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04-17-09  06:00pm - 5808 days Original Post - #1
PinkPanther (0)
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Do You Review Every Site That You Have Joined?

I was going to submit this as a poll, but polls have limited options, and I had a follow-up question, which is "If you don't review every site that you have joined, what makes you review a site"?

Personally, I have done reviews of only a portion of the sites that I have joined, because I have to have a certain energy level about a site to review it. Otherwise, I get bored in the middle of writing the review and just can the whole thing.

I've reviewed the sites that have thrilled me. I'll be doing one on Johni Darko's site - really a review of the EA network - since that's a site/network that's doing a number of things to get better - definitely a factor in what makes me want to do a review - as well as a site/network that makes me excited to check it out every day to see what's new - the other most important factor in what makes me want to do a review.

Below a certain excitement/energy level about a site, I'll just put a comment on someone else's review - add my 2 cents that way.

04-17-09  06:58pm - 5807 days #2
Jeffrey99 (0)
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I try to review almost every site anymore. Mainly just because it's really not fair to only review good or only review the bad ones. If I don't really feel like doing a full blown review, I still try and do a mini one, just pointing out the best and the worst of the site.

04-17-09  07:10pm - 5807 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I don't always review every site I join because sometimes I join a network and not all the sites available appeal to me. A good example is whenver I have joined a 21Sextury site amd got access to part of the network. I have reviewed some of the sites, while others might just get a quick mention in my comments. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-17-09  07:34pm - 5807 days #4
PinkPanther (0)
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Yeah, it would be sheer agony to do full reviews on some of the dross sites that are part of that 21st Sextury network - I wouldn't do another review for a year - but I'd probably win the weekly raffle on sheer number of tickets alone.

04-17-09  08:20pm - 5807 days #5
lk2fireone (0)
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I don't review every site that I join.
Reasons for not reviewing a site:
As already stated in other replies:
-site is not that interesting, not worth the effort to write a review.
-junk sites that are part of a network. Haven't really joined a lot of network sites. I did join Pornaccess today, and there are a lot of sites here that don't appeal to me at all. These are tiny sites that have a few videos with some poor-quality pix to accompany each vid. I'm hoping to find the "good" sites that are buried among the junk.

04-17-09  09:16pm - 5807 days #6
exotics4me (0)
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I would say I have reviewed about 60-70% of sites I have joined over the years. The thing with me, by the time PU started, I had gotten most of my "bad" sites out of my way. I started downloading large amounts of porn around 2005. Since we can't review a site, or give a fair review of a site that we were a member of more than 6 months prior to review, there wasn't much chance that I was going to run into many more of those bad sites.

I have tried to at least post a comment on sites that I thought were bad though. My one review in the 50s (55 to be exact) was FC Nudes. As they were advertising 72 models in their preview, but once I joined, they only had around 40. They had 2-3 underhanded tactics like that one. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk

04-17-09  09:29pm - 5807 days #7
GCode (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

I would say I have reviewed about 60-70% of sites I have joined over the years. The thing with me, by the time PU started, I had gotten most of my "bad" sites out of my way. I started downloading large amounts of porn around 2005. Since we can't review a site, or give a fair review of a site that we were a member of more than 6 months prior to review, there wasn't much chance that I was going to run into many more of those bad sites.

I have tried to at least post a comment on sites that I thought were bad though. My one review in the 50s (55 to be exact) was FC Nudes. As they were advertising 72 models in their preview, but once I joined, they only had around 40. They had 2-3 underhanded tactics like that one.

I am in the complete opposite as exotics. I am still relativity new to online sites so all the reviews I have done are all sites that I have been a member of, so yes, I've reviewed all of them. I have not joined a huge network yet, so I could see reviewing all those sites being downright tedious. As I mentioned in denner's post about naughty america, I have joined sites in the past (I joined a few sites around 2003-2005) but I went on to dvd rentals until about a little more than a year ago and I don't think I could do fully detailed reviews about those sites. That and the fact I don't even fully remember them all anyways. However, I try to review everything I join but I rarely think I'll join a lot of unknowns because everyone here usually provides great details so I know what I'm getting in to beforehand. But, who knows, sometimes I'll take a chance and go with a site not reviewed (CCBILL AND EPOCH ONLY PLEASE) to try to add reviews that people may be wondering about. Sexted From My iPad

04-18-09  12:05am - 5807 days #8
monty2222 (0)
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Well, given that I haven't been a PU-member for very long and I haven't been joining that many sites the last six months, I have so far managed to review all the sites I have been a member of since I started reviewing, that is three. ;-) And since I generally don't join that many sites, I think I should be able to cope with reviewing them all.
Only other site I could do a review of at present, but haven't, is Videobox, but I just don't feel I have anything new to add, compared to all the other reviews that site has and it's also several months ago that I was a member.
I also find that I prefer to review a site while my membership is still active, so I can check the site out for details while I write the review.

04-18-09  08:07am - 5807 days #9
PinkPanther (0)
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Being a member at the time of the review is important, I think - sites can change quickly - for better or for worse - 1 By Day just recently cut their updates by half, other sites have added zips to all photo sets or moved to HD vids or changed their whole price structure - as In The Crack did a while ago. Reviews done now but based on membership months ago might miss significant changes - so I think your guidelines for yourself are good ones, Monty.

I'll keep an eye out for your reviews

04-18-09  10:27am - 5807 days #10
Denner (0)
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No - I use too much money on pornsites - so once in a while I come across sites, that's not even worth to mention.
And some sites are entirely in French or German or Danish with no english language, so it's not for PU... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

04-18-09  01:26pm - 5807 days #11
monty2222 (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Being a member at the time of the review is important, I think - sites can change quickly - for better or for worse - 1 By Day just recently cut their updates by half, other sites have added zips to all photo sets or moved to HD vids or changed their whole price structure - as In The Crack did a while ago. Reviews done now but based on membership months ago might miss significant changes - so I think your guidelines for yourself are good ones, Monty.

I'll keep an eye out for your reviews

Yeah, with Videobox I think my membership just missed out on their thing with Vivid and that other company, at least I didn't take much note of it, so things can change fast.

04-18-09  03:07pm - 5807 days #12
Drooler (0)
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Not every site, though almost every one that I think deserves prominence. Thing is, sometimes other reviewers do the job well and often enough that I don't need to add in my 2 cents. MetArt for instance. It's probably overall my favorite site, but I've yet to review it.

Like PinkPanther and Ik2FireOne, I get tired and/or I just don't think the site is worth bothering with. Any review, even a bad one, might generate interest, so I actually decide NOT to give a site "air time" if I think it's unsatisfactory (e.g., small collection and no updates).

And I've reviewed a lot of mediocre to bad sites anyway. Frankly, it's rather embarrassing to toss even more of them on the pile.

Then there are those sites that I don't think I can give an impartial review of. Don't think I could review SimonScans. It's toys to the max! (I haven't been a member for something like 2 years.) I get tired of complaining about toy sites, and people are probably sick of my pointless grousing, so I'm trying to avoid any more of that.

Finally, I've written reviews only to find that certain sites I've praised have changed for the worse. I sometimes try to put in a comment, if not an addendum in the review, about the problem. This is something of a headache, and it makes me think twice (sometimes, anyway) about penning the next review. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Apr 18, 2009, 03:23pm

04-18-09  08:37pm - 5806 days #13
mbaya (0)

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Although I like to write reviews, I review only about 75% of what I conceivably could. I hardly write up every site in any network as many are just dull and too small. Frequently my motivation is that a particular site has no or very few reviews. I feel that is a useful service I can provide, even if it is to say why I think a site is boring or otherwise useless. Another motivation is that I feel in some cases that my opinion is very different. I don't mind expressing a minority opinion and don't at all mind an intelligent disagreement of opinion with what I have to say. We all like different things.

04-19-09  07:13am - 5806 days #14
Jeffrey99 (0)
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I will agree that in network sites (Brazzers, BangBros, RealityKings) I don't review every site in the network. I normally only give my pros and cons on the network's main site and the network as a whole.

However for solo sites, I normally try to review every one. Even if the site has alot of reviews, I kinda feel like nobody looking to join a site can have too much info.

04-19-09  09:22pm - 5805 days #15
Goldfish (0)
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey99:

I will agree that in network sites (Brazzers, BangBros, RealityKings) I don't review every site in the network. I normally only give my pros and cons on the network's main site and the network as a whole.

However for solo sites, I normally try to review every one. Even if the site has alot of reviews, I kinda feel like nobody looking to join a site can have too much info.

I do the same thing with networks though I sometimes will review a child site if there is something about it that stands out.

04-20-09  10:47am - 5805 days #16
Wittyguy (0)
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I review most sites with a caveat. First, like others, I don't review all the sites in a network. Second, some I join that already have large numbers of reviews and comments don't get reviewed either. On the other hand, if a network is really bad I might do reviews on more than one site just to serve as a warning to others who might be interested in a particular site. I probably review about 80% of the sites I join.

04-20-09  07:03pm - 5804 days #17
PinkPanther (0)
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One bonus site that almost had me excited enough to write a review the other day was CutiesGalore.com, which is a bonus to PixandVideo.com. I just got access to it, since you get another 2 sites every month. I checked out one HD vid and I was thinking, "Wow - this is awesome! I love this site! This is as good as Infocus Girls!" Then I waited until I calmed down and downloaded the latest vid from Infocus Girls and checked that out - it's about a billion times better - lol. The fact that it's outdoors with the natural sounds and doesn't have all the face oohing and aahing and has much better production standards just blow away the CutiesGalore vids, though they are quite nice to have as bonus material. One thing about the InfocusGirls stuff, though - they are mercilessly edit-free. They've got their models out on uneven patios and things in high heels and they usually stumble at some point - and the fuckers never edit that out - If I were the model, I'd want to smack 'em!

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