a high score.

Layout is simple and I like that, get me to my journey as soon as you can please.

With this site you are there the minute you click once. Can't beat that.
Cons: The files are big but don't equate to the quality inside. This is probably their best attempt at remastering older content to make it appealing again, and if you are after older content being reworked and made available again, I have seen it done better anywhere else so this is a good effort.

Some of the models names are not the same as they are on other sites. This is really frustrating.

Everyone knows who Zuzana is but on this site her name is called Susane? and Klara (the tall Czech with the blue eyes) is called Ulrika.

There is a sense of their content is never ending, but it becomes a struggle to find gems the further into their archive you got and the quality starts to disappear, which is I guess what you would expect with a site that does keep its archives online.
Bottom Line: But to follow on from the Cons, I think this is where this site suffers. Its not fresh anymore. It's like the last runner across the finishing line in a race. It seems to struggle and looks tired.

Their attempts to remaster old content is a good effort but because the bulk of their site is this type of format, you sense that the site is not trying hard enough in ensuring new content is coming online.

There are some classics, and some real beauties on this site doing hardcore where I've never seen them doing hardcore elsewhere, but because of the size of the site, you need patience and the mind of a detective to work out what the Girls names were when they were doing dirty things in the past.

Finally, I do not regret joining. I spent a lot of bandwidth filling up missing classic material at what is the best quality I've seen for this type of older material, and found some absolute gems. Money well spent.

Beautiful Girls. Just the site is a bit stale and relying on its back catalogue too much.

Update. I had a reply from paulmarkham. aka the site webmaster. Why did I want add this to my review? To tell browsers of the pornusers website. TAKE NOTE. Site Webmasters are registered on pornusers.com. What better way to get your message across to the Sites under review. AWESOME to have that level of contact here. I looked at his reply and I have edited my review because I agree with him.

04-05-08  01:14pm

Replies (2)
Visit Hegre Art

Hegre Art

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: Some of the girls are beautiful, but see my Cons
Hi-Res Photos as high as 6000px. which is ridiculous but appreciated. they set the benchmark in this respect.

You can download as a zipped single file. largest one I downloaded was 180MB (remember these are jpg files)

Video is download to keep.

Exclusive content in terms of what the girls do but not the girls themselves.

You can browse most of the galleries so you know what you are getting. Calendar layout for navigation.

For veteran Porn Surfers, you'll all know this and Met-Art as the sites that launched Marketa and LUba.

Look for Evi, Yanna, Jula, Alya, Ira, Anna and Nika who are all awesome. Evi and Yanna win though. Evi and Oil, Yanna and Oil. On Boy.

I've put the statement above separate because this is it's biggest issue. Which is why they only get 76 from me. This is my way of telling them off because they should know better by now.

I've never understood this. I think it is because they are so successful with the photos they've got this don't care attitude and I sense this as a website that is in its own comfort zone. Why try any harder. We have beautiful girls. Hi-Res Photos, a loyal membership.

Yes, they have beautiful girls but there are a lot of plain ones and you have to waste time looking for them.

Format/Theme is very repetitive. Blur your eyes and you'll struggle to distinguish one from another in terms of location/poses.

I got a sense there was this massive archive behind the front end but nothing really intuitive to help me find my way. Navigating through it wore me down.

Sort out the HD-DVD. And where's the audio...

This is the Stepford Wives of Porn syndrome. No emotions.
Bottom Line: Massive Site. I think you need to join one of these types of site and I tossed a coin between this and Met-Art and Hegre-Art won. Somehow I feel like I called it wrong on the toss, no pun intended.

I think the strange thing about this site was while the girls I could be bothered to find and download are beautiful, you know to the point of being considered perfect, I've never gone back and looked or even opened the zip files. If I ask myself the question WHY, it's almost like my libido was eroded away by the sterile format of the shoots, and i think it is the 'Pirelli Calendar' Technical aspect that destroys the sense of this is a real person.

It is soft porn turned to Art Form, so if this is what you are after, consider you are in an Art Gallery and you'll be very happy.

If they gave you HD-DVD, encouraged the girls to look alive rather than being operated like machines, then I think they could inject that something that's missing...emotion, and without emotion, you as the member/user cannot connect with the girl. I certainly could not connect with the girl in the shoots.

It just seems to be too precise. quality is excellent but it's like coffee without the taste.

04-05-08  12:33pm

Replies (7)
Visit Tussinee


Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: This site has probably the prettiest and cutest Thai Girl in the World.

She is beautiful, although in some shots she's got a shadow on her top lip.

There is some degree of innocence in the shots, where you do get a sense there's some old bloke behind the camera directing her to do things she's not fully aware of are so arousing, a covert pervert.

Go-Go and Outfits are Ding Dong.

Single Girl sites often struggle but this one almost gets away with it because Tussinee is so gorgeous, but fails at the last hurdle...
Cons: If you are going to put a girl like this in front of the camera you need them to know what's going on and you get a sense Tussinee is trying to be intimate with the camera but the bloody camera is twenty feet away. I'm sure it's because the Photographer couldn't control himself and she had a restraining order on him, why so far away.

Photo navigation. awkward, designed by someone who thinks we still have modem dial up. Where is the hi-res.

video. quality is below what you want, both resolution and content. This is an insult to such a beautiful girl. Tussinee deserves to have gigabyte size files shot so close you can smell it, but you get less than 100MB files that have been shot in a rush without the photographer knowing what works and the girl thinking she's doing a good job.

limited content, the tour and promotional material suggests much more.

Price is too high. Content is worth more like $14.
Bottom Line: I needed to join this site because I couldn't believe how gorgeous Tussinee is, and I couldn't believe I was going to see her intimacy on video.

There is another site, not advertised, called tussinee gold where she does hardcore. I was so dissappointed I paid this much for tussinee and the quality of the content was poor, I haven't joined. And tussinee gold is even more expensive than this.

There are some fantastic photoshoots on the site and fantastic videos in terms of the essence of the content/storyline, but they compromise their ability to be a top ratedd site by not delivering Hi-Res and HD-DVD. Such a shame.

Would I join again. Not until they sort out this issue. Do I regret joining. At this price yes,

My website is updated every week means once a week, alternating photoshoot/video, so in 1 month I had 2 new videos, both 65MB in size.

But. you cannot deny, Tussinee is probably the sexist Thai Porn Star on the planet.

With the right Photgrapher and a format like 1ByDay she would be hard to beat. She could be as good as LittleLupe.

04-05-08  11:07am

Replies (4)
Visit Booya Thong

Booya Thong

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: This site should just rename itself Dasha & friends because at the end of the day, what is the critical mass reason everyone becomes a member, DASHA.

I'm not sure if I can say this as a Pro (Good) thing for the site and at the same time sound so shallow. Dasha has the most perfect breasts on the planet, and if we found life elsewhere in the Universe I'm sure she's beat them hands down.

Back to the other reasons why this site gets my rating.

Hi-Res Photos but sometimes that just means big photos. These are different. They are so crisp, you can see the life in them. Sharp.

Love the detail shots of the body.

But that's where my Good points end.
Cons: Okay, here's my Bad points on this site.

this is a new site. the Photosets are Sharp. Look like they have been taken with Highest Res setting on a Professional Digital camera, by a photographer who knows lighting and obviously appreciates the female form.

So you really scratch your head when you look at the video. They either don't exist (Dasha, you should slap the photographer, he's giving you a bad reputation on this site) or they look like they've been done on someones cell/mobile phone.

Come on. This is 2008, get the HD-DVD files uploaded, especially Dasha.

Updates: I think in my month of membership I saw 3. Talk about tight, sorry, that wasn't the kind of tight I was looking for.

Dasha, we'll give you the money, buy the Site and we'll run it for you, you deserve better.

I've seen Dasha do hardcore and open shots, so why no show the man in the boat?
Bottom Line: Sorry, whinge over.

If you are thinking about this site, it is expensive for what you get. half a dozen girls, yes in superb photosets, but hey, come on, give us what we really want, HD-DVD.

Did I feel ripped off. Yes, Do I regret joining. No. Why. Because Dasha has the best tits on the planet and the way she fills her skimpy underwear and poses will remind you why being a heterosexual male is worth a squeeze.

So, I would only join if like me you are prepared to be content with half a dozen galleries of Dasha.

If they did not have Dasha, they would have had a score of 50. It is a poor site. Dasha got them the extra 22 points and they didn't even have a HD-DVD file of her.

I am a dumb ass...WHERE I SAY Dasha in my review I mean DINA...Goddess of the best Boobs on Planet Earth. I can't believe I cocked up like that...Dina Dina Dina DINA...

04-05-08  10:35am

Replies (0)
Visit Little Lupe

Little Lupe

Status: Was a member approx. 5 months prior to this review.
Pros: Little Lupe is gorgeous. Sorry I have to say it twice: Little Lupe is gorgeous. in case you missed it the first time.

She is beautiful, has a tiny frame, tight body, lush lips (at both ends and I mean that sincerely). If you did the Weird Science experiment, I'd rather Little Lupe came out than Kelly LeBrock any day.

Sorry, with regards to the site:
Acts like a innocent girl, until the action starts. She can look straight at the camera, straight thru it and at you and you almost feel like you are in the room with her (I wish). Trust me, there are not many girls in the trade that can do this and it is totally Ding Dong - horny.

Pictures are excellent quality.
Videos are Good quality.
Love the Outfits.
What you see on her site page is a true reflection of what's inside.
I've never seen someone so aware of looking at the camera when she is doing everything you desire.

She sets the benchmark for cute slut and no one can match her.
Cons: Wish the video was HD-DVD. some of the early stuff is low-res.

When I was a member, all the pictures were watermarked. I'm not sure why, there is only one place where you can get the pictures, the littlelupe.com site.

When you have a girl as sexy as this, just walking about doing the strip, sexy dance wearing the slutty outfits would keep me going for months, but you only get snippets.

Not enough content.

Some clips and shoots look like 'I couldnt be bothered'. This is not Little Lupe, this is the photographer.
Bottom Line: Little Lupe has those eyes, that mouth, that arse, those legs, those tits all wrapped up with the mindset that is, look at me, you know you want me, and she mesmerizes you. you get drawn in like an addict who cannot stop a drug habit.

Like those movie review books you see, 100 films you must see before you die.

This is one of those equivalent porn sites. Everyone should be a member of this site at least once in their lifetime, though once you do join, and if you cancel your membership, you know if they add more content, you'll be back.

She is in the top 5 best looking cuties of all time, and the best thing is, if you do look at her videos, you can see she knows you love it, and that's making her horny doing it as much as you are watching it.

My only issue was, give us more content but a fantastic Girl. The Girl could have the same amount of content as 1ByDay and it could all feature just her, and it still wouldn't be enough and you'd never get bored.

If you do sign up, check out the allteenrevpass.com. lurifax, a pornusers.com user mentioned this in a comment. It wasn't available when I joined but might give you even more for your money, but with the 1 Site - 1 Girl = Expensive, remind yourself, it is LittleLupe. Ding Dong. Amazing Girl.

04-05-08  06:05am

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Visit Thainee


Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: This site caters for a particular client: Guys who like tiny thai girls who want to do Porn. Guess what, if that's what you are after you've found it in thainee.com.

Everything you see and read on the thebestporn.com/review/thainee link is true.

Exclusive content.

One of the prettiest, tiniest, fittest Thai Girls I've ever seen and wearing Go-Go outfits.

It would be true to say everything about this girl is tight.

With regard to the sexy outfits, you sometimes think you're on the Max Hardcore site, but Max doesn't appear, though its a shame she DOES NOT fuck like the girls on Max Hardcore site.

Nice layout, though not enough content.
Cons: So you're probably thinking, why only a score of 70 having just read the Good things.
My list is as follows.

Photos: 1200x Wide - warning. not all of the shoots, just the newer ones, as a percentage, probably 30.

Video. It's not HD-DVD. The lighting and production is amateurish but trying not to be, and it doesn't quite hit the mark. Either go high end, get the film crew in, make up, wardrobe etc or go Gonzo, don't go half-way with bad attempts at POV and unstructured walk abouts. why no HD-DVD?

If you want to do the sexy build ups, understand what makes men tick, pushes their buttons. Why rush to the vinegar stroke, take some time, let the girl flirt with the camera, doing her sexy thing in the Go-Go outfit, what Thai Girls do well. Given the chance this girl would be one of the best.

Content: Not enough. When I was a member, it would have taken a couple of hours to collect all the content but with the Download limit, you do get frustrated, for all the wrong reasons.
Bottom Line: If you join every 6 months and you'll have enough time to catch all the content from the site with the frequency of the updates.

Maybe as they make more money and as Thainee gets a taste for it, she might become more prolific, lets hope so.

I don't like doing comparisons but this site's layout looks like it's trying to be like
give me pink

If you are looking for tiny, cute, but rather than trying to be dirty, you want someone who really is filthy and prettier, LittleLupe cannot be beat.

But I don't want to take anything away from Thainee, she is beautiful, a rare treasure and watching the videos, you know this is a girl who, whilst she's getting banged pretty hard by her boyfriend, is not a slut. You can see she's doing this because she wants to make money, and yes she is probably enjoying it, but you can see she is protected by the strict parameters of the video production. i would guess her boyfriend still loves her.

04-05-08  05:23am

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Visit Nextdoor Models

Nextdoor Models

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: A Different format to most other sites, but honest about what it has and the girls you see when you click the link in www.pornusers.com are the girls on the site. This site was a one off visit for me because i loved the look of Adrienne, claimed on their link page to have 43 Galleries, hey I counted them so I could tell you she has 46, out of date slightly but the right reason, because they have added galleries. If you take their promotion page at face value and are happy to see girls scantily clad, in sexy girl-next door poses you will get exactly what you've asked for. There are some real exclusive gems, REALLY sexy bikinis, outfits. You get a sense of this being prudish respectable porn. My fav's are Adrienne, Desiree (looks a bit of a slut, we like), Katie (a cracker), Whitney (Boy oh Boy, sexy beyond sexy), Rachael (sexy wet see-thru green onepiece swimsuit) and Bari (please live next door to me)
Cons: There are only 69 Girls, of which approx. 15 are very dull both in looks and photoshoots, and probably do live next door to you, and you've never noticed. After a few days (i'm being kind) you navigated the simple site (2 dimensional) and seen/got what you wanted. Don't get me wrong, most of the girls are beautiful, but their shoots just don't quite make the grade compared to other sites in their category. The largest photos are 1000 x 1504. The navigation is so basic. Now, let me tell you about the real disappointment. WHERE ARE THE VIDEOS. All the videos here (and there aren't many) are suited to be played on cell/mobile phone. I think the large file I found was 60Mb. If they put the equivalent of all their photoshoots in HD-DVD quality format as 500MB-1GB sizes, they would be worthy of a High score and large memberships. They must have these videos, come on. Dissapointing overall.
Bottom Line: Do I regret joining. Not really, I wanted the photoshoots for the girls named above. Don't be enticed by the Amy Reid content 4 galleries in total (and they are so tame for Amy Reid, she probably felt like she was at church, I love Amy but when someone like her can do REALLY FILTHY and you know she loves it, what's the point of doing photoshoots like this, it's like buying a ferrari but never driving it). you know the only reason they have her there is because she will get them membership, when really they best selling point is the fact that most of the girls are Next-Door types, and you'll find it hard to see them anywhere else. Can't get over the lack of Video Quality. Can't understand that a site like this, whilst they only have 69 Girls, has the chance to be superb because of its format, but hasn't taken the opportunity to give us high-bandwidth users what we want.

Would I become a member again. If they put the HD-DVD on, YES, absolutely. caveat, for all the Girls shoots, (you know they have it stored somewhere).

Finally, This is NOT a hardcore site. It is honest about telling you if there 10 Galleries there will be at least that number. GCF. Good Clean Fun.

04-05-08  01:02am

Replies (3)
Visit Teen Dreams

Teen Dreams

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: So many Girls. There are more girls on this site than any other I've been a member of. Love the photoshoots, Love the DVDs. Love the fact that you find some hidden gems. They are there, but whilst this is great, this is one of my criticisms below. A lot of content that is different to what you see elsewhere. Pretty Girls who look and act pretty in the videos.
Cons: Pretty Girls great. But do we want Pretty Girls doing pretty video shoots and photoshoots. Of course not, what we want are Pretty Girls doing depraved things like working out how to get their bodies into positions where you know you're going to need a knob of butter to slide them out of the position afterwards, and while you've got the butter out, some of the hardcore is a little missionary. In some of the videos the girls are more rigid than the bed. A lot of repeated girls photos in the browsing make finding something you haven't seen before a bit hard work, and I guess when I started my membership I thought, hey I'm gonna need to budget for this, probably be a member for a while, but for some reason, and I think it was the fact that you kept finding the same shoots on different navigation pages/repetition seemed to make it hard work. Quality of some video was not high std but still consumed my bandwidth.
Bottom Line: I'm glad that I was a member but it felt a bit like same old same old and finding and watching repeats. Downloads were fast. Had some hits and misses. Found some gems, some mistakes - mingers. Overall though definitely a good site to use but you do feel when you are there if there's something better elsewhere and eventually I think you'll wander off. A site you will find hard to remain faithful too, even on day one. But you will still enjoy the content.

04-04-08  03:49pm

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Visit Ass Traffic

Ass Traffic

Status: Was a member approx. 5 months prior to this review.
Pros: Oh Boy. You'd better make sure you are ready for this site. Seriously, the GIRLS are unbelievely gorgeous and unbelievely Slutty. I was a member of GiveMePink when it first started and I think they had about 40 girls. They were one of the first sites to slap you in the face with that fantastic view of being so close you can smelt it (wishful thought), and with Girls as beautiful as these you just think what could be better than this, then they create this site, and get the same girls to take 1 and often 2 guys up the butt chimney. such beautiful girls doing such dirty things. Bring it on. AWESOME.
Cons: Repeating theme, not enough variety and sometimes you do wonder whether the makeup artist only learnt one type of makeover - make me look like a slut, wait, make me look like a sexy dirty slut, and then they all end up looking the same. The storyline (bold statement) seems to be the same aswell, crawl around on the floor for a while with your bikini/panties up your crack, over extending your back, stand up and do the same thing, occasionally letting the camera come so close the lens mists up, then sit on a sofa and or bed, stick your legs behind your ears and let some bloke whose cock you could use to drill oil wells with, stick it to you. And in all this time, moan, groan, and pout those sexy lips, widen those sexy eyes, just like everyother girl whose done a shoot before you.
Bottom Line: Having just read back my comments I think I might join up again.

If ever there was a reason to have a comment field called 'bottom line' this is the site to use it.

I can't really sum up the negatives. I think when you become a member of this kind of site, you leave yourself battered and bruised after a week but then you seem to become disinterested. I can say anything bad about it because the Girls are amazing and are so bloody dirty it's unbelievable. It's weird because if this was some ordinary girl doing this you'd probably barf, but with every girl onthis site, you just keep thinking lucky bastards...and the girls actually look like they LOVE it. Another Ding Dong site for me.

04-04-08  03:19pm

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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: ALS SCAN. I'm sure ALS is the real reason the internet took off back in 1998. DOWNLOAD SPEED - fast. GIRLS - awesome. QUANTITY - too much, like a kid in a candy store. Brilliant. I've never seen some many happy vegetables. If I was reincarnated, I would like come back as a cucumber on an ALS photoshoot.
Cons: Why do they assume that we want to start the pleasure of our viewing with the girls already naked, already sitting down/lying down, dildo already lubed up. Where's the foreplay, these girls should be wrapped up in sexy outfits like the best presents under my Xmas tree. I'd like to see them walking around in those ridiculous heels that Porns Stars must wear (Ding Dong), with skimpy clothes on, desperate to do their dirty/sexy strips, but we never have any of that. Is there no appreciation for the good old stage by stage - get you exited yadda yadda yadda approach. Sometimes you do feel like you've walked into a Gynecologists surgery. Exact repeating theme does get monotonous
Bottom Line: The models are amazing. I know I've made some criticisms above,, which makes me sound like a spoilt child, but hey, why go and get some of the most beautiful models (and there are a lot on the site) and not take full advantage of them. And on that note. It would be nice to see a bit of hardcore on this site. A lot of these girls do hardcore, and with ALS HD quality DVD you'd be blown away.

My bottom line is, awesome girls, theme a bit too repetitive but you can't get bored with something until you've over indulged, and for every dollar I spent on my alsscans subscription was VERY well spent.

This is a site I know I will join again and again in the years to come.

04-04-08  02:39pm

Replies (3)
Visit 1 By Day

1 By Day

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Oh My God. Ding Dong on a grand scale. Where do these girls live. I need to move. The Girls are Beautiful, the Content is awesome, there is loads of it, almost too much, you start to worry there aren't enough hours in the day to have this much of a pleasure overload. What they claim on their promotion material is true. If you find someone who doesn't like this site, they are Blind, Deaf and probably chemically castrated. Regular updates, no compromises.

Download Rate: AWESOME. I was downloading GBytes of HD-DVD quality faster than I could watch it. Why do I have to sleep. If I could, I'd plug myself into this site while I was sleeping/dreaming.
Cons: Nothing to say that is bad, EXCEPT, I just get the feeling they have so much good stuff they are feeding it to me bit by bit, and in my lifetime I'll probably never have the pleasure of their full catalogue. Come on, be the first site to just make everything available in one go and put the first multi-terabyte porn site on the map...
Bottom Line: I have had to burn over 50 blank DVDs to keep up with this site. If you want to run a Porn Marathon, this is the site to do your training on, but be warned, you WILL become addicted. Are Girls really this beautiful. WHY? Ding Dong.

Having membership to this site is dangerous because you wont want to turn your machine off.

04-04-08  01:55pm

Replies (4)
Visit Zero Tolerance On Demand

Zero Tolerance On Demand

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: ZTOD Girls and Films are Ding Dong. Ding Dong, means you don't get better than this. If you want to be a successful Porn site, the forumla is quite simple, Quality of Content, Quantity of Content, Quality of Service and a reasonable price. Guess what, ZTOD does all of this except the Quality of Service.
Cons: I have a 20Mb (i've checked and that is wht it says verbatim) internet service which when speed tested is on average 8-14Mbps (i've checked and that is wht it says verbatim) when i've been downloading from ZTOD and since I joined the highest download rate on an average 500MB file is 80.2KB/sec (i've checked and that is wht it says verbatim on the 'Transfer rate' field of the dialogue window) , meaning each download seems to be taking 1 to 2 hours. I've managed to download from other sites with similar quality content, 1GB download files in 15-20 minutes. I have no other negative thing to say.

Just one other thing though, there are other reviews that imply DRM because the reviews are so old. ZTOD DO NOT USE DRM.
Bottom Line: Join this site if you like beautiful girls prepared to give you beautiful sex to watch. Layout is good, not the only site doing this kind of thing, but they layout the content well, let you click on stars names to see all their scenes.

The reason they don't get a higher score, slow downloads.

But to end on a good thing said, they had DRM, then they listened to their Members (respect) and removed it. NOW there's a FIRST, and I praise them for that.

DING DONG to the Girls, they are beautiful. I wish I knew someone who worked there. I'd drive them to work every day.

This is an update. Since writing this review, I've been checking the download rates (meaning I'm currently downloading stuff) and it has been improving. I also noticed that at one stage I was able to use the same session and kick off 6 downloads. The time was still around the same. just over an hour for an average 500MB file.

I just wanted to add another note which is that the Video quality looks grainy. more than others. Haven't worked out why, but I'm sure it's their way of getting the big screen effect without making the files too big.

Still Superb. As I've said earlier I joined private.com which really upset me and joined ZTOD.com to make myself feel better. It worked. Excellent Site.

I've changed my score from 85 to 87 as a result. I hope that's allowed.

04-04-08  12:21pm

Replies (2)
Visit Private.com


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: The sad thing is this company has the potential to be the BEST site, I would easily give it a score of 100 if it fixed the Bad things I've described, because they have the most beautiful girls, the diversity of content, and their BACK CATALOGUE. So this is the only good thing I can say really. Sorry
Cons: The reason I have given this site a low score because the dvd is poor quality. I was prepared to live with the DRM, although that is misleading. The site states BURN & KEEP FOREVER. and in smaller print Watch it Forever, but only if you remain a member? Also, when you browse the content, most of the dvd titles are not DVD quality, with complete scenes that are 16M in size, you know you can only appreciate these if you want to play them on your mobile, not a 32 inch TV, hello! Why don't they HI-RES all their old Magazines, made them easy to download, and with the Films, download the whole film, not scene by scene. The largest scene I have found so far is 240MB. On most other sites that size is used for the Credits.
Bottom Line: I cancelled my membership after 5 hours. Sorry.

After paying this membership and feeling TOTALLY ripped off compared to other sites, I decided to register at www.pornusers.com so I could make this review to WARN others. This is my first review ever because I feel so strongly about being so disappointed. If you are going to spend this much, go to another site.

04-04-08  11:42am

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