Porn Users Forum » Does anyone here use an Apple? |
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05-03-09 12:55pm - 5792 days | Original Post - #1 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Does anyone here use an Apple? I realize that we are a pretty diverse group here -- with the common love of porn of course -- but it seems that most users do their surfing and collecting on PCs. I was wondering, does anyone use an Apple? A user has mentioned that ALS Scan uses Apples for their content, as I am sure plenty of other sites do if they are serious about quality porn, but it seems to be pretty rare for PU members. Given our priorities with cost this makes sense, but I would like to hear what people's setups are if they use a Mac. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
05-03-09 01:00pm - 5792 days | #2 | |
TheRizzo (0)
Active User Posts: 44 Registered: Jun 11, '08 |
Good question, I have been thinking about going to a powerbook for my next laptop. After 20 years though switching seems odd to me. | |
05-03-09 04:00pm - 5792 days | #3 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I've heard that Apple is easier to use, but also that it's more expensive. Also, after learning to fumble my way around with a PC, would I be willing to start fumbling with an Apple? Probably not in this lifetime, but maybe in the next. | |
05-08-09 01:29pm - 5787 days | #4 | |
maxmixdv (0)
Suspended Webmaster Posts: 20 Registered: Apr 23, '09 Location: Miami |
Hello! I am a MAC user for about 4 years now. I still love PC and own one. But MAC just better on security. MAC doesn't install any files or softwares (Spywares) by itself. Besides Mac uses .dmg instead .exe So its very easy to identify them. Yes Mac is more expensive than most of the PCs. but they are getting cheaper because they are using Intel chips. but for most of the PC that sold in Bestbuy or other stores. They are only showing you how much HDD space it got, how much RAM it has, how fast is the CPU (Processors), but they are not telling you how good is the motherboard. how strong is the graphic's card, and how good is all the configurations for all of the devices. If you know how to build a PC by putting pretty much the latest stuff in it. It will cost you about 1200+ and this is not included the monitor. Oh well, it's all your choice. If you can afford it, use both : ) MAXMIXDV.COM | |
05-08-09 02:24pm - 5787 days | #5 | |
Toadsith (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 936 Registered: Dec 07, '07 Location: USA |
As you said, that's only if you insist on sticking with the latest gen hardware, which personally I wouldn't recommend because you'll be paying a huge premium for hardware that will be selling for have its current price in 6 months. The problem for economically minded builders is always when the industry goes through architecture changes like switching to a totally new technology. Recently there have been some serious changes, but it should be settled down for a few years now. AMD is still lagging, so users should stay with Intel and be sure to get a Socket LGA 1366 motherboard. You should be able to get a reasonably fast Processor with good range for overclocking within the $150 - 250 range. Unfortunately 1366 mobos are expensive right now, but since everything else is orphaned, you have to go for it. Research is key, so see what the reviews say. For Windows users, one must remember that Windows 7 is nearing. It would be wise to get a motherboard with a considerable amount of expandability memory wise - say up to 8 gigs. Until then you'll probably be running XP, unless you hate yourself and want punishment from Vista. No matter what OS you run, I'd recommend strongly against high RPM drives (10,000 RPM Raptors) and Terabyte drives. Hard drives are the only mechanical things in your computer with the exception of the cooling system, so it is best to go for reliability over performance. Both the terabyte drives and the Raptors have unreasonably high fail rates. If you are fabulously rich, SSD is of course the way to go, but then we were talking about an economic build, so 500GB drives are quite cheap right now. Hell, you could buy 6 and set them up in a RAID 5 to get multi-terabyte space with redundancy just in case one or two fail. Graphic cards are easy, don't buy two and read the reviews, almost always 3 months after the latest fastest card comes out a "budget" card is released that is nearly as fast and a third the price. Again, check the reviews. Don't worry about DirectX 10, it runs slower than DirectX9 and doesn't provide much of a graphics boost. Maybe in a few years once the developers have had more time to play with it. The good news is most newish cards run both and have all that HD coding to run blu-ray, but I'd still recommend running AnyDVD since it protects against damaging DRM and accounts for hardware that is missing the HD stuff, like say your monitor. Cooling systems: Basically you want zero pressure, that means what goes in your case, comes out at the same speed. So calculate the airflow of your fans. Unless you are obsessed with overclocking, water cooling isn't worth its high price, stick with air cooling. It can be nearly as quiet (since even water cooling needs a few case fans for motherboard capacitors and other passively cooled parts) and can even handle some reasonable overclocking. So if you focus your money on the motherboard with a mid range processor, a budget previous gen graphics card, 2 gigs of memory, a few terabytes of hdd ($200), a good power supply (that'll be about $100), a cheap but well ventilated case ($50 to $100), some good fans ($15 each), a thrifty buyer can roll out with a respectable gaming machine in the range of $800. It'll run anything you throw at it for a year or two and can be upgraded for a couple hundred bucks each year to make it run the latest games with ease. The reason builders end up spending so much money is they try to build the fastest computer they can at that moment, rather than building for the most value. You can't compete with the low-end market against the likes of dell, they just get better prices, but you can build a faster computer for cheaper on the mid to upper end computers - or you can simply build a faster computer (but for more) on the highest end stuff. Phase Change cooling, for example, allows for overclocking to the limit of the processor's architecture. You can build a computer that'll be faster than anything on the market for years to come, but you better be ready to own a computer that costs as much as a cheap car. Combine phase change with total immersion cooling and you'll have effectively built yourself a Cray Supercomputer - but with less processors. Their rigs pretty much start at 16 processors. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!" Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo | |
05-08-09 11:57pm - 5786 days | #6 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
I do, but it's a machine that I use for personal business and no porn ever gets on it. Also, it's got an older OS on it, "Tiger," I think. One thing I don't like about the Mac I got was the performance of the keyboard and mouse -- they're shit if you ask me -- but you can plug in a USB keyboard and mouse for a PC on it and it will do the same things for the most part. Keyboard commands will work a little differently but you can figure it out. And the Mac will give you menus with the right mouse button! I use these a lot and therefore don't like the single-button mouse that comes with the Mac. Another nice thing about the Mac is the optional color-labeling (right clickable) for files and apps. It helps me find things more quickly on the desktop. That's a Mac feature that's been around at least since system 8, maybe 7 (early '90's). And searching for files on a Mac is blazing fast and pretty intuitive. Same goes for email messages. The search and find on a Mac leaves the PCs in the dust. (BTW, in the "opposite way," I have an old, ca. 2001 Mac USB keyboard I use with a PC and it works fine, too.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
05-09-09 08:18am - 5786 days | #7 | |
boobsandbimbos (0)
Active User Posts: 1 Registered: May 09, '09 Location: New York, NY |
For anything multi-media.. whether it's viewing video, pictures or whatever, I think Apple is the way to go. I've been a Windows user for well over a decade and have had a Mac for a year now. I rarely use my Windows machine now. Quicktime files play best on a Mac since Quicktime is native. Mpegs and avi files can be played with Quicktime also (although some avi files require the free mplayer to view). WMV files can be played with Quicktime using the free app "flip4mac". It sounds cliche but it's true - it just works. It costs a little more but here's what I don't spend time on: virus checking, crashing, security (although you have to secure your network regardless), and just plain ol aggravation. I spend more time using the Mac rather than trying to figure out what's wrong. One more advantage.. you can have multiple vids open. Can't do that with WMV files. If your Windows machine works for you and you're happy with it then stick with it. But if I had to recommend one or the other I'd go with a Mac. Besides.. you can run Windows on a Mac too so if there's a specific Windows app you need you're all set. | |
05-10-09 06:35am - 5785 days | #8 | |
Jeffrey99 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 106 Registered: Nov 04, '08 Location: Good Ole Midwest USA |
I've always heard Mac's are pretty much unhackable and unvirusable. However I really don't know if that's true. I've always told myself that when this pc dies, I'll be going Mac. But then you look at the prices and I don't know. For what I need it for, casual internet stuff mainly, is it really worth spending the extra money? Haven't decided yet. | |
05-10-09 08:30am - 5785 days | #9 | |
PinkPanther (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,136 Registered: Jan 08, '07 Location: Oakland, CA |
According to the IT people where I work, it's not the case that Macs are unhackable and unvirusable. It's more the case that hackers and virus writers have focused their attention on Windows because it's so much more used for business and government - and business & government are bad, in the minds of many hackers and virus-writers. We have both Macs (for the graphics & editorial people) and PC's - for everybody else - where I work and the IT worry quite a bit of what's going to happen if the hackers & virus-writers shift their focus. | |
05-10-09 10:16am - 5785 days | #10 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
Macs aren't as much at risk of viruses and hacks as PCs are, but they're not invulnerable. There was recently a Trojan that came out that specifically targeted Macs, though that one was on pirated copies of Mac software. I once lost a bunch of data to a virus that exploited a security hole in Quicktime. That was maybe over 10 years ago, but it taught me never to take things for granted! My Mac gets a regularly scheduled scan in off hours and virus updates as well. So far, no problems. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
05-10-09 08:20pm - 5784 days | #11 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
I couldn't agree more. I have used quite a few Macs at school and I instantly and universally ended up hating the keyboards and mice within an hour of use. Their "Mighty Mouse" is supposed to have one button act as two, but it is usually just the left button only, and the scroll wheel is more of a small dot that also rarely functions. The keyboard is undersized and a little over simplified for my tastes to really be anything more than another "it came with the computer" piece of hardware. A couple of funny things; Windows can run faster on a higher end Mac than most PCs, but a cheap Microsoft mouse can outperform their super-hip, "spry and mighty" (Apple's words) mouse. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
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